Joining a gym and very overweight



  • I had tremendous anxiety about joining a gym. My starting weight was 310 pounds. I thought, "Oh my friggin' God everyone is going to look at my fat *kitten* and laugh and wonder why I just didn't put down the Twinkies." Here's what helped me:

    1) A trainer. I meet with him once a week. It's an extra expense (25 bucks a half hour) but so-so-so worth it. Even when I don't want to go, I *really* don't want to waste my 25 bucks. Plus, I like the dude. We talk about our kids, our struggles, he gives me great tips, and he keeps me motivated.

    2) Childcare services. LA Fitness offers childcare at $10 a child/month. I go a minimum of three times a week and stay for two hours, so that's like paying a babysitter 42 cents an hour. My son loooooves the workers there and charges through the door the second we enter the gym.

    3) Smile at the skinny people. You know why this is awesome? You make friends. You surround yourself with people that you want to look like. I cannot tell you how powerful it is to be around people who embody your goal. It's a little scary, but everyone is really are rooting for you. Smile, tell your fellow worker-outers that they're doing an amazing job and inspiring you. In return, they'll be your cheerleaders too. Community is so important!

    Take the plunge. I totally recommend a gym with training, childcare services, and a sauna. I'm at 269 now and completely addicted to the gym. Speaking of which, it's time to go for a little HIIT.

    Much <3,
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Those super fit people wouldn't be super fit if they didn't go to the gym, think of it that way! Plus, I can guarantee you will not be the only overweight person at the gym. There are quite a few at my gym and no one says a word. If I do even notice an overweight person there (it's rare I notice anyone when I exercise, I usually just put my headphones on and tune people out), I think good for them! You'll be fine. As for getting up early, if you can do that, it's even better. Hardly anyone is there, which means you'll worry a lot less what people are thinking. That and there's no queues.
  • You only get fit by working on it, dear.
  • KellyL23
    KellyL23 Posts: 81 Member
    You can do it. I love the quote that say something like "everything we do takes us one step closer, or one step farther away, from our goals". Hit up the gym, and you are that much closer to your goal!
  • ADH13
    ADH13 Posts: 10
    I completely understand. I have nearly 200 pounds to loose and just joined a gym about 5 weeks ago. It is a big co-Ed gym with lots of fit people. I was totally intimidated, but I just took my first step in. After a week on the treadmill I signed up for personal training because I was downright afraid of the weights. It was the best decision though! I feel more confident and people have been sooo supportive. I now go at least 5 days a week and miss it on my off days. At least in my experience the first step was the hardest! Good luck!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    you know what? I am a good 60 pounds overweight, and it shows on my 5'2" frame. I go in to the gym 3-4x a week for cardio and strength training. The only comments I have gotten were positive! A couple months ago a few grandmothers told me they had noticed my of the weightlifters says hi and told me to keep going ( in a positive way) of the trainers chats with me several times a week...and my biggest thrill--I can now use the same weight on the back extension as some men! Just yesterday I saw some muscled guy do a few reps, and I checked the weight when he was done :D
  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    Put your headphones on and get into our own world. They all know you are there to get healthy and lose weight. Most of the people are in their own world's also and really tend to notice anyone. It is mostly in your head. While there may be a few butt holes, they are just that butt holes and are few and far between, ignore them and keep at!
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    I was near 400lbs when I joined my gym. I could care less what everyone else in there thought. I was there to get myself healthy, not to impress them or care what they think. That was and still is my mindset. You cant let fear hold you back. Conquer it, you'll be happy you did!
  • jesso194
    jesso194 Posts: 1
    Some gyms offer child care......goodlife is one but not all locations.....just do some research on that
  • You can do this! We can do this! We're all here cheering you on!
  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Go to bed EARLY! No exceptions. Let your inner momma out on yourself! "Young lady! You have an early morning tomorrow and you have to get some sleep. You will be no good to anyone if you are tired. March into that bathroom, brush your teeth and GO TO BED! Do you hear me?"
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere. Even those fit people that intimidate you. But I can tell you, they are only there to do the same thing you are - get a workout in!

    Start off slow. Walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and get someone to show you the weight machine circuit. I was really overweight when I first joined my gym. I walked, building up my cardio endurance (and I'm now running a 5K!). I alternated lower/upper body weight machines. After a few months, my body craved more and yours will too! I'm now doing serious strength training 3 times a week, and running 2-3 times a week or doing interval running. At nearly 42, I've never felt more powerful in my life!

  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I belong to a pretty big gym and let me tell you, there are ALL different shapes and sizes there. Sure, there are the women in their teeny tiny shorts and sports bras with toned flat tummies and super in shape guys that make me feel a bit self conscious, but there are also plenty of men and women that are just starting out in their fitness journeys, older people just trying to stay healthy, even some teenagers trying to get in shape. I mean, truly, every different kind of fitness level is represented at pretty much every gym I've ever belonged to.

    Just do it! I admire the people I see at the gym who are very overweight, working hard and getting healthy. I know for me, personally, shelling out the $ for that membership every month and making it a part of my daily routine made me stay more accountable and consistent. It was kinda like "Alright I'm paying for this and going out of my way to go there, I better use this membership to it's fullest!" You'll thank yourself later for it :smile:
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    I felt the exact same as you did. As a rule I really dont like change very much but am on a journey to change all that. Funny thing is...most of the people at the gym share the same insecurities as you do, so put on those gym shoes and walk in there with your head held high and make some sweat, because you're already doing the hardest part by taking that first step through the door. Good luck. You can friend me if you need some support.:happy:
  • I get up and go at 5 in the morning. There are maybe 4 other people there. And they are all men, very nice men. I don't think they think the way we do. LOL... We, as women, worry about what other people are going to think about us and how we look doing our workout. I used to think that as well. But now, I am there to do the same thing they are. And those men are all my friends now and always have wonderful advice. When I started at the gym I was 140 lbs overweight, so I know exactly how you feel.

    I also joined Anytime Fittness, not any place like Gold's Gym where most of the people are already hot and now trying to build muscle. LOL.. AND I AM IN WAY PUTTING DOWN GOLD'S GYM OR ANYONE THAT GOES THERE, SO PLEASE NO ONE TAKE OFFENSE (hell my boyfriend goes to Gold's) . LOL.... I was just more comforable at a smaller gym.

    Just get up in the morning and go. Take your headphones and plug in some good workout music and just do it. You will be thankful that you did... Good luck
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    I'm just going to copy & paste what I said on a similar topic last night. :)

    I'm the "fat girl" at the gym. I'm always the biggest one there. I don't have cute workout clothes yet, I am sweating by the time I walk in from the parking lot. I can't move as fast as others.

    But I go. I work. I sweat. I smile at people, and they smile back. They talk to me and support me in ways that they're probably not even aware of. Because, you see, I'm THERE. I'm working, just like them. If some of them want to judge me for being big and sweating and all that, I'd rather they judge me in the gym where I'm giving my all rather than judge me as I stand in line at Popeye's fried chicken waiting for food.

    So my advice? Just do it. :) Just go and do your thing. It's for YOU, not for anyone else!
  • Imagine the absolute worst things that could happen. Once you work through the scenarios in your head, if they were to happen, you'll be prepared. However, one of best pieces of advice I've read is to not take anything personally. People's actions have nothing to do with you. Ever. Isn't that freeing? You are doing something AWESOME!!! People who don't celebrate that have significant issues. Congratulations on wanting the best for your health.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Compare your gyms before you commit -- mine includes child care, and they have a GREAT playroom for all ages. Plus lots of exercise classes on the evening & weekends, which I can actually go to because of the child care. I know it's a balance, but if you're able to find a place you like that has day care and a good variety of classes, the social aspect might keep you comin back more than the solo workouts.

    *edit* Saturday morning yoga class keeps me sane! Totally wouldn't be able to do it if my gym didn't include child care.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    People at the gym don't think like that. When I walked in my first day (at 292.5 lbs) I was scared to death! I kept my head down and wouldn't look at anyone. Once I started losing weight and feeling good about what I was doing, I raised my head. The more I went the more I recognized people. You will find out that people aren't thinking bad about you, they are cheering you on! People will start to recognize you and they will smile and wave. The ones that don't do that aren't thinking bad about you, they're just so into their workout they don't notice ANYONE. And you have to keep in mind, that not a single fit person started off fit. Even if they were thin. Those sculpted bodies take HARD work.

    I love the gym now, and I'm certainly not the only person there who is obese. I love going every day now. One of the most rewarding parts is when I do something today I couldn't do two weeks ago. When I increase a weight, or swim faster, or even use a machine that I simply couldn't use before.

    I have a lot of weight to lose (119.25 lbs to go!), and if I don't go to the gym, I'll never have a sculpted body. I want it BAD!!!

    Get in there and show them what you got!!! You CAN do it!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    You have heard from other folks about joining and general gym environment, which is accurate and pretty much universally true. So no fears on that. But I would submit you are as fearful about possible failure of the program because perhaps you have tried before and been unsuccessful or a host of other reasons. Do not be. Your weight loss journey begins before you join and may have or could begin today in your kitchen, pantry, and food shopping expeditions. Pick a program you think you can follow and listen to the MFP calorie recommendations for losing weight at a maximum. You may lose weight very fast by increasing your activity, something as simple as walking at 3mph on a regular basis and very strictly following the dietary intake. No cheat days, I will work it off at the gym or any of that stuff, at least for a few months. Having accomplished the confidence of losing some amount of weight, you will be full of energy to complete your workouts. I set a goal to lose 10 pounds before I joined a gym, and then the gym, for me, was about losing inches, not pounds. Strength training at some point in your program will be a real asset. Feel free to check back in with this community and you will get a lot of encouragement. So there you have a different opinion. Set a short term goal to lose weight adjusting your activity and calories, and then join, or go all in now and use the gym as a tool to accomplish your goals. Good luck.