

  • juliemarie911
    i feel ganged up on :(
    maybe i should have made it say "foods to try to stay away from"
    i hardly eat any of that stuff anyway.. but i do sometimes if theres nothing else at a party or if i have a craving and just make up for it later w/ exercise or something
    for the most part i try to stay healthy as possible. theres other foods you can eat instead of those that are good for you and taste just as good....... but again im sorry!!! im not starting posts anymore lol
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I'm tempted to get this thread locked since it is so assed out f*cking stupid it should just go away.

    ^^^ that!

    i have eaten pretty much everything on that list and lost weight. for the first time i threw out lists like that before i started my diet and i am HAPPY while losing weight.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    i feel ganged up on :(
    maybe i should have made it say "foods to try to stay away from"
    i hardly eat any of that stuff anyway.. but i do sometimes if theres nothing else at a party or if i have a craving and just make up for it later w/ exercise or something
    for the most part i try to stay healthy as possible. theres other foods you can eat instead of those that are good for you and taste just as good....... but again im sorry!!! im not starting posts anymore lol

    Okay okay look, we here at BangBu- I mean just like to have a thing for common sense. The fact you can admit you may have been wrong speaks volumes for you as a person with a gelatinous mass between their ears. You didn't try to argue anyone down here (granted Dan pretty thoroughly picked that list apart), which is cool, it happens, we all get misguided sometimes. The point is being willing to look at what we think and change it.

    Good on you for being healthy, and you clearly made progress in your weight loss so badass on you. Now come do leangains and eat a pound of delicious food with us for breakfast at 4:00 in the afternoon.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    ok sorry i pissed you all off i wont make anymore posts

    You didn't piss me off... The post did, a little. I have fought my self-esteem over gimmicky diets for years. I hate to see anyone go down that road anymore. You should make all the posts you want! And don't follow that advice ~ you'll certainly benefit more from not depriving yourself.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    i feel ganged up on :(
    maybe i should have made it say "foods to try to stay away from"
    i hardly eat any of that stuff anyway.. but i do sometimes if theres nothing else at a party or if i have a craving and just make up for it later w/ exercise or something
    for the most part i try to stay healthy as possible. theres other foods you can eat instead of those that are good for you and taste just as good....... but again im sorry!!! im not starting posts anymore lol

    I don't think anyone's trying to gang up on you. Your post is correct in that some foods are better than others, and most things on that list aren't great food choices. But yeah, basically forbidding people to eat them if they want to lose weight isn't going to get a great response. I eat clean 80% of the time but I also eat plenty of foods on the list occasionally. I've lost weight just fine.

    Just open your mind a bit and realize that your way isn't the only way, and you won't piss people off. Promise! Again I'm sorry that you felt ganged up on, but after being on these boards a while it just gets tiring seeing people post these diet myths as "fact."
  • littlemiss5foot1
    littlemiss5foot1 Posts: 75 Member

    really really helpfull site !
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member

    really really helpfull site !

    ....not so much.'s_Worksheet_(WIP)

    More helpful.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have eaten every single food on that list, multiple times over the past 7 months. I lost the weight, continue to slowly lose and maintain.

    Some one said it earlier. Keep reading these stupid articles and beat yourself up over eating the WRONG thing and you are sure to fail.

    Moderation is the key to your success.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    ok sorry i pissed you all off i wont make anymore posts

    Just read the article before posting.
    Your forum title states that we shouldnt eat these if we want to lose weight.
    It's just not true.
    And if you read the bottom posts on the article itself youll see 15-18 year olds posting.

    OP check nout the site and
    Lots of great info with a ton of science to back it up.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    PLEASE explain the difference between Cakes and Cake, sodas and soft drinks. Also, why is popcorn on the to eat list and the not to eat list. Thank you for this, I have not laughed so hard in a long time.
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    A few main ones people are subject to on a daily basis.

    White Sugar- You need organic sugar. A good one is "Sugar in the Raw". Sugar was never made white.
    Creamy gravy- When you are out to eat stay away from creamy gravy. Dr. Oz had a show that talked about it. They use a TON of
    butter to make this stuff.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Fried foods <----true but if it fits your macros then why not?
    Hamburgers & French fries <---I eat hamburgers and if i'm in a deficit I lose weight.
    Table sugar <---true but if it fits your macros then why not if you like it.
    Plain Jam <----if it fits your macros then why not if you like it?
    salted nuts <---ate nuts like this every day. Sodium wont stop you from losing weight.
    smoked nuts <----nothing wrong with smoked nuts.
    refried beans <
    heavy carbs can still fit in your macros.
    Baked Beans <
    if it fits your macros then why not if you like them.
    Chocolate Fudge <
    if it fits your macros then why not?
    Candy <
    if it fits your macros then why not?Toffee
    Gums <----I chew gum every day and still lose weight.
    Boiled sweets <----WTF is a boiled sweet? Anyway if it fits your macros then why not....
    Mint Sweets <---better than big sweets in some instances but if it fits your macros then why not?
    Liquorice <----In women this is actually great to have as a dietary supplement. IIFYM then why not?
    Honey - Honey has minimal nutritional value & has the same calorie content as sugar. <---some people prefer honey and IIFYM then why not?

    Soft drinks <
    If it fits your macros then why not?
    Tinned fruits <----unsweetened or sweetened IIFYM then why not?
    Chutney <----I ate all sorts of indian food including chutney and lost weight. IIFYM then why not?
    Pickle <---Really? At <3cals? Really?
    bacon <----Bacon fits into rest day macros easily.
    sausage <----I ate sausage almost every day and lost weight as long as I was ata a deficit.
    cured meats <---some of the best protein is from cured meats. Never avoid this. Easy to bag and go!
    ham <----ham is a fatty meat so should be eaten on rest days. Or IIFYM eat it!
    fatty cuts of steak like T-bone & rib-eye <----Bull****. Again the fat isnt bad and helps with testosterone uptake.
    Puddings <
    really? Even the 100cal ones? Bull****.
    Corn syrup <
    this is true.
    Fruit juice - It's better to eat raw fruit instead of fruit juice because fruits contain more fiber and the juice will always contain more sugar than the actual fruit. <----but if it fits your macros than drink it.
    Cake <---IIFYM eat it.
    Bread made with white flour <
    wheat is preferred but IIFYM then eat it.
    Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. <----IIFYM drink it.
    All baked goods made with white flour <---wheat is preferred but again IIFYM eat it.
    Coffee <---coffee has been proven to be one of the best and cheapest supplements on the market. So many studies that I couldnt even begin to print them all. This was the biggest BS i've read on this article so far.

    Biscuits <----IIFYM eat it.
    Fast foods <---Fast food fits into my cutting calories daily.
    Pasta made with white flour <----wheat or rice preferred but IIFYM eat it.
    Canned fruits w/added sugar <see canned fruits above.
    Most packaged cereals <---I ate 2cups cereal every night in bed and lost weight.
    Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73% <----BS it actually causes the body to only focus on getting rid of the alcohol. Drinking on an empty stomach thern waiting for the alcohol to be expelled will have zero effect on metabolism or nutrient uptake within a 24 hour period. This is BS.

    Potato chips <---nothing wrong with these as long as the fit your macros.
    Popcorn <----some of the best carb sources and filling. I suggest popcorn to those who are having trouble making macro goals.
    Cookies <---nothing worng with cookies as long as they fit your macros.
    Ice cream <---I ate ice cream on a daily basis and lost weight. IIFYM eat it.
    Cakes <---IIFYM eat it.
    Pies <---IIFYM eat it.
    All deserts <---all bull****.
    Artificial sweeteners <----IIFYM eat it. I like splenda and i'm losing weight.
    Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight. <----but IIFYM drink it.

    Fear mongering is one of the best tools for creating misconception about food.
    If you like a certain type of food and you want to lose weight, all you need to know is "Do you have room in your macros to eat it?"
    Do you know your TDEE?
    This article would have been good if it stated that all the foods are fine to eat in moderation.
    If it had some type of science behind it to back it up.
    Coffee causes stress?
    Any type of stimulant causes stress.
    Green tea is a stimulant BTW!

    What a bunch of garbage.

    No wonder we have girls on here afraid to eat above 1200 cals and who sit in the corner crying because they had 1 cookie.

    To summarize:

    If the food you like fits your macros then eat it.
    You will lose weight as long as you are at a deficit.

    Rant done.

    What he said.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Thanks once again for a really helpful post Dan!
    I didn't quote you as your reply is quite long, but it hits the nail on the head.
    Won't be surprised when this thread disappears...
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    A few main ones people are subject to on a daily basis.

    White Sugar- You need organic sugar. A good one is "Sugar in the Raw". Sugar was never made white.
    Creamy gravy- When you are out to eat stay away from creamy gravy. Dr. Oz had a show that talked about it. They use a TON of
    butter to make this stuff.

    YES. If Dr. Oz said it, it MUST be true :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: slurp slurp *wipes gravy from chin*
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I'm tempted to get this thread locked since it is so assed out f*cking stupid it should just go away.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    that list says i should eat nothing because i eat all of those things and still lose weight
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    very simple it if fits in ur required macros then its fine the reason people say avoid junk because they contain empty callories and contain more calloried for example a fried chicken will contain more callories than a normal boiled chicken because the fried chicken has breadcrumbs and also it has oil which has callories but I belive in if it fits ur macros then ur fine people have made this so complicated than it has to be
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    When deciding to eliminate any food from your eating plan, ask yourself "can I stick to this the rest of my life?" The reason why so many people lose weight, gain it back and end up right back where they started is that they restrict this, that and the other from their eating to lose the weight but you can't honestly stay away from potato chips forever, can u? I rarely eat chips, maybe 10 potato chips every 3 months at most, and although I tend to eat REAL food and am staying away from processed food, there is that exception of a couple of Chips Ahoy cookies every week lol.
    Exactly - again, do what you can sustain, because too many fail burning out and going right back to old habits followed by weight gain. None of us wants to die fat.
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    wow, most of you responders are seriously rude! you can respectfully disagree without sounding like jerks. i can't believe how hateful some of your posts have been. you should be ashamed to act with such immaturity.

    rant done.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I didn't bother to read the article, I just read Dan's response instead. (Better way to spend my time I figure!) But if the article said all of the foods listed in Dan's post are off limits, then my question is ... what the eff ARE we supposed to eat? They've effectively eliminated nearly every food on the planet! Is Dr. Oz behind this?! Maybe he wants to sell us some new super supplement to replace all the foods we're supposed to eliminate.
This discussion has been closed.