What does 1500 calories look like



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Thomas Triple Health 100 calorie english muffin, egg, and cheese, I picked laughing cow because it's crazy low calorie, but I honestly could have put any cheese on here (1/2 oz) and sometimes I put on a sausage patty, or split one in half and add it!
    pistachios and a large banana
    lunch is a sammy, light miracle whip, mustard, "spring mix" baby lettuces, tomato, 3 oz pepper turkey, baked butternut squash, dark chocolate chips (16)
    Dinner tillapia, a cup of mixed wild and brown rice with some kale chopped and steamed along with it (added lite soy and a pat of butter) steamed broccoli
    Sometimes it's nice to curl up with a book , a little snack, and hot tea at night
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    You could definitely make that pizza a quesadilla too! Just don't cook it for 7 minutes before you put the ingredients on... it gets hard!

    Another yummy-full day from Nammy! I gotta say that the egg mcmuffin breakfast is one of my favorites. Very hot and filling... except I use Southwest Egg Beaters because I am addicted to them in 25 different ways!

    You reminded me I need to eat pistachios... it's a long time since I've had those!

    How are those flatbread crisps? I'm always looking for a new good cracker.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    You could definitely make that pizza a quesadilla too! Just don't cook it for 7 minutes before you put the ingredients on... it gets hard!

    Another yummy-full day from Nammy! I gotta say that the egg mcmuffin breakfast is one of my favorites. Very hot and filling... except I use Southwest Egg Beaters because I am addicted to them in 25 different ways!

    You reminded me I need to eat pistachios... it's a long time since I've had those!

    How are those flatbread crisps? I'm always looking for a new good cracker.
    I still haven't tried the southwest egg beater, but it sounds really good! The flatbread Crisps Italian Herb have a lot of flavor, not a lot of fat and less than 1g sugar per serving (no HFCS). 6 crackers is a serving, 70 calories, 130mg sodium, 12carbs, no cholesterol, 2g fat. My 11 yr old loves them, and I think they are really good and savery. Not a great peanut butter cracker holder, but great with cheeses or a tapas type creation. Not bad on their own, either. Italian crackers and chipotle maybe not a great pair, but oh well, I didn't have any other flavor in the fridge! The kid is addicted to this flavor!

    The "foldit" flatbread is only 90 calories and quite good for anything! Even a mini version of your pizza!

    Another nut snack that I don't usually get because I'll go crazy over it is honey toasted pecans! Way better than a Starbucks food, for a sweet, I'll tell you that! My bulk foods at the grocery store has them. Thank goodness they are in small packages! Pistachios, and almonds are the best nuts for lower fat and all the goodness. Nuts are dense calories, but I found out that I can easily do an oz. or 1/4 cup and be very happy about it. That took some brain rewiring to get to. But my body is way better at noticing when i'm full, now. Or when i'm hungry or not.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Hey Namml, not to nitpick but isn't that 1/2 a sweet potato? not a butternut squash?

    and OMG these meals all look amazing!!!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Hey Namml, not to nitpick but isn't that 1/2 a sweet potato? not a butternut squash?

    and OMG these meals all look amazing!!!

    Nope, I cooked an entire butternut squash by baking it plain with holes poked in it on 375 in the oven. It looks like this:
    http://forladiesbyladies.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/butternut-squash.jpg but you don't have to cut it in half if you just pierce it and bake.
    Then when cool I cut it into 1/2 cup servings and put each in a baggie or container. Then they defrost in one minute in the microwave! Fast food! I use the spray butter (25 sprays is 0-10 calories) or regular butter. But I seriously could eat them just plain. This is a great time saver. Easy to pack to bring somewhere. You could really pick it up and eat it without a fork! I'm not a fan of summer squash, which is not as nutritious anyway. So I don't worry about it. Here's some winter squashes (which aren't in season just yet but still in the grocery store) http://allrecipes.com/HowTo/Winter-Squash-Types/Detail.aspx Last year I had a 1/4 of a farm "share" and tried Delicata. It's like butternut only way more heavenly and sweet! Look at that website and take a look. If you find on in the grocery store, buy it!

    Diane said she has another meal coming sometime soon for another post!
  • Daxxes
    Daxxes Posts: 308 Member
    Bump :love: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    It is so nice of everyone to share their food pix. I am getting lots of great ideas. Thank you!
  • annra
    annra Posts: 12
    Thanks for some nice ideas
  • shoosh413
    shoosh413 Posts: 26 Member
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    Bump to add later!
  • imstartingwithme
    imstartingwithme Posts: 81 Member
  • kraz4fun
    kraz4fun Posts: 31 Member
    This is excellent! I think visuals always make way more of an impact than just regular text menus. Way to be an awesome inspiration to those of us struggling to hit our guidelines!!
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Here are a couple more pictures... FOR RECIPES, GO TO MY BLOG POST ON THE SUBJECT... http://cravingalife.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/expanding-cuisine-izons/


    For some reason I’m on a protein pancake kick of late… for seriously! These are a new version on that kick that I like to call Fruitastically Scrumpdiddlyumptious Proteinified Pancakes. Steal the name and I’ll cut your nose off… don’t tempt me! Boy was it a tastee morning jumpstart!


    Vegetarian version of a Vietnamese Banh Mi Sandwich. his recipe is 27 kinds of wackiness with 8 billion different flavor combinations going on up in that there sandwich contraption. You have your egg and your sriracha Mayo and your carrots and radishes marinated in some vinegary mixture… and you’re supposed to eat it all together? And then the recipe on the site also includes a mushroom pate and cilantro (both of which I cut out). GAG!!! But, I was gung ho to try it anyway. And by gung ho I really mean I inhaled some of the dagnabbed sriracha hot sauce down the wrong dang tube and was spitting fire for the rest of the afternoon. It was actually quite the par-tay trick. Vietnamese food… SCALED!! I can’t say that I’m dying to eat it forever and ever more… even if I did nearly die a death by sriracha hot sauce. It was good… but not scaling the walls fantabulous! Maybe if I added the ground up mushroom gut pate, it would have brought it to that next level. Guess I’ll never know!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Whitney's got even more on her blog if you scroll through: http://cravingalife.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/dessert-for-breakfast-why-yes-i-will/ --on MFP: WhitneyW78
  • Those protien pancakes look delish! Where can I get the recipes?
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Those protien pancakes look delish! Where can I get the recipes?

    Protein pancake recipe...
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
  • I don't have pictures but I snack all day!

    So long as you are watching what you are eating, there is no reason to ever feel hungry or deprived.

    Love fruits, and veggies.
    We buy sandwhich thins to cut bread calories in half!

    Just a couple ideas.