Why do you honestly want to lose weight!?



  • Leanya1
    Leanya1 Posts: 3
    I want to lose weight for all of the reasons posted before me but I am also going to be 40 next year and heard it is very important to have your weight under control by then at the latest to avoid an array of health problems and also it is harder than ever to lost it after that point. Looking great is definitely a huge motivation and to be able to play with my kids with energy instead of pain and exhaustion would be wonderful too!
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    to be skinny
  • i want to be happy... plain and simple :-)
  • To feel sexy and not to embarrass my kids.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I feel honestly like being bigger holds me back from SO many things. Not just externally, definitely externally, but internally too. I want to not have the VULNERABILITY that comes with being fat. Feeling like I'm not up to par, good enough, or have something to be ashamed about, or that I'm somehow less than someone else.

    Positively, I know I could be incredibly hot if I got in shape to my ideal size! I want to get there and enjoy the next.... however many good - looking years I have left! :) It wouldn't hurt if it would be one more thing (even if the only thing) that makes my ex regret choosing other things over me. Yes... I want him to see me as valuable and that he shouldn't have thrown me away.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Because my back was injured due to my weight, stopping me from working. I was told to lose weight but not given any guidance. In 4 months I've lost 42lbs & dropped 4 dress sizes (from 20 to now a 14) and feel so great. All on my own, all against Dr orders (yeah they said I would be lucky to work again...I can now run 5km easy) and without them even knowing the truth of HOW I'm doing it.

    Why do I want to lose weight? Because nobody helped me, because I was sick of looking at nice clothing & never being able to wear it..... now I can walk into ANY shop & know I'll fit into it. Yeah I look good, I know it. My husband knows it. Even ppl who have not seen me that often know it...."wow look how much you lost"

    I'm doing it for me.... but mostly to shove it in the face of those who would not help me.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    So I can wear a catsuit and look like the GI Joe Baronness. Rawr! Not like some fat chick pretending she looks like the Baronness.

    Also because the less I weigh, the less my joints ache. And I'll look better in my belly dance costumes.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    No one ever called me fat to my face but I knew it was time when my kids would rub my belly for luck before a soccer game.

    There are a number of reasons, including health, but if I'm going to be honest there's an element of vanity involved too (we all want to look good)
  • 1. To be able to go on my first holiday.
    2. To ride a horse again.
    3. To try new activities sports - I live by the sea!
    4. To show all the people who insulted me over the years.
    5. To not feel invisible, I have kind of taken it for granted over the years but now I think about it, I realise how much it really hurts me
    6. Sick of having ONE high street shop in the WHOLE country (UK) where I can shop & not having to pay their stupid prices for their ugly clothes.
    7. To feel confident.
    8. Health reasons.
    9. Career reasons - want to be a nurse.
    10. To not have to think "will that take my weight??" before sitting on any chair or bed.

    and Loads more...
  • because i feel ugly at this weight

    i agreee i fell unconfortable in the way i look now
    im not that overweight but i feel so.......... i dont know how to describe the feeling
    i wanna loose weight because i have a fat belly and my round face makes me feel mor overweight
    be healthy for my running competition be the one who i was before......
  • Mna808
    Mna808 Posts: 17 Member
    I wanted to lose weight because I always got teased at my old school and by my family. After I dropped a lot of weight, they all stopped talking crap and tried to go on a diet too. And I was tired of hiding in baggy clothes and I wanted to be one those girls that could wear bikinis everywhere. :brokenheart:
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    So I look good and feel confident. So I can have another baby without being harassed by my midwife.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Honestly, it's because my sister lost a lot of weight, and I didn't want to be the only fat one left. Safety in numbers and all that.

    Now I'm starting to really enjoy being happy and healthy.
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    to smash next season at football, and have the confidence to meet a lovely lady i can play scrabble with.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Not because I want to be skinny or 'thin'. Let's face it, I wasn't gifted be thin. Yet, I want to get a healthy because I want to live longer. I hate being just a number that the country say are over weight and obies.

    Then if I don't do something I won't live as long.

    And so I can get better at my riding.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    1. So I can have it together by the time my daughter starts having "body issues" - She is 4 months old now so at least I've got some time!
    2. For my husband so he doesn't have to have a fat/ugly wife
    3. Because I don't want to be that person that "got fat" when I go home and see family/old classmates
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Ok, I want to lose weight for many reasons. First health is most important. The ladies in my family live to be very old, and I want to do the same. I don't want my children to have to bury me at such young ages. The first time it really hit me was when my daughter said "mommy you never play or go swimming with us why?" That made me sad. The next is I would like to challenge myself to see if I truly can lose the baby weight from 13 years ago. Lastly, It feels soooo good to be able to shop in any department I choose and not have to always find the full figured department. I felt it was time for no more excuses!
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    My mother had a massive stroke at a young age leaving her physically & mentally challenged. I do not want that for me or my children.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    I want to lose weight for all of the reasons posted before me but I am also going to be 40 next year and heard it is very important to have your weight under control by then at the latest to avoid an array of health problems and also it is harder than ever to lost it after that point. Looking great is definitely a huge motivation and to be able to play with my kids with energy instead of pain and exhaustion would be wonderful too!

    These are my reasons too. Your are so right. I am 43 years old next week and find it very hard, to maintain a good body and good shape, the older I get. I am just freaked out by looking at everyone, who is older than me, like my friends and see how fat and out of shape they became. I do not want to look like my friends in 5 or 10 years. Lots of them already have health problems due to their overweight.
  • Honestly? To look hot. Hahaa