At what size is it okay to start working in a gym?



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I didn`t read all of this thread but was the statement about your weight from just your friend to you or was it dirrectly from the employer to you? Not trying to say your friend is a lyer but it is a thought that ran threw my head when I first read the OP. Why would an employer talk about not bringing someone on with another regular employee thats just not something I can see management doing.

    If I didn`t get it RIGHT from the interviewers mouth I would not believe it just saying.

    your at a fine size go out and apply confidence is key
  • helena260
    helena260 Posts: 83 Member
    You need to apply to work at other gyms!! I can't believe they would not hire you because you are a size 12!! A size 12 is not large!! Look at it this way, It's their LOST!!!!!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Perhaps someone else was just more qualified and a better fot to the gym. Given the low employment rate, and the 'shiny' nature of this industry, the number of applicants I imagine would have been high. Therefor the competition greater. Perhaps you were not the most suitable applicant, despite what you believe about yourself.

    I highly doubt that your friends boss told her what you claim (that you were overweight) - thats unprofessional, a breach of confidentiality and just unlikely. Think about it, seriously.

    Wow - and you can run 10kms under an hour now! Good job!!! I read on your profile a few weeks back that you could only run 3.6kms but you were working on increasing that. It must have been that 135kms you were going to run in the month of June (where you challenged everyone to like your comment for 1km)! Boy you are fit and strong!!! How have you gone with the 135kms? Ive been training for a half marathon (next Sunday on the Gold Coast - eeik, very excited!) and I have been averaging 30-45kms each week and my body is so ready for a rest!! Yours must be feeling the same now too.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You're entitled to know why you were unsuccessful. Write and ask why. If they're stupid enough to say it was your appearance, then you have a case.

    What they did was illegal, but you'd have to prove it.

    I looked up the laws, and I'm curious, how was it illegal? Can you find a link please?
  • littlecesar
    First of all, they discriminated against you. I think they think all fitness instructors must be a size 6-8, but that's not what real woman weigh. At my gym, there is a fitness instructor that has to be a size 16 or so, and she teaches, there is also a Zumba fitness instructor that used to be probably a size 20 or 22, and she teaches. However, she has lost a considerable amount of weight while teaching Zumba.....what better advertisement then that!! I personally would not work for that company and go elsewhere. Most companies want you to "look" the part, especially in the fitness industry, but that's wrong. Hope you find a job that values your education and abilities, and not your weight. Good luck!

    I'm sorry, but your post is discriminative as well. "real women aren't a 6-8"??? Excuse me, but I am a 2-4 and I feel pretty real. That's just dumb.
    I agree. My clothing sizes vary between 00-3 depending on what I weigh.
    As I stated before, most women are a size 16 in the USA....not trying to piss off anyone. Why are you two here anyway if you don't need to lose weight? Are you just maintaining your size 00-6?