Your weight loss: private or public?



  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    MIne is public, some of the people I know want me to loose weight, and some of them think I look fine. But then both of those groups keep making pregnancy jokes and the ones who think they are pregnant keep saying it would be great if we were all pregnant together and they are seriouse. So I chose to let them know I'm loosing weight/getting strong because I am tiered of hearing this joke. Its not like trying to hide it is going to keep them from knowing, they were able to see me gain the weight so its not like they won't be able to see me loose it , fat is kind of hard to overlook.
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    My family know about it because I've been eating healthier and exercising so it'd be hard for them not to notice but I haven't told any of my friends. I'm scared of failing and being judged on how fast/slow I'm losing the weight so I'm just going to try for now and when I reach my first goal I might tell my close friends. One of my best friends has gone travelling until the end of August (she went at the end of May) so I'm hoping that she will notice a difference when she returns.
  • Stasha17
    Stasha17 Posts: 28
    I keep my weight loss public. Mainly for accoutablilty. The last time I tried to lose, I was kinda just doing my own thing so when I failed no one really knew so I kinda snuck my 35 pound gain in. But now I share my struggles and sucess. But its hard sometime cause people still make comments negative and postive. I have noticed since I've put myself out there it has helped my friends and family. Everybody is joining the movement. #TeamFitness
  • edyta70
    edyta70 Posts: 47 Member
    I prefer it private for the same reasons..

    Some people like it public to prove people wrong, to show them they can. I think these people are very brave!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Very public. I have a weight loss progress photo album on Facebook and quite a few Twitter friends also using MFP. There are also lots of people at work trying to get fitter so we all encourage each other. I have never had so much support, I really am lucky to have such great friends.
  • fromfattofine
    fromfattofine Posts: 80 Member
    I prefer my journey be private but I did tell a cousin of mine and it went public from there. Next thing I knew everybody was telling me they heard I had lost weight and what am I doing? So I avoid those people now and just do me. I do better when I'm on my journey by myself.
  • Kat200
    Kat200 Posts: 3
    Private. I don't want people to be all "You're already skinny" and try to deter me from reaching my goal
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    Honestly it's hard for people to not notice with me-I went from being a homebody and couch potato to constantly talking about the gym lol. I didn't even notice it. People kindof just clued in.

    If people ask what I am doing then I tell them the basics. - But I don't go around bragging about in or anything.

    I work so often that by the time I have seen my friends it has been a month and I've changed enough that they feel the need to ask anyways haha.
  • lisaann514
    lisaann514 Posts: 1 Member
    I tend to be a private person so I have only told a couple of people. I turned my husband on to this site so we tend to keep each other motivated and he is all the support I need.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i tell the world! i don't mind sharing. it keeps me accountable and at the same time,when i screw up and gain or whatever, it lets people know i'm only human and i make mistakes. i have lost and gained weight. once, getting down to 179lbs and getting all the way back up to 235lbs (i was deeply depressed at this point). i'm now at 183lbs and still working my way down. i don't mind sharing that part because it's life. i screwed up and gave up, but i'm back again and that's what matters.
  • j2tyco
    j2tyco Posts: 42
    I practically scream it from the mountain tops at the moment..I am the type of person that needs the accountability and the encouragement of friends and family to keep motivated.

    I do no like having to explain to people that I am not ON a "diet" I am just making different choices for myself when I choose to skip the bun on the burger at the cook out or load up on salad and have 1 slice of pizza etc

    I love trying new things with someone that has done it before next to me so I can be not as terrified (ie took my first spin class last week with a friend that does triathlons and LOVED it and was so encouraged and inspired by her)

    I love the accolades or inspiration I get when I post my weekly struggles or praises on facebook on my thursday weigh in day

    I am very pubic and I think the fear of failing very publically is a huge motivator for me..I desire to NOT fail but you succeed publically :-)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    After my first 10 pounds I KNEW I could do it! I started talking about it to anyone who showed interest. Not everyone cares and many are jealous. Now That I lost the 70 I was shooting for, get me away from the microphone!!!! I could talk for hours on the subject. Of course I want you to come over to my philosophy, but anything to get you healthier works! I even show pictures. Have time for a slide show and lecture? Come on over! Lol!

    Yes, make it public! It bolsters your resolve and you prove to yourself that you can do it by talking about it. Your brain will take you to where you words say you are going. If you talk failure you will fail. If you talk about winning you will win! Tell everyone how wonderful you are because you deserve it!! = D
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Public - I want to, and have, inspired people to join me to become healthier and happier for their families and children :)
  • stonegirldancing
    stonegirldancing Posts: 37 Member
    In-between. I've made my internet presence very limited, so this is the only website I'd be saying anything on. As far as my work, friends & family - I mention when I lose a good amount of weight, to those I feel comfy with.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    private, until people ask. For me, going public puts on too much pressure.
  • michaelsgirl1210
    michaelsgirl1210 Posts: 37 Member
    Very public. I post Facebook updates and pics and talk to my friends and family. I decided to go public when I started because last summer when I attempted, my husband's co-workers would ask him how I was doing losing weight, and I didn't really feel bad about stopping until he told them about it. When so many people know, I feel more motivated, like I'm doing it for more than just myself. Now I have people asking me for advice and starting on their own journeys. It's also helped to keep my family informed because they are more understanding. They know to ask me if it's a cheat day or not when we go out to eat, and if it's not, they let me pick some place I feel comfortable. It has definitely made it much easier for me.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I have a weight loss album on fb and add pics in it from time to time but I don't talk about my weight loss a lot on there.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member

    It's looked down upon in my family to be big in the first place. And dieting just means you're a fat a** trying to eat less. You're supposed to be perfectly thin naturally in my family. If anyone knew I was dieting, they'd scoff and laugh and talk down on me, it's really sad ;(. My family makes fun of fat people all the time, and they talk behind my back about how much bigger I am than the rest of them.

    But at the same time, even if I was big, if say, my mom caught wind of me dieting, she'd say there is no need, and stuff my face EVEN MORE, even though she's one of the main ones that call me fat behind my back. It's a sad process. I just say nothing about it, and when they ask how I'm losing weight, just say I don't really notice that I am, and that's somewhat of a satisfactory answer :indifferent: . . .