Where is the science!



  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    The only reason that dieting is hard is that people think there is such a thing as an end to their diet. You have to maintain your goal weight for the rest of your life or be overweight and suffer the dread diseases which are associated with it. It also takes time to count calories, but MFP sure helps. Especially if you create meals with your favorite combinations.

    The other reason is people give up foods they love forever, and can't do it. They don't learn how to eat at parties, blow it, and give up. They binge because they haven't had something in a long time.

    Some people may find it hard because their nutrition is poor and their carbs, fats, and proteins aren't even close to the RDA. Their diet is not nutritious, and they probably don't feel right. You're right, our bodies are pretty much the same. Although there are a few out there who have deficiencies. . . sometimes created by their total avoidance of foods in a certain category that they don't like . . . . such as salad, fruits, vegetables, liver, seafood. Eating a balanced diet is important to maintaining homeostasis, without which, our body ages faster because it is not supported by food choices.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The only appropriate answer I could post in the forums is that the actual answer has so many factors and considerations that it would not possibly fit into a forum post.

    The reason for that is something you have previously addressed but chose to dismiss as arbitrary: Everyone is different.


    ^ Great article for anyone on the fence about cutting and pasting this into your browser. Do it. Lyle has good things to say.
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    Except it's a science with many, many variables and potential combinations of factors. If we were all exactly the same, an authority could tell us all that eating vegan is the best thing for us and we could all eat vegan and be healthy.

    But it doesn't work that way. In fact, a quick search will pull up people who did everything "right" by vegan eating and were woefully unhealthy. The same goes for the Primal/Paleo eating, and yes, even just the simple "eat less, exercise more" base.

    Why is that? Because people have different levels of various hormones, and react differently to different substances. For example, people with the various syndromes that are associated with insulin resistance often respond well to "low-carb" (or "no-bad-carb") diets, such as Atkins, Primal, or Paleo, and very likely won't thrive on a veg*n diet due to its relatively high-carb nature. Conversely, someone with intolerances to certain compounds in meats, or eggs, probably would do far better on a veg*n diet than on a Primal or Paleo diet.

    It's also why only some people are lactose intolerant, or have Celiac, or have Diabetes, and why not every single pack-a-day-for-40-years smoker gets lung cancer. It's also why a friend of mine is allergic to Tylenol, while it isn't effective at all for me.

    There are general guidelines that can be followed to form a foundation from which to start:

    1. Excercise regularly, including strength training
    2. Eat an amount to fuel your body, but not too much that you gain weight (this exact number will differ depending on the individual's size and activity level)
    3. Eat whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible

    From there, you may have to experiment to get what works for you. For example, there are a number of people on here that simply "eat less", without worrying at all about their macros and have successfully lost weight. However, I did that for six months to no avail (I ate what MFP calculated for me, plus 4-6 days of rather intense exercise), but when I started working on cutting out grains and started even loosely following the Primal guidelines, I dropped nearly 10lbs within the first two weeks.

    Science, especially when it comes to biological beings (and especially when it comes to humans), isn't as clean-cut as grade school makes it out to be. Experiments/studies that involve humans are highly regulated, so scientists' hands are tied when it comes to what they can do and what they can control. This also makes them quite expensive to conduct, so they need backed by someone with money. And who usually has the money? Drug companies, large corporations, usually, sometimes governments (or individuals within a government). Most of the studies they fund are aligned with the agendas of these agencies, which nearly always calls the studies' motives into question, even if the studies are unbiased. I've no doubt that several people scoffed when they saw you mention various government agencies as examples of unbiased sources.
    Dragonwolf, for the win!!
  • edie14
    edie14 Posts: 5
    We've become lazy (cars, office working) and fat (supersizing our meals). Generations are gonna get bigger and bigger if they don't understand real portion sizes and that you actually need to move your body to keep it healthy and working right!

    Your body needs anything up to 600 calories a day just to keep your organs working, heart pumping etc when you aren't even doing anything! Add a whole world of rich, sugary food with little/no movement of the body and the results are obvious.

    I think we're looking in the wrong places for answers! We're asking pointless questions when deep down you know that YOU'RE I'M EATING TOO MUCH OF THE WRONG THING AND THEREFORE YOU ARE/WILL GET FAT/OVERWEIGHT/OBESE.

    The best advice I have ever been given is "IF YOU DON'T BUY IT, YOU CAN'T EAT IT"

    Purely and simply give YOURSELF the reality check YOU need because only YOU can lose the weight.

    There is NO SCIENCE - eat well, live well and you'll be fine!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Lol this post coming from someone who believes sat fats and refined sugars are bad without taking into consideration dosage and context

    Well that completely backs up my entire argument! I am led to believe that as resfined sugars and sat fats are of no nutricianal value then they are not a beneficial element to a diet - hence bad in any dosage, on an escalating scale

    If I am wrong then it is because there is no definitive, unbiased piece of information telling me so and I have reached that conclusion bases on rumour, heresay, downright lies or misinformation! - hence my original post!

    Have fun as a male avoiding sat fats. And don't eat fruit or anything like that since it also contains sugar, eek!

    Educate me then rather than try to ridicule. As a male is it not wise to TRY and avoid sat fats? And sugar in fruit - excellent, but is that 'refined' sugar because I thought the process of refining was removing the sugar from the plant?
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member

    Does breakfast kick start your metabolism?
    Does spreading your meals out through the day keep your metabolism high?
    The old favourite - what is starvation/survival mode? We need to know when or if it kicks in?
    Another favourite - are artificial sweetners bad for you?
    Is it as simple as calories in = calories out?
    Do meal times matter? Is it ok to eat late at night?
    To lose weight, Is it better to exercise in the 'fat buring zone'?
    Are low carb diets bad for you?
    Many many more!

    All those answers are out there at reputable sites, like WebMD, etc. I love MFP for what it is, a place to track goals and meet people with similar goals, but do NOT take medical advice from fellow members. That's like getting the info for your research paper from Wikipedia. Everyone on here means well, but I'm sure very few of them are dieticians or doctors. The forum is a place to discuss "opinions" and what has worked for others...not a place to go for legitimate dietary/medical advice.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    There is actually lots of good science about breakfast--and other foods--boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism fires every time you eat.


    Therefore, eating breakfast fires your metabolism, but if you have a small breakfast, it fires enough to burn your breakfast. If you have a huge breakfast, it fires more! ...but then you've eaten a pound of bacon, five eggs, some pancakes with syrup....

    Same thing for eating small meals throughout the day. It's not any better for you, it's just a snacking style. it fires up and burns low for a little while with each meal, as opposed to firing higher and burning longer with a big meal three times a day. It all sort of evens out, in the end.

    I'll see if I can find TEH SCIENCE on this one, I just read about this very-well-understood very-often-misrepresented and mis-used phenomenon.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    The one thing I often hear is "Everyone is different", well no, we're all almost exactly the same chemically and biologically. Scientists didn't stop searching for a cure for leprosy because "we're all different'!

    We shouldn't be working to anecdotal evidence...... "Drinking chicken soup worked for me" "I've lost 50lbs by not eating after 3pm" "I've started eating breakfast and now I'm losing the lbs!"

    This kind of thinking I don't understand. We are all different, and different things will not work the same for everyone due to differences in our lifestyles, preferences, and even physiology. Healthy living is not one size fits all.

    And I so often see when someone will say here "Xyz worked for me," - whether xyz is going vegan, doing paleo, cutting out red meat, not eating after 4 p.m., standing on their head for 30 minutes a day, whatever - others will get bent out of shape and cry for studies and science. Why? If something is working for a person, they're happy, healthy, and not pushing their agenda on others, why do we insist they show us "proof"?

    *eta - Not that I'm discounting real research and good information. I've just noticed that someone's individual experience is often met with "BS! Show me the data!"
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    HAHAHA hilarious! I love this post! Good stuff.
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    poppy seeds?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Lol this post coming from someone who believes sat fats and refined sugars are bad without taking into consideration dosage and context

    Well that completely backs up my entire argument! I am led to believe that as resfined sugars and sat fats are of no nutricianal value then they are not a beneficial element to a diet - hence bad in any dosage, on an escalating scale

    If I am wrong then it is because there is no definitive, unbiased piece of information telling me so and I have reached that conclusion bases on rumour, heresay, downright lies or misinformation! - hence my original post!

    Have fun as a male avoiding sat fats. And don't eat fruit or anything like that since it also contains sugar, eek!

    Educate me then rather than try to ridicule. As a male is it not wise to TRY and avoid sat fats? And sugar in fruit - excellent, but is that 'refined' sugar because I thought the process of refining was removing the sugar from the plant?

    You said you did research, so if you did a half decent job you'd already know these things.

    Sugar is sugar, tell me metabolically how sucrose in fruit is different from sucrose from a a sugar packet?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Do the research, draw your own conclusions, self experiment to determine if the conclusions are valid for you.

    I have, I'm fit and at a healthy weight

    But there are hundreds of millions who are not and I think they could be helped without having to self experiment
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    hormones. play. a. huge. role.

    i'm pretty sure.

    just sayin'
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    I think we all want to over complicate things thinking we will find the big solution that will make it all easier. Eat more fruits/vegetables, have a calorie deficite, and move more.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    We need an indisputable list - not from Jenny Craig, not from Jillian Michaels, not from Shaun T, not from Tony Horton - they all have their own agenda!

    who do think should provide you with this list? I really dont understand your point unless maybe you've had a few pints

    It was a long post so I understand why you didn't read it all

    "we need to be told these things once and for all by an impartial, unbiased organisation with the sole agenda of telling the facts!"

    Governments, World Health Organisation, United Nations, Universities, National Health Service ....

    All of the mentioned organizations have their own agendas and financial backers.
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    the key is reading reading reading
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    hormones. play. a. huge. role.

    i'm pretty sure.

    just sayin'

    I do believe they can! I gained weight Much easier after I had a hystarectomy. That's when my real battle of the bulge began...Mostly, I think the hormone imbalance made me more sluggish so I stopped moving as much, so the weight piled on. But, that was just my experiance.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    Sugar is sugar, tell me metabolically how sucrose in fruit is different from sucrose from a a sugar packet?

    The benefits in eating fruit far outway any disadvantages of the sugar content - hence good for you. Nutritionally beneficial

    There are no benefits to eating refined sugar so you get only disadvantages - hence bad for you. Empty calories
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    But scientists can't even agree. They're like religious scholars arguing the bible...lol
    There is no one science we should all embrace while abandoning the myths science debunks.
    And science changes year after year.
    Science says this, and people get all hot and bothered, then science comes along and says, "OOPS, we might have been wrong. But maybe not." - :bigsmile:

    Anyway, this is why I advocate the simple truth we know.
    Eat Right - Exercise
    Good for you
    Get to it - No Excuses
    All Is Possible!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Sugar is sugar, tell me metabolically how sucrose in fruit is different from sucrose from a a sugar packet?

    The benefits in eating fruit far outway any disadvantages of the sugar content - hence good for you. Nutritionally beneficial

    There are no benefits to eating refined sugar so you get only disadvantages - hence bad for you. Empty calories

    Way to avoid the question there champ