So who has Tattoos ?



  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    please explain what it will do to my body. ive yet to have any ill side effects. im thinking your digging yourself a deeper hole

    this is classic backpedaling with a side of deflection.

    it started out as "tattoos are trashy"
    then went to "well the people i know who have them have bad ones"
    and now we're at "ink is dangerous! be safe guys!"
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    Nope, too classless and trashy.

    Thats a little unfair...and rude!

    oh see, i thought she was saying that SHE was too classless and trashy to be the canvas for a wonderful art.
    my legs are heavily tattooed, i have a half sleeve in progress on my left arm, my wifes name on my back, sons name on right bicep which i'll be turning into a halfsleeve dedicated to how kick *kitten* he is...

    know what else i have? a high-paying job in a corporate environment in the great city of cambridge, a lovely townhouse that i own, a wife of 10 years, a smart well-behaved 9yo son, and table manners to boot. i still hold doors for people, and am very personable.

    i have class and am very far from trashy.
    she came off like a douche.

    Oh well, you guys should think real hard about that tattoo ink and what it can do to your body.

    please explain what it will do to my body. ive yet to have any ill side effects. im thinking your digging yourself a deeper hole

    My sleeve makes my bicep look more beefy lol :bigsmile:

    haha. i need to get a sleeve if it does that
  • nativedel
    nativedel Posts: 10
    I have a beautiful canvas ..... Flowers and Hummingbird and eagle ..... Hummingbird was a given name in the pow wow circle which was given to me by a respectable and honorable elder. I don't plan on adding more. :smile:
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    I have 13 and love each and every one - I am not classless or trashy, I just enjoy telling my story on my body. I am finishing up my PhD in Epidemiology at a Medical School and consider myself to be quite intelligent and do not believe that having ink changes this fact. While people are of course more than entitled to their own opinion, I find it to be quite ignorant when people judge others just because they chose to have something pretty (or meaningful) placed on their own body. I am planning my 14th and am quite excited to finally get it (after my dissertation defense!).
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i have 3 which are all really meaningful, one is a tattoo i designed myself with a bible verse, and the other is a breast cancer ribbon design based off of a bracelet that was given to my mom at the beginning of her chemo. the last and most recent one is one i got with my mom and sister in honor of my moms 5 year anniversary of being cancer-free! :)
  • pthomann
    pthomann Posts: 2 Member

    your comment doesn't make any sense.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I've got two: a tribal turtle and wave that goes around my right ankle, and a fire butterly on my back between the shoulder blades. My first tattoo was a henna tat in Mexico during spring break of my senior year, but the first real one didn't come until 8 years later once I decided what design I wanted and found an artist that could draw what I envisioned. The second came less than 2 years later and was an easier decision of what I wanted. Definitely want at least one more, but I"m back to deciding what I want and where, though leaning towards inside wrist for location... My cuz-in-law has 11 and they can all be covered up so you'd never know and they all have some meaning to her in some way. She, along with my brother who has 4, got me hooked on the real ones :smile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    your comment doesn't make any sense.

    I was lso mystified as to WTFF she was talking about.........but I'm tattooed so I am too stooopid to figger it out.
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I have 2 and once I get to my goal weight I am getting more.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    My current (smallish) two were each considered for at least a couple of years before I got them, and the next (big) one has been in the planning for 8 years so far. I don't anticipate regretting them, and all will fit under business casual attire, so who cares?

    Now if we're talking about facial tattoos... I'll just have to say that in our current society they tend to limit upward social mobility above a certain point. Even at that, I'm not going to call someone classless and trashy.
  • Sammijo24
    Sammijo24 Posts: 74 Member
    Nope, too classless and trashy.

    Thats a little unfair...and rude!

    In her defense....everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even if their opinion is presented in a classless and trashy manner.

    Just sayin', never met a 50+ person with a gravid tattoo.


  • donovanart
    donovanart Posts: 55
    yup! with 2 more planned when i reach mile fact working my butt off to become a tattooist lol

    That's fantastic! I'll be attempting to get an apprenticeship at one of the local shops around here, when the timing is right. :) For now I'm just practicing on my art! Good luck to you on both your weight loss goal and becoming a tattooist!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I just have one small one at the moment on my inner left wrist. Image of it can be seen here:

    I planned for it to be bigger, but I didn't have the money for a sleeve tat and I wasn't so sure what my pain tolerance involving them was gonna be. When I slim down some more (like.. way more) I'm going to get matching tats on my upper arms and I may see about an addition to my current one. I know the purple needs a touch up and I'm past the "free" period, plus the guy that did it is gone.

    Funny thing is I used to hate tats but I had a dream when I was 17 (yes cliche) where I got this gorgeous sleeve tat and it just stuck in my mind all these years until I could afford and be legal to get something.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Nope, too classless and trashy.

    havent read any other comments just saw this dont know if anyone else has said anything

    BUT thats a bit rude!!
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Nope, too classless and trashy.

    Pity, I think being judgemental is way more classless and trashy. Looks like you fit the bill on that.

    Well said LOL
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    At the moment a lot of friends/family are seeking expensive treatment to get rid of tattoos they got when the fad was very popular.


    See now I think that has more to say about 'why' you should get a tattoo. The point of a tat isn't to follow a trend.

    All my tattoos are meaningful... nothing to do with following a trend.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I have ink. :0)
  • Hairista
    Hairista Posts: 86
    I have 5 tattoos and plan for more ASAP! Inked and proud :)
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    Inked and proud...I have 3...want 1 more...:flowerforyou:
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Tattoos aren't trashy. Well, maybe SOME tattoos are. And a lot of people have really crappy ink... so maybe thats what you are talking about? (Just trying to save you from looking like a complete d-bag)
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    sooo trashy


    for me tats are a spiritual thing. But also a beautiful thing. It's art, it's magic, it's meaningful. For me. Of course, some people just have them because they are pretty, and that's fine too.

    Also, my artist has agreed to do touch ups well into my 80's so I have no fear of my ink getting nasty with age.

    I'm going to be a fabulous grandma someday ;)


    (and yes, I think she looks fabulous)
  • rumor23
    rumor23 Posts: 21 Member
    I am and proud. Across the back (Tramp stamp), both sides of both legs. I have them placed so that I can keep them covered at work since I work in an office.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    At the moment a lot of friends/family are seeking expensive treatment to get rid of tattoos they got when the fad was very popular.


    See now I think that has more to say about 'why' you should get a tattoo. The point of a tat isn't to follow a trend.

    All my tattoos are meaningful... nothing to do with following a trend.

    word. Friends don't let friends get flash (unless friend has a really really really really really good reason to want flash).
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh and i'm inked and proud!!!!

    currently have 6.....
    two on the back of my neck
    one on my right foot
    one on my right shoulder blade
    one around my left wrist
    and one of my left side of my ribs (this one is my fav and my biggest:heart: )

    next on the list is a half sleeve which i have almost finished designing
    another one on the other side of my ribs and another one around my other wrist :drinker:

    :drinker: YAY FOR BEAUTIFUL SEXY INK :drinker:
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    At the moment a lot of friends/family are seeking expensive treatment to get rid of tattoos they got when the fad was very popular.


    See now I think that has more to say about 'why' you should get a tattoo. The point of a tat isn't to follow a trend.

    All my tattoos are meaningful... nothing to do with following a trend.

    word. Friends don't let friends get flash (unless friend has a really really really really really good reason to want flash).

    lol, flash tats. SMH
  • I have three.
    1. A tribal one on my forearm with my sons birth stone

    2.wings with a halo, scrolls and roses on my upper left arm in memory of my dad

    3.and one on my left calf of a butterfly with a flower and heart, no meaning on that one just really liked it, the art for that one came from a napkin in a bar that some guy would come in and draw and I really liked it so it was my first one.

    I would like to get a few more once I hit my goal weight
  • I have 9 and proud becuase they aren't random stars or butterflies: 3 are flowers that my granfather (that I never met) drew in his sketchbook, 3 are Lithuanian suns as I am Lithuanian and since I play french horn 3 are music related. It also depends on where you get your tattoos and your profession. If you work in the business world and have tattoos on your hand/wrist etc, then I can understand where they are kind of trashy. But let's admit it, some tattoos, no matter what, are trashy.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I have 9 and proud becuase they aren't random stars or butterflies: 3 are flowers that my granfather (that I never met) drew in his sketchbook, 3 are Lithuanian suns as I am Lithuanian and since I play french horn 3 are music related. It also depends on where you get your tattoos and your profession. If you work in the business world and have tattoos on your hand/wrist etc, then I can understand where they are kind of trashy. But let's admit it, some tattoos, no matter what, are trashy.

    I'm a receptionist in the head office of and engineering company.... i have a tattoo on my wrist and soon to have a tattoo on half my half... how is it trashy?
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I have 9 and proud becuase they aren't random stars or butterflies: 3 are flowers that my granfather (that I never met) drew in his sketchbook, 3 are Lithuanian suns as I am Lithuanian and since I play french horn 3 are music related. It also depends on where you get your tattoos and your profession. If you work in the business world and have tattoos on your hand/wrist etc, then I can understand where they are kind of trashy. But let's admit it, some tattoos, no matter what, are trashy.

    i am an attorney. And i have hand tattoos. Not trashy.
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    Me! I have a full sleeve on one arm, half sleeve on the other, stuff on both calves, one on my shoulder blade, wrist, ankle, finger, and chest. Jeez, that sounds like a lot, lol.