
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Jeannie - I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care and know we will be here for you.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I started off with god intentions on my food logging, but am floundering.Honestly, I don't think its the logging in that I am having problems with, I'm just having a hard time getting back on track. I love hummus and taboulli and have been using wheat pitas or lavaash bread. The problem is that I am eating too much of it at one time. I am eating 2 pita breads or a whole lavaash bread I am just not getting satisfied with just one.The other thing is the heat here. I just don't feel like cooking! I've got the veggies, but don't want to roast them. And U really don't like steamed veggies to much I want something quick but yummy. Is that possible??? I am doing somewhat reasonable with the sweets. I am not eating chocolate bars anymore. that is a biggie for me. I am just having a hard time getting into the routine and "the zone".
    The other thing that is bumming me out is that I am in constant pain all the time. I don't know why, but this summer my legs are killing me (knees), and I am feeling it all the way down my shin bone. I am literally on vicodin and ibuprophen two tiimes daily. PLUS, I am exhausted! Lately I am sleeping a lot everyday. And I am not talking "taking a nap". I wake up tired, do what I have to for my mom and doggies, then a couple of hours later I grab the puppies and we go in my room and crash and I sleep for at least 5 or 6 hours! Yesterday I went to sleep at 2pm and woke up at 8 pm!! I was tired by 11:30 pm and went to bed right away. Today I feel halfway decent and that's why I went online here, but normally I barely can stay awake.
    As for swimming, last year I was in the pool daily, sometiimes 2 or 3 times a day. So far I have been only once this summer. For some reason the water is not warming up nearly as much as it did last year. I think it has to do with it being hot during the day but cold at night. It hasn't been consistent like it was last year. Unfortunately, management is too cheap to heat the pool. You would think they would considering the fact that this is senior housing and they need it a little warmer than younger people, but they don't care. It really is a shame as the pool is only able to be used for 2 or 3 months out of the year! It was my only source of exercising last year and this year when I went in that one time, my legs were so much in pain afterwards.It wasn't from being sore from exercising either, it was my knees and shins again. The whole thing is very frustrating to me. Mostly because I know how well physically I was feeling last year and this year I am so much worse and don't even have the capability of doing it without being in severe pain. Sometimes I have to have a neighbor walk my puppies because I am literally unable to walk without crying.
    What a waste, and it is driviing me crazy. I just cant seem to do the things I normally could do.:noway:

    Well I am hungry now so I am goiing to see what I am going to round up for myself.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Dear Jeannie, I'm so sorry you lost your mom. I'm sending hugs to you. :heart: :cry:

    Sissygok et al, yep, squash for breakfast. it was good for my morale if not my tastebuds. I've done it twice this week and probably will opt for something tastier next time. I've had spinach (cooked) with a little lemon juice when I was at a restaurant. It was pretty good. Maybe that's worth a try.

    Chiclet, I know what you mean about getting in the groove. After yesterday (more later), I felt myself wavering. I didn't stick with my plan but (BIG but) I ate moderately, stuck to limeade (made with Stevia) instead of booze, and skipped dessert. Overall, it felt pretty good.

    One thing that helped was being able to retreat to my own space to make my salad, etc. That got me away from the appetizers, which was a very good thing.

    Today started out well then I made tuna salad with all kinds of things in it for everyone (DD, 2 DGD's, and myself) for lunch. Figuring out the calories seemed too difficult. I had a taste or two too. Uh oh. Not a good thing. I then had some of the dessert I skipped last night. Worser and worser.

    It was a close thing but, instead of continuing on the mindless path, I decided to take my best guess at calories and log what I'd eaten. I feel amazingly more in control.

    What it seems to come down to for me is I can survive a (short) detour without too much damage but it's risky. I've wanted very much to be able to take a weekend off from logging and still eat moderately. The reality is that I can't do that. Maybe someday (maybe) but definitely not now.

    Knowledge is power (they say!) I guess this is power.

    Mimi SVQ
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    So sorry for your loss.You were always there for your mom.
    Sending you a big hug.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    First thing this morning we went to the courthouse to support my niece on divorce day...but again it didn't happen...he has asked for delays so many times now the judge is getting pissed off at him...good let the judge get pissed and maybe it will benefit my niece at settlement. WE met with her attorney and with several of of there to witness for her a lot of things came out that she had not told her attorney...she has unfortunately enabled this man for many years, supported him when he said he was physically unable to work and then after 28 years of marriage he found someone else...and now wants half of my nieces 401K, house and also to be paid spousal support..:devil: ..sorry I went into all that but I am seething. :mad:

    After the dismissed court we went to the gym and I worked out with a new fervor due to anger. :explode:

    Kept on track foodwise all day today too. I am trying as hard as I can to stay off the scale until next Monday....hard for me to do because I have always been a daily weigher...is that even a word? :blushing:

    Hotter than hades:devil: here to day and more humid than last week..heard that Oklahoma might be in for another dust bowl...Oh, great, just what we need.

    Have a good evening ladies.:love:
    xoSissy:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeanie, I am sending :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and prayers for you and your family. Your mom is at peace and her suffering is over. She went with love and dignity, you are so blessed. I work in a nursing home and there are so many who die alone with no one to give them comfort in their final hours but strangers.

    :flowerforyou: Well today was weigh in.... the good news is I didn't gain any weight....the bad news is I didn't lose any either. I have been on Visalus Shakes for 2 weeks for breakfast and lunch and regular dinner. I love the shakes but they have constipated me. I am not going to buy it any more, I really need to find something that makes me go naturally. Nothing seems to work for long, I have Diverticulitis and can't do cleanses.

    :flowerforyou: I am exhausted and think I will turn in early. Everyone have a wonderful evening, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Amanda - the only problem about regifting the crossstitch is that there aren't a whole lot of people that I can give it to. That book that my "secret santa" gave me (Grill This, not That), I'm sending it to the gal who I have as a secret santa. She's into health, nutrition, etc. Not a whole lot of people are. I'm going to go buy tomatoes today (we need some for salad and for me to munch on as I pass by) and I'll ask the guy who sells them to address the envelope for me. I'm sure he won't mind. then I'll go to the post office, need to mail these permits for the pool anyway (I'll do whatever to get that pool) I know that it's so hard to buy for me, clothes have to be a petite size and there aren't a whole lot of stores that carry petite sizes, and the stores that do have a very limited selection. I have a wish list on Amazon, I wonder if I give next years' secret santa my password if they can view my wish list and then know what DVD's I'd like. The only problem I can see is that in order to get the free shipping, you need to spend $25. However, they might want to order something for themselves. I remember one time when we took Jessica to get her hair cut, she was problably around 4 or 5. Vince was holding her, she was VERY upset. Suddenly he felt this warmth on his legs. Yup. When she was little she had no problem getting her hair cut, then she went thru a phase when she would get upset. Glad your grandson had no problem. They ARE cute so that hairdresser was right!

    We're supposed to go to a social with the Newcomers this Saturday. It's at the ballpasrk. Personally, if it were up to me, I wouldn't have a problem at all missing it. But I know that Vince wants to go, so we sent in the money. I remember from last year that the food they served wasn't real good (at least to me). Typical hot dogs, hamburgers, there was this chili that was VERY greasy, potato chips, ice cream. I did learn last year that I'd better take a few bottles of water while they have them out so I can drink them during the game. In a sense, I do hope it gets rained out. The temp is supposed to be something like 98 and I worry about Vince.

    Did an hour of Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD today. Tomorrow I'll use the stairmaster. Then take a quick shower (I always get so sweaty when I use the Stairmaster) and go play mahjongg.

    dooleyrg, keckelstafer, drkatiebug - welcome

    yougojo - welcome. What part of NJ are you in? I'm in NC now, but I was raised in northern NJ. Just thinking about those Jersey tomatoes......<sigh> Theree's nothing like a Jersey tomato

    swkittrell - what part of NC are you in? <hopefully, my part so we can get together> I handle the "problem" of all the extra calories from my exercise by not recording the exercise, so MFP can't add back in those calories. Otherwise, I know that I'd wind up eating junk food just to get my calories up, and that isn't the thing to do.

    chicklet - does your housing community have a board of some sort? Maybe you could suggest to them that everyone be assesed some and it would go towards purchasing a solar cover for the pool? Depending on how many couple are in your community, the assessment may not be that much

    Rose - first off, warning: delicate matter. anyway, a few years ago I had a hemmerhoidectomy. At the time, the MD said that to make my stools softer, I should take a tablespoonful of mineral oil every day. It DID help. Fortunately, I didn't take any of the pain killer, but I still needed to be "soft". Maybe that will help you.

    Well, hope everyone has a great evening.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    SallyCC "drove by the bay"? Not San Francisco bay?:huh:
    Michelle, if you suspect who the Secret Santa is who didn't respect your preferences, maybe you could arrange to get her name next year give her the crosstitched towels ...:noway: nooo that would be mean...
    Chiclet, Great to see you post again.:flowerforyou: I'm the same way with Lavosh and butter. Once I start, I don't stop until I eat it ALL. But I love veggies with hummus. Try cucumber and sweet red or orange peppers. They go well with hummus, are chock full of goodstuff, and might help hold the pita down to one. So sorry:sad: to hear about your pain and heavy meds. Both pain and meds take such a terrible toll.
    Laurel with your diverticulitus can you eat any fruits or veggies at all? Prunes always do it for me:tongue: , and I've heard slippery elm bark tea helps too.

    yesterday no mat work and failed to meet veggie goals :ohwell: BUT got a late evening stroll to see the fireworks. Great view, lovely warm evening and it put me over my 10K step goal.

    Today had 2 light beers, but better than the 2 or 3 pints of ale I really wanted :drinker:

    Hugs to all,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really. and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 5=18 4=0 3=20 2=20 1=33

    steps: 5=9705 4=11083 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :bigsmile: my head is swimming with all the interesting things I've read from all of you and once again I have no time to respond to everyone :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I know what you mean about eating too much of your favorite stuff......there is a long list of foods that I no longer allow in my house because I am unable to be moderate with them
    bread, cereal, peanut butter, hummus, all dried fruit,nuts, cookies, candy, ice cream, and probably a few others.......cheese goes on and off the list. :laugh:

    :grumble: :grumble: it's time now for me to call my complaining 87 year old cousin.....I needed to read all the positive posts from you so I'd have a good mind-set for talking to her....you all raise my spirits.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: 74 degrees today and several hours of working on my rock project.....I skipped my weight training so I'd have more time in the yard :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    So sorry for your loss of your mother. I lost my mother in the same way to lung cancer when I was 19. It is so very painful, and I can tell you that with time your pain won't hurt so much. Try to remember all the good memories and thank God for with all of the years that you did have with your Mom. I am praying that God may comfort you and your family during this difficult time.
    Linda, AKA SundanceB :flowerforyou:
  • maccas98
    maccas98 Posts: 1
    doesn't have to be a competive pace, just go out there and finish the thing. its all about finishing
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    I hope this beautiful morning finds you all healthy and happy!!!!

    I`m getting ready to take off to the Farmers Market, need to restock fresh veggies and fruit.YUM:smile:

    I had a wonderful time on the 4th with friends, I even ate tiramisu cake and stayed within my calorie goal. An odd thing though the cake was just so-so, not really worth the over 300 calories for me, I still have one slice left, I`m debating do I put it in the freezer for a later time, or just throw it away? I was going to eat in tonight but it put me over my carb limit, I decided I would rather have squash and zucchini instead:laugh: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderul day, will try to check back later.

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member

    I am so very sorry for the passing of your mom!

    I lost my dad a year ago -- I am so very sorry!

    I have such fond, fun memories and I revisit them quite a bit!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello everyone. The weekend is upon us. When a Holiday is in the midst of a week it keeps our schedules off-kilter all week long. I have an appropriate task for another very hot day---bill paying, $$ transfers online and generally doing/filing to get caught up again.

    Wishing everyone well. :drinker: :drinker:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    In just a few minutes, I'm off to water aerobics class! Haven't gone for a month because of my ****knee :grumble:. Here's hoping I not only last the hr but don't pay for it for the rest of the day! But, I honestly do miss it and the great group of people that go also!

    Anywho, once again, I enjoy everyone's posts!

    I do have a question for you all-Does anyone have any good ideas/recipes for incorporating more veggies? I do salads sometimes and have veggies on sandwiches, when I have one (which isn't often). Other than that mostly do frozen steamed ones with dinner. I know i could do more stir frys but with the heat haven't been cooking as much and really sick of fresh broccoli and carrots! Now that I've been logging for a month, I see that's the area I could improve on. Don't feel like I do enough of them on a daily basis.

    Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!

  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Good morning everyone!

    I am really enjoying this web site everyone is so encourging.

    Do you live near Raleigh? I am 40 miles north of Raleigh about 15 miles from the VA border.
    I am going to try not to pay attention to the amount of calories that the exercise takes away. As long as I try for 1200 to 1300 calories a day this is my goal. When I put my information in the formula it said I needed to eat over 1500 calories a day. I am having a hard time getting up to my 1200 as it is. I am not hungry to eat more and I am eating healthy. I will see where this takes me.

    Well need to get ready to go work out. I feel so much better since I started exercising in May. I have lost 12 lbs since I started eating healthy and exercising.

    This morning I at a stick of reduced fat cheese, a hard boiled egg, and a banana. I do get full. Is there anything else I can add to this for breakfast?

    Everyone have a good day and enjoy yourselves:happy: :smile:
  • heybert
    heybert Posts: 1 Member
    Want to lose 4 lbs. or more
    Worked out at Sweat 3 times a week for hour (with nothing yet for the first three weeks) any thoughts? I would have thought I would have seen something. No didn't eat any differently. Around 1300 to 1500 calories. I am getting a little discouraged.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am really enjoying this web site everyone is so encourging.

    Do you live near Raleigh? I am 40 miles north of Raleigh about 15 miles from the VA border.
    I am going to try not to pay attention to the amount of calories that the exercise takes away. As long as I try for 1200 to 1300 calories a day this is my goal. When I put my information in the formula it said I needed to eat over 1500 calories a day. I am having a hard time getting up to my 1200 as it is. I am not hungry to eat more and I am eating healthy. I will see where this takes me.

    Well need to get ready to go work out. I feel so much better since I started exercising in May. I have lost 12 lbs since I started eating healthy and exercising.

    This morning I at a stick of reduced fat cheese, a hard boiled egg, and a banana. I do get full. Is there anything else I can add to this for breakfast?

    Everyone have a good day and enjoy yourselves:happy: :smile:

    I love Greek yogurt for breakfast. Trader Joe's is my brand--pomegranate is 110 calories and 14g of protein. Love it!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello from the sunshine of the Creston Valley! :laugh:

    Oh, yes, food that I can’t stop eating, aka how I got to be obese.:noway: Recent example: I bought a new cookbook (vegetarian, must eat more vegetables) and it included a recipe for Rosemary-Garlic Foccacia bread. Yes, I baked it. :noway: Last night we had it with our supper of grilled steak & greek salad. I am sure I ate at least half of it myself, dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar! It’s a very good thing I decided to have an AFD (alcohol free day) or I would have really gone over the top. Funny thing, I also made a “dessert bar” – something like a matrimonial cake but filled with homemade jam – and I haven’t even been tempted to try it. It’s good bread and crackers that ruin me!

    It could be a coincidence; bust the scale is up a pound this morning. :blushing:

    I have 5 more pounds to loose to get to my goal and I have not lost an ounce or a gram in two months. Sigh. JB, I recall you writing about plateau-land some months ago.

    Jeannie, so sorry to hear about your loss. :flowerforyou:

    Mimi, you sound very confident and powerful – in control! I enjoyed reading your post and it’s inspired me to “stay in the groove” though the temptations are many and varied these summer holiday weeks.

    Barbara, congratulations on “two light beers” instead of what you really wanted. :flowerforyou: Summer time is booze time for me, and I am trying really hard not to over do it – glad to know I’ve got company!

    DeeDee – throw out the cake. Just do it! :laugh:

    How to eat more vegetables….I leave fruit and things like raw carrots out in the kitchen (rules of food safety carefully observed) and that's what we snack on. Seems to work.

    I have switched from New Rules of Lifting for Women to New Rules of Lifting for Life. I can’t do all the exercises in NROLFW anymore because of my fused toes. The …For Life book is a “build your own” book, selecting from categories of: core, power, squat, lunge, hinge, single-leg stance, push, and pull exercises for each workout. It looks good and I will be at the gym today trying out my latest combination.

    Five days to freedom! (That is when I reclaim my foot!). I have already got a new battery in my pedometer, I am ready to run!

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for July:
    Work back up to 5 K a day
    1/2 an hour of aerobic exercise every day, NROLFL 3x a week (or variations when at camp or cabin!)
    Play with J'boy!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Morning ladies from steamy Omaha. Today was weigh in day at work, so i drove in. Only lost 0.2 pounds, but have lost an entire % of body fat in the last month, so that's pretty good! I think today I'll nap some...still have the sinus issue and we want to go out tonight (Bonefish Grill YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)...I won't be much company if my head still hurts LOL!

    Mimi: your limeade sounds yummy! Can you share the recipe?

    Sissy: sounds like you are hot as well...do you live in OK? My inlaws are all from Miami OK, which is about 10 miles from Joplin.

    Laurel: good weigh in; even though you didn't lose, you didn't gain so that is great!

    Barbie: good luck with the cousin! I have a really good friend from high school who calls about once a month, drunk, really messed up and complains about how bad her life is. I can't do anything for her but listen and encourage, but it does sap my strength!

    Swkittrell: good job with your 12# lost! That's wonderful!

    Well the recliner is calling me. Enjoy the day and stay on plan! We will get to our goals eventually!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi from HOT CNY!

    It has been too hot to do too much actual exercise today, but I did stay off the couch! My sister came out and we both worked on quilts all day. Mine is cut out and ready to sew. May do some more tonight. We ate very healthy and drank lots of water.

    I will go for a 2 mile walk in a little bit. The breeze has picked up, so it shouldn't be too bad.

    Tomorrow I will hit the gym first thing and then run some errands. Once I get home I will need to finish up some housework and laundry before getting back to my quilt. The quilt is for the bed in the room that my mother-in-law uses when she visits for the summer. She will be here in about 10 days, so I really need to get going on it! It is a rag quilt, so I won't need to quilt it.

    Mimi- I would love to learn how to make a good limeade. Can you share your recipe?

    I too have hit a plateau. I still would like to lose about 10 pounds, but I seem to be stuck. I think I need to up the exercise (am trying to even with the heat- I hate the hot weather!) Other suggestions?

    Need to get going if I am going to walk. Have a great evening!
    Deb A