Overwhelmed - I have so much weight to lose!



  • jmjm55077
    jmjm55077 Posts: 43
    I've felt the same way only I'm three years older than you...You lose weight one pound at a time...but really it's not about losing weight...it's about being healthy and making healthy choices...exercising, eating right, being active...and having fun...good luck!!
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    No, no, no, no!
    Don't look at your challenge that way, or it does seem overwhelming. You are going to do just fine if you take this one step at a time. As for the weight...
    You only have 1 pound to lose.
    That is all. ONE POUND!
    MFP is set up for us to lose 1 pound every week, so just stop stressing, and take this one pound at a time. In a year, that's 52 pounds. In 2 years, you have over 100.
    No stress - no drama and no turning back. As for everything else, just keep punching, and all will be possible for YOU!
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    ITA! I have been a yo-yo dieter because I always wanted to lose the weight NOW! And the I would give up when I wasn't dropping 5 pounds in a week. Now I just make the effort, EVERY day, to eat healthier, move more. I've tried to put the words "I'll do that once I lose the weight" out of my vocabulary. I'll darn well do it NOW, thank you very much! If you don't like the way I look while I'm doing it, look the other way! :P

    Keep that attitude! I have no doubt you'll be asked out again...and again...but if you aren't, who cares? Take yourself out for a nice, healthy, dinner. Better yet, cook healthy meals for yourself, and light candles and listen to nice music while you eat. Dance around the house...all by yourself!

    You've got this!! :)
  • valerievalg
    :happy: I know how you feel started 360 on and off then finally got to 319 and found myfitnesspal and now am at 302.8 no matter what do not give up it is a struggle but it is one that it worth it!!! keep it up you are worth it :happy:
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi ---
    I'm fifty-sever years old I've had weight issues since I was twelve. I've been keeping track of my diet on myfitnesspal for about two months now and in that time I've lost 15 pounds, which is a major undertaking for me. I kind of threw in the towel with my weight many years ago after a well-meaning guy that I worked with told me he felt sorry for me because he knew I had worked really hard to lose weight (which I had. I was exercising and was in a size 12 jeans for the first time since long before puberty) and he finished off with a look of pity in his eyes as he said, "And you still have such big hips."
    It's true --- I have a big butt and a pear shape --- That's just the way it is. But after that well-meaning, but obviously misguided comment, I took on a 'screw it' attitude and it's been downhill (Or should I say 'Uphill') ever since. Since that time I was married for 17 years, had three kids and have been divorced for seven years.and in that time my weight has ballooned to 285 pounds, give or take a few pounds as it fluctuated with yo-yo dieting as I half-heartedly tried one fad diet after another.
    I'm 57 years old and I feel so old! I've been dieting a little more seriously off and on for the last couple of years and my weight is now down to 261 pounds, which I feel good about. But I have such a long way to go! And then, what will I look like after carrying all this weight around for so long? I worry about sagging skin, flab, loss of muscle mass and all that. It's frustrating and scary. But I just want to get my life back. I've been letting my weight hold me back from so much for so long! I'm embarrassed to be seen in public, feeling like everyone is looking at my enormous hips and rear end. Thank you, Gary!
    I've got a new determination to make this lifestyle change. I refuse to call it a diet.I've always been a sugar junkie and I've cut way down on sugar. I've all but cut any kind of pop (soda --- We call it 'pop' in Western New York) including diet pop out of my life. I eat a lot less candy --- just enough to keep my sugar craving at bay. I've been exercising more --- mostly yard work and gardening, since I let that go for quite a while as well --- and have been eating healthier in general, eating all things in moderation. And a week ago I went out on my first date since my divorce almost seven years ago! I even amazed myself! It was terrifying and turned out to be a disaster, but hey, I've broken the ice! I'm a little depressed at this point, but it gives me a little hope that my life may not be over after all, since someone actually asked me out after all this time. After my divorce I threw in the towel on love, too, and just assumed that part of my life was over. But if there's one man out there who finds me appealing, there may possibly be more. Ya think?
    So that's my long and convoluted life story. I'm glad I stumbled upon myfitnesspal. I've found it to be very inspiring and I hope to be even more inspired by having a support group that I can turn to online. Best of luck to all of you and, please, wish me good luck, too!

    Baby steps! Take it one day at a time. When you look at the big picture it can be overwhelming. You have to keep a mentality of, "This is my life now....with or without weight loss, I'm going to make healthier choices FOR MYSELF." I really had to work hard at changing my mentality in this regard, and I'm still working on it, truth be told. I remember what it was like to be thin and fit (I lost 45-50lbs as a high school junior), and I want so badly to look like that again. However, the truth is, even when I lose my weight I won't ever look like that again because I'm 17 years older than I was when I graduated high school. Even if I hadn't gained all this weight, I still wouldn't look the same as I did 17 years ago. Is that a reason for me to be worried that I will be just as unhappy after I lose all the weight as I was at 297lbs? Absolutely not! Even if I don't look as good as I imagine I will, I will still be far better off. I will be more mobile, and more confident. I'll be able to participate in life again instead of sitting on the couch watching it pass me by. I'll feel healthier and more energetic. Many of the aches and pains I have now will have been nearly, if not completely, eliminated. There are a million and one good reasons to lose weight, and looking good may be one of them, but it is not at the top of the list...not for me, anyway.-
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    Robin, definitely think of this as a journey, a life-style change...not a diet or a quick fix. Some folks will tell you not to think long-term, just focus on what you need to do today. But I wanted to lose 100 lbs when I started here at the end of February. I told myself that if I lose 1 pound every week, I'll be down 100 lbs in two years. Two years may seem like a long time, but it isn't really. Time flies! And if you keep doing what you're doing, you WILL get there. If I think of this as a life-style change, I'm eating healthier NOW to lose the weight...but I'll still be eating healthier THEN to maintain my fitness.

    You have so much going for you already...less sugar, less pop, etc. Personally I would suggest dropping most processed foods (anything in a box or a can) and drink more water. That is what's been working for me. And get moving. If it hurts to walk, get a stationary bike. If you have access to a pool, just walking in the water is a great workout...and not so hard on your joints. Just know that every move you make is getting you closer to your goal. You don't have to be moving all the time, but make sure you move a little more every day.

    You can totally do this. Your age? Your weight? Ain't nuthin' but numbers. You are a strong, driven, independent woman. And you can totally do this!
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    I think it's awesome that you are on your journey again. I think the first time when you heard that comment you did not feel powerful, and I hope this time you feel truly powerful through this journey. It really can't be about what other people think about you, but how you feel about yourself. Even though it seems like an impossible feet right now, it is completely possible. It is all about your commitment. You have to say to yourself everyday, I am worth every good choice. You have to remember that health is #1. The food you put in your body is the fuel for your day, so keep remembering that. I'm a sugar bug myself. I have found things that satisfy my craving without compromising my hard work. Live positive and live possible. Also, set realistic goals for yourself. Set your ticker to lose 10lbs and lose those 10lbs, Then you can adjust each time you hit those goals. We're rooting for you here. Good luck on your journey. :-)
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    You made the 1st step by joining here, so congrats on that great decision!! I had a starting weight on here of 263, so I'm in the same boat with a lot to lose. I try not to dwell on my total amt to lose (even though I know it's 100+ lbs). It's very overwhelming that way. I set small goals, so I can see achievements! It feels so much better that way! I made an excel chart with weekly dates through the end of this year. I use Friday's, as that's my weigh in day. I have this hanging right next to my bathroom mirror so I see it often. I write in each Friday what I weigh in at and each 5th week if I've accomplished my goal of 10lbs within that 5 weeks. So far it's working for me aiming for those little goals! Yes, I log on here and post my losses but the sheet next to my mirror is a constant reminder of where I started from and where I want to be. It keeps you focused on those little milestones that we tend to not congratulate ourselves on. Friend me if you'd like as we embark on the lifestyle change.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I'm so glad you joined MFP, that is a great positive change! I am currently 244 so I am not too far off from where you are. I too worry about saggin skin, and that empty feeling when its all said and done. But that will be better than the health risks that being obese is giving us. I have been on MFP for 2 weeks after a half hearted attempt for a few months prior. But this site works! Through guided nutrition and a supportive community. I lost 40 lbs on this site 6 years ago. It is awesome! you seem to have a new attitude and I think that is great! Welcome, and I hope you add me as a friend! :)
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    deleted duplicate post.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Great job on your weight loss!! I find logging what I eat helps a lot! Try to make small goals for yourself as far as the weight loss goes...don't look at the end look at how you're going to get there. It will take time but it's worth it...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

    I would suggest adding exercise into your day...when I first started I hated even walking to the mailbox! I was very self conscience. I weighed over 300 pounds and was embarrassed to go out of the house. But I managed to get to work each day. lol! So I definately understand how you might feel.

    I started with a Leslie Sansone walking DVD and I liked it...eventually loved it. By exercising it will help the sagging skin as you lose the weight. It will help your muscles become toner and you will feel great!

    Keep up the fantastic work!! :flowerforyou:
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    Feel free to add me. I am 55 years old and at the absolute peak of health and will be glad to share any knowledge, encouragement, motivation, etc. Good luck on your journey!!
  • boschbrianna
    boschbrianna Posts: 6 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • denadawn
    denadawn Posts: 4 Member
    I love your post. I am getting down to my las 40 lbs to loose. I have lost 134 lbs. I am truely struggling and your post is so positive and so logical...Keep it simple. Thank you Thank You Thank You:)
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Take it one pound at a time. There is no need to rush. You can do it!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    The ONLY pound that matters is the next one.

    Keep your focus on that one, and you'll be just fine.
  • ljbethany
    ljbethany Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a similar boat at 5'2" and weighing in at 235 lbs. Keep encouraged and know that there are others out there like you!
    SWEETNESS60 Posts: 24 Member
    I read your story and can relate to your pain, I've been there and done that until 2yrs ago when I did GBS, this was a choice that was right for me. I was also 287 lbs and very miserable but after doing this for myself I found a new meaning in life and want to live it to the fullest and be happy for me.
    Anything you do has got to be for yourself first and foremost, don't be discouraged just pick yourself up and continue on your journey, it will be worth it in the end!! As for Gary flip him the bird!!! :happy:
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    You are doing Great!!! You should be proud of what you've accomplished!
  • AliciaCharmaine
    So proud of you! Keep it up. The journey might take some time but it will be worth it. Just take it one pound at a time. I also have a lot of weight to lose. I tend to just set my goals 10 lbs at a time. Add me as a friend if you want!
  • alliegoderwis
    Your goal of losing weight may seem overwhelming- but breaking it down one day at a time can make it much more realistic. Making small goals for yourself (losing 3 lbs, or cutting out fast food) might make you feel more motivated once you see that YOU CAN do anything you put your mind to!! Stay positive! YOU are in control of what you put into your body, remember that. You can do it!!!