what kind of dog do you have?



  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I have the best dog ever...hes half rot/pit!!!! He looks like petey from little rascals with the black eye! Hes 116 pounds and thinks hes a lap dog! The sweetest thing ever!the only bad thing is he sheds like crazy which is horrible since hes white oh and his name is diesel!! He was the size of a gerbal when he was a baby now hes so big he knocks us all over!! The greatest dog ive ever owned! :heart:
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I've a LabXCollie, called Lilly, and a CollieXTerrier called Dave

    I've also a cat called Bambam
  • Between my husband and I we have four chihuahuas, a chihuahua terrier mix, a pit bull
    mix and a pit bull black lab mix.
  • babymaddux
    babymaddux Posts: 209 Member
    a slightly bigger than average 3 year old papillon who thinks he is lord of the manor. and who cries whenever i shut him out of my bedroom.
    also had an aussie shepherd/bernese mountain dog (amazing dog) but i had to leave him in alaska. he's a snow dog, and the illinois heat would probably have killed him :cry:
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    <<<<<rescue dog(s), not sure what breed, but I have 2!
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    a 2 year old Rottweiler/German shepherd mix. He is 70 lbs of love, semi-neurosis and energy. He has one wonky ear that flops around while the other stands straight up. Sweet brown eyes and love him to death!
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    Right now we have Smoky-12 yr old Norwegian Elkhound, Mojo-9 yr old chihuahua(possibly, he's quite large for one but he was a rescue and that's what they told us he was), Thor-3 yr old Bullmastiff/Alaskan Malamute, Kira-2 yr old min pin, and Ares-4 month old Great Pyrenees/Akita.

    And RIP for King our Anatolian Shepherd, he was 14 yr old and Nicky my Dachshund, she was 10.
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Mixed yellow lab - 38 pounds; one ear sticks up and the other ear hangs down - so cute! We love dogs so much that we have a dogsitting business in the neighborhood.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    Duke, the fatest Basset hound around...he thinks he is a person.
    Jackson, the most annoying Blood Hound ever......he thinks the picnic table on the deck is his own personal bed AND he will jump over the edge of the deck when we lock him on it to keep him from knocking people over when they come to our house....he is a jump-on-you dog. It doesn't work so well since he is at least 100 pounds and 6 foot tall when he stands on his hind legs! Scary to a 5 year old..but they are ours and we still love them!
  • Catiec76
    Catiec76 Posts: 55 Member
    What does this have to do with losing weight or getting fit or maintain your weight. This is myfitnesspal not facebook or Twitter!
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    Ubie is a 12 year old Chihuahua. Fifi is an 11 year old Chihuahua. Reese is an 8 year old odd-ball mix. Letti is a 3 year old Wirehaired Griffon. All rescue dogs. I am able to take Letti to work with me.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    staffordshire bull terrier and an english bull terrier
    both males - Bruno and Wilson
    Bruno - (the staffy) is crazy (Bull in China Shop type of crazy, loves everyone and everything, hyper, never tired,soft as a brush)
    Wilson - (the bull terrier) is calm, you have to win his affection he choses whether he likes you or not, he is very lazy, very boisterous, very very strong, does what he wants, dominates all dogs, walks like the boss.
    i love my boys.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    What does this have to do with losing weight or getting fit or maintain your weight. This is myfitnesspal not facebook or Twitter!

    That's why it's in the "Chit-chat, fun, and games" section and it seems many are enjoying the topic.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Chit-chat fun and games!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Mixed breed black Jack Russel... Very athletic and strong. Great dog to have around for fun. Just is interesting keeping fences and such high enough so she can't climb over...
  • German Shepard, 1 yo, female named Azula. Fantastic dog - crazy smart and very well trained, even though she still has a lot of her crazy hyper puppy energy. I'd post a pic if I knew how.

    I can only own big dogs that look like wolves (or cousins of wolves), and that could probably kill me if they really wanted to. Not sure why, but it might be a respect thing.
  • Jstash88
    Jstash88 Posts: 89 Member
    Mini Schnauzers! Old Man... Shelton, is a rescue and Finn is our baby at 2 years old. Love, Love, Love them!
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a St. Bernard named Cooper who is 240lbs. We 'rescued' him from people who did not want him anymore, because of his size, four (4) years ago. He will be 7 in December. He is the biggest baby ever.
  • astraldream
    astraldream Posts: 39 Member
    I have 3 Harlequin great Danes. I did have four but i lost my eldest a few months back.
  • I have a two year old border collie x Cattle Dog, His name is Solo.
    He is mega hypo,loveable, and is great with kids.
    he also likes to wander :-/ ATM he has a swollen front leg i have no idea why or how, he won't walk on it at all :-( I Love him to bits <3