

  • tekeyla25
    tekeyla25 Posts: 84
    I used to eat 800 calories a day and burn it of at the gym i lost major weight and looked toned and healthy. Nothing happend then. I think it depends on the person. I was breastfeeding and still did not lose weight in my situation I have to eat less.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    First, don't ask your doctor anything. Doctors know about as much about nutrition as a 3-year-old. They are idiots.

    You learned this in medical school, then?

    Hah I don't think they are idiots, but I have heard that sometimes they aren't even required to take a nutrition class while in medical school. It's really not their specialty... it's about the same as asking a dentist about your nutrition. Doctors are often smart people, but they don't always know everything related to health either.

    Right. Doctors aren't idiots. But, they do not typically know much about.nutrition. I just realized why everyone here says to go ask your doctor though. It finally hit me. Anyway, do what works.
  • court211006
    We're different in that we're not all men and no, we can't all eat 1800-2300/day and lose.

    I'm a woman and I eat 1800 calories per day and lose.
    Same here

    People don't listen...we can't quote ALL unquote eat 1800/2300 and lose. Congrats that you girls can. But I can't. The first commenter can't.
    You look about 16. Of course you could if you stop buggering around trying to restrict more and more to lose weight.

    i can get the dietician's diploma showing that they actually know what they are talking about when telling people to eat 1200 a day if you can show me yours which shows you know more than they do.... No? Don't have one? Then maybe you an accept the fact that not everyone is the same and we all have different needs.

    Oh and there was no need for a post like this. like what the hell! because being rude and making assumptions is a great way to put your point across. Congrats on being an immature moron.

    GAH, your post makes me wish there wasn't a swearing filter in the forums. -_-
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    This isn't necessarily true. I know a lot of MFP members want to believe that everyone is exactly the same and must do exactly the same things to lose weight. But that simply isn't true. Not everyone of the same size needs the same amount of calories.

    Thank you!!! You have to play around and see what works for your body, lifestyle, etc.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    i eat under 1200 almost every day walk 5 miles almost every morning not to mention a job where i walk , lift . climb ladders for 8-10 hrs a day not to mention swim when i can at least 3 days aweek and i have lost 20 lbs have the energy level of a 2 yr old and now find that i need way less sleep than before

    2 year olds don't have a lot of energy. They take lots of naps and cannot do anything with good endurance. And they are super cranky when they don't get enough sleep.

    Just sayin....

    My two year old goes full speed from the moment he wakes up to the moment he falls asleep. He does take a mid day nap, but it only averages an hour or so, and if we are out and about, he skips it... and can stay up until 10:00 if we'd let him. He is FULL of energy!
  • MissAMcDowell
    It seams like every post I've ready today about someone being dizzy, not feeling good, not losing weight, not having energy, etc is because they are eating less than 1,200 net calories. If your goal is 1,300 calories (which I would die on by the way) and you burn 700 calories through exercise that means you really only at 600 calories for the day! Your body can not function on that!

    Yeah I agree. 1200 to me is a starvation diet. My opinion and what I've been told. I'm not about to argue this point though, just stating it.

    I'm not trying to step on toes or start weird arguments...if you are, you're not eating enough...woman turn *****y when hungry.

    Everyone takes things too personally, let us all support each other, that's why were all here right?
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I think it also depends on what the daily 1,200 calories are composed of. If a person uses those calories toward high protein and high fiber content foods, then yes you feel full, have energy and don't want anymore.

    It's easy to use up calories on pasta, bread, potatoes and desserts but these leave us hungry for more food.

    I think everyone's 1,200 or 1,300 calorie food diary is different. Maybe we need to compare those to see what's going on?

    all i want to know is: is that YOU in your profile pic??? And, if so, can i live vicariously through you????
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    1200 calories is a (semi-arbitrary) point set entirely to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Not calories, nutrients. Regardless of how you feel under 1200, you're most likely not giving your body what it needs, and that euphoric "energy" in the first few weeks of under-eating fades. And then you crash, because you're malnourished.

    I suppose it's possible that a very careful person with little care for taste could consume only nutrient dense foods and be well nourished with sub 1200 kcals, but I have yet to see it, and I have known -dozens- of people who developed serious health problems (and gained weight) due to malnutrition stemming from underfeeding.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I can't find the part about "anyone can lose weight eating 1800-2300 a day". I'll keep looking. So far it seems to be about calories in and calories out, at least according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Weight-loss basics
    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off. But when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories that you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages and increasing calories burned through physical activity.

    I'd like to lose a few pounds. What's the best way to boost my metabolism?

    from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

    Trying to boost your metabolism probably won't lead to weight loss, at least not to the degree that changing your diet and lifestyle habits will. How much you weigh really depends on the number of calories you eat and how much physical activity you get.

    Only rarely is excessive weight gain caused by a medical problem that slows metabolism, such as Cushing's syndrome or an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

    So focus on the factors you have control over. These can help you manage your weight and possibly improve your metabolism.

    Calories. To lose weight, reduce the number of calories in your diet.

    Rather than slow metabolism, factors more likely to contribute to weight gain include:

    Eating too many calories
    Getting too little exercise

    A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is the typical recommendation. Although that may seem like a slow pace for weight loss, it's more likely to help you maintain your weight loss for the long term. Remember that 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat contains 3,500 calories. So to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    The bottom line for a lot of people seems to be "but I'm losing weight!!! It MUST be right" well ok, so you're losing weight. And possibly doing damage to your one and only body that could take a long time to show up. I personally would rather do this slower and paying closer attention to nutrition. Id lose weight on 700 calories net, for a while....ive done it before. Learned the hard way---it comes back and brings friends with it. This time, I'm being sensible. And healthy.

    ^^^ Agree 100%,

    My jaw dropped today because someone who friended me on here congratulated me for being under my target calories yesterday. I ended up eating right around 1000 calories and I was being congratulated. The irony is, I joined this because I have to eat more - because for YEARS I Have eaten too few calories and I have done major damage to my body. Yes, Starvation mode does occur.. and yes, it can, over long term, cause problems. I am right now on heart medications to protect my heart because of what I have done. And the entire time I was causing these problems, I thought everything was okay, that I was healthy. And recovery isn't as easy as just picking up a fork and eating - I'm learning that the hard way as well.. Don't make the same mistakes I have made. My blood work looks like it belongs to a 50 year old woman who ate fast food every day of their life..

    We all can tell our stories over and over again but people, especially those who are desparate and seeing "result" won't listen. We can play the math game, copy and paste what webMD tells us but all this is just too abstract for those who are losing by eating 800 or less a day. :( That's unfortunate but...everyone has to learn in their own way and pace.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Forgot to mention earlier... I once lost 35 lbs eating 1200 calories a day. I eventually gained it all back. And now that I'm trying to lose weight again... it's HARD. Because I messed up my metabolism. I just wanna offer that as a warning. If you are okay with the possibility of that occurring, by all means proceed.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Definitely! I regularly exercise, not like heavy weights and marathon running, but I break a good sweat at least once a day by exercising. I know that I should still eat a good amount of calories according to my BMR, but I feel that I do just fine getting in 900 net cals/day. I don't get shaky or dizzy. So, I think people should find where they are good.
  • TeenageSwag
    I agree with this x100
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    We're different in that we're not all men and no, we can't all eat 1800-2300/day and lose.

    I'm a woman and I eat 1800 calories per day and lose.
    Same here

    People don't listen...we can't quote ALL unquote eat 1800/2300 and lose. Congrats that you girls can. But I can't. The first commenter can't.
    You look about 16. Of course you could if you stop buggering around trying to restrict more and more to lose weight.

    Um, I'm 19. And I have an ED I'm trying to recover from, thank you very much.
    Then I wish you well, but you of all people understand the long term effects of undereating.

    And the age thing... take it as a compliment - you look younger than you are.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    We're different in that we're not all men and no, we can't all eat 1800-2300/day and lose.

    I'm a woman and I eat 1800 calories per day and lose.
    Same here

    People don't listen...we can't quote ALL unquote eat 1800/2300 and lose. Congrats that you girls can. But I can't. The first commenter can't.
    You look about 16. Of course you could if you stop buggering around trying to restrict more and more to lose weight.

    Um, I'm 19. And I have an ED I'm trying to recover from, thank you very much.
    Then I wish you well, but you of all people understand the long term effects of undereating.

    And the age thing... take it as a compliment - you look younger than you are.

    I do, and that's why I'm trying to recover. But the thing is when people say that...why don't you just eat more? It's complicated. You can just tell someone with an ED to eat more, it'll make them eat LESS for the fear of weight gain. And then people saying that EVERYONE can eat 1800-2300 and gain is kinda just an opinion. Because not everyone can do that. I can only MAINTAIN about 1600, anymore and I'll gain. But I do not want to maintain, because with my metabolism it'll surely take a while for it to get on the right track from restricting.
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member
    I see a lot of people talking on this thread about "losing weight"...yes, you can lose weight eating very little, but you can also lose muscle, and become very unhealthy. Lots of people on here have also shared their experience with how it has hurt them in the past. Lots of people are saying "it works for me, I'm losing weight", but is that weight fat or muscle? I am not expert, but I have been reading a lot of information, and it just seems dangerous to me. Also, if someone is eating such a little amount that they are losing hair, having low energy, or dizzy spells, they need to consider eating more, and talking to a nutritionist. People also mentioned eating low calories, but not getting enough nutrients. If someone can eat very little calories, but still get all the nutrients their body needs EVERY DAY, my hats are off to them.
  • crochetnut
    crochetnut Posts: 35
    I've eaten 1509 out of my 1887 calories today, but the night is still young, and I still have 378 remaining....and I WILL eat them!! I eat my exercise calories - always have (the odd day I have some leftover), and since May 8th, I've lost 14 lbs! I agree.....PEOPLE....EAT!!!
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    I rarely eat more than 1100 calories or so in a day...however, I attribute that to my low calorie choices....I definitely eat A LOT of food, and have been consistently losing at my desired rate. I also almost always meet or exceed my other recommended nutritional values.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I just find it amusing all the people that say everyones bodies are different, that they believe they are some special little snowflake so remotely different than anyone else.. In reality humans are 99.9999% genetically identical. You may have a slower or faster metabolism but the physiology is the same.

    Barring a medical condition, everyone's body works the same.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member

    Everyone has a BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the number of calories your body needs to function and be inactive-think digestion, blood flow and organ functions. Once you add in activity of any kind,you have to consume more to offset that activity. Now, if you eat below your BMR ( which for most women is 1500 cals per day) your body goes into starvation mode. Your body begins to store fat as fuel and burn lean muscle mass, this muscle mass comes from your heart, liver, lungs and brain. When your body exhausts those stores, it will then move onto the fat stores.

    Have you ever seen Survivor or The Biggest Loser? Oddly, they've all lost their fat at the end, not their brains, hearts, livers, lungs or structural muscle.

    And oddly most have gained at least a lot of their weight back...