Let the bloodbath begin....



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I was reading another forum post where everyone was bashing the OP for wanting to log an activity that no one else seemed to deem as exercise. Am I one of the few on here that realizes that llllooooonnnnnggggg before there were gyms, people did chores to keep themselves fit?!? There was no such thing as an eliptical and people seemed to do just fine so why the heck shouldn't I log doing chores as exercise????

    And, let the bloodbath begin....

    I agree.

    There is really NO need for formal and rigid exercise routines where you spend so many hours in the gym. <roll eyes>

    That is where daily work chores, playing with your family (biking, hiking, swimming, etc) come into play.

    One thing I learned from reading the book "The Primal Blue Print" by Mark Sisson is that people don't need to kill themselves in the gym.

    Lift heavy things, sprint occasionally and otherwise move slowly at a steady pace. Love and play are also included.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Weekdays sitting for 8 hours a day burns 2200 calories.
    Weekends cleaning and taking care of kids burns 2900 calories.

    700 calories is a significant burn.

    * the real winning answer*
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    Your ancestors did chores like milk cows, bail hay, plough crops . . . A little more strenuous than running your Swifter across your kitchen floor . . .
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Your ancestors did chores like milk cows, bail hay, plough crops . . . A little more strenuous than running your Swifter across your kitchen floor . . .

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    That is because the weight loss industry has eveyrone brainwashed to think they have to have some rigid routine full of cardio and light weights to be fit.

    Chronic cardio kills and ages people too fast.

    That is so further from the truth that it is laughable.
  • sulci
    sulci Posts: 13 Member
    I get to log cleaning and laundry cause it's not part of my normal routine :bigsmile:
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    Your ancestors did chores like milk cows, bail hay, plough crops . . . A little more strenuous than running your Swifter across your kitchen floor . . .

    No way. My ancestor's kept it way to G for all that nonsense.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    You should NEVER EVER do something just because someone else says it works for them. What works for others may or may not work for you.

    There are proven rules that are relevant to virtually everybody

    I work out which of the methods people use are more likely to work for me

    i.e I didn't KNOW that having 1800 calories a day would work for me - analysing what others do gave me a good idea that it would
    I didn't know that I should train every other day for best results - analysing what others have said has given me the right idea
    etc etc
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm just a ignorant dropout/meathead/broscience kegstander (or so I was accused this weekend on this site) so excuse me if I get the fancy college words wrong. But does this statement qualify as irony?
    I think the judgemental ppl should log the amount of energy/calories it takes to complain about other peoples logging habbits.....:love:

    This is a thread created by someone that wanted to complain about complainers and has rapidly expanded to almost 200 posts of people judging the intentions of the judgmental complaining complainers. IMHO, none of us really gets to cast the first stone here. Or maybe it's none of us gets to log the first complaint calorie?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member

    Take your BMR and multiply it by .2 That's the calories burned outside of being in a coma that you have for your normal daily activities. 24 hours of them. Give or take some sleeping hours.

    If your BMR is 1500, then the amount of calories outside of being in a coma for the day is 300 calories. Sitting all day is going to burn 300 calories. If your BMR is higher than that due to morbid obesity, then you are going to burn a whole crap load of calories doing your cleaning.

    If you want to log your cleaning than by all means go ahead. Tell the naysayers to go back to grade 3 math.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I'm pretty sure that *I* get to log the first complaint calorie, lol.

    I also get to log the tears I cried over this entire mess, right? (j/king)
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It's not part of my daily routine. I know a lot of other people who don't strenuously scrub their floors on their hands and knees daily but they will log it if they do it. My levels are set to sedentary because I SIT almost all day long - so if I do clean, it's outside of my daily routine of sitting. Once again....our ancestors used chores as exercise, so why shouldn't people on MFP?????

    I think what you're trying to say is that in the past people generally lived more active lives, undertook more manual jobs etc. I don't think anyone seeks to challenge that little fact.

    However, that does not mean that "dusting" becomes an "exercise".

    As other people have pointed out, you burn calories doing everything that we do...

    480 minutes "sleeping" = 569 calories... phwoar!!! Let's tuck into those chocolate Hobnobs!!!

    I mean, personally, I couldn't care less if some people chose to log all the nonsense you can find in the database... and if they end up double accounting to be able to reward themselves with cake... it's none of my business. Their body, their health, their fitness, their fat... not mine. *shrugs shoulders*

    Even if that dusting involves climbing, stretching, and lifting? Seems to me that an hour of dusting this way is no different than logging an hour of Yoga.... Not everyone uses a swiffer duster to do the task.... when I dust my house, I do climb, stretch and lift things (some heavier than others)... While I don't count it... I don't begrudge those that are starting to lose weight and have their activity level at sedentary that do so.... Now if it were someone that has their activity level at active, then perhaps...
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My MFP activity level is set to sedentary. I log *everything* - cleaning, chores, shopping and my regular 'real' workouts.

    Call it cheating if you like. I call it being accurate.

    Let me explain... in a given day, if I were to do nothing but sit on the couch, I would burn about 1730 calories. That is what my base calories are set to on MFP. But, on a normal day, I might climb 100 flights of steps during the course of my workday, I might walk across a hilly campus to go to a meeting, I might spend an hour cooking and cleaning, I might walk my dogs, I might lift weights, I might go for a 90 minute hike. ALL of these activities burn calories above and beyond the 1730 base I have set in MFP.

    I used to just log my workouts, but I found that I was continuing to lose weight beyond my ultimate goal - at a rate of .5-1 pound a week. So, I got a BodyMedia Fit and learned that I was burning a ton of calories walking around at work, cooking dinner for my family, folding laundry, hauling groceries up two flights of steps. By only logging my actual exercise, I was shorting myself several hundred calories a day.

    Now that I log EVERYTHING I do, my weight has stabilized and maintaining is much easier.

    I suppose I could just increase my activity level to light or moderate, but I prefer to keep it on sedentary and log all my activities. It's simply more accurate.

    I don't know why people even care what other people log as exercise. The only person it impacts is the person doing the entries. So silly...
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member

    Here's the thing, if you're getting a HR monitor ONLY because many people on here say it's their best workout equipment, you're not getting one for the right reason. You should be buying one because YOU see the potential value in being able to get a more accurate calorie count. You should NEVER EVER do something just because someone else says it works for them. What works for others may or may not work for you. We're not saying that you can't get ideas from other people on here. The point is that you can hear something, then CHOOSE to try it or not. If it makes sense to you go for it. If you don't think it will work for you, don't do it. Ultimately, the choice is yours. No one is holding a gun to your head and saying, "You HAVE to log your chores, or else."

    That's ridiculous! I wouldn't do something because someone says it works for them - but if lots and lots of people say it works for them then I take that on board. There are a million different pieces of equiment that claim to be invaluable - I certainly wouldn't listen to the manufacturers, but I would listen to the advice of lots of people on here

    I'll give you another example. I didn't know how many sets I should do on my back in a workout. If one person said they do 15 sets and it works for them - then I wouldn't do it. If lots and lots of weight lifters on here - the vast majority in fact, said that they do 5 sets per workout and it works for them, then that's what I would do

    My point was, just because someone else logs chores as exercise, that's not a valid reason for someone else to follow suit. Do it or don't do it, the choice is yours. That's why we say what WE do doesn't affect someone else's weight loss. It's YOUR CHOICE to do it or don't. If it's something that makes sense to you, try it. If it works, keep doing it. If it doesn't, stop. If it doesn't make sense to you, don't do it. It's YOUR choice! It's your CHOICE! So, what I do does NOT affect anyone else. What they CHOOSE to do affects them. If we specifically ask for an opinion, THEN it becomes someone else's business. Just because we are logging our exercise (for OUR OWN benefit), it doesn't mean that we're intentionally or willingly opening ourselves up for public criticism.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Your ancestors did chores like milk cows, bail hay, plough crops . . . A little more strenuous than running your Swifter across your kitchen floor . . .

    What about if a person (like I do... because a swiffer doesn't get it all) sweeps their floor with a broom and then go back with a swiffer (to get what the broom didn't)? We don't know exactly what a person did to clean... so unless we give them the 3rd degree how can we judge what they did to burn the calories cleaning?
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    I dont clean my house daily (I probably should but I dont want to). So when I "do chores" its is above and beyond what I do daily. Regardless of how "fast" I do it.

    You can't meant to tell me that lets say waking up and starting to clean, doing various chores such as

    moving furniture to vacuum
    shampoo carpet,
    making beds,
    washing dishes putting those away,
    preparing dinners early,
    washing those dishes,
    picking up the clutter that magically appears,
    putting that all away,
    shaking out rugs,
    moping the floor,
    getting a few loads of laundry down from the 2nd floor to the basement in the wash then dryer then fold and bring back upstairs (repeat for number of loads washed).

    Im sure theres more that I do but right now I cannot remember what.

    All that non daily activity that doesn't earn me a single exercise credit but that also has me moving CONSTANTLY from 6 am to at least noon to 2 even if Im slowly doing it?

    Doesn't count???

    My aching/tired body would love to argue with you.

    I may not be moving quickly but I am moving, and lifting, and pushing, and walking, and carrying, and squatting...

    This also doesn't include the calories i definitely will take when I

    mow the lawn,
    weed the garden
    plant anything,
    lay down mulch,
    prune the flowers

    All those things aren't really exercise huh?

    Guess Im going to be overweight then regardless of what I do...
  • weatherlover1
    weatherlover1 Posts: 17 Member
    This is why I invested in a fitbit. It logs my steps and takes in to account how active I am so if I am cleaning its counted and I don't have to try and figure out if I did enough to call it exercising. Personally I think if someone wants to count cleaning as exercise fine. Weight loss is personal and if they count cleaning and the pounds are coming off great and if the pounds are not coming off maybe they need to rethink how they are counting activities. When it comes to calorie burning its about being active and if someone does a hard cleaning they are burning more calories so let them count it. Not sure why its a huge debate.
  • jenbooks
    jenbooks Posts: 55 Member
    Just to clear up any confusion, since I KNOW there will be, I wouldn't log "walking to the bathroom".

    Well, I don't know...

    Let's see - say I was camping, and the two-holer outhouse was a quarter mile away, up a steep hill: should I log it?

  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    does anyone else feel like this is going in circles?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    My problem is the ripping into other people...

    I couldn't care less about logging chores or not. I do not log them, I count them as part of my daily activity but if someone else logs them because they feel they worked up a sweat what do I care...

    really, it's their journey and only they really know how hard they work.


    Totally agree with this! I have several friends that log cleaning...personally I don't. But that's their business and if it works for them, then so be it! I hate bashers!

    Edited to change "there" to "their" so I don't get BASHED!

    See therin lies some of the problem

    If somebody was to point out that 'there' was spelt incorrectly, you would perceive that as being BASHED???

    Seems that these forums have bred resentment and defensiveness

    "Oh I log all my cleaning"
    "Really? I wouldn't log cleaning as an exercise"