Processed Foods



  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    What's really wrong with them? People have been eating them for decades. I understand that the salt content may be high, but i you drink enough water, shouldn't it be ok? What happens if you have a busy lifestyle, and all you can grab are the processed frozen dinners / snacks? Just confused.

    Well people actually haven't been eating processed food for years and if you have noticed within the last 50 years heart disease, cancer, and many other disease have gone up as well. The problem with processed food is that it is very low in nutritional value, a lot of the chemicals can have long term health affects, plus your body really doesn't know what to do with looks at as a foreign substance.

    I know sometimes people focus on cutting calories and that wil work for a bit, but in the long run you inevitably hit a plateau because your body just won't function as affectively. If you like message me and I will send you some info on what some of the common ingredients in processed food do to the body.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What's really wrong with them? People have been eating them for decades. I understand that the salt content may be high, but i you drink enough water, shouldn't it be ok? What happens if you have a busy lifestyle, and all you can grab are the processed frozen dinners / snacks? Just confused.

    Well people actually haven't been eating processed food for years and if you have noticed within the last 50 years heart disease, cancer, and many other disease have gone up as well. The problem with processed food is that it is very low in nutritional value, a lot of the chemicals can have long term health affects, plus your body really doesn't know what to do with looks at as a foreign substance.

    I know sometimes people focus on cutting calories and that wil work for a bit, but in the long run you inevitably hit a plateau because your body just won't function as affectively. If you like message me and I will send you some info on what some of the common ingredients in processed food do to the body.

    Yup things like oils, butter, pickled foods, salt cured foods etc have only been eaten over the last 50 yrs, lol

  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    1. "Captain Tight" is right!
    2. For a long time I lived on "calories in/ calories out" ...I lost weight and maintained it for a long period of time (the better part of 20 yrs). BUT:
    3. As much as I worked out, I was not getting the results I wanted. Yes I'm 5'7" and my weight has been between 132 and 138 consistently since 1996 when I took off failed pregnancy weight...And my abs looked great and I was younger then so I didn't see why I had to do all this tootie-fruity tofu stuff til...
    4. It really hit home last year that while the top part of me looked like I worked out, my legs were flabby from extra skin and cottage cheese from my inseam down to my knees. I couldn't accept that they would stay like that and did lots of research on the internet and figured I'd give cleaner (not totally but slow small changes are adding up) eating a try...
    5. Between ChaLEAN Extreme and cleaner eating the cottage cheese is smoothing out after 20 yrs of feeling hopeless and helpless! The cleaner I eat, and then I have a cheat day or cheat meal, the worse I feel afterward. Between Shakeology and cleaner eating I have so much more energy, less headaches, my monthly sinus infections that came on right before the other monthly thingy magically went away and everything just works better.

    I'm slowly becoming more and more convinced of the whole eating clean strategy. We were designed to eat real food, from farms, gardens..not from General Mills test tubes. And these diet foods from GNC, Special K, Atkins, et al? COMPLETE SLOP DESIGNED TO KEEP PPL OBESE AND UNHEALTHY! Then they never lose their customer base! If you eat enough foods with artificial flavoring, you really do forget what REAL FOOD tastes like!

    So really it's up to you...hope you have medical insurance to pay for all the docs and meds you may be on later in life b/c of the processed foods, whether or not you effectively manage your weight. My dad is the FIRST adult-onset diabetes case I've EVER seen that was not caused by obesity!! How is that possible?? Even though he effectively managed his weight (obesity runs wild in both sides of my family) he still has a hankering for processed foods, now so-called sugar free and "healthier" ones after his triple bypass and abdominal aortic aneurysm and he still exercises at 68 yrs old and all of the surgeries, but now has Sugar Free Tasty Kakes and Egg Beaters rather than plain ole Egg Whites. I was RAISED on processed junk food and am slowly going back to real food. I'm celebrating my 40th birthday in August riding roller coasters at Hershey Park and have never felt better in my life!

    FYI Shakeology is super processed and is not "clean"

    Well I agree with you. The older version of shakeology is processed and a lot of the vitamins are synthetically made. The newer one thankfully removed the synthetic vitamins and the recipe is different.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    What's really wrong with them? People have been eating them for decades. I understand that the salt content may be high, but i you drink enough water, shouldn't it be ok? What happens if you have a busy lifestyle, and all you can grab are the processed frozen dinners / snacks? Just confused.

    Well people actually haven't been eating processed food for years and if you have noticed within the last 50 years heart disease, cancer, and many other disease have gone up as well. The problem with processed food is that it is very low in nutritional value, a lot of the chemicals can have long term health affects, plus your body really doesn't know what to do with looks at as a foreign substance.

    I know sometimes people focus on cutting calories and that wil work for a bit, but in the long run you inevitably hit a plateau because your body just won't function as affectively. If you like message me and I will send you some info on what some of the common ingredients in processed food do to the body.

    diseases have jumped in the last 50 years because people got fat. people got fat because people quit moving. not because they invented pop tarts.
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    The problem is that most processed foods don't contain most of the original nutrients from the food in it's natural state. Added synthetic vitamins are not really that great, plus you don't get the antioxidants that come from natural foods. Additionally, processed foods have added salt/fat and chemicals to keep them on the shelf longer and they are usually very calorie dense and low in fiber, so they are easy to overeat on.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1. "Captain Tight" is right!
    2. For a long time I lived on "calories in/ calories out" ...I lost weight and maintained it for a long period of time (the better part of 20 yrs). BUT:
    3. As much as I worked out, I was not getting the results I wanted. Yes I'm 5'7" and my weight has been between 132 and 138 consistently since 1996 when I took off failed pregnancy weight...And my abs looked great and I was younger then so I didn't see why I had to do all this tootie-fruity tofu stuff til...
    4. It really hit home last year that while the top part of me looked like I worked out, my legs were flabby from extra skin and cottage cheese from my inseam down to my knees. I couldn't accept that they would stay like that and did lots of research on the internet and figured I'd give cleaner (not totally but slow small changes are adding up) eating a try...
    5. Between ChaLEAN Extreme and cleaner eating the cottage cheese is smoothing out after 20 yrs of feeling hopeless and helpless! The cleaner I eat, and then I have a cheat day or cheat meal, the worse I feel afterward. Between Shakeology and cleaner eating I have so much more energy, less headaches, my monthly sinus infections that came on right before the other monthly thingy magically went away and everything just works better.

    I'm slowly becoming more and more convinced of the whole eating clean strategy. We were designed to eat real food, from farms, gardens..not from General Mills test tubes. And these diet foods from GNC, Special K, Atkins, et al? COMPLETE SLOP DESIGNED TO KEEP PPL OBESE AND UNHEALTHY! Then they never lose their customer base! If you eat enough foods with artificial flavoring, you really do forget what REAL FOOD tastes like!

    So really it's up to you...hope you have medical insurance to pay for all the docs and meds you may be on later in life b/c of the processed foods, whether or not you effectively manage your weight. My dad is the FIRST adult-onset diabetes case I've EVER seen that was not caused by obesity!! How is that possible?? Even though he effectively managed his weight (obesity runs wild in both sides of my family) he still has a hankering for processed foods, now so-called sugar free and "healthier" ones after his triple bypass and abdominal aortic aneurysm and he still exercises at 68 yrs old and all of the surgeries, but now has Sugar Free Tasty Kakes and Egg Beaters rather than plain ole Egg Whites. I was RAISED on processed junk food and am slowly going back to real food. I'm celebrating my 40th birthday in August riding roller coasters at Hershey Park and have never felt better in my life!

    FYI Shakeology is super processed and is not "clean"

    Well I agree with you. The older version of shakeology is processed and a lot of the vitamins are synthetically made. The newer one thankfully removed the synthetic vitamins and the recipe is different.

    Shakeolgy is super processed regardless unless they found protein powder and powdered and flavored ingredients in nature
  • kailavallis
    If you're still managing to lose weight while eating processed foods (being calorie deficit) that's great if losing weight is what you're after.

    The biggest problem with processed foods is that they just aren't healthy food you. Empty calories in other words. They are usually not nutrient dense and make it harder for you to achieve your recommended daily intake of vitamins. A prolonged diet of high saturated fats and salts and lead to a lot of major health concerns like hypertension and heart disease.

    Like one of the other users noted, it's okay once in a while but if it is every day as you say, I would be looking to slowly start changing your diet. Whether that be by setting aside one day per week to prepare all of your food for the week ahead so that when you are on the run, you can just grab it. There are lots of neat tricks like preparing smoothies in sandwich bags and freezing them for when you need it, or putting portions of salads in containers etc.

    I hope this helps you :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    The biggest problem with processed foods is that they just aren't healthy food you. Empty calories in other words. They are usually not nutrient dense and make it harder for you to achieve your recommended daily intake of vitamins. A prolonged diet of high saturated fats and salts and lead to a lot of major health concerns like hypertension and heart disease.
    Sounds more like you're referring to FAST FOOD here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    If you don't mind the garbage that's in them....sure then. To each his own.
    Lots of people on here who are healthy and fit eat what you describe as "garbage". Guess us "lowly" folks aren't gonna be as healthy either...................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    wow, how condescending! If you're ok with the chemicals in them, great. I am not, I consider all the add'l stuff garbage, you don't like that, so sorry. But I'm shocked a "fitness trainer" is ok with processed food, interesting. Again, like I said, to each is own.
    Condescending? You do realize that your statement has YOU looking down at people that eat "garbage". That's why I made the comment. But obviously you don't see it that way.
    And if you knew me, then you'd know that on this site and in life I DON'T conform to a lot of what the fitness industry follows. Lots of broscience. If you knew about physiology, like I do, then you'd understand that EVERYTHING is made of chemicals, your body essential is a chemical factory, and is very capable of utilizing whatever you ingest. Some may have allergies or adverse reactions, but the general population (whom are not already stricken with disease) can handle it fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    What happened to my buddy tsh0ck?

    hey. sorry. I'm here. was working last night, then picked up some processed food at the store -- did you know that SPAM now comes with bacon?!
    Oh snap! I'm in paradise now.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    We probably need to have a good definition of what "processed" means to us in order to have a reasonable discussion. Are things like coconut oil and cheese processed? Are they bad for you?
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I'm eating my English Muffin in the morning, processed or not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I feel sorry for you since you're actually asking what is wrong with processed food.

    Processed food has only been around for 50-100 years, that's it whereas natural food as been around since the beginning of time! What do you think your body will like? Natural food which humans have thrived on for thousands of years or processed food which humans have suffered on for what like 50-100 years.
    Realize also that in that 50-100 years the average age for death has SIGNIFICANTLY risen mainly due to better health care. Heck, I say eat the processed foods so we don't over crowd the world!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    What's really wrong with them? People have been eating them for decades. I understand that the salt content may be high, but i you drink enough water, shouldn't it be ok? What happens if you have a busy lifestyle, and all you can grab are the processed frozen dinners / snacks? Just confused.

    Well people actually haven't been eating processed food for years and if you have noticed within the last 50 years heart disease, cancer, and many other disease have gone up as well. The problem with processed food is that it is very low in nutritional value, a lot of the chemicals can have long term health affects, plus your body really doesn't know what to do with looks at as a foreign substance.

    I know sometimes people focus on cutting calories and that wil work for a bit, but in the long run you inevitably hit a plateau because your body just won't function as affectively. If you like message me and I will send you some info on what some of the common ingredients in processed food do to the body.
    But so has weight. And ANY physician, endocrinologist, heart doctor, etc. will tell you that HIGH BODY WEIGHT is the number one factor as to why people suffer from disease.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    And here's another thing -- the FDA establishes a "safe" limit on these chemicals, but there's no mechanism to account for the cumulative effect of getting the maximum dose in 12 different products a day.

    The FDA also establishes a "safe" limit on insect parts and rodent droppings.....doesn't mean we should eat them.

    Just sayin'........
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    What's wrong with them? Personal opinion but I think they taste like crap. I have a hard time caring what other people put into their bodies, though. You like the taste of them, I'm not going to try to talk you out of them.

    This right here. Eat what you want, its your body.

    We don't buy much processed foods in our house, I need to know exactly what is going into my body (tons of food intolerances) and i need ot know exactly what is going into my kids bodies. My kids have dairy, soy and nut allergies between them, which cuts out most processed stuff. We can't go out and buy a box of cookies or a frozen pizza, or even frozen chicken nuggets, unless we want him sick and miserable. We do have "safe" foods that we buy, things like bread and bagels, jams, rice crackers, cheerios and applesauce. (no sugar added, Im just too lazy to make it at home. I won't lie)
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I like eating Healthy Choice cuz it's good and there's no dehydrated oils in them. Yes they do have a lot of sodium but according to MFP I'm staying within my balance so I don't have a problem with it. I mainly eat those for lunch but I also add some tuna fish or chicken tacos in every once in a while. As long as you stay within your range you should be fine. Just don't eat frozen food for all three meals of the day cuz then that's definitely too much sodium.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I cook a lot ahead of time & reheat since I'm so busy. I do still eat processed foods, it just always kills me when I see the sodium content of one item eating up half my sodium allowance for the day! I think the last time I looked most frozen dinners have your whole sodium (2500mg) in one meal. The less salt, the easier it is to lose weight.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    What's really wrong with them? People have been eating them for decades. I understand that the salt content may be high, but i you drink enough water, shouldn't it be ok? What happens if you have a busy lifestyle, and all you can grab are the processed frozen dinners / snacks? Just confused.

    And we've also had increasing cases of all sorts of cancers (especially cancers in children), infertility, autism spectrum disorders, ADD and AD/HD, etc. While we have been good about identifying harmful chemicals in a lot of environmental situations, food has not been addressed nearly enough. The one thing that has been increasing right along with diagnoses for these diseases/disorders is the amount of processed food we eat.
  • gatecityradio
    Don't listen to fear based hoopla.