30 day Shred starting 1st July - anyone want to join?



  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Today is day 5 for me. No aches or pains and 2 inches off the stomach and 1 off the thigh. No change on hips or arms but it's only day 5. No weight loss either but my body is changing so it's ok if the weight loss is slow.

    Fantastic results so far!! I'm not measuring until the end of level 2 :D Then again at the end of the 30DS
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I started yesterday a little late i know but better late than never. I did it straight after a 40 minute run, mad I know. I go on holiday on the 28th July so can,t do the whole 30 days but hopefully enough to drop some inches. Just about to run again and then day 2.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Today is day 5 for me. No aches or pains and 2 inches off the stomach and 1 off the thigh. No change on hips or arms but it's only day 5. No weight loss either but my body is changing so it's ok if the weight loss is slow.

    Fantastic results so far!! I'm not measuring until the end of level 2 :D Then again at the end of the 30DS

    I was waiting to measure but had people commenting on my stomach getting smaller, then jeans fitting better, I couldn't control myself. It is better to wait till the end and get the nice full results =)
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    I want to join! I might be a little late because I'm only on Day 2 now. Anyway, I love it. I'm only on level one, but it's kicking my butt. I'm excited about getting stronger. And wow. Results after 5 days? That's amazing!!! :D
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    Today is day 5 for me. No aches or pains and 2 inches off the stomach and 1 off the thigh. No change on hips or arms but it's only day 5. No weight loss either but my body is changing so it's ok if the weight loss is slow.

    Those are some great results! Is 30DS all you're doing? or are you incorporating anything else?
  • ahoag_83
    ahoag_83 Posts: 54 Member
    Starting a few days late, but I'm in!
  • sky15425
    sky15425 Posts: 219 Member
    Starting late. I'm day 2 level 1.
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    D4L1 done! no pain! :sad:
  • lionessJJ
    lionessJJ Posts: 12 Member
    im starting soo late.. been goignt o the gym tho.. but adding the shred to my workout starting 2day.. shred in the mornings and gym in the evenings!.. if i double up on weekends ill catch up with you guys by july 14!!!!.. loving the support too!
  • FordGal40
    FordGal40 Posts: 58
    I am definitely a few days later than I wanted to be, but I just completed L1D1 & I feel great! (of course that will change tomorrow!) I am excited to stick with it & see how it works for me since it is only 20 minutes out of my day :)

    How does everyone log their exercise with this?
  • Rosalyn94
    Rosalyn94 Posts: 26 Member
    Just done day 2! So happy that I managed to do it all without stopping once! :) Bring on day 3.
  • flowergirl73
    flowergirl73 Posts: 153 Member
    Honestly by Day 5 your muscles will be used to the burn and you wont feel a thing apart from a nice buzz and sting. Not the ache of Day 3 and Day 4. The first time I did 30DS I could barely walk on the 4th day but then miraculously just disappeared!
    You're right! Even though I shredded twice yesterday, the soreness is gone (for the most part). My abs have zero soreness today and my arms and legs only feel it when I stretch. It's fascinating!

    Doing day 5 this evening!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Today is day 5 for me. No aches or pains and 2 inches off the stomach and 1 off the thigh. No change on hips or arms but it's only day 5. No weight loss either but my body is changing so it's ok if the weight loss is slow.

    Those are some great results! Is 30DS all you're doing? or are you incorporating anything else?

    I'm doing the 30 DS and incorporating some cardio in to there. Walking, cycling or dancing every day.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I am definitely a few days later than I wanted to be, but I just completed L1D1 & I feel great! (of course that will change tomorrow!) I am excited to stick with it & see how it works for me since it is only 20 minutes out of my day :)

    How does everyone log their exercise with this?

    Think most people use circuit training. Circuit training. Works pretty well.
  • seamonkeychar
    seamonkeychar Posts: 9 Member
    Day 5 down - it hurt today. And I must have been doing something right, because I was sweating bullets. Half way to Level 2, hooray!
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    Okay I did day 1 level 1 sort of and thank you Jillian I guess for knocking my pride out of me lol. I was so proud of myself for being able to do 50 minutes of Zumba all at once every day this week so far. In March I was only able to do anything in 5 minute blocks so I'm still thrilled just not as proud. I wasn't able to get through day one of this all at once at all. I hate the get on the floor now back up now get on the floor. I'm a old fat woman standing to floor and back is a work out all on it's own. Oh and push ups up and right to aerobics? Push ups or what I am able to do of them have me out of breath.
    I didn't quit but I sure took longer than the 5 seconds she says you can take to catch your breath. The only thing that felt well timed for me was the punches towards the end because oh yes I wanted to punch her right then lol
    Did anyone else have trouble getting through it? I'm sure it's get better as I get in better shape. I'm just wondering if I should stick to the Zumba for now or continue with my plan to do both.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    :D So glad I took a day off yesterday. I probably would have seriously injured myself. Today was great though, no pain so I was able to give it my all! L1D4 completed!

    Anybody else having trouble with the bicycle crunches? I gave up after day one. I don't think I'm coordinated enough for them, so I do 15 more regular crunches and 15 lower body ones. Might try them again tomorrow.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    So just wondering, what are peoples plans for after the 30ds? As much as I hate her, (just for the pain at the sweating I do) I think I'm going to be sticking with Jillian for a while. She knows what she's talking about and her workouts get great results. So after this I'm considering ripped in 30 days or 6 week 6 pack.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    So just wondering, what are peoples plans for after the 30ds? As much as I hate her, (just for the pain at the sweating I do) I think I'm going to be sticking with Jillian for a while. She knows what she's talking about and her workouts get great results. So after this I'm considering ripped in 30 days or 6 week 6 pack.

    I was going to do ripped in 30 afterwards! :)
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    So just wondering, what are peoples plans for after the 30ds? As much as I hate her, (just for the pain at the sweating I do) I think I'm going to be sticking with Jillian for a while. She knows what she's talking about and her workouts get great results. So after this I'm considering ripped in 30 days or 6 week 6 pack.

    I was going to do ripped in 30 afterwards! :)

    Really? We should get a group together after this to start it =)