How do you people stay at 1200 a day??



  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    h......I just am doing a MILLION times better than I was BEFORE I started this and I still can't get the lbs to go anywhere....I don't know why I didn't weigh four tons when I think about how I ate before and how I ate now.......

    That is the part to hang on to. Everyone has bad days but look where you are now compared to where you woulld be if you were not making these changes.

    Also for the middle of the night eating ... I know I'm going to do it so I build a big pot of vegetable soup everyday when I am home. Than I only get to snack after I eat a bowl of the soup. Sure slows down the snacking when I have to eat a bowl of soup before i g t the ice cream.
  • psoshkin
    psoshkin Posts: 27 Member
    You may be eating all the "right" foods, but are you measuring them? I would invest in a digital food scale. It's amazing how many calories are in a single serving size.....hope that helps :)
  • BabyGrl726
    BabyGrl726 Posts: 102 Member
    When I am sticking with it, 1200 calories a day is a lot. I also drink lots of water. I eat every 2 to 3 I never feel hungry. I do 3 meals ( breakfast lunch and dinner) and three snacks. I keep my snacks at 100 or so. and meals around 300 to 600 at dinner. Salad and lean meats, fish, etc will give you less calories but more protein to fuel you through your day. For me, the protein keeps me from feeling hungry. I can eat 2 servings of chicken at 6 oz each and still not be over my calories. I can even throw in a bunch of veggies. Some nights it is hard to eat the calories I need to fit in because I feel so stuffed.

    In any light, this site is for group support but it is very individual. We will all help and support one another but you have to eat and do whats right for you and your body.

    Its great to get ideas, but what works for one person may not be suitable for another.

    Good luck, and hope your progress is going well!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Many of us are different in so many ways, but speaking for myself...The way I have been maintaining my 1200 calorie count for the past four months has a lot to do with time management, and my in take of liquid fluids such as green tea, and or water... As well as munching on snacks every now and again. When I first started counting calories and cutting back majorly I would get hungry, but now that I've learn to pick the foods that I love to eat, it is no longer a problem... It's become natural... Edited: oppssyyy didn't elaborate on what i meant by the time mangment part, but What I mean by it, is that you have to set strict times in which you decide to have your meals, and make sure that it stretches out all the way up until an hour before bedtime, :).

    Good point Nikki.. I am the same way.
  • Look at my diary! Lots of protein and fiber!!
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    high protein food will keep you satisfy longer. I do it on less than 1200. I feel fine and it's working for me. Eveyone is different. Find your balnace and do what works for you.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Don't feel bad. i don't know how anyone can be satisfied, let alone function, on 1200 calories, unless you're a child (i know, everyone is different, blah blah). My calories are supposed to be at 1350 and I have a hard time doing that as well. But it is making me see how bad I overate before. i just tried to eat 3 meals a day and it didn't really matter what it was, though i "kind of" knew to eat mostly protein and veggies and less carbs, and cut out sweets pretty much altogether. (not a soda drinker ever in my life thank God). I don't plan on counting each and every calorie for the rest of my life, I'm just doing this for now as a guide and learning experience, to teach me the calories in things and what not to waste calories on. I try to think of it as changing my body, and think of people that get gastric bypass or the lap band surgery...they HAVE to reduce their calories, but their body gets used to it. so i'm trying to do that naturally before i need surgery for it someday. and 1200 calories seems way too low anyway, so you have to exercise to "earn" those calories back...which i hate doing, trust me, but it's a necessary evil. hang in there!
  • AmandaP_23
    AmandaP_23 Posts: 31
    I'm usually distracted all day, so I never really get hungry, even though I'm at home all day. And when I'm not at home, I'm over a friends house and I usually don't eat unless they're eating.
    But having a distracted mind helps.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    I don't find it difficult at a matter of fact, I have a VERY hard time getting to 1200 net on days I work out. The biggest thing is to get moving and they you have exercise calories to eat back. It will get easier. Maybe slowly lower your calories until you're at 1200? Maybe you're changing too much at once.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    1200 a day? I'm lucky to be able to eat 1200 a day even when starving. I'm supposed to eat a min of 1300 I think... I just cant do it. Some days I get to a massive 500 cal a day... and then I'm not hungry
  • wolf5090
    wolf5090 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't know if anyone has said this already but I'll say it anyway.

    What I've been doing lately is sticking to eating foods that fill you up quickly but don't stack up on too much of anything like Calories, Fats, or Carbs.

    An example of my recent behavior as far as food goes:

    I start my morning with a couple of boiled eggs and some grapes. Fruit helps with digestion so it's great to start the day out with it.

    By lunch I open up a can of Tuna (High Protein - roughly 22g per can, low calories). That keeps me going for at least another couple hours if not more. If I'm at work though where Tuna isn't available unless I bring it, I buy a chicken salad. Lettuce (as I'm sure you know) is extremely low calories but also fills you up - just make sure you pick a healthy dressing, and if you can't go without your favorite then just make sure you don't douse it on your salad. It would ruin the point of having a salad.

    Now, for a snack I sometimes just take meat like Turkey or Ham and wrap it around cheese. That or just eat an apple or something.

    Then for dinner I throw in some Carbs + Protein. I'm trying to gain muscle so I need to make sure I have a healthy balance of both so I actually gain muscle while losing weight. I know it's actually pretty bad but I make alfredo on occasion and always make sure to put chicken in it and not make too many noodles. It's pretty much my cheat meal + I need the carbs for my body to process after an intense workout. You need those calories if you start weight lifting.

    As for working out, I would keep to what you can do. Don't try to do too much otherwise you'll overexert yourself and become intimidated and never want to work out. Start with some cardio by doing walking, then steadily after a couple weeks increase your speed, and after another few weeks if you feel comfortable start switching between walking and running every few minutes, then after a while you'll be able to run without too much problem. Also, I know it seems cheesy, but if you can find the discipline to do it I would suggest joining a gym if you can find a good cheap one - It helps to bring a friend who either wants to help you or also wants to meet goals of their own.

    I don't mean to sound like an expert, I obviously haven't finished my goals and I have a long way to go, but that's just my opinion and my experience lately and it's been working wonderfully, I've almost lost 20 pounds.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I have been doing this for a long time and I can not stay under calories, no matter how hard I try. How do you people do it??? I looked at some of your diaries and that ones I looked ate one meal a day and some vitamins, one ate protein shakes twice a day and a salad for the other, the others complain about not being able to get to 1200 a day, one eats pizza and goes over and still says he/she loses two lbs a week.

    Don't you people get hungry??? How do you do it?????? I know, yes, my exercise is not where it should be and I"m working on it (majorly obese here so I'm working at it) but the diaries I was referring to didn't have any exercise calories listed in at the bottom....

    Don't you get hungry?????? I'm beginning to think all these numbers maybe too complicated for this brain to figure out, too (like another post said).


    Actually 1200 calories is way too low for more than 90% of the people here (that includes me & I'm only 5'2, 120lbs.). Most of us have BMRs greater than that & we all know that its not good to eat beIow BMR unless you have 100+ lbs. to lose. I think most people here opt to lose 2 lbs. a week thus making MFP set them at 1200 calories a day which for most of us isn't healthy at all thus making us more hungry. Of course like I said, its a different story if you're severely overweight or obese.
  • amphion
    amphion Posts: 48
    When I cut all the crap food out of my diet I had a hard time getting above 1200. Now with the exercise I have been doing the site sometimes says I need 3000. I just eat good food till I am not hungry, not till I am full. Hell I even drink a can of soda here and there just not 10. Dieting is about changing your life style, not starving your self.
  • Flass
    Flass Posts: 60 Member
    i'm on 1200 a day and although i find it hard sometimes, it is doable. this is a typical good day for me:

    cup of tea with light milk
    bowl of instant oats (in the sachet) prepared with water
    = about 160 cals

    Morning snack:
    =80 cals

    220g can of chilli baked beans
    =155 cals

    arvo snack:
    muesli bar
    = 150 cals

    dinner can be any meal that I make as healthily as possible:
    vegie soup (thai pumpkin, curried cauliflower soup, minestrone, carrot and ginger etc)
    bean wraps
    roast vegies and meat substitiute (or lean meat for non vegos)
    curry and rice
    stiry fry with rice noodles
    morroccan tagine
    cous cous with vegies
    baked casserole
    pasta with vegie sauce
    roast vegie stack
    pasta bake
    = range between 300-700 cals each so i adjust here depending on what i've eaten earlier in the day/how much exercise i'll do that day

    dessert - one of:
    small amount of chocolate
    = about 150 cals

    it's doable but not always fun or easy. but not everyone can survive on that few calories, make sure your doc says it's ok first. if you starve yourself you'll only end up with more problemos (like me who hasn't had a period for 5 months!!)

    so moral of the story: don't starve yourself
  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member
    So, I actually stagger my calories. I am supposed to eat 1670 cals a day...I eat that many for 1-2 days a week, I have 1 free day a week (cheat day), and eat around 1200 the rest of the days.

    I eat a lot of veggies and low cal dips like salsa and Lite Dilly Dip by Litehouse. I have come to LOVE my veggies and my salads.I don't exercise per-se. I walk a lot (and fairly quickly) for work, but I don't count those as burned calories.

    I don't feel hungry because I am using so many of my calories in veggies, not only do they fill me up, but they help me feel better overall...and they are low calorie too.

    I also only have 1/2 serving of pasta if I choose to eat it. I bulk it up with veggies.
  • samchic007
    samchic007 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone I'm getting started at this again... if anyone would like to add me I would love some support and fellowship.. :)
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    Eat small and eat often.

    My 'goal' is around 1200, but my intake is usually around the 1500 mark per day less calories burned, which is only just above my BMR.

    Make sure your exercise takes you below your caloric goals, not simply a lack of eating.
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day, granted I've only been counting calories for 2 days now. But I have eaten exactly the same as I have been for a while and I'm at or a little under 1200. I try to eat fruits and veggies for breakfast and snacks since there aren't really any calories and then have 1 or 2 real meals. Certain veggies will keep you really full for a long time. I make chili as my go to dinner when I'm really hungry; it's completely vegan, delicious and the kidney beans make me almost sickeningly full- all for like 200 calories!
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I have my goal set at 1500, some days I find it hard to eat that much, I eat anywhere from 4-6 times a day, all I am doing is changing the quality of my food, lean meats, whole grains, more fruits and veggies. It seems like I eat all day, and my calories are usually in check, and I dont stay hungry. I give myself 1 cheat day a week, and I try not to go over 2000 cals on that day. Its kinda weird in fact, I eat 10 times more now, than I ever did before I started this journey, but only 30% of the calories.
  • bkitten1
    bkitten1 Posts: 20 Member
    Once I got over my sugar addiction and was able to cut out almost all simple sugars and simple carbs it has not been to difficult. I do have off days, like last week where I started eating out again; I still managed to stay within 1200 calories every day but every day that I eat the simple carbs and sugars my body gets hungry. I do my best to stick to a whole food high veggie with some fruit and lean proteins. I also drink green tea and A LOT of water, I add mint leaves, lemon slices, cucumber, orange slices, ect.. because I do not like the flavor of regular water very much but do not want to use artificial sweeteners or flavors so I add natural flavors. I do not eat 'diet' food, I think most of that stuff is making us heavier not healthier, .. well it has been working for me, not sure if it helps you but there ya go :)
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