Tattoo-Free: Who does NOT have any?



  • Han2409
    Han2409 Posts: 8 Member
    No tattoos here, I'm too much of a wimp!
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    I thought about getting one, but couldn't think of anything that I could guarantee myself I would like years down the road. That and the cost made me decide not to.
  • aparker36
    aparker36 Posts: 30 Member
    None here...I feel more unique these days that I don't have one. :)
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    No tattoos and no piercings.

    I have really sensitive skin, no need to tick it off.

    Diddo- no tattoo's no piercings, not even my ear lobes
  • flutgos
    flutgos Posts: 24 Member
    If I could get a tattoo that would only last 5-10 years then I probably would do it. I just know that if I got one that there would be a time that I regretted. There are a few things that I would like to get though. I am a huge Formula 1 and Ferrari fan so the prancing horse would be pretty cool. I also thought about getting my family crest. I'm pretty sure that I will never get a tattoo though.
  • aparker36
    aparker36 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a musician too...and proudly:smile: tattoo free!
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    I don't have any and don't ever plan on getting one. Just personal preference.
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    Nope, none on me; although, I have nothing against them. When I was younger and in the service, the specific assignment I had precluded me getting one then and after I was out of the service, it never seemed the thing to do. Now I on up in age and somehow I have lived this long without any ink, so I can probably go on without.

    I must admit that I find some of the ink I have seen quite nice, but I have also seen lots of things that makes me wonder, "What was he (or she) thinking?"
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    None here...I feel more unique these days that I don't have one. :)

    Quoted for truth. Being unmarked and unscarred is the new full sleeves.
  • megbob
    megbob Posts: 7 Member
    No tatoos here but I am curious about the stories behind some of them, I will randomly ask someone what it's for - it's interesting to me - and no one's been offended so far :)
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    Always wanted one on my hip...2 kids & a road map of stretch marks later...I'm glad I didn't get one. I did however go the piercing route in high school.
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Tatoos - When I look at a woman the first thing I see is what I find special about her. Could be eyes, mouth, hair or some other part of her anatomy. Depends on the girl.

    Tatoos - I approach them in a similar way. It has to be done tastefully and that's obviously up to the viewer. I have to say that I love women's bodies who are not inked..because I do believe they are innately beautiful. That said, some tatoos have an allure to them that makes you want to know more or perhaps implies the woman is adventurous and exciting......

    It so varies and depends on the woman. While I believe I typically would view a woman who isn't heavily inked over one that is, I've seen some very beautiful "up the side of torso" tatoos from fellow swimmers. The fact that you can't change them is somewhat problematic for me. My mood, desires, and ideas about things evolve. So for now I opt for none. When I'm 90 I might say go

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  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Don't have any and at my age, it would probably just be seen as a pathetic attempt to recapture my youth. But in my youth, they were not so common place. If I went by my mental age, I would be young enough. :laugh:

    I have seen one tattoo that was super was Peter Pan and his shadow (in a different pose than Peter, of course).

    I did consider getting one a few years ago when a very good friend's daughter was expected to die shortly after her birth. Her name is Daisy so I would have gotten a small daisy somewhere. But she beat the odds and not only survived but is doing awesome.
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    None for me. I'm not against them, I just don't know what i would want put on my body that'll be there forever. I may like something know but who knows how I feel in 20 years.

    Something to do with my kids would be the only thinkg that I'd consider but haven't gone there yet.
  • jonesygetshealthy
    jonesygetshealthy Posts: 66 Member
    Don't have one yet because I haven't been able to commit to the permanency!

    My boyfriend has three and they look really really good on him. He has his last name and the flags of his heritages on his back, and a large memorial tattoo (name, life dates, and some small swirls) that takes up his entire left forearm. They look awesome, and it gives him that little bit "edginess" that he has to his personality but is often too shy/quiet to show. His art shows it off for him :)

    If I were ever to get one, it would probably be something about me being "straightedge" (no drugs, alcohol, smoking, or other behaviors of that sort). Mine might say "temperance", in a nice small script, on the edge of my left foot or something. Or, I wear this ring that I bought in France on my right hand, it takes up a lot of space from knuckle to knuckle and underneath it I might get a fleur-de-lis, something related to my love of France.

    That's all I can really think of having.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    None here. I'll never willingly get one. Why would I? I'm not a biker, been in prison,or perform in a punk band. I think if you want to get tattoos, you should have the lifestyle that goes with it. If I were to get one, it would be nothing but posing since I'm not some sort of hard, edgy character in any way.

    I'm a hard, edgy school teacher. :laugh:

    When people protest that tattoos are permanent, I smile and say, Yes, the best artwork is permanent. Sistine Chapel, anyone?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm a hard, edgy school teacher. :laugh:
    Come on. You know you've been a biker, in prison, and in a punk band. How do we know all that? Because you have tattoos!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm a hard, edgy school teacher. :laugh:
    Come on. You know you've been a biker, in prison, and in a punk band. How do we know all that? Because you have tattoos!

    Ya'll better be scairt............
  • donovanart
    donovanart Posts: 55
    My boyfriend doesn't have any. I don't really care if anyone has or doesn't have them. One of my coworkers apparently complained last week because the star tattooed on my foot was showing as it has been for years (except for a short time under a stickler of a boss). My boss, who doesn't really give a rat's hind end about it, now has to enforce the company dress code and has asked me to cover it until he revises the policy.
    If a client, board member, or business partner had complained, I wouldn't care, but why does anyone who is not affected at all by my small, tasteful tattoo care about seeing it to the point that they feel the need to complain? I'm sad and confused and really ticked. Why can't we just live and let live?

    Hopefully eventually tattoos will become acceptable in the work place! I think it's rather unfair to treat people differently for a tasteful body modification, people don't get mad when you dye your hair, or pierce your ears, so whats so different when you pierce your eyebrow or get a cute tattoo? hugs
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    I love tattoos and always wanted one but never got the courage to get one.
    Always said if I did it would be of my own design

    Until then I act like a silly girl and have my fake ones for the summer;)
    At least they wear off in a week or two and i can have a new fresh set :D

    If your not sure you wanna commit to one never do it or you will regret it.

    If you are die hard enough you never regret it