

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's a beautiful day! :flowerforyou:

    We'll be celebrating the 4th, of course, along with the fact that we have complete independence from the clouds here in Portland for the first time in ages. Pure sunshine and clear blue sky! Ahhh, now that's better! :love:

    Welcome to all of the newcomers! :smile: Whether we're just beginning our journey here or learning to maintain our weight, we all have to stick together and help one another. It's imperative that we get support in this life-changing episode! Sharing your thoughts, wishes, downfalls and successes on a regular basis really helps. This is a great place for it!

    I'm planning to be super careful today with eating and drinking! And first things first, I'm off for a little 2-mile jog around the track before the morning slips away. Lots to do before heading out to a friend's house up on the mountain to eat, drink, sing and be merry, and watch fireworks tonight. We'll be staying the night, pitching our tent in the fruit orchard :laugh:

    Cheers, have a fun, fun day!

    jb :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just stopping by to tell you that I am having an awesome time on my trip. Toured the Musk Ox farm in Palmer, Alaska yesterday. Today we are headed to the parade in Anchorage. No fireworks here; it never gets dark. Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! Have a safe and happy celebration! And to my Canadian sisters - belated wishes for Canada Day! I was actually in Canada then! I'll try to pop in again sometime. Internet at the campgrounds has been very hit and miss. Later - Mary, who is on her dream trip for another month
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy 4th to all in the US, Happy Wednesday to the rest of you ladies!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: this is the best place for encouragement to keep going to reach your goals.

    Meg- I'm sure you are in good company with a July 4th celebration, we will all be trying to keep our portions under control:drinker: It's sure to be a challenge, but we can do it.

    Robin- hoping that Ritter Bit heals quickly, because we care we sometimes do things to our pets that they must suffer through and all in the name of love:heart:

    Kat- a massage:love: sounds wonderful.

    Joyce- take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be on your much deserved vacation:drinker: I really haven't noticed that Dr. Oz is all over the magazines, but then again I really don't have time to read them right now either:grumble:

    Sissy- good for you setting up a time with a trainer. Years ago I had a gym membership and had a trainer it was some of the best I'd ever done with toning up and looking good...now I just have to remember what he taught me:blushing:

    Viv- glad that you found some exercises on the tube that work for you:drinker:

    kayms13-those veggies and fruits of the season when they are fresh are so easy to over eat...yep gotta keep logging to make sure you aren't over indulging:wink:

    janice-welcome:flowerforyou: take a deep breath and don't forget to enjoy your daughter and the wedding:flowerforyou:

    Sally-hope that your PT for your knees goes smoothly.:flowerforyou:

    Merrysioux-:noway: you carry your boat on your head then into the water to do the rowing...amazing exercise. Your arms must look great:bigsmile: That sounds like a great workout.

    DebA- your kayaking sounds like fun. Years ago when hubby and I were in Mexico we did some kayaking in the ocean, it happened to take us by a nudist resort:noway: hubby still teases me that I was staring:noway: but really I wasn't, I was more embarresed:blushing:

    Michele- it's hard to stay away from some things at times, but with all the exercise you do I'm sure you burned off those cherries and Dove candies:wink:

    Mimi-for me the fruit is a killer, I know it's good for me but for some reason so much of it just doesn't like me, my lips swell and sometimes my tongue:noway: but if it's cooked I'm fine..have no idea what causes that. For your 4th get together you sound like you have most of what you plan to eat under control...hope it turns out that way:happy:

    Kathy-:cry: sorry your knee is continuing to give you problems. I've heard that it's our diet that is really important so keeping track of what you are eating even if you cant exercise the way you want should be helping:flowerforyou:

    Barbara- how was the parade:huh:

    Amanda- :grumble: more rain? hoping that you get some summer for the Olympics...that would be nice I'm sure:drinker: Enjoy your visit with the grandtwins.

    jb-:glasses: sunshine in Portland on July 4th:noway: In the 15 years we were in Oregon I remember too many July 4ths that is was cold and cloudy and hubby grumbling that it is July and should be warm and sunny:laugh: So glad for you to have sunshine today:glasses:

    Mary- good to hear from you and know that you are enjoying your trip of a life time.:drinker:

    I'm working so I can have Thurs & Fri off which will make for a great 4 days off. After work I will head to Son #2 & DIL's for a Birthday, July 4th, BBQ. We are celebrating grandson #2 second Birthday (his actual Birthday is July 8th) With a state wide band on Fireworks we won't be having any and the public ones are few and far between due to our hot dry windy conditions here.

    I'm have a NSV today as I'm wearing a new top that I bought last year and it fits and looks great. Had my weigh in today too and lost .4 which is about what I expected. Those last #10 lbs are just soooo hard to kick off my body:grumble: But as long as I'm heading down I can't complain too much. Exercise this week has been in the basement due to how windy it's been when I've been getting off work, so I'm looking forward to some early morning bike rides over the next 4 days:bigsmile:

    I best get to the papers. Have to get my payroll done today and as always there are too many other things on my desk hollering for attention:huh:

    Everyone have a safe day. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Log that food and Move your body (Barbie is right about no longer than 30 mins on the computer) if you are drinking plenty of water you will have to get up and head to the restroom on a regular basis anyway:laugh:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Happy Independence Day to my American friends. Hello to everyone!

    Started the day with crookneck and zucchini squash. Now, there's a breakfast for you! I can't say they're my favorites :tongue: but starting the day with veggies instead of fruit helps me stay on track more easily.

    Does somebody have a good way to cook them? I roast them at a high temp but they're still mushy. I feel quite pleased with myself that I actually ate them. :laugh:

    :heart: Mimi SVQ
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    What a woman you are Mimi...SQUASH for breakfast! :noway: Wow, I have to hand it to you sweetie, I am not a fan of squash at any meal and to eat it for breakfast, well...it is just mind boggling to me..but whatever works for you. :flowerforyou:

    We were invited to our nieces for swimming and eating today and decided not to go just for that last one...eating, it will be the main activity of that gathering...I know the kind of southern foods that will be served and along with having celiac disease I don't want to spend the day explaning to everyone why I am not eating fried chicken or potato or pasta salad and cobblers..so we are staying at home and eating healthy. Sortof a personal independence day of sorts.

    Tomorrow we promised our niece we would support her in court as she has her divorce settlement day....but we are both taking our gym clothes with us and will head for the gym as soon as we are out of court. I find that if I get out of the groove going to the gym it makes it way too easy for me not want to go back...I am determined to lose a few before I start with the new trainer in 2 weeks. Happy 4th everyone...be safe! Sissy:flowerforyou:

    I reset my ticker this week and boy do I hate seeing that big fat 0 pounds lost....working towards a loss this week!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Mimi: SQAUSH for breakfast...now that's a first:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good for you and glad we have our SVQ BACK!!!:love::love:

    Laura: Good for you and your nice fitting top! WTG...I know it feels great to wear it!

    Mary: GREAT to hear from you on your wonderful trip! Enjoy every second. Our youngest son and his soon-to-be bride are heading to Alaska for their honeymoon!

    Kat: OH, I want a massage! Aren't they the best treat ever??? ENJOY!!!

    Kathy: SO sorry to hear about your pain! Take care:-)

    Barbie; Thank you for your words of wisdom. We all need to hear them, no matter where we are on this journey:flowerforyou:

    I took DH to the airport this morning...we left the house at 3:50AM:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: and i arrived back home about 6. Of course, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I enjoyed my coffee and went for a nice 20 minute run then another 20 minute walk followed by my free weights. SO, I am feeling ok about sitting and relaxing today. DH is heading out to MT to fish with a friend and then we will meet in chicago for DS's wedding next week! I have LOTS to do before I go. I took my dress and my Moms to ship to chicago so that I don't have to put them in my suitcase. HOPE they get there and don't need much ironing. A friend told me how to pack them to ship, so hopefully they'll arrive ok.

    Off to have some lunch. I hope everyone here in the States enjoys their holiday. It's a bit odd falling mid-week, isn't it? I will have a very quiet day alone, which will be a nice treat. Take care, Dear Ladies:-):heart: Kackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Today is an awesome day. The sun is visiting and will be around for a couple of weeks if you can beleive the forecasters. Summer is finally here!!!!!

    We will be working the next 5 days on the yard with taking out the yucky grass, putting in a big dog kennel, prepping the small section for artificial grass and I may actually finish building the planter bed I started over two years ago. Those of you on the thread back then may remember me talking about hauling all the wall building blocks into the back yard. (great work out)

    I hope to be busy enough not to eat mindlessly. We aren't going anywhere today so no socializing to hinder my efforts.

    Ritter is feeling great, in fact too great, we have to sedate him a little so he can heal. He just really wants to run and jump and he isn't supposed to for a few more days.

    I hope you all have an awesome 4th.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and the slightly doped up Ritter bit.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy 4th and Happy Wednesday. Bought some resistance bands and this will sound weird but I am keeping them by the bathroom and each time I go to the restroom, I put them on my feet and do some arm pulls. Starting with 20 reps and I figure since I have a weak bladder this is one way to work the arms :embarassed:

    Not weighing or using the scale as I am so disappointed.

    Barbie great advice I like the thoughts

    Have a good one
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :sad: Well the bad news is we didn't plan ahead and all the spas were booked in advance so no massage for us boo:sad:

    AND we never made it to the PNW long story but the MIL asked us not to come for a deluge of reasons so we spent a lovely time with our nephew and his wife in beautiful Santa Rosa :bigsmile: Today we are off to a pool at the :bigsmile: hotel where our nephews wife works and YES Im getting in a bathing suit (Tank Kini NOT Bikini!) and then later BBQ and off to see fire works!

    Barbie I LOVE you're posts!!!!! You are sooooo inspiring!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So exciting to see all the new peeps on this post! Everyone keep log gin their food and drinking their water even of you go over in your food today..."if you bite it, write it"!!!!!!

    Have a great 4th today lovely ladies!!!!!!!

    Love Kat:heart::heart: :heart:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello my dears! :flowerforyou: Holy Smokes Batman, six pages in four days! :noway: We are a chatty bunch!

    I have been at the cabin (no internet) for the last five days, logging my food using the iPhone but no way to check the thread. I was very careful with the food, perhaps enjoyed a little too much wine. Overall I must have balanced it, because the I did not gain any weight. I got a new cook-book (vegetarian) which has some fantastic salad ideas. Stay posted!

    I like the idea of weighing my servings instead of measuring by cups. I will try it today and see what the difference is.

    In one week I see the surgeon to find out if I can take off “the boot” and reclaim my foot. :happy: Oh, that will be lovely. It’s been 12 weeks since the surgery. Check out my goals below to see how I plan to celebrate!

    DH is also on holiday this week, but J’boy has a guitar “camp” for two hours every evening, so we are staying in town. I would like to chase the sun and go east, but we’ll have to wait.

    Amanda, thanks for the link to the atlas. Congratulations on your sale! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Just in time for a summer wardrobe update, perhaps? I hope the tart cherry juice is working for you.

    DeterminedinAZ – I love your goal “move it, move it”.

    Mimi, what a computer saga! :sad: How, by the way, did you fling your laptop to the ground? Our daughter stepped on her first laptop (oops) and spilled a cup of coffee onto her second (double oops).

    Cherp18 – Welcome! I spend a lot of time in Kelowna, my parents live there. In fact, I’ll be there next week. I hope the sun shines for us!

    Adams423 – How did the run go?

    DeeDee, & Kackie, I would love to have the problem of exercise when it’s too hot outside. Around here it’s what do we do when it’s raining, still raining, and raining again!

    Ianiv, your post about “what teachers do over the summer” made me laugh. :laugh: I’m a teacher, and I can verify. It’s true. We houseclean.

    Barbie, Way to go, lifting 40 lb bags of dog food. :drinker: It is so satisfying when all the hard work in the gym turns into an advantage in “real life”.

    From the Creston Valley, where the sun is shining :flowerforyou:


    Goals for July:
    At least ½ hour of aerobic exercise every day, including the days I’m in Kelowna and the days I’m at the cabin.
    Work back up to walking 5K a day by the end of the month.
    Play with J’Boy!
  • mgaccount
    mgaccount Posts: 1
    Hello, Ladies!

    Oops, sorry, I just read the rules for this website and see I'm not supposed to say anything about my site....even if it's free and I don't get paid for it? Well anyway, if I can, let me know!

    - Monica
    (And yes, I am 50+!)
  • sakeating12
    sakeating12 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! It's nice to see a group for women 50+! My goal for July is to walk at least three days a week at lunchtime.:wink:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    a Glorious Fourth to all you lovelies!

    Reading all the posts, but no way can respond to more than a few. Pls forgive.

    SMVQ you know I love you... but... EEEuuuuuwwwww!:sick: Squash for breakfast? URK! Couldn't agree with Sissy more. If for some unimagineable reason I ever HAD to actually put squash in my mouth again, chew it up and swallow it (gaggg), and assuming deep frying and dipping in horsradish sour cream sauce is out, then I'd marinate slices in something really smoky and spicy and cook them on the Foreman grill... then try to sneak them to DH instead of eating them myself.
    Barbie Wise and Strong you are our shining example!:love:
    Deb A,
    . . .I can easily fall into a habit of sitting for long periods of time and I need to stop!
    sitting in a kayak does NOT count! :laugh: Seriously I'm amazed at your kayaking. It sounds like so much fun, but I'm too chicken to try. Maybe if I'd do the SWSY's... :ohwell:
    Robin YES I remember those blocks! You amazed and imperssed me. Send us pics when done?:happy:
    Sherry, resistance bands in the bathroom sounds like a great idea to me. Just got up and moved mine there now. Thanks!:wink:
    Kat please say hello to Santa Rosa for me. When I was a teenager in Ukiah, Santa Rosa was "The City" we'd go to for shopping and entertainment...:laugh:
    JB camping out in the fruit orchard what a perfect end to a lovely day!:bigsmile:
    Nancy, your daughter's laptop misadventures reminded me of my boss's first laptop. :huh: He backed his VW over it, but in those days they were built like tanks and it booted right up. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hope your boot is off soon!
    Kackie Much as we love our DHs, a day at home alone is a treasure to be savored.:heart:
    Laura, kayaking past a nudist colony? Miraculous you both didn't capsize! :laugh:

    I am sooo glad I walked in the We the People Liberty Day parade today.

    Warm but not unbearably hot, a little breeze relieved us between the patches of shade.

    One of our dance teachers said it's a chance for everyone to show what we do and who we are and she was right. Idaho is surprisingly diverse. In just two blocks of the parade there were the Highlander pipers, Hare Krisnha float and chanters, sign-bearing Idaho Atheists (freedom of and from religion), Filipino-American Association of Idaho and its float of beauties, Tea party-ers, the local Dairy Queen and the North End Organic nursery exhorting us toward food independence with Victory Garden posters on an antique truck.

    Disagreed good-naturedly with others of our troupe who said political groups should not be allowed because pushing their agendas caused strife. I contradicted. Independence day is a highly political day and freedom of expression is one of those freedoms our forefathers fought for.

    As I walked and waved (and switched the unneeded boom box from one hand to the other :ohwell: ) I watched the specatator's faces.

    The people who seemed happiest were not those with the poshest, shadiest seats or the biggest coolers. Not the prettiest, thinnest, youngest nor even the healthiest.

    The ones who looked like they were having the most fun were those who waved and clapped.

    Aha! Want to be happier? Participate! Enthusiastically!!!

    Here endeth the lesson, now I'm gonna take a nap :yawn:

    Hugs to all,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really.
    and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 3=20 2=20 1=33
    steps: 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Happy 4th July to you all in the US.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Happy 4th of July! I hope you all had a great day.
    It was quiet for me and that was fine. No parties, no family cookouts. My husband had to work today so I met him around lunch time and we drove by the bay for a while. I love getting near the water...even in the winter.
    I tried a new salad tonight with green beans (blanched and then cooled), tomatoes, red onion and feta with a little greek vinegarette dressing.
    I am watching my neighbor's dogs tonight and the firecrackers are making them jumpy....better go check on them.

    Have a great night,
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy ⁴th! We had a very quiet day...weird with it in the middle of the week, but very relaxing. Dh took his MG to a friend and put his fender mirrors on it...he has been agonizing over this decision for three (yup three) years!!! He is very happy...I was the dutiful wife and Oohed and aahed ....now we will see what his next big decision is...too funny but he loves his car and spends many happy hours in the garage! I played tennis last night so did not do my intervals this am...I did spend a couple of hours working in the garden...Barbie I took a page out of your book and did LOTS of squats with my chores. Tomorrow back to intervals for bike and rower before work.

    DS called last night...looks like we are on the deployment rollercoaster again..:sad: .will keep you posted. He wants to go and do what he has trained for...scary but I have to respect that. He has been put in charge of 6 new guys to his platoon...pretty funny listening to him vent about their attitudes and how disrespecttful they are...who is this boy/man??!

    Have a good evening. Hugs and high fives, we can reach those goals!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Mom died in her sleep around 5AM this morning. She did not suffer and was herself right up going to bed last night. My brother, sister-in-law and all of us were with her.

    While I am devastated by her passing, I know it is a good thing to have happened the way it did. We had just found out that she had lung cancer and only had 2-4 months to live. It is not making it any easier.

    Hope to be back posting and logging in a few weeks.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    Jeannie, I am so sorry for your loss.....you have been such a great daughter devoting your time and energy to your mom in the last months of her life......I admire you so much

    :heart: hugs,
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    New to this thread - but here goes. My goals for July are:

    :smile: continue logging food everyday
    :smile: walk at least 4-5 days per week
    :smile: not to have another cheat day until the Family Reunion at the end of the month (cheated today for picnic)
    :smile: actually make a dr appt that I have been avoiding for a year and half.
    :smile: do my best to get to onederland or at least close to it!

    Okay those are my goals, now what?
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member

    My heartfelt condolence to you and your family. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
