Thoughts on Subway? Other 'healthy' food places?



  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I really love their meatball sub. I ditch the bun and just load it with vegetables.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Subway is not healthy. That's a massive amount of bread you would be consuming.

    It's called moderation. And nobody is forcing you to order a foot long.

    exactly. RARE do I get a footlong, almost ALWAYS get a 6" and throw away the end hunk when the meat is gone.

    That's what she said :laugh: sorry... I couldn't resist
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    You can see their entire menu online along with the nutritional information. This is a much better option than going to a restaraunt blindly and not knowing what is in the food you're eating.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with Subway, and there's absolutely no reason to avoid it when you can be fully informed on what's going into your body.

    Choose the right breads and veggies/meats, and you can have a very nutritious meal at Subway. These anti-Subway people are quite odd, because as I said, you can find all the nutritional information on their products.

    Well said my friend, well said.

    Agreed. Sodium isn't the devil. If you're going to eat a high sodium meal, just watch your intake the rest of the day. Problem solved. Subway is just fine.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    If you need something to go that does not have to be truly fast, I love Jason's Deli. I have lots of choices there and I an a vegetarian. I also LOVE getting Olive Garden minestrone soup to go. 1 Bowl=100 cal. Yum. I have also found Chik-fil-a has a rocking side salad that is cheap.
  • jbhimji
    jbhimji Posts: 2 Member
    Subway can be as bad as any other Fast food joint if you don't make the right choices. Cold Cuts are high sodium this is true, the Turkey or Chicken are better choices at Subway. Avoid the sauces as best as you can. Mustard is ok as its usually a zero across the board. Choose a WRAP instead of a bread choice. Even though the Flat bread sounds healthier, its worse than a whole wheat bun! Good choices are Veggie delight wrap, turkey wrap (no cheese) Tossed salad (dressing on side to control portions). Most of their soups are low cal and quite yummy, you do have to watch sodium in the soups as well and avoid the cream soups. You can have a Veggie wrap and a soup and come out about 400 calories and a FULL belly!

  • katnohat
    katnohat Posts: 43 Member
    I love Subway! I always get a 6in veggie on wheat bread with plenty of veggies, mustard, and avocado. no cheese. It is low-sodium and low-calorie, as well as very filling.

    Subway can be a good place to eat as long as you buy the right things. Obviously a meatball marinara sub on cheesy bread isn't good for you.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    A ham sub with no cheese on brown bread...with mustard.. is 290cals. I don't know, sure beats stopping at McDonalds when you are in a pinch... just my thoughts.
  • chatterboxpa
    chatterboxpa Posts: 7 Member
    I've found ways to work Subway in for me!! When I go out anywhere (fast food or not) I spend at least 20 minutes beforehand online researching what I am going to eat and how I am going to work it in to my day. I think totally eliminating anything from your diet is a quick recipe for failure! This is a lifestyle for me for the rest of my life, I need to make it feasible!!
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    yea, there is lots of sodium, so you'll be fat the next day, but if you get a 6inch, and don't go crazy with mayo and sauces, you'll be fine. As far as food on the go, it's one of the best options.

    around here we have pita pit, which has a lot less sodium then subway, and has a really cool nutrition calculator online.
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    I got online and found the nutrition info for all of the fast food places around and printed them out. that way you will know what you can have that keeps you in your limits :) When I go to mc donalds I get the grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo (you could replace the mayo with mustard if you want) and a fruit and walnut salad and that comes out to be 510 and you get great nutrition from it. You could also lose the bun and the sandwich goes from 300 to 130. That to tal would then be 340!
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    As a commuting college student, I eat a lot of fast food, and Subway is one of my favorite options, because I can get two meals out of one order.

    Footlong turkey on whole wheat with lettuce, red onions, and a light squeeze of sweet onion sauce. Eat half for lunch, and stick half in my lunch bag with an ice pack to save for dinner. If I want a little snack with it, I'll get apple slices or bring veggies from home to munch on. It's loads better for me than the McDonalds or Wendys that are both right off campus along with Subway.
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    I love to go to Mc Donalds and get the grilled chicken sanwich hold mayo I get a side salad lite Italian dressing and an unsweetend tea. This is nutritious the bread is a healthy choice. You can use some of the salad dressing on your sandwich.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    I love subway! My husband and I go to subway once a week on grocery shopping day, because neither of us feels like cooking after all that. I get a 12' inch chicken breast on 9-grain wheat bread with just lettuce and tomato -- no cheese or condiments. Plus, we stop next door at the Tutti Frutti place for some soft serve frozen yogurt. And guess what? It fits into both my calorie goal and my macros. :love:
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Wendy's is close to my home and in a pinch I get a large chili and a side salad(no dressing) and eat them together. It's about 335 calories
  • I love subway - but I never eat a sub (or very rarely), I always opt for a turkey salad. Sweet Onion Dressing and it only comes to about 145 kcal and is healthy
  • I try to avoid em cause their portions are insane. But if i have to eat there, i'll load up on veggies :)
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I think you can eat where you want, the main thing is to plan ahead, research your options and be aware of the calorie content beforehand so you know if you can fit it into your diet or not. That said I consider eating out anywhere a "treat" and so it isn't something I would do everyday, but I know some people probably do and are able to make good choices (for example wheat bun, half foot long, with lean meats and mustard and veggies as a topping)