Where is the science!



  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    The problem isn't the science, it's the distribution of misinformation - even at the level of medical professionals. Weight is such an emotionally loaded topic in our society that crap just gets spewed everywhere by everyone. The best you can do is find a source of information that you trust is relatively unbiased, capable of interpreting the studies accurately, and seems genuinely interested in getting to the core facts. For me, that person is Lyle McDonald (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/)

    like this answer a lot, especially the phrase 'distribution of misinformation'
    So true
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    . Educate yourself as much as possible...if other people don't want to do that, that's their problem.

    But is it? Is the obesity epidemic the sole problem of each of the individuals or somewhat the collective problem of governments and society?

    Let's take Maths as an example. If a country had a problem whereby all children were growing up ignorant of the basics of mathematics. Using your argument you could say educate yourself as much as possible, if people don't want to do that then that's their problem.

    Or you could re-evaluate how and what a society is teaching and address it that way - why can't we do that for health too?

    Because maths is literal and not open to interpretation, 5+5 is 10. There can be no other opinion. Science is changing and adapting every year. Although I get what you are saying.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    . Educate yourself as much as possible...if other people don't want to do that, that's their problem.

    But is it? Is the obesity epidemic the sole problem of each of the individuals or somewhat the collective problem of governments and society?

    Let's take Maths as an example. If a country had a problem whereby all children were growing up ignorant of the basics of mathematics. Using your argument you could say educate yourself as much as possible, if people don't want to do that then that's their problem.

    Or you could re-evaluate how and what a society is teaching and address it that way - why can't we do that for health too?

    Because maths is literal and not open to interpretation, 5+5 is 10. There can be no other opinion. Science is changing and adapting every year. Although I get what you are saying.

    Ok I should have used teaching Science as an example
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    (1) Our bodies are not "a science." We can use science as a way of learning about our bodies, but that is not the same thing.
    (2) Science is not about identifying indisputable facts, science typically works by ruling out unlikely causes, not by identifying "truths."
    (3) We don't actually know all that much about how our bodies really work, there is so much left to learn, that each new study typically raises as many questions as it answers.
    (4) If you read the scientific literature, there are often conflicting findings. Why? See item 3.
    (5) Much of what is reported about scientific research in the media is a poor representation of what was actually found. The amount of over-generalizing, etc. is truly painful.

    While I appreciate your frustration, I think you're asking for a lot more from science than is reasonable at this point.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Firstly, everyone has an agenda, Scientists need to publish results to secure funding. Funding agencies need results to satisfy their backers. Secondly, no science is cut-and-dry. Especially sciences that involve human subjects. There are so many unknown variables, that it is often impossible to isolate single cause-and-effect relationships. All results are open to interpretation, and will be interpreted differently by different parties.

  • Giniac
    Giniac Posts: 36 Member
    I like the poppy seeds on the buns, they're worth the extra calories I think
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    We need an indisputable list - not from Jenny Craig, not from Jillian Michaels, not from Shaun T, not from Tony Horton - they all have their own agenda!

    who do think should provide you with this list? I really dont understand your point unless maybe you've had a few pints

    It was a long post so I understand why you didn't read it all

    "we need to be told these things once and for all by an impartial, unbiased organisation with the sole agenda of telling the facts!"

    Governments, World Health Organisation, United Nations, Universities, National Health Service ....

    "Governments, World Health Organisation, United Nations, Universities, National Health Service ...."...These organizations dont have your best at heart either unfortunately. They all have their big hand in the money of food corporations and it benefits them to not tell you the truth on things.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    First thing first. I, as a soon to be Doctorate student, have given up reading studies and trusting these studies primarily because I know how easy it is to manipulate data, samples and statistics to your favor. What one research tells can and have been proved wrong 180 degrees by another research and both researches are done correctly and by proper standards. So anyone in here talking about "science", please, cut the crap. Most people who are in the field of science knows what goes behind the scenes.

    Weight loss is simple, easy but yet its hard and sophisticated. In a way, living a healthy lifestyle is more art rather than science. An art to living healthy. Its simple because, well, eat right and exercise. How much simpler does it get? Its easy because we have all these variety of workouts, you can get everything imaginable to help you with living a healthy lifestyle.

    But then its hard. The same lifestyle that gave you every tool needed to live a healthy lifestyle also gave you easy access to high calories. 1200+ calories salads. 2000 calories icecreams. We got these Baconaise which is mayonaise with bacon in it. We got the double down from KFC which is cheese and bacon within 2 deep friend chicken pieces used as bun. Its hard to eat right when every 2 inches there is something that is ridiculously high in calories and the servings sizes are crazy. So that is why weight-loss is sophisticated too since we have to plan and fend off these temptations.

    So no mr. OP. I do not think we need government, or any other "authority" telling us what should be done. To lose weight, we should simply be living a healthier lifestyle and what is a healthy lifestyle? Well its the same thing that we as humans have been doing for centuries but only recently made a drastic change to. We used to walk everywhere. We used to eat good. We used to do hard days work. With our indoors jobs and cars and fast foods, we just have to plan a bit better to live healthier
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    First thing first. I, as a soon to be Doctorate student, have given up reading studies and trusting these studies primarily because I know how easy it is to manipulate data, samples and statistics to your favor. What one research tells can and have been proved wrong 180 degrees by another research and both researches are done correctly and by proper standards. So anyone in here talking about "science", please, cut the crap. Most people who are in the field of science knows what goes behind the scenes.

    It's not easy to manipulate data in peer reviewed research. Science sometimes contradicts other science but it's not crap. It's the best thing we have. On the information quality pyramid, peer reviewed research is the pinnacle. Online forums are in the basement.
  • 7Justice
    7Justice Posts: 1
    Let's not kid ourselves. The United Nations? The World Health
    Organization? They are the same so called experts that want to de-populate the world. No, we don't need "experts" to tell us that we should stop eating processed, genetically modified, anti-biotic/ hormone enhanced, high sugar, nutrient void frankenfoods and start eating REAL food that comes from the ground, plant life and non-diseased animal sources in the right portions. Do we?

    What we need is to start thinking for ourselves the way we are supposed to. That way the "experts" can't fool us into drinking the next batch of spiked kool-aid meant to put us in coffins and fill their coffers with our hard earned dollars. :noway:

    As Forrest Gump would say, "That's all I gotta say 'bout that."