
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello ladies! This will be short...have a terrible sinus headache and going to bed for a while. Thank you for the yoga suggestions...I really do appreciated them! I promise more tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday! Meg
  • Hello Ladies,

    Had a great day today. Since I have been having such bad knee pain I went and got new shoes yesteday. I have some 'mechanical issues' with my rt hip and both feet....very unstable and pronate badly. Anyway, I spent a large amount of money on these butt ugly New Balance shoes that I was told are the best for bad pronators. They look like old lady orthopedic shoes!!! Anyway, I did Leslie Sansone"s The Big miles today instead of the Debbie Seiber's video's I have been doing and having so much pain with...my knee did not hurt one bit!!! I'll take the ugly shoes and how much they spent if it means I can exercise pain free!

    Still miserably hot here in Tallahassee, I only go outside to get in the car to go somewhere. July is the worst month here!!

    Did well with my eating today, hopefully will see some changes in the scale soon!!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies, I can't. Believe it is Sunday evening already...but only 8 more work days til vaca!!! I have to admit to being a lazy bum this weekend...I hosted Saturday lunch (mom and sister) ...sister stayed until 3:00 yacking with me and then I continued to do nothing...today I finished a book and floated in the pool...not sure what is going on, but tomorrow will have to get back into routine. We are waiting to hear if DS gets his orders...he thinks he will be headed to Afghanistan in the next 10 days...he has been issued new "gear " I try not to even ask what that means...so it looks like he is going this time...pretty soon I will get my thoughts in order. I told him this is a little more worrisome than when I put him on the bus for kindergarten ...but similiar in that this is what is the next step for him and he feels confident and ready to go. Ok, soon I will stop talking about this..thanks for listening ...he didn't want us to tell anyone until he leaves..but I am too verbal and really needed to get some of this out.

    Chiclet - I wish I had words of wisdom but I am not there yet with my mom...I hope you are not her only caregiver ...does anyone do respite care to give you some breathing room...you have to take care of yourself too.

    I don't remember who has the angry teenager...but may I say you go girl! Stick to your guns, she will thank you for it later ..my kids are only 23 & 21but they have both told us that they appreciate now the lessons from growing up.

    And to whomever 's daughter lives in St John...love Skinny Legs...it is on our list..I understand there are new owners? The house where we are staying is in John's Folly part of the island..not too far from Skinny Legs

    Have a good evening all..hugs, prayers and high fives...we are not ever going to give up!
  • I am trying to get my mind set to REALLY get started tomorrow. I know, "tomorrow" always seems to be the day we all begin the journey to reach our goal, but, I have to do something... I just cannot seem to get my motivation going. Grrrrrrr...
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement.. :blushing:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    This morning I was in the middle of typing a post when it all disappeared!Didn't have time to retype it all. Will try again tomorrow.

    I bought a Fitbit today and will be using it as soon as I figure it out! I also got new running shoes and sneakers for cross-training that I can use for Zumba classes. Now I have to workout after spending all that money!!

    I completed day 2 of the 30 day shred. It is hard for me, but I was better today than yesterday. I also did a yoga dvd. Suddenly feel very motivated to move.:happy:

    Deb A
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, I am not going to stay on too long cause we are having a light show in the form of a thunderstorm approaching and i don't like to be on the computer during storms.:noway: I am sitting here in a pool of sweat, I thought I would shake it up a bit and use Richard Simmons VHS tapes I found today when I was cleaning. :laugh: Boy when they say "SWEATIN" to the Oldies they sure do mean it. It really got my heart :heart: rate up and since I have been having some trouble losing inches around my waist I figured I would try something different every day. Well the storm is really getting close:huh: . Everyone have a great week, Rose Love:heart: ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, I am not going to stay on too long cause we are having a light show in the form of a thunderstorm approaching and i don't like to be on the computer during storms.:noway: I am sitting here in a pool of sweat, I thought I would shake it up a bit and use Richard Simmons VHS tapes I found today when I was cleaning. :laugh: Boy when they say "SWEATIN" to the Oldies they sure do mean it. It really got my heart :heart: rate up and since I have been having some trouble losing inches around my waist I figured I would try something different every day. Well the storm is really getting close:huh: . Everyone have a great week, Rose Love:heart: ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Loved Richard Simmons tapes!! My daughters and I did them together when they were preteens- great memories- lots of laughs.
    Deb A
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just saw this on facebook:laugh:

    "If you eat what you've always eaten, you'll weigh what you've always weighed." - Author Unknown
    (Lost the picture-haven't figured how to post them yet.:ohwell:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick note to let you know I've made a decision :noway: to extend my weight loss goal to another 10-15 lbs. I've been deliberating on the subject for a couple of weeks now, himming and hawing, himming and hawing. Anyway, I wrote about it it my blog post.


    Have a wonderful evening, I'll check back soon. Busy week coming up for me.

    xo jb
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Jen, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and your son. It's got to be scary - and at the same time make you very proud of him. :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Deb - how can shopping not be fun? That's one of my true loves.

    tibbsdjt, Joy (love your goals), britborn, brownbriar and any other newcomer that I may have missed - welcome

    mimi - of course, if I know where we are going out, I scope out their menu before hand. If I can't do that, then I try to have as many veggies as possible. Unfortunately, most restaurants are stingy with the veges (unless its french fries or potato chips, that is). I tend to try to avoid breads and just have what I'm having. I know that didn't make sense. Let me try giving you an example. We went out with these people and I got the black bean burger. I asked for no bun or sauce and the side to be steamed broccoli without butter. I only had water to drink. I try to have fruits for dessert. Unfortunately, most restaurants don't serve just fruit for dessert. If we go to a place like Denny's that has a fruit cup on their breakfast menu, I many times ask if I can get that, even tho it isn't on the dinner menu.

    kackie - yup, I ate two cupcakes. See, we all have our weak moments, and I had a doozie. But I'm back on track today. As a matter of fact, I was pretty careful about my calories yesterday. I just had that ice cream that I didn't plan for. I honestly didn't think it would do much. But this morning I felt quite "yuk", my guess is the high fat in the ice cream. Yes, you need some fats, but I guess my body is getting used to lower fats.

    Did an hour of the cardio on the My Fitness Coach for the Wii. It was something different, but you can see how the people who designed the Wii weren't into exercising. There just wasn't a "flow" of the movements. But oh well, I could pick the length of time, tho. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Kathy - yup, you were right, I was the one who was going to bring my own food to the ball game. I did wind up bringing a veggie burger, too.

    Connie - you bring back memories! Kat - I totally agree with you in that it's hardest on moms

    Kat - so sorry for your ache, hope it goes away really really fast. I totally agree with you in that exercise is only part of the solution, if you don't eat correctly you can undo everything you've done with exercise. It has to be both in conjunction, or else it doesn't work

    About the angry teenager: when Jessica was a teen I would, literally, lock myself in the bathroom otherwise I swear I would have killed her. I used to read the book "Get Out of My Life But First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall". One thing that book says is that the harder they pull away (the more it hurts you), the more they come back. Today Jessica is 28, lives in VA (we're in NC) and she comes here at least once/month for the weekend (a 6hr drive with her 2 cats), she calls almost every day. There is going to be light at the end of the tunnel -- I promise. Get that book, you'd swear the author was a fly on your wall when he/she (I don't even remember now) wrote it!

    brownbriar - why wait until tomorrow? Start right now! You can (and will) do it! Keep stopping in here for motivation.

    Well, off to take a shower, then bed. Everyone have a great evening.

  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Hi Ladies! So I have been trying to be good about keeping track of everything I put in my mouth, which is really interesting..... and trying to keep to the 1230 calories that I am suppose to eat.... Hopefully next week will be better with the darling college daughter back up to her internship so no more sweets around the house:smile:

    The weatherman says that the heat is coming to good old Southern California, BUT, living in the OC by the beach means it will be
    great walking/biking weather, yeah!

    KAT.... if you guys didn't make it up to Washington, how far did you get???? Wine Country???? From the pictures it looks like you all had fun........ miss you already:cry:

    Anyway, everyone have a wonderful week.......
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: This is in response to Mimi's wonderful questions and reflection. It took me until I was almost 62 years old to make the decision that changed my life. I had as many false starts as anyone. I ate pretty healthy which kept my weight under 200 but never got it to where I wanted to go. On my wedding anniversary in 2009 I woke up and said "that's enough" and started something different. My husband started Isagenix and I started a program of my own that eventually led me to MFP. I started by planning my meals for the day and making the decision to stick with the plan no matter what which included declining any food that was offered to my no matter how healthy or benign.......I went to line dance classes twice a week and walked the dogs a bit, but didn't do too much exercise. the transition from that to what I do today has been very gradual done with baby steps.

    :bigsmile: about eating out........I made the decision to stop using food as my main source of recreation and start looking for other forms of entertainment. :bigsmile: when I go out to eat, I don't expect to be entertained by the food. I expect to find something that approximates what I would eat on other occasions----broiled fish or chicken, steamed vegetables, salad with no cheese or croutons and dressing on the side.......I don't eat dessert under any circumstances because there's no nutrition in it, only entertainment,

    :flowerforyou: I avoid going to restaurants whenever possible.....i meet my friends to go for a walk or to do errands together.

    :flowerforyou: there is a big "unlearning" process involved in making these changes but it can be done if you sincerely want health and weight loss as your top priority.

    :flowerforyou: A great book to read to point yourself in the right direction is "The Thin Commandments Diet" maybe there's a copy at the library.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: now it's time for bed....:heart::heart: :heart: hugs to all
    Barbie from NW Washington
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Thanks, Barbie. Lots to think about.

    One thing I worked on today was logging things before I ate. There were a couple of times when I'd measured the food and started to eat when I said, whoops, forgot to log. I'm feeling really good about the day right about now.

    My daughter invited me over (all of 20 steps!) to share dinner with her family and another family I enjoy being with. I made a salad but, instead of guesstimating, I put mine in a bowl, weighing everything first, and set it aside to eat later. I did have some of the shrimp my daughter's friend prepared as an appetizer but also took it to my kitchen and weighed it before eating! I weighed the slice of chicken breast (skinless) I had for dinner and skipped the rice.

    At the end of the evening, I still had some calories left so I had a sliver of the chocolate ganache cake. I weighed it and used the highest calorie count I could find - Godiva chocolate ganache cake.

    All in all, today felt like a wonderful, in-control victory. Part of it's due to checking in with this thread, another part is due to logging (incredibly powerful), and the rest to starting out the day with roasted turnips for breakfast! I think I'm turning into a food freak of some kind! They sure beat squash for texture and flavor. Roasting makes them mild and the texture (well done) is great. Best of all, they're filling!

    I'd never thought before about the concept of food as entertainment. That rings true for me. Tonight was actually an example of food as entertainment although my eating was reasonable. I do want to fit in some social eating occasions but I'm convinced that I can't make exceptions in weighing or logging. Social eating is a big part of my entertainment. I am going to be thinking of other things to do with friends that are fun and social and don't involve food. Hmmm. Spa day anyone?

    Good night my friends.

    Mimi SVQ
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    No mat work today, nor yesterday. At least yesterday I did a few stretches in the hot tub. Today bupkes. No time, but plenty of other activity so I'm ok with it.

    End of the day found me very sleepy, :yawn: but way behind on veggies:indifferent: . Decided to make a plate while prepping for tomorrow's lunch. So if you look at my food log, everything in the 5-9 timeslot is actually being eaten now as I try to keep my eyes open and read the posts. Not good to eat so late, I know, but really want to get those veggies in. The truly amazing thing is I'd planned a bottle of light beer to accompany this late dinner and am TO TIRED:yawn: TO DRINK BEER:drinker: . Now there's a first!:laugh:

    Well ladies guess I'm not the only one who reads drastically less than she used to. Trouble is when I really get into a book (usually in bed), I'll read it straight through without moving much, and then not only did I not exercize, but my back is so stiff all I want to do is stay in bed! I can still read in the hot tub, but never borrowed books and only paperbacks. Started to type "cheap copies" but paperbacks sure aren't :noway: cheap anymore!

    All you 30 day shredders amaze me ... I've always been too intimidated:embarassed: by Jillian to even consider buying the DVD.

    SMVQ for eating out I do better when I eat a salad or an appetizer INSTEAD of an entree. I do NOT have an answer for sitting at the computer, I do it all day at work and even though I could get up and walk up a flight or two of stairs I don't. Have you considered sitting on an exercise ball? Some gals at work want to but so far HR has said "no!" As for being able to take a break, at this point in my journey its an absolute must. Weekends are my breaks. Does that mean I'm losing weight? No. Does it mean I'm eating healthier and being more active in the past 2 years than the prior 60? Yes! I figure that as I want to get
    smaller sized more, my weekends will moderate more, and they are... a little... :huh:
    moss11 well put! :love: We are all worthy of being kinder to ourselves.
    conniehv40 Good for you! Keep walking that stress away. And pat yourself on the back:bigsmile: for not returning anger for anger.
    kathyszoo how was the roasted garlic sirloin? Sounded delish! What movie did you see? :glasses:
    Brownbriar So sorry:cry: to hear about your back and knees! :brokenheart: Are you receiving any Physical Therapy? That sure counts! Today is yesterday's tomorrow. Now is all we have. Start now, even if all you can do is 10 deep breaths and make 1 healthier food choice. It's the beginning that counts. Sometimes I have to have a fresh start several times a day :laugh:
    Kat you are sure a better sport than I am.:noway: I'd have been spitting mad.:explode: I was BORN too old to be thrown into a pool. I think its a dangerous and mean thing to do!:angry:
    Sally your response to Megblair1 was perfect!:heart:
    Meg seems like your sinus infection hs been hanging on quite awhil:sick: e...Any good news from the Dr? If all else fails, stand in a hot shower for 10 minutes every 2 or 3 hours. It can help the inflamed passages to shrink and let the infection out. Good luck!
    MaryTallyMom Hooray for butt-ugly-but-pain-free shoes!:happy:
    Jen "new gear" doesn't bear thinking about. Keep talking to us. We're your safe zone.:heart:
    What is "Skinny Legs" (Besides what I used to have... and still do from the knees down...):ohwell:
    Rose your thunderstorm was here earlier both yesterday and today. No hail thank goodness, and very little rain, but LOTS of lightnging and rumbling. Robby's deaf so it doesn't bother him, but Dixie hides in the closet and shivers:sad: , poor girl.
    SMVQ Roasted turnips for breakfast? :wink: Now maybe that's something I could do. Sounds like you've got your (magic) (logging) powers back! :love: Hooray!

    Hugs to all,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really. and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 8=0 7=0 6=28 5=18 4=0 3=20 2=20 1=33
    steps: 8=9947 7=10020 6=9799 5=9705 4=11083 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your lives on here. I sit and read them at the end of the night. This is when the food demons are calling me to come eat! Lol :laugh: I find reading the posts takes me to a better ,stronger place. I feel that I can be successful after seeing the weight loss in this blog. :flowerforyou: I am successful for logging my food every day, and I mean everything! Last night before going to bed my teenage daughters( yes, here's to the older mom's) decided to make a pizza and some cookies.
    I had not had a big dinner, so I had to have some,so I added in the calories from what I ate, and I was ACCOUNTABLE for my actions :tongue: :tongue: I felt power in that I was able to log the food and not feel like, oh well I blew it so I might just eat what ever. :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:
    Today was a good day and I was in control the entire day! Victory! I saw a saying at work which is so true.


    So, changing my thinking that I am going to be at a healthy weight and I will be healthy, and not obese anymore! Here is to a new day and a day to improve myself each day, one day at a time!
    Blessings to you all,
    Linda, user name -SundanceB
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies and welcome to all the new faces on this wonderful post! You really have mt up with a great bunch of girls.

    Well, I am pleased to say that our drought is now officially over! The strang thing is, the day that they announced that we were in drought back in April was the day that it started raining fit to need an ark - and has barely stopped since. I've had more use from my wellies than I have from my sandals this 'summer'.

    I'm working today - I don't very often work Mondays, so I'm pretty sure my week will be all off kilter. I have armed myself with some veggie sausages for lunch so that I don't have to leave the premises.

    Going to crack on with some work now.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • eltownsend57
    eltownsend57 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning! I'm new to this whole procedure. I could really use a pep talk to keep me motivated as I'm feeling pretty blah today.:ohwell:
  • britborn52
    britborn52 Posts: 16
    Just wanted to say hi to everyone from a Newbee. I've been reading through the posts and feel this is
    a really great place for motivation and support. I just started back to MFP yesterday and did okay. My big
    problem is logging my food but that is my main goal for this week. I just need to get in the habit. I hope
    you all have a wonderful day and try to stay cool wherever you are. I'm off to the YMCA for water exercise.