Ladies - 160/170 trying to get to 130-ish



  • Aealdridge13
    Aealdridge13 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm about 193 right now...down 7 lbs from when I started MFP about two weeks ago. So far I'm doing good but I know as time goes on it's going to be a struggle. A healthy weight for my height is in the 130s so I'm trying hard to get there. I recently got engaged and am getting married next September so I hope to be close to my goal weight by the time I go wedding dress shopping! I definitely could use some more friends on here :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lilybear84
    lilybear84 Posts: 57
    I'm 5'7 at 166 my goal weight is 125-130ish
  • mandykayte
    mandykayte Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'4" started out around 176 worked my but off the last week and now im at 171. im looking to be around 135 :] Another 36 pounds to go! my goal is to be around 155 Aug 6th because im going to Hawaii!
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    I'm at 160 and I have lost over 30lbs already but I want to lose at least another 10-20lbs. I would like to be at least 140lbs.
  • hippyrejected
    hippyrejected Posts: 46 Member
    Hi folks, I'm 5'5 with a weight of 170 at the moment. Hoping to lose 30-40 (I have my goal set to 140 at the moment but we'll see how it goes and I might reassess it to less). Feel free to add me! Who knew there were so many of us? :)
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    Hey ladies! I'm 5'5 and at 159 lbs right now...started out around 189. First goal is 140 then I shall re-assess..mainly looking to get my body fat down to around 20% and get toned!

    It sounds like we have the same goals! I'm also 5'5 (well, 5'4 & 3/4. Haha). When I first started my weight loss journey, I was 190. Set my goal at 140, and after I reached that I decided to drop a few more. Got down to 127, but climbed back up to 160 a couple years later. I wasn't exercising really at ALL last time.. So I'm defnintely interested in toning as I'm dropping the pounds this time. Have only lost 8 so far, but feeling the muscles developing is so motivating!

    When I was maintaining last time, I had to stay between 125 and 135. I usually felt my best right around 130, which is where I set my goal this time. I'm fine changing that once I get closer to my goal, and am seeing more results from working out. I'm not so concerned with the number, as I am with how I feel.
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    Oops. Double post.
  • md318
    md318 Posts: 1
    I am 5'3 and weigh ... 170. My highest weight ever. Feeling pretty disheartened lately. May I join this board? I would love to talk to others who understand my struggle to lose weight.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Im 5" 5.5 been my heaviest at 190,got down to 154 and maintained for 2 years,then i went down to 145 at my lowest and after my wedding and honeymoon season im at 165 right now,trying to get down to 140.I have knee problems ,so i do low impact workouts and strength most of the time and eat a healthy 1700 ish calories with every macro well portioned.Feel free to add me too.
  • mandykayte
    mandykayte Posts: 15 Member
    Has anyone made a group yet?
  • sunnyd77
    sunnyd77 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the same goals, feel free to add me, anyone, would love to have more friends/support on here. I got down to 145ish for my wedding in 2010 but then have gained and am back up...all the way to 173. Would LOVE to see 135!!!
  • BUMP
  • AliB118
    AliB118 Posts: 27 Member
    I, too, am in the same boat. I'm used to be 5'2 and 125/130 and now I'm 170. My goal is to be back to 125! Being short really makes every single pound show.
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    Well, I'm a little higher than that...180.5 (almost in the 170s!!!) But my goal is to get down to 135ish :). Willing to offer support to anyone who is wants it :). Good luck ladies!
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
  • kkawana28
    kkawana28 Posts: 3
    im 160 pound and looking to get to 130
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm at 160 and I have lost over 30lbs already but I want to lose at least another 10-20lbs. I would like to be at least 140lbs.

    This is me. Before I found MFP I was up to 182 pounds of blubber and seriously out of shape. I'd abdicated all my eating choices, done no real exercise and loathed who I was at that point.

    I joined MFP after losing 12 pounds, and I've lost another 12, found 3, lost 3 found 3 - LOL. I flutuate right now between 158 and 161. I am lifting weights now, because just walking isn't working (my doc suggested it, she agreed that a body build tolerance or adaptability and I'm not working enough muscle parts just walking). My day is jam packed, between work and commuting so a 40 minute weightlifting routine works into my lifestyle much better than going to the gym for 90-180 minutes, and I get a real charge out of the progress I make each time I do my routine! Love the support here!
  • matthew621
    matthew621 Posts: 11
    Okay friends,
    I need to hear from those of you who have lost weight, I am beginning to feel frustrated because my weight is not coming off. It's been a month with 3-5 miles/day, under recommended calories. I even stopped drinking Dr. Pepper cold turkey (I've slowly widdled it down and have now gone a week without). Suggestions to get some sort of jump start, if I don's see the numbers on my scale start to change I am going to go crazy!:noway:
  • harprsbzr
    harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Matthew, A couple of things could be happening: From the sounds of it, believe it or not, you might not be getting enough calories. Your body may be holding on to the weight b/c it is starving itself. You need calories in order for your metabolism to go up. Add 100 kcals per day for a week and see what happens. Another thought could be that your body might not be getting the right kind of calories. For example; what kind of carbs are you eating? They should come from fruits, veggies and WHOLE grains. Proteins should all be LEAN. Watch cheese intake as well as salty foods. Dairy should be low fat and only 2 servings a day is really needed (especially for a man). Oils should be monounsaturated such as olive, canola, grapeseed oils. Watch all your processed foods too. At WW we have a thing called Power Foods. They are Fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins. Finally water. Drink 8-10 glasses per day especially since you are running so much. A final note is medications. I went off one of my meds and put on 10#. Sometimes our meds can cause weight gain, retention or loss depending on what it is. Oh and one more thing, take your measurments!!! I bet your tightest jeans are fitting better these days...muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less room, ergo less inches! I hope this helps. Good luck.:smile:
  • louiloui123
    louiloui123 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 178 and need to get to 130 - 125 to feel at my best... I love MFP feel free to add me its the best lifestyle choice ive made and being 5'5 178 does show on me and makes me feel so unhealthy! I was ... im getting there positivity is the key! feel free to add me guys and gals x
  • jhutka
    jhutka Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 165 want to get down to 140, I started at 185. Feel free to add :)
  • hobiesoccer
    hobiesoccer Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of what I do at the gym can be done at home. Planks make a HUGE difference and there are so manyu ways to vary it.
    Basic planks- lie face down place elbows directly under shoulders and support yourself with hands placed flat. Then tighten your core by pulling your bellybutton in and raise up on your toes making your body a "plank" parallel to the ground. Try to stay that way for 30 secs to begin with. If you can't do it all in one go, do it as long as you can take a few secs to rest then raise up and finish your 30 sec. Now, for the variations,
    reach out to touch the floor one arm at a time. Shoot for 15 each.
    from a plank position lift one foot move it out and touch to the side, then return to orininal position repeat on other side. Try for 15
    from a plank position raise up on right hand then up on left hand too, then back down to original position with right hand repeat with left
    in plank position rock gently back and forth
    on a hard floor, place a small dumbbell on a towel while in the plank reach up right hand grasp dumbbell and slide it in an arch to the side, slide it back and swich sides

    Thats 6 variations on one exercise that will hit most muscle groups in one version or another.

    Leg cranks- 15 squats, 15 split jumps, 15 lunges (on each side) 15 squat jumps (This will reallyyyyy tighten things up right from your waist to your toes!)

    Forward lunges alternating legs. Forward lunges do all reps on a side then switch, backward lunges, walking lunges...
  • brandalini
    brandalini Posts: 237 Member
    Sending you a friend request because I have the same goals!
  • Rex1612
    Rex1612 Posts: 13
    Hi ladies. I'm 5'4" and 160. I have never been 160 in my life! I seen a picture of myself and was in shock that it was me.
    I started walking my dogs every day for about 30-45 minutes with no progress, then I added in kickboxing for 30 minutes. I think all that did was get me used to sweating hard and get me motivated for more.

    6 days ago I started Insanity with my husband. It's hard work but I feel like I really accomplish something each day. I admit it's scary to think about the next day and what kind of workout I'm in for... but I like it and push hard anyway.

    I am following a nutrition plan that is no sugar and nothing processed. Chicken, fish, lots of vegetables and fruits.
    I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks because last time I did, it only frustrated me because it only moved about 3 lbs. I know it's not about that number but part of it is... for me any way.

    I'd love to have some friends, going through the same thing I am, for support and advise! I am so inspired by all of you!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    Thanks! It is a locked group now though so if you want added please contact:


    one of us will add you :)
    I have been a bit MIA but once I kick this cold and get my central air back up and running I will be around more...that combined with computer issues it hasn't been the most MFP friendly zone ;)
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I'd really like to join the group :) I'm 172lbs right now trying to get down to about 130lbs would make me happy but 125lbs would make me even more happy.. I'm only 5'1" :)
  • wisefish
    wisefish Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in. I'm 5'4 and am around 170-ish now. I am trying to get to 145.
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 159 looking to get down to 140-135 by my wedding next February. LOVE that there are so many of us with the same goals. Friend meeee! Oh and I'm 5'7" size 8-10 36D if anyone is looking for a twin match!
  • That would be me. I am looking for a buddy that wants to lose some inches and weight.. Be a support factor. Is there anyone out there that is an old time gastric by pass survivor?

    Post please.. Would like to meet with a group of gastric by passers.

  • harprsbzr
    harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
    It's been awhile since anyone has posted here. This is right up my alley. Friend me if you want to take this on and support each other through-out our ups and downs. Physically and emotionally.