My goal is to be FIT, NOT SKINNY!



  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 85 Member
    by the way my reply was to lady raven x
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Wow - I am just using that as a point- I meant people with END STAGE diseases not people who are not terminal. I am not on a soapbox but it's sad that WOMEN totally don't get what I am saying and believe that I am putting down thin people. I am trying to LIFT up overweight people who feel that their lives will be SO much better and perfect once they lose weight. I am not putting down thin people at all. I am just saying it doesn't equate to being healthy and also doesn't equate to beauty. It's what's inside that counts but it seems that you 2 got defensive for a reason?
    No clue what that reason would be? I am telling women that they should get therapy if they have a low body or self image- that they should not compare themselves but you 2 think that I shouldn't say that? I am saying that going on a fad diet is not going to get your healthy- and you think there's something wrong with that? I am saying there are beautiful overweight people and you have a problem with that.
    Seems like you guys are the ones with the issue I am trying to make for people to live HEALTHY and have FITNESS as a goal and not just a goal of SKINNY, FAD DIETS and BS they are fed their whole lives.

    Most people on this site get it as it's called My FITNESS Pal, not My SKINNY Pal.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    skinny, fit , tanned, rich...yeahyeah... only thing i really wish for is a full head of hair again . sigh....
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    skinny, fit , tanned, rich...yeahyeah... only thing i really wish for is a full head of hair again . sigh....

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    skinny has never been a possibility for me, even when i was underweight. i just dont have the body frame for that delicate wispy look. that's fine because i prefer to look solid instead anyway :happy:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I am trying to LIFT up overweight people who feel that their lives will be SO much better and perfect once they lose weight.

    Lifting up overweight people by pointing out that skinny people might not be fit or healthy? You are somehow superior to those that didn't have to work for it? Some of us have other goals in life, we might be working towards being a bit more generous in accepting that we all have different values and priorities. We might be helping and encouraging others to reach their goals.

    Good luck to you.

    You totally missed her point.

    It's about aiming to be fit and healthy, and to not JUST be skinny. THAT'S the point.

    I didn't miss anything.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I am trying to LIFT up overweight people who feel that their lives will be SO much better and perfect once they lose weight.

    Lifting up overweight people by pointing out that skinny people might not be fit or healthy? You are somehow superior to those that didn't have to work for it? Some of us have other goals in life, we might be working towards being a bit more generous in accepting that we all have different values and priorities. We might be helping and encouraging others to reach their goals.

    Good luck to you.

    You totally missed her point.

    It's about aiming to be fit and healthy, and to not JUST be skinny. THAT'S the point.

    I didn't miss anything.

    Your post says differently.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am trying to LIFT up overweight people who feel that their lives will be SO much better and perfect once they lose weight.

    Lifting up overweight people by pointing out that skinny people might not be fit or healthy? You are somehow superior to those that didn't have to work for it? Some of us have other goals in life, we might be working towards being a bit more generous in accepting that we all have different values and priorities. We might be helping and encouraging others to reach their goals.

    Good luck to you.

    You totally missed her point.

    It's about aiming to be fit and healthy, and to not JUST be skinny. THAT'S the point.

    Her point was to put people down because they dare be thin. Thats it. And I won't lower myself to anyone's level and call someone "fat", I'm sure she has enough issues without me adding to them.
  • mpe1967
    mpe1967 Posts: 24
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I am trying to LIFT up overweight people who feel that their lives will be SO much better and perfect once they lose weight.

    Lifting up overweight people by pointing out that skinny people might not be fit or healthy? You are somehow superior to those that didn't have to work for it? Some of us have other goals in life, we might be working towards being a bit more generous in accepting that we all have different values and priorities. We might be helping and encouraging others to reach their goals.

    Good luck to you.

    You totally missed her point.

    It's about aiming to be fit and healthy, and to not JUST be skinny. THAT'S the point.

    Her point was to put people down because they dare be thin. Thats it. And I won't lower myself to anyone's level and call someone "fat", I'm sure she has enough issues without me adding to them.

    Lol, no it wasn't. It's about women aiming for an unrealistic goal and causing themselves serious damage while doing so when they should aim to be healthy. THAT'S her point.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i get the point of view that you're trying to get across. i didn't think it was very difficult to get, either! you weren't having a dig at skinny people- you were just saying that skinny doesn't mean healthy- right? and it doesn't. but fat usually means unhealthy- you can be a fit fatty, but that extra layer of fat around your heart is never going to be good.

    i've been on hundreds of diets before, with the goal of being skinny. none of them worked (there's a surprise).

    this time my goal has been to get fit. and it has worked. i'm still chubby (30lbs overweight, from 90lbs overweight). but i've stuck with it for 18 months now. and i've gone from a couch potato to a marathoner. i'm always the fattest runner at races!

    so, i'm a fitter fatty. and i'll take it. i may never get skinny (but i might- who knows!), but at least now i'm motivated enough to get my *kitten* off the couch and play with my kids, take the dogs for a run, and do other fun stuff.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.

    Curves, yes. Not rolls. Not double chins, not front butts, not dimpled elbows and knees. :laugh:
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I agree 100%! I don't ever want to be thin!!!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.

    Wrong. Women should look like however their own physical body allows. Whether that be with a few extra pounds, or naturally thin. There is no guideline to how women SHOULD look.

    But if we're going on this route, all men should have no fat, ripped abs, and bulky arms. If we're going to place a guideline on how people 'should' look, might as well make it fair across the board, right?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.

    women can look however they want to. there are some naturally very thin women out there who look awesome, and some very chunky chicks who look fab and are happy with it.

    i think what is more important is that people are happy with what they have. there's enough pressure from the media to look a certain way- we shouldn't be doing that to each other. live and let live!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.

    women can look however they want to. there are some naturally very thin women out there who look awesome, and some very chunky chicks who look fab and are happy with it.

    i think what is more important is that people are happy with what they have. there's enough pressure from the media to look a certain way- we shouldn't be doing that to each other. live and let live!

  • GelinaKnows
    I think this was better meant for a blog & not a forum post. & to the person who said all women should have curves, I for 1 am overweight woman who does not have curves I am a stick straight up and down and I weigh around 140. I should weigh around 120 but no matter what my weight has been- and it has been everywhere from 100 to 160- I have no curves at all. So, I guess I'm not good enough for the thin people or the fat people right? I'm strong as hell though I'll tell you that much, and whether I was skinny stick or a fat stick, I can still kick some *kitten*! Oooh, this set of posts have really really rubbed me the wrong way!!! :explode:
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I don't think anyone should take offense.... I used to work with a gal maybe 20 years ago and she probably couldn't put on weight if she tried she was so thin. Yet she worked out at the gym and constantly was asked "Why are you here?" I guess some people don't understand fitness is a lifestyle regardless of your size or shape. I was very thin when I was younger and looked like a plank. Want to be thinner and weigh less due to heart issues but don't necessarily want to look like I did back then. I like my "curves"! My motto is "Strong is the new Skinny". Not original, but I do like the implications! :)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Women should have curves, not look like sticks.

    I've got plenty of curves. ;)
    What if I didn't? Who are you to tell women what they should look like?
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Do I want to be SKINNY?
    No thank you! I'd rather be FIT! Skinny to me could equate to illness and sickness. It doesn't always equate to healthy. There are SKINNY Aids and Cancer victims.
    Skinny people can be unhealthy and NOT fit. I think I've heard a word for that called Skinny -fat. It's very sad when I hear women say they want to be skinny. I know it may be a word and just semantics- I just cringe when I hear it. Can anyone relate? My goal is always to be fit and healthy.

    I have five children. The youngest three are beautiful, scrawny little things. They are healthy, eat lots of great foods, and are very active. They don't gain weight easily at all. One of them even had to go through a barrage of tests because the doctor diagnosed her with "failure to thrive"-and it turns out she's just fine-and naturally very petite. The kids at school make fun of my little girls and call them sticks. My 9 year old's friends tell her that I put her in the dryer and shrunk her when she was a baby. They are made fun of and bullied. It's nice to know that you "cringe" when you hear women say they want to be skinny. I'm sure it would make my little girls feel even *better* about themselves to hear something like that. Yes, i'm sure you have been made fun of for being fat, and i'm sorry to hear it, but instead of making you resentful of all skinny girls, maybe it should make you a little more sensitive to the fact that they get tired of being made fun of as well. To be honest, reading your first paragraph just really p*sses me off, after having my ltitle girls come home crying so many times because of bullying at school. Skinny is NOT a bad word, and it's not a bad body type, either.

    As an aside, you being morbidly obese is definitely not superior to a girl who is starving her way to 100 pounds at 5 foot 7-you both have problems and need help, just on different ends of the spectrum.

    Skinny doesn't always equate to beauty. I've also seen gorgeous "fat" people. I hate that women especially are so brainwashed. I am cuter when I am fit- but I also know that I could be 130lbs and still not look perfect, I will still have a longer that I'd prefer face, a bigger than I'd want nose, and bags under my eyes that unless I go under the knife, are genetic features.

    Skinny doesn't equate to having a perfect life. No one has a perfect life. Your life may be easier if you are fit- but your problems still don't go away magically. If you have depression or anxiety when you are overweight, unless you get therapy, chances are the depresison/anxiety will still continue. Weight loss doesn't change that- your MIND is what makes or breaks you.

    People do not love you more if you are fit. If they do, they are not the quality people you'd want in your life anyway and you'd deserve more.

    Some of your problems can go away when you lose weight though-you can be more active, healthier, and enjoy life when you're not huffing and puffing after one flight of stairs. People may not love you more when you are fit, but they certainly may enjoy your company more if you can get up and be active with them, and if you just generally feel healthier, more energetic, and better about yourself.

    If people judge you, that's their issue, but remember skinny does not equate to beauty or necessarily good physical or mental health. You have to WORK hard to be fit- even thin people have to work hard to be fit.

    How do you want your life? Anyone get me? :) If so msg me, add me, always up for new friends! :)

    ETA: Well, I thought you were new, but apparently you've been on here for quite a while and have only lost 7 pounds? I took out my previous paragraph. I have to wonder, though, if perhaps you might be a bit resentful of others who have been able to lose weight and get "skinnier", and that might have something to do with your post? Just a thought...

    Perhaps you should make friends and try to garner support from the forums rather than post strongly worded opinions that have the potential to alienate, and even hurt other people.