500 calories a day: Please Help:)



  • amos_9
    amos_9 Posts: 3
    There is a lot of passionate advice on here - it's clear that people care about how this works out for you, me included. I think the sound advice is to do what most have said, get some professional guidance. If you simply go to your GP as a starting point, they will point you in the right direction and get you the assistance you need, whether that be a medical assessment to see how your body is functioning etc and/or nutritionist advice and/or other support. It's important you speak with professionals as they will give you the correct advice and follow things through, much better than what any of us well-meaning people on here can do. Good luck, you'll be just fine - you've got good awareness and you're seeking support. I would be stoked to hear you say you've booked an appointment with a GP :)
  • Kandryauskas
    Kandryauskas Posts: 1 Member
    It seems that you have come to the conclusion that your eating is not healthy. Your body is not getting the calories that you need. It is possible that your weight loss is plateauing because your body is in starvation mode. This can have some major long-term consequences - including problems getting pregnant. You can eat more calories to get your body out of starvation mode (look at the site's suggested caloric intake for your weight). My advice would be to talk to your doctor and show him or her your food diary from this website. Let him or her giver you their advice. You can take the advice or not, but at least you will have more information.

    Best of luck to you. This is a difficult situation, but life doesn't give us challenges we can't conquer. Good luck!
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry guys. I just felt bad because everyone was being so rude! I wasn't trying to diagnose or promote EDs. Just trying to be supportive.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Sorry guys. I just felt bad because everyone was being so rude! I wasn't trying to diagnose or promote EDs. Just trying to be supportive.

    Enabling self harm is not supportive.

    Hell me being a foul mouthed f*ckhead is more supportive than that.
  • HealthierAndFitterMe
    HealthierAndFitterMe Posts: 52 Member
    i know EXACTLY how you feel . i've had & still am going through dysfunctional relationships with food . i obsess over nutrition information , especially calories & fats & sometimes i binge eat . & it's extremely unhealthy . what you're doing is going to destroy your body so terribly . i'm starting to go to an eating disorder group near where i live , maybe you should check into that & some thearpy . now , i'm way better than i was before , but i'm still struggling & if you keep going down this path , your body will seriously backfire on you & you'll have MAJOR health problems . you want to have healthy change ? well , then don't keep going on this path . this is NOT healthy change & this is NOT good for your body . please seek help . talk to some one . & if you want to talk i'm here . (:
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Sorry guys. I just felt bad because everyone was being so rude! I wasn't trying to diagnose or promote EDs. Just trying to be supportive.

    Calling the girl a thin, air-headed b*tch for eating so little is rude. Telling someone that their behavior is destructive (which it definitely is, in this case) is not rude. "Supportive" doesnt always mean "positive". How old are you?
    See how many people are saying that it's a bad idea? They're saying it out of love and concern, not jealousy or hatred.

    Seriously, that small amount of calories per day (she said she rarely even gets to 500!) is NOT okay, and what she is doing is certainly anorexic behavior. You don't magically become anorexic when you hit a certain weight. You can be overweight and anorexic. It's all in the mindset and behavior.
    Your body, brain, organs, *everything* needs calories to function. There is a reason professionals say ~1200 calories is the minimum limit.
  • CheezPuff89
    CheezPuff89 Posts: 14 Member
    You can get better, you are not stuck with this relationship with food forever. Most have given great advice, that you need to see a doctor. Don't be afraid or be ashamed, it takes a lot of courage to reach out but it will be worth it. But you deserve it, you deserve to be and feel healthy. At your height and weight, you are already at the lower end of a healthy BMI. 105 lbs puts you as underweight. You already understand you aren't near eating enough, the fact you know this is a good thing. A doctor can help you get the help you need, to slowly start eating more and to change your perspective. Know that this can get better. You don't have to live like this. Reach out to someone who cares about you and can help you through this.
  • jkr12
    jkr12 Posts: 31
    Hmm... where's the OP?
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry guys. I just felt bad because everyone was being so rude! I wasn't trying to diagnose or promote EDs. Just trying to be supportive.

    Calling the girl a thin, air-headed b*tch for eating so little is rude. Telling someone that their behavior is destructive (which it definitely is, in this case) is not rude. "Supportive" doesnt always mean "positive". How old are you?
    See how many people are saying that it's a bad idea? They're saying it out of love and concern, not jealousy or hatred.

    Seriously, that small amount of calories per day (she said she rarely even gets to 500!) is NOT okay, and what she is doing is certainly anorexic behavior. You don't magically become anorexic when you hit a certain weight. You can be overweight and anorexic. It's all in the mindset and behavior.
    Your body, brain, organs, *everything* needs calories to function. There is a reason professionals say ~1200 calories is the minimum limit.
    Just had to correct you with one thing! I don't like when people don't know their facts and are trying to draw conclusions from made-up ones. Part of the definition of anorexia is refusing to maintain a normal weight for height and age. A situation where all anorexic symptoms are meant and that one is not is considered one of the types of EDNOS. If you don't believe me. http://www.anad.org/get-information/get-informationanorexia-nervosa/
    Click that link!
    However, symptoms obviously occur in the early stages when weight isn't actually lost yet. That's why I was suggesting to wait because sometimes it isn't anorexia at all! It could be just simply restriction or a radical type of dieting.
    (Again, I am not trying to promote unhealthy behavior or encourage eating disorders).
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    Hmm... where's the OP?
    Probably crying her eyes out. (I would). Some people are so rude!
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member

    Just had to correct you with one thing! I don't like when people don't know their facts and are trying to draw conclusions from made-up ones. Part of the definition of anorexia is refusing to maintain a normal weight for height and age. A situation where all anorexic symptoms are meant and that one is not is considered one of the types of EDNOS. If you don't believe me. http://www.anad.org/get-information/get-informationanorexia-nervosa/
    Click that link!
    However, symptoms obviously occur in the early stages when weight isn't actually lost yet. That's why I was suggesting to wait because sometimes it isn't anorexia at all! It could be just simply restriction or a radical type of dieting.
    (Again, I am not trying to promote unhealthy behavior or encourage eating disorders).
    Even if it isn't anorexia (I don't see how it wouldn't be, I'm sure any psychiatrist would diagnose her with it, check the DSM), this "radical diet" or "restriction" is extraordinarily unhealthy either way, even if it is temporary. Don't get caught up in labels, and dont enable unhealthy destructive behavior just because you think it isn't "technically" anorexia. You seem to be missing the point.

    Also, people aren't rude for telling her she's being unhealthy (again). Why do you think that?
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    I'm trying to say this in the nicest way... Have you accepted the fact the you have an eating disorder? Please seek professional help from a physician, dietitian and psychologist. You're doing lots of damage to your body by depriving it of essential nutrients.

    I agree too. 500 is not healthy in any way!! and still trying to lose at 114 was it? please go see a doctor.. that's not good.
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    500 calories is plenty (even lower)


    OMG LOL that made me bust out laughing and that was pretty much my exact reaction to reading that comment
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Hmm... where's the OP?
    Probably crying her eyes out. (I would). Some people are so rude!

    she said be as honest as you need to be...
    she asked for it and she's getting it.
    no one here is being rude we are just giving her the advice she asked for.
  • JoannaLouden
    JoannaLouden Posts: 70 Member
    Your very next phone call should be to a doctor - one you know and trust. Print out your exact post here as it is a scream for help. Discuss this with professionals.
    You are beautifully & wonderfully made in the image of God and He loves you. Now you must love yourself enough to seek help. You've asked for advice and you have tons of it here - all of basically saying the same thing.

  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Sorry guys. I just felt bad because everyone was being so rude! I wasn't trying to diagnose or promote EDs. Just trying to be supportive.
    Yes, because supporting someone in a quest that can kill them is SO helpful. You need to learn what is and isn't healthy eating before you go around sprouting off that some ridiculously low unhealthy number is "plenty".
  • kthomison
    kthomison Posts: 6
    Your post really scared me. It reminded me of an episode of Intervention I saw where the girl was anorexic. Please seek out a professional. Start with your family doctor if you're not sure who to talk to. They can point you in the right direction. But, since you are living alone it will be alot easier to just stay isolated with your concerns. I think you have a misguided view of how much you should be eating. A nutritionist can help you understand what your body needs and why. Please, please seek help immediately. Best of luck and prayers to you!
  • But before you wake up dead, someone in your family may commit you to a eating disorder facility. This enviroment falls somewhere inbetween a locked psych ward and a 28 day locked drug rehab. Basically a bunch of people who have lost their sanity and are addicted to death by starvation. Everyone there thinks they look great. In reality they look like victims of war. They take all your things away that have any kind of a sharp edge. It does no good to refuse to eat here because eventually they forcefully install a feeding tube and you stay until you gain a set amount. If you get a therapist now you can avoid all this.
  • jenyanta
    jenyanta Posts: 6
    I can't add much to what has already been said, except that as I read your post, it seemed to be to be a huge jumbled mess of emotion, confusion, pain and fear. You know what you need to do in your heart. You know that this is not healthy behavior, no matter what you keep telling yourself when you look at the scale.

    If the photo on your profile is really you, you are beautiful. and your arms are sickly thin. Please take the steps you need to, to get healthy again. To stop the confusion, and pain, and fear. Call your doctor. Call your best friend and take them with you for support.

    You can be thin and healthy. Or you can be thin and dead. Find your new path.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm trying to say this in the nicest way... Have you accepted the fact the you have an eating disorder? Please seek professional help from a physician, dietitian and psychologist. You're doing lots of damage to your body by depriving it of essential nutrients.

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