What have you done today that you're proud of?

So, seeing as we (and by we, I mean the human race, not just the lovely people on MFP!) are always so quick to chastise ourselves when we slip up ... what have you all done today that you're really proud of?

Mine is:

1) Not buying that packet of Skittles on my lunch break, even though I did put them back at the last second when I was at the front of the queue!

2) Dragging my sorry self to pilates despite wanting nothing less than to spend an hour on a mat contorting myself into painful positions!

What about everyone else? Anything at all, big or small - doesn't even have to be fitness related!


  • ChanniVincent
    I exercised a lot & I didn't go over my calorie goals.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've been teaching my 6 month old to use her sippy cup. She still insists it's for chewing, but I am proud that I am at least not giving up on it! She will get the hang of it soon! And then I'll be proud when she does. =)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Bench pressed 110lbs 6 times.
  • Lezleeb67
    Lezleeb67 Posts: 31 Member
    Saying no to the cheescake factory goodies bought into work by a colleague, whilst watching everyone else enjoying!!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Went to bootcamp even though Ive been sick for a week and really really really didnt want to...
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Not Andrea Yatesing my children...(don't judge unless you have had at least 4 kids, ranging from 2-13) This is a major victory every single day. j/k only every other day!

    Oh and I guess logging my food, even when I don't eat the greatest!
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    Woke up 6 AM to work out (I'm not a morning person.)
    Despite being stressed, didn't take it out on a loaf of banana nut bread I baked for my son.
  • sunnykb
    sunnykb Posts: 27 Member
    Despite being tired from the weekend, I ran 2 miles even though I told myself I'd go easy on the treadmill today.
  • RoyalsFan24
    RoyalsFan24 Posts: 8 Member
    Having a depressing time and a friend went to Olive Garden for lunch. Tried to temp me into allowing her to buy me a dessert. I decided that although the taste would be dreamy, the after thought of the situation was not worth it. Turned down free dessert. I am proud of myself for that!!
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    Not buying M&Ms in the shop that sells American goodies. Saved my bank balance as well as my waistline.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Not eaten the bag of cadburys caramel bites which are in my fridge after my husbands friend brought them round last night. I want them so bad!
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    Nothing to proud of yet today. But I see good things coming later in the afternoon that I can report about.
  • molly_grue
    molly_grue Posts: 215 Member
    I did 6 week 6 pack while my son napped and my daughter coloured, even though I really didn't want to. But I knew my husband is going out tonight so I won't be able to do it later.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    resisted eating the last peice of tiramisu in the fridge
    and ran 3 miles :)
  • theMIDDLE
    theMIDDLE Posts: 64
    An hour of cardio!
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Although I did eat a donut for midmorning snack, I jumped right back on the bandwagon and had a healthy lunch. In the past I would have said *kitten* it, I already messed up my day, may as well enjoy it.

    But not today! Back to healthy right away!
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I took my coffe black - on a Monday! This is only my 4th day of taking it black and it's about my 25th year of coffee drinking.
  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    I walked to a Subway a mile away instead of the one right across the street. Thats it so far
  • sunnyshine1313
    sunnyshine1313 Posts: 116 Member
    Did day 4 of JIllian Michaels 30DS, fought through the jumping jack part though I dreaded it :-)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I dead lifted my own body weight.