How did you met your other half?



  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I met my boyfriend through a sorority sister in Oct 2010. She had a birthday/tailgate party for our college's football team and she invited him--they knew each other through work. I was in a relationship with someone at the time and left the party early to go meet up with my boyfriend of the time. After the event, he found me through Facebook and would try to make small talk with me. After my ex and I broke up, I started dating my now boyfriend...but a month later wanted to work things out with my ex...and then broke up with him again...and started dating my now boyfriend again... Complicated start--FOR SURE, but we've been together for over a year and are planning on moving in together in January. He's definitely the love of my life and I can't wait for the day when he gets down on one knee and asks me to become his wife!
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    at work. He was my manager. Whoops. :) We've been together since 2000 and will be married 5 years in October. Hooray!
  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    Married in high school, He was the mascot (LaFayette general). I knew we would make beautiful children. Now, 24 years later-we have 3 awesome adult children and two wonderful grandsons at age 44 & 42. God is so good!
  • We met on ICQ 15 years ago, married for 10 years this September. I barely spoke her language, english, when I met her and her entire family on our first meeting. I drove up 8 hours to spend Thanksgiving with her. Been together ever since. We now have 3 girls.
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    First time we "met" we were both 15, both miles away from our respective schools at a competition. He was in the audience for my performance, I was in the audience for his. Of course, we didn't know this until years later.

    Second time, I was 16, he was 17, I was at a party with my first boyfriend, and I was sitting on the floor, chatting to this blonde guy, wearing a lot of black, about how weird his name was.

    2 years later, we met again, and we started seeing each other all the time.

    Then one day, about a year in, I was talking about this competition I'd done in Macroom. "Hey" he said "I was there! I saw the singing!" Flabbergasted, we were, to find we'd been in the same concert hall, hundreds of miles from home, years before.

    Another day, we were walking along, and as we passed the door of the house where we had attended the party years before, we both said "I was at a party there once." at the same time.
    I said "I spent the night sitting on the living room floor, chatting to this guy about...his weird name..." (My fiance's name is Reuben. We're from small towns, Reuben is weird.)
    Then he said "I spent the night on the floor too, chatting to this really pretty girl about my name, but then it turned out she had a boyfriend so I left her alone..."

    It was possibly the most Sliding-Doors moment of my life.
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    Best story ever! We were set up by his ex wife! I worked with her and when she suggested it I said "Are you nuts, I wouldnt wish MY ex on anybody!". I finally relented, 3yrs later we married and 13 yrs later we are still all good friends.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    I met hubby on bowling leagues. We were on the same league but different teams. We were engaged before the end of the season. :-)
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    AOL Chat..
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    met online but started talking because we went to the same high school yet never met (he was a grade below me). what brought us together? my sister beat the *kitten* out of his sister in high school... and to this day when melissa is teasing him, david says "i'll sick pauline on you!" LOL
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I needed a date to a wedding!! A customer at the bank I worked at suggested his friend...our second date was THE wedding and 2 years later we had our OWN wedding!! :)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    We met playing world of warcraft about 2005, in 2008 we (finally) began talking romantically (i had a serious crush on her all along) May 2009 I flew from Houston to Miami to meet her, October 2009 I moved to Miami and May 2010 we were married and we couldn't be happier together.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    We met playing world of warcraft about 2005, in 2008 we (finally) began talking romantically (i had a serious crush on her all along) May 2009 I flew from Houston to Miami to meet her, October 2009 I moved to Miami and May 2010 we were married and we couldn't be happier together.
    Also Warcraft here, though we started talking romantically in May 2011 and by October 2011 I was visiting her. Hopefully my last 'visit' is this July as I'll be frantically looking for and applying for work.
  • I met my adorable wife in a HONKY-TONK, yes that's correct a Honky-Tonk. She was there with friends and I was there with my brother. Neither of us were looking for a date at the time. 18 years later (and a lot of country music) we're still happily married with 2 wonderful children.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    online, we had mutual friends on facebook.....started talking to each other. I had a Vegas trip planned for me and my gf's so i told him if you wanna meet up with some of ur friends in Vegas that'd be if we didn't like each other in person at least we are in Vegas and it wouldn't be a waste of time lol. We've been married for 4 years now!
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I met my husband on E harmony.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    We worked at the same drug store. I was 18 and she was 16. It was love at first site for me. For her, not so much, but I eventually won her over.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    He came through my cashier line when I worked at Petco. I was wearing a hatchetman chain and it was an instant connection :p
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    fell drunkenly into his lap at a mutual friend's party...... good times

    well technically we'd met before but I don't believe we'd really talked!
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    Plenty of Fish