Piercings & Gauges... Like them, hate them, or have them?



  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    On my right ear, I have:

    x3 normal piercings and my lobe stretched to 3mm with Tribu earrings
    New cartilage piercing done on Monday

    Left ear:

    Helix - although with my new cartilage piercing I'm hoping to put a scaffold once it's healed
    Cartilage, which was done on Monday
    x3 normal piercings and my lobe stretched to 8mm with Tribu earrings

    I've had my nose pierced, but hoping to do that again soon, along with a daith on my left ear and maybe a snug on my right ear.
    My two lobe piercings on both ears have got a wrapped earring going through them.

    Because of the jobs I've had, I wasn't really allowed to have facial piercings (nose was the most acceptable) and I have long hair, so I can cover my ear piercings :)
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    I love them!!!! I have my septum, navel, of course 2 in each ear, and a Vertical hood piercing.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I just have my tongue and ears pierced right now. I used to have a 12 gauge in my right ear. I'm supposed to get my tragus done one of these days.
  • EveryoneElseIsTaken
    EveryoneElseIsTaken Posts: 144 Member
    I used to have my ears pierced until my right earring actually got infected and the diamond stud part of it went into the middle of my ear. Yeah, it's hard to explain... I plan to re-pierce them though, and I've been wanting to get my lip pierced for a while! I actually tried piercing it before, and I failed epicly. I actually still have a scar on the inside of my mouth. I'm not sure whether I want my lip pierced now though, maybe later on in my life. :) I don't mind piercings at all, in fact I think they look awesome on other people! I'm just sure they'd probably look like crap on me though. My friend had gauges so large she could fit things in them. She also had about 4 or 5 facial piercings too. They looked amazing on her! :D
  • Scandalist
    Scandalist Posts: 23 Member
    My ears are double pierced, cartilage piercing in my left ear, and my naval is pierced. I used to have a tongue ring but took it out cuz it got too hard to hide it. I can get away with the cartilage cuz I just hide my hair over it when I have to.
  • SarLem81
    SarLem81 Posts: 115 Member
    I have an industrail, conch, orbital, forward helix, rook, tragus, and regular lobe piercings. I go back and forth on gauging them. Had my eyebrow pierced in college but it grew out within a year, so I just opted to stick with my ears.
  • Badd3st
    Badd3st Posts: 28
    i have my tongue, belly button & of course ears pierced. not really n2 gauges, but i have friends who have them. they all seem 2 like them:)
  • I currently have :

    - 6 ear lobe piercings (3 per ear)
    - left rook pierced
    - Borth tragus piercings
    - eyebrow
    - two tongue piercings
    - right upper cardlidge

    I have also had :

    - 2 other tongue piercings
    - both industrial bars.

    I adore piercings!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I've had a variety of piercings, over 20 total, right now I just have my ears, labret, monroe, tongue, and inner ear, but I've had my nose, eyebrows, nape, wrist (I loved it but it rejected :(), industrial, a bunch up and down my ear, and a few other places. I adore piercings. I just learned over time that there is to such a thing as to many in one area, which is why I only have a few showing now.

    As for gauges, I don't mind small ones, I had 8g in my ears once (no longer they went back to normal size), but I'm not a fan of the HUGE ones.. no offense bout they aren't attractive to me, I just don't like all that flapping skin, but I do have a close friend with real big ones, just not for me.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I've had a bunch over the years but all I have now are ears. I've been thinking about working up to a 0 in lobes - just a 14 now, which isn't anything, but I don't know. I've been thinking about a septum but I'm very plain and conserative and I think I'm too old for that.

    Anywho, I do hope somebody reads this, as I know most people just skip over replies, but in a thread of people with percings, I was hoping I could ask a question...

    I had my conch done about 4-5 years ago (12g... I wear full titanium, not just coated, barbells in them - never taken them out, they are the originals). It healed up just fine, no issues, but a bit over a month ago it got really nasty. Swollen, bleeding and pussing. I started a 10 minute sea salt soak twice a day with a dab of tea tree oil after and switched my pillow case every night. It went back to normal after about a week or so. Then about a week later it got really nasty again. I've started the process over again, but is there something else I should be doing, or doing different to make this go away?

    Thanks for any help!
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I'm pretty boring with the standard normal pierced ears which I don't ever wear earrings. The most rebellious thing I've done regarding piercings was wearing safety pins in my ears because I never owned a normal pair of earrings. I also had to re-pierce my right ear several times. When I was in high school, I adored piercings and tattoos, and I wanted to have several. I grew out of that phase, but I have nothing against others who have them. Ear stretching doesn't bother me as long as it's not to the extreme. In all honestly, I find tongue piercings tacky.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I have my belly button, tragus, and the normal ear piercings. I did have my nose pierced, but I took that out.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have my right eyebrow done twice. It's pretty smexy.
  • Medea81
    Medea81 Posts: 69
    I only have my ears, 3 in the left 4 in the right. I want my nose done but one of the girls I work with just got it done and I don't want to seem like I'm copying her...
    I do wonder though on some people, when they are to an age when they want to get a corporate job, will they still like their gauges?
    I'm a sucker for guys with piercings or tattoos... dated a guy with 23 piercings.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    I'm a bore compared to most. Snakebites and a center labret. Plus two standard ones in my ears. Would like more in my ears, but I think it'd hurt way too much, so I haven't done them.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Love me some awesome piercings. I currently have my tongue, industrial, an oribital, both conches and my lobes doubled. The first lobes are 8 gauge, but I don't think I'll go any bigger...maybe, I don't know haha! Eventually, as a treat I'll be getting my nipples pierced.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I only have my ears, 3 in the left 4 in the right. I want my nose done but one of the girls I work with just got it done and I don't want to seem like I'm copying her...
    I do wonder though on some people, when they are to an age when they want to get a corporate job, will they still like their gauges?
    I'm a sucker for guys with piercings or tattoos... dated a guy with 23 piercings.

    I'd like to think I'm at a fairly coportate job (security officer for a travel insurance company) and I still have my gauges. They're small in comparison to some, and almost unnoticeable unless you really look, but if I needed/wanted to take them out, they'd go back to their normal size for the most part. With larger sizes, I'm not sure. It's a decision they have to make before getting them. Maybe one day it'll be accepted, along with tattoos! :)
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Ears twice
    Belly Button (it was a weightloss prize for myself - then I put the weight back on LOL - gotta work it back off!)
  • rekka24
    rekka24 Posts: 7 Member
    I have my nose and nips. Used to have a monroe (twice actually) but had to take it out for work. Also had my tounge but swalled the ball when I was like 17 and waited too long and then couldnt get it back in. I love tattoos and piercings although i only have 2 tats right now.
  • lavr
    lavr Posts: 19
    i've got 3 piercings on each earlobe
    then two microdermals under my right collarbone

    i like my microdermals there. if i have to dress up for something, i just have to pick the right shirt or let my hair fall in front of it
    if i want to show it off, i bring my hair over to my other shoulder and maybe braid it

    my parents hate it though, they don't like belly button piercings (or at least didn't want me to get one) so me getting these piercings was too out of the ordinary for them :P