
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Afternoon ladies;

    Husband just left for his 2nd shift job. I've done well so far today. Exercised 30 min this morning and am already on my 3rd 16 oz bottle of water.

    Speaking of drinking out of water bottles. I have a friend I bowl with (she's almost 79). She came over to me this past wednesday and told me she had started drinking out of a cup because she read in Prevention Mag. that puckering up to drink out of a water bottle produces the same kind of lines around your mouth that smokers get. She said she told me this because she doesn't want me to get mouth wrinkles! If she is concerned about them at 79 do you think I need to be at 53? She's not bigger than a minute and can hardly throw the ball down the alley (oh, she used to bowl with Linda Petty, Richard Petty's wife and she loves to watch racing, Said Jeff Gordon's her man now!)

    My question of the day is, I am consistently going over in my Fiber column. Is that a problem?

    And Laurel, yes I am having trouble drinking my water now that the weather is colder.

    I'm off to the Library and maybe a little shopping.

    Hope you have all had a good day.

    Barbie: I'm glad your husband is okay have you heard from him today?

    Renny, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm at work, but I need a mental break as I just finished a big project. Taking notes in Word as I catch up with all the posts is so much easier with two screens.

    Barbie- I am so glad your hubby is OK. I just can’t imagine getting a call like that with him out of town. It must have been so stressful.

    Me too on the Firefox. We have to use it at work.

    VickiM- Way to go on the salad for your ladies’ night out!

    Doobiedoo, Heather & Brady – Good luck on getting your exercise back on track.

    Kathy- That’s sad to hear about your son. Are the children still young? It’s so hard on the kids.

    Angl0 Gratz on the 163 mark.

    Renny, hope you feel better soon

    Pray for me tomorrow - I'm taking a group of teenage girls to see New Moon (Twilight sequel) and out to dinner. I'm thinking of wearing ear plugs to tone down the effect of the giggling and screaming.

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Speaking of drinking out of water bottles. I have a friend I bowl with (she's almost 79). She came over to me this past wednesday and told me she had started drinking out of a cup because she read in Prevention Mag. that puckering up to drink out of a water bottle produces the same kind of lines around your mouth that smokers get. She said she told me this because she doesn't want me to get mouth wrinkles!


    I was told that also by someone on another thread when I suggested drinking with a straw. When I drink with a straw I drink so much more, so it's easier to get lots of water in. Hmmmm...maybe I should rethink my strategy seeing as I am 61!!!!:noway: :noway:

  • NanaPami
    NanaPami Posts: 17 Member

    So glad your husband is ok. I know that must have been so very scary. Good job staying away from the comfort food.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    Hi Everybody,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words. Hubby is still in the hospital. They changed some of his meds and wanted to keep him one more day to monitor his reactions before sending him back to his workshop. Somebody from the group brought him his cell phone, clean clothes, a book to read, and some other stuff and he’s out of CCU into a regular room. I’ve been able to talk to him and see that he’s OK. :bigsmile: I made an appointment for him to see his cardiologist when he gets home.

    :bigsmile: Angl, one of my inspirations to start this journey was that you don’t see fat old people and I want to live a really long life….after losing all this weight, I feel healthier than I ever have. Like Birdie, I’m in my 60’s and can’t wait any longer. I haven’t been to the movies since I started this weight loss journey so no temptation to eat that naughty popcorn. We buy a lot of DVDs and watch movies at home. Congratulations on losing a pound…….one at a time, they add up…..your dog is darling.

    :bigsmile: Cindy, Since I’ve lost weight my cholesterol numbers have gone way down. One of the keys to low cholesterol cooking is more veggies and less meat which is also the key to lower calories. It’s good to hear from you again. Check in with us a lot……..I get a lot of motivation from the great women on this thread. I am always way over on fiber and it’s working well for me……..I think MFP sets fiber too low…..fiber is great for keeping you regular which I think is very important

    :bigsmile: Heather, you are so smart to have a plan for going out to eat…..I’m just learning to eat in restaurants and planning ahead is the key…..and of course, miracles like having a reason to not eat the offending sandwich. Congrats on reaching on new levels in your exercising.

    :bigsmile: Nanapami, I love your idea about going walking after Thanksgiving dinner……of course, you don’t live in NW Washington where it will probably by raining all day. Congrats on losing another pound.

    :bigsmile: BradyBrookes….I looked up Gin Miller on the internet and she has some great workouts….I previewed a couple of them……now I know what to get when I get tired of Leslie and Richard

    :bigsmile: Vicki, I love how focused you are. Have a great trip…..Disney on ice sounds fabulous

    :bigsmile: Birdie, thanks for reminding me to stay in the moment….just like you, I plan to focus on what I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving instead of thinking about all the tempting foods that I don’t need to eat.

    :bigsmile: Susan, My husband is at a 5 day personal growth workshop connected with our business. He is in Santa Barbara, CA and we are in NW Washington about 1800 miles north. He is in the capable hands of an able cardiologist and a great hospital and good medical insurance.

    :bigsmile: Becky, how awful for your Zumba instructor’s daughter….. I hope she’ll be OK soon.

    :bigsmile: Kathy, you are faced with a bunch of hurdles in your life. ….just jump them one at a time and keep on keeping on………it’s a blessing that you’re not juggling a job along with all that other stuff.

    :bigsmile: Renny, hope you feel better soon.

    The animals are chasing each other around the house trying to get my attention. It must be time to feed them.
    Hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :tongue: :tongue: Suzieque:

    What is the name of the shoe that you bought that is supposed to be good for toning your muscles? I was intrigued by one of your posts that said your back side didn't look like cottage cheese any more. Thought I might put those shoes on my Christmas list.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Barbie, you are an inspiration! I am glad your husband is doing well. We all know how easy it would be to give into our emotional eating urges. I am reading everyone's post and trying to keep up. You all are so supportive. I will be off work for a week so I am hoping to log on daily. Tomorrow's plan: Execise!:bigsmile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Exercise and new glasses!:tongue:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hey ladies !! Had another good weight loss week. Lost 3 lbs !!! I got on and off the scale several times to be sure and it recorded the same thing every time. I was a little worried about the weigh in because a lady came to work this week with home made peanut brittle one day and home made peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies the next. Both of those are addictive for me and of course I indulged. I ate a light dinner both nights hoping to counteract the calories and I guess it worked.

    Have a happy weekend ladies. I have to work today.....UGH !!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :tongue: :tongue: SuzyQ:

    What is the name of the shoe that you bought that is supposed to be good for toning your muscles? I was intrigued by one of your posts that said your back side didn't look like cottage cheese any more. Thought I might put those shoes on my Christmas list.

    Shapeups by Sketchers. Just look to the left of this post under my name where it lists the number of posts. Click on that number and it will bring up all my posts. You can scroll down through them and read all about them.

    Hubby has been off for the past 3 days. For some reason it is next to impossible for me to get on here while he is home. :ohwell: But I'm back now ... at least for the next 6 days. Good news is I got lots of deep cleaning done and the tree in the house and fluffed. I figure with no one coming for Thanksgiving it was a good time to get a head start on decorating.

    Planning on spending most of the day Christmas shopping in my Shapeups with a girlfriend today while he tries to sleep. He starts back on nights tonight. :yawn:

    I'm down another pound. Yippee!:happy:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Shelia & Suzy; Great going on the weight loss numbers!!!

    I fixed an egg white omelet for the first time today. I thought I wouldn't like it but I was hungry and it was good! I'm really going to try & eat more veggies. I have a grill pan so I grilled peppers onions & mushrooms to go on it. (When I want to use the grill pan on the stove I take my wok ring and put it on the burner and put the pan on that. Yeah grilled veggies in the house!) We also had some FF cranberry orange muffins that I added some ground flax to the mix). A little bit of greek yogurt. I'm good to go.

    Not much going on for me today. Hopefully I can get out for a walk later today.

    I don't want to get too bored because then I will want to start grazing. My daughter left all her jewelry making stuff over here. Maybe I'll try my hand at some earrings.

    But right now off to straighten the kitchen

    I hope you all have a good day.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    To all who are going through trials - hang in there, we are here to listen. Sorry I don't have time to address individuals this morning.

    I bought a new water bottle - intak by thermos. Just got it, and I like it. I'll see if it helps, since I dislike drinking water.

    There is nowhere in town to buy a decent breakfast, and hubby and I wanted to go out. So I called my daughter and asked if she was a short order cook. The sweetheart agreed, so we are headed out for breakfast! Don't know what she's fixing, but it will be fine, I have all day to make up for the sins of the morning. Better rush! Have a good weekend!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings all, from a sunny and mild Rhode Island!:noway: Got lots of cleaning to do today and errands. Tomorrow hubby and I are looking for a Nursing Home for my MIL so I'll be out for most of the day!
    We had a scare last night, as my daughter Lisa had been running a temperature of 103 - 104.5 for the last few days and didn't want to bother any of us, or tell us! :noway: She was afraid we'd go over and catch what she got:cry: I prayed like I never have before, after insisting she go to the doctors again. This morning her temperature is down and she seems back to normal.:smile: Praise God! Still she needs to monitor her temp, because the worse cases of the flu are the ones that came back with a vengeance after getting well! :noway:

    SusyQ, thanks for the tip on looking up old posts by clicking on the number of posts under the date you joined. That will be very helpful as I usually remember who said something....but can't remember when!:laugh:

    Have a great weekend all, and if I don't have a chance to post again.....talk to you Monday!!

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm sorry I havent even hardly had the time to read. I pray all of you are doing good. I have been doing a skit with kids at school and then I got sick with a huge migraine. Anyways, tomorrow is my
    55 birthday. I wanted to weigh a lot less than this but i decided I would be greatful with 245. I weighed this morning at 5:30 and I was 246.7. Went back to bed and weighed at 9:30 and after the bathroom, and weigh 246.0. I got off and on again two more times and weighed 245.2 each time.

    so? What number would you take?:laugh:

    I'm gonna take the lowest of course and sing to myself Happy Birthday.

    i pray you are all having fun getting ready for the holidays. My mom is gone now like 8 years and the family kinda fell apart. Last year my brother died. i can choose to let this bring me down.....

    Or i am gonna choose to look at my beautiful family or grandboys and their day and be grateful. Cuz I am very grateful and blessed. Bless all you ladies and gents out there. kc
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi ladies, thanks for all the well-wishes. It means a lot to me. It helps me keep my spirits up and get this flu behind me. This morning I weighed 172.5 lbs! So Yay for me....:flowerforyou: I managed to fold the laundry and did a bit of ironing. Now I'm exhausted but happy that I got that done.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: The great news is that hubby is out of the hospital and back to his workshop:bigsmile: ....the bad news is that he can't communicate while he's there so I won't hear from him again until late Sunday night or early Monday morning.:sad:

    I went off on a little shopping excursion this morning
    went to four local holiday craft fairs where I bought nothing but enjoyed talking to talented crafters and enjoying their beautiful creations. Then I visited three clothing stores and finally found a sweatshirt that I liked that came in my size :bigsmile: now I have two sweatshirts that fit.

    I spent 30 minutes on the exercise bike while talking on the phone to my 86 year old cousin who is losing her sight. She trusts no one, looks on the gloomy side of everything, and is convinced that things will only get worse. I have been talking to her every Wednesday night for more than seven years. Today she was extra lonely so she called hoping to find me at home.

    :flowerforyou: Eava, I hope you were able to exercise today----you know what they say that the best exercise is the one you'll do:laugh: .......and I hope we'll be hearing from you every day while you're off work......:

    :flowerforyou: SheilaJane, I'm glad no one brought peanut brittle around me, it's so good and the peanuts fool you into thinking it's got healthy ingredients :laugh: Congratulations on your three pound weight loss......I always get on the scale more than once when I can't believe the number and sometimes I move it to a different part of the bathroom just to be sure.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, congratulations on losing another pound.......I seem to have less time on the computer when hubby is home......

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, your breakfast sounds delicious......you're right about eating when you're bored.....crafts are good distractions, so is exercise.....I just finished walking one mile with Leslie Sansone (her videos are longer but often I just walk one mile to fill in a small space of time)

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Mary, I know what you mean about water.....I keep a full glass on the counter in the kitchen and have some goofy rules for myself like I have to drink a glass of water before logging onto MFP or before a meal or before I can do something I really want to do.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, sorry to hear that your MIL is going to a nursing home......Hubby and his brothers had to do that for their mom in Ohio last month and it was tough for them.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: kc, you are so right about being grateful......gratitude has pulled me through many difficult times.....and about the scale, take the lower number as a birthday present to yourself...I hope you have planned something special and cheery for yourself tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, glad to hear that you've lost a pound and are on the road to recovery:bigsmile:

    It's starting to get colder so I think that's a signal to boil some water and make herb tea:bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs, Barbie
  • I'm a bit older than 50+ (61!) and am very encouraged by your posts. I just joined earlier this week. Since I have some congestive heart issues, I can really yo-yo where the fluid weight is concerned, and this can be very discouraging. I know I can reach my goal of losing 35-40 pounds. We're expecting our second granddaughter in April and I'll need all the energy I can muster. I've read about so many of your successful losses. Hurray for all of you!
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Hi All,
    I glad to hear of all the successes this week, and all the hard times that you all seem to be weathering.

    This was a roller coaster week, and I'm using the weekend to recuperate.

    I'm having some renovations on my house. Some unexpected repairs needed to be done, but things seem back on track.

    The big news is that my wonderful sister, who has a disabling disease, was just evaluated by a research team, and they are hopeful that they will be able to arrest the progression. We are both floating on air. Now we finally have some hope that she will have some quality of life, rather than a future of increasing disability.

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :tongue: :tongue: SuzyQ:

    What is the name of the shoe that you bought that is supposed to be good for toning your muscles? I was intrigued by one of your posts that said your back side didn't look like cottage cheese any more. Thought I might put those shoes on my Christmas list.

    Shapeups by Sketchers. Just look to the left of this post under my name where it lists the number of posts. Click on that number and it will bring up all my posts. You can scroll down through them and read all about them.

    Hubby has been off for the past 3 days. For some reason it is next to impossible for me to get on here while he is home. :ohwell: But I'm back now ... at least for the next 6 days. Good news is I got lots of deep cleaning done and the tree in the house and fluffed. I figure with no one coming for Thanksgiving it was a good time to get a head start on decorating.

    Planning on spending most of the day Christmas shopping in my Shapeups with a girlfriend today while he tries to sleep. He starts back on nights tonight. :yawn:

    I'm down another pound. Yippee!:happy:

    Susieque: Thanks for the info. I'll put them on my Christmas list.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm a bit older than 50+ (61!) and am very encouraged by your posts. I just joined earlier this week. Since I have some congestive heart issues, I can really yo-yo where the fluid weight is concerned, and this can be very discouraging. I know I can reach my goal of losing 35-40 pounds. We're expecting our second granddaughter in April and I'll need all the energy I can muster. I've read about so many of your successful losses. Hurray for all of you!

    Welcome to our fold! Hope you enjoy being on this thread as much as we do.

    I just found a great cure for evening snacking. I make my own dry onion soup mix to use in cooking. For the first time I just decided to try it as soup. I put about a tsp. in 6 oz. of hot water. It seems to be keeping me out of the junk, for about 5 calories. Woo hoo!
    The new water bottle is great so far. I have had a record 72 oz. of water today, and 16 oz. of herbal tea. Hope the new doesn't wear off!
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