Asians trying to lose weight



  • rudzud
    rudzud Posts: 24
    Honestly, I find all asian women to be attractive.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    My nickname in Korea was Buddha.

    OMG!!! Reminds me when I was a kid they referred to me as 'Takanohana' who was a famous Sumo Wrestler in the 60's!!!!! WTH??!! :sad:

    I'd nickname them *kitten*. Which is english for *kitten*.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Are there any KADs in here?? Add meeee!
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    5'1". Started at 160ish pounds and am now at 131lbs. Working toward 105-115lbs. :D

    Snap. Me too. I am 135lbs right now though and aiming for around the same. please-1.gif

    Oooooh Weeee- I started in January at 164 and today I was 152....... the 130's seem soooooo faaaaar awaaaaaaay :grumble:
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    My nickname in Korea was Buddha.

    OMG!!! Reminds me when I was a kid they referred to me as 'Takanohana' who was a famous Sumo Wrestler in the 60's!!!!! WTH??!! :sad:

    I'd nickname them *kitten*. Which is english for *kitten*.

    :noway: Right!?? AND I WASN'T FAT!!
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    Byeeee, gotta go log my rice bowl! lol!! :laugh:
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    Are there any KADs in here?? Add meeee!

  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Are there any KADs in here?? Add meeee!


    Yay! :heart:
  • My mother is like 5'1'' and 98 lbs, but she's got a different frame than me. I'm also only half asian. My GW is 120 and I'm 5'4'', which seems healthy, but is probably still a bit bigger over in Korea. My mother's been in the US for over 25 years, so she's not such a stickler over my weight and will compliment me on loss, which I'm thankful for. When I was younger though she would call me fat a lot, in a "caring" way. lol

    Everyone here should watch this:

    "Sht Asian Moms Say"
  • deansters
    deansters Posts: 59 Member
    I feel its an eastern mentality.

    My parents are middle eastern and i grew up with both my family and relatives commenting about my weight.
  • msue482
    msue482 Posts: 55
    I can totally relate to this thread. My parents are from the Philippines. My mom has a tiny, tiny build at 4'11 and around 90 lbs. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I took after my Dad's build so I have a much stockier frame. Looked it up and I'm considered a large frame. Growing up, I was always the chubby girl and there were always comments about my tree trunk legs, etc. Looking back, I find it funny because I'm not really all that big. It's a cultural thing and I wish I had taken advantage of my build by starting to lift heavy at a younger age. I would be so much stronger by now!
  • Wenxie
    Wenxie Posts: 1
    Yes! I'm Chinese, and my mother weighs less than me right now. I just recovered from a badly sprained ankle, and all I hear are comments about how I've put on weight. Even my mother's Asian friends who I barely know will say something! I'm going back to China this summer, and I'm terrified. The worst thing is that I'm not even overweight. I'm average, and my weight's slowing going back down to pre-sprain levels, but my stomach's not. All my Asian friends are really thin or really muscular, and it's a bit depressing.
  • Joysuzhou
    Joysuzhou Posts: 29
    I am giggling readin this thread. It is soooo true. We Asian girls all have a critical aunt or second cousin. Haaahaa
  • Joysuzhou
    Joysuzhou Posts: 29
    Yeah what sucks even more about gaining weight and being asian is that your weight gain is the first thing a relative will gladly point out to you when you they first see you after a long time. It bugs me. I don't go out and point out to them that they got old looking or that they gained weight either. So when I gained weight I try to avoid seeing relatives or people of my race.

    Can totally relate!!! Got to love those relatives >3
  • 2011EP
    2011EP Posts: 95 Member
    Omg story of my life. Given that a large number of Asians are literally lie walking chopsticks it's so much extra crap that normal people have to deal with. I'm a similar height... I'm. 5'2" weighing around 126.5 right now and hoping to be 114-115 by the end of the summer. Not to mention I'm in Korea for the summer and makes things only more stressful! Whatever lets be healthy and work hard and look good :)
  • skinnyjuu
    skinnyjuu Posts: 24 Member
    Ugh, I know what you mean. I'm from Hong Kong and if you're not under 100 pounds, doesnt matter how tall you are, you are considered fat there. Everytime I go back, ALL my relatives and cousins call me fat *le sigh* my cousin pinched my fat once and was like omgg why are you sooooo fat like a pig=___= and people (mostly aunties) whom you've met less than 2 hours will criticize you as well! They'll be like "oh most girls who come back from western countries are always sooo fat! Unlike hk girls here who care about their weight.. People who study in north america dont care so they eat hamburgers and fries and turn so fat". LIKE wtf most hk girls are skinny because they starve themselves, just because i dont starve myself doesnt mean i dont care about my health.. and funny thing is.. one of the aunties who said that had an OVERWEIGHT son (double my size lol) sitting beside her, hypocrite much?

    anyways currently I weigh around 123, going back to hk in a month and a half.. so I'm hoping to get to 115 by the time i go back.. I'm only 5'2 so even if I'm in the 120s, I actually look like I'm in the 130s.. I'm guessing cause I have a high body fat % and I rarely exercise..
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't understand the obsession to be thin over. I mean I look at some of the new young models and the Miss Hong Kong contestants, and they are skinny but flabby. I don't think it's attractive. JMO.
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm not Asian but my kids are half Korean, and during the 8 years me and their dad were together I experienced a lot of things you guys went through.
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    I really enjoy the blog Thick Dumpling Skin. It's edited by an Asian-American woman who works in the entertainment industry (I think she does a mixture of acting and modeling?) and discusses the intense pressures on us to be terrifyingly thin. It's nice to know that you aren't alone.
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    Also, had to share this:

    Margaret Cho: Being Mad on Twitter