Anyone have a 4th of July Epic Food Fail?



  • opsniht
    opsniht Posts: 48 Member
    Oh, I did. But it wasn't TOO bad. I was only in the end like 300 calories (net) over my limit, so...
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    I didn't do too, too bad. I had a Wegmans sub with everything. 7 inches of deliciousness. Luckily for me, my son knock out of my hand when I was about 3/4 of the way done with it and it flew apart on the ground. Huh, that's one way to cut calories. The entire cup of brown sugar and bacon filled baked beans didn't help, either, heh, heh.

    Good lookin out son.. See you had some help. I wished someone had took my plate from me... but than again that would have caused a huge argument... ha ha ha
  • dotbell123
    dotbell123 Posts: 11
    Total dessert fail at my house, made a peanut butter pie (with Reese's peanut butter cups). Over 400 calories a slice. Every bite was amazing. :love: Today, it's back to the diet food. I loved my steak and corn on the cob yesterday. To hell with salad. :laugh:

    I totally believe you need to splurge once in a while to keep motivated.

    For some reason, I still wound up 20 calories UNDER my limit and got the 'starvation mode' message.
  • makalinger
    makalinger Posts: 15 Member
    You all have great stories and attitudes ;) As for myself ? Bam! Homemade icecream ! gotta love it on the 4th of July!!! Hey today is another day! (((((((((HUGS))))))))))):blushing:
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Well, I was omg-ing about yesterday tbh. I made sure to have a light breakfast.

    I went to the gym doing intense water aerobics, and then went out and intentionally <ugh> helped rake and mow the lawn and other things. So I was hoping I had not sabotaged myself with the dinner that evening in case I pigged out. I was determined to be good tho!!

    So then lunch/dinner came around and I bbq'd for my husband and me. I measured out everything and knew the approximate cals ahead of time. I was planning to have one burger and a salad.


    I had 2 burgers. Yes, 2 BURGERS!!! Not little ones either... 2 big juicy beef burgers with a little salt and pepper, fantastic :) With mayo <real mayo>, catsup, lettuce and onion too on hamburger buns. I felt like such a pig but they were so good....

    AND I had a little bag of chips.

    AND a green salad with miso dressing on the side.

    AND I had angel food cake with mango butter and a ton of fat free/sugar free coolwhip. And they were good. REALLY REALLY good. I have no regrets.

    Then came the end of the day and I tallied up my food and exercise here..........

    I was still under my goal. So even tho it felt like I failed I really didn't!!

    So nope...I regret NOTHING!!!

    <and I am not counting this as my cheat meal either...I freakin earned those burgers :P You should have seen our yard....I think we need a jungle guide next time to make sure we get out>

    And to top it off I was down 1/2 a pound today woot!!!
  • byebyeluvhandles
    byebyeluvhandles Posts: 149 Member
    I made fruit kabobs (strawberries, bananas and blueberries) and veggie kabobs (zuchinni, red onion and yellow squash) so I wouldn't do so bad, but I still managed to go over on my calories. Not too much over, but still over, which I hadn't done since I joined this site a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm sure it's bound to happen every now and then, but this just means that I gotta get back on track.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I ate a slice of pizza the size of a toddler.
  • aaronrlindemann
    aaronrlindemann Posts: 25 Member
    I ate fairly poorly... water is the key though. After my walk and run this morning I hit a new low. My good habits are finally over taking my bad ones! ONWARD!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Damn straight I did. And I loved it. And I don't regret it. It's gonna happen, holidays are as good a time as any.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    well I started the day off well......which helped me alot at the end of the day I am sure. I started the eve well at my daughters 4th of July party.......but caved after a couple of hours and had some things that were not at all on my food plan. However the good news was that the things I did have did not taste as good as I thought. I had an orange ice cream float. Took two bites and threw the rest. The had a cake pop. Took one bite and thew the rest. Whew! And today is a new day....... all is well!:bigsmile:
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    My eating was too bad, BUT I didn't sign in to MFP and I was on day number 31!!!
  • FatSlayer1016
    FatSlayer1016 Posts: 125 Member
    wasted 108 grams of carbs on 3 tablespoon real maple syrup with my breakfast. Oh well (:

    Real maple syrup is never a waste of carbs! That stuff is liquid gold where I am from! I would LOVE some real syrup but even though I live in the number one syrup producing state in America, I can't afford it. :(

    Oh and yesterday was a fine calorie day for me. I even made sure I could have some scotch and a beer and didn't go over. :)
  • bloomlately
    bloomlately Posts: 532 Member
    Is it a fail if I still stayed within my calories? I had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner. And watermelon for dessert. Deeelicious. I went over my carbs and fat though (I wonder why... :P).
  • jennylea16
    jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
    Fried dough, italian sausage, french fries so good but way over cals and a tummy ache today!
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    Well, I was omg-ing about yesterday tbh. I made sure to have a light breakfast.

    I went to the gym doing intense water aerobics, and then went out and intentionally <ugh> helped rake and mow the lawn and other things. So I was hoping I had not sabotaged myself with the dinner that evening in case I pigged out. I was determined to be good tho!!

    So then lunch/dinner came around and I bbq'd for my husband and me. I measured out everything and knew the approximate cals ahead of time. I was planning to have one burger and a salad.


    I had 2 burgers. Yes, 2 BURGERS!!! Not little ones either... 2 big juicy beef burgers with a little salt and pepper, fantastic :) With mayo <real mayo>, catsup, lettuce and onion too on hamburger buns. I felt like such a pig but they were so good....

    AND I had a little bag of chips.

    AND a green salad with miso dressing on the side.

    AND I had angel food cake with mango butter and a ton of fat free/sugar free coolwhip. And they were good. REALLY REALLY good. I have no regrets.

    Then came the end of the day and I tallied up my food and exercise here..........

    I was still under my goal. So even tho it felt like I failed I really didn't!!

    So nope...I regret NOTHING!!!

    <and I am not counting this as my cheat meal either...I freakin earned those burgers :P You should have seen our yard....I think we need a jungle guide next time to make sure we get out>

    And to top it off I was down 1/2 a pound today woot!!!

    HA HA HA HA... I love this.. "AND" "AND" "AND".... Hilarious!
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    oh yeah... the only good meal I ate was breakfast. But, I planned this day as a cheat day and I didn't disappoint myself.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I made fruit kabobs (strawberries, bananas and blueberries) and veggie kabobs (zuchinni, red onion and yellow squash) so I wouldn't do so bad, but I still managed to go over on my calories. Not too much over, but still over, which I hadn't done since I joined this site a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm sure it's bound to happen every now and then, but this just means that I gotta get back on track.

    what a great odea of things to make for a party day! I will remember this as that was part of my problem last foods that were healthy to eat at the party! Next time I will make sure I take foods I can eat and enjoy!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    wasted 108 grams of carbs on 3 tablespoon real maple syrup with my breakfast. Oh well (:

    Real maple syrup is never a waste of carbs! That stuff is liquid gold where I am from! I would LOVE some real syrup but even though I live in the number one syrup producing state in America, I can't afford it. :(

    Oh and yesterday was a fine calorie day for me. I even made sure I could have some scotch and a beer and didn't go over. :)

    Do you have an Aldi? They have 100% real maple syrup for 3.99!
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    4th July has absolutely no significance to me
  • ahipsher
    ahipsher Posts: 46 Member
    ME. I stopped logging when I had 500 cals left for the day. I was maybe 300+ over.

    Eating clean and going for a nice run today.

    At least I skipped the booze last night.