Someone threatened me

So a man threatened me today.

This is what he said
"I'm gonna show you my ***edited*** you stupid***edited*** . You don't know me. I have a gun. I'll shoot you. Go call the police ***edited*** and that is when the cops showed up.

However, the cops said that since he wasn't affiliated with a gang I shouldn't worry. They didn't even bother filling out a police report. Now, as a female when someone says they are going to shoot me, I consider this a threat.

I feel like I should have done more. Should I have gotten in his face? Should I have made threats back? This man lives in my neighborhood and I fear he is going to try something. Whether it be poisoning my dog, hurting me or destroying my property.

What could be done about this?

*** POST EDITED BY STAFF for violation of guideline #17


  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    What state do you live in? If its a pro gun state, GO GET YOUR CONCEALED HANDGUN LISCENSE! :) So sorry to hear that that happend. UGH. Some people. Nothing like having a snub nose 38 in your bra or purse ready to go if needed.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    Restraining order comes to mind
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    Restraining orders are only there to tell the cops that hey, this guy was not supposed to come near her. I have seen these things work almost zero times. The only thing that these guys understand is staring down the barrel of a 38 or a black belt. Shove his $@#S into is throat.
  • amphion
    amphion Posts: 48
    A gun is a bad idea. Unless you have training you are going to miss and maybe get shot. Depending on the state there are lots of options. You can try giving the Guardian Angels a call.
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    I am all about independant women having the capabilty to protect themselves against thugs like this. But I have also been known to be a bit radical. LOL
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    CHL classes offer that kind of training.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    oh man what did you do to him?
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    If you live in a bad neighborhood and don't have a tough man to protect should try to move. I don't like tension in my living situation. (what an effer....):indifferent:
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    CHL classes offer that kind of training.

    Agree with your statements. Restraining order will only make it worse. As far as a gun, it is always an option if you are trained in it. I am 100% comfortable with guns handling them for over 5 years. Guns can be a great measure if you know what you are doing. Biggest thing regardless, have no contact, and if you get a gun ever, dont let him know.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    What can you do really..? Other than try to learn from it and protect yourself next time (pepper sprays your best shot). Guns are typical, only in MERICA! Its illegal to have a weapon of any sorts here... Unless its licensed and not used for protection..

    If you really have a problem, go talk to the police about it. I'm sure you won't see this man again.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    im scared for u girl i would move somewhere else
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    If you live in a bad neighborhood and don't have a tough man to protect should try to move. I don't like tension in my living situation. (what an effer....):indifferent:

    Moving now a days are hard on most people. I know there is no way I could move without a ton of financial problems. Not everyone has that option. But if you do, then that can work just as well.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Is this completely out of the blue, or part of some on-going conflict? Either way, the police should have done a lot more. Not only should you get a restraining order, I think you should keep the police involved. And hey, the gun can't hurt...
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    I think you should try the police again and voice how you don't appreciate their lack of help when a man threatened you. Seriously, the cop you spoke to sounds like a lazy dead beat. If you can talk to a different cop, I'm sure they can be more helpful. Just keep trying until you finally get through their thick skulls.
  • lesliejchase
    I work as a 911 dispatcher (which actually means very little for in the field experiance, but still...) and I'm sorry to tell you that there's not much that you can do as far as a restraining order. There was just the one incident, and if you don't know his first/last name, and his date of birth, there's not much the civil courts can do.

    I would reccomend you call your local PD/SO and ask them to set up an increased patrol. Explain to the dispatcher/calltaker what happened, and ask for at least a month of patrol. It doesn't mean that LEO will be there 24/7, but if they are seen in the area often enough, it should discourage him from trying anything again.

    Besides that, keep yourself safe... Get a gun if that makes you feel better(with training!) and keep your doors and windows locked at night, and maybe during the day. Keep a phone with you, and always try to be aware of where you are... Address, cross street, whatever.

    You can call your local LEO agency and ask for legal advice about this, they should be able to provide.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, that is a terrible thing to have happen. I hope things get better, and I hope you never see that jerk again!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    was this a stranger or someone that you know?

    what's the context of this?

    to answer your question i really have no idea what i would have done. i know that i have been in dangerous situations with strange men where i immediately went into FIGHT mode.. i guess how i would react would depend a lot on if he physically touched me... just talking i'd be wary and back away with out taking my eyes off him.. but physically touching me in a threatening manner, i turn into ferocious beast mode at that point and i go for soft gooey area like throats and eyeballs
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    I work as a 911 dispatcher (which actually means very little for in the field experiance, but still...) and I'm sorry to tell you that there's not much that you can do as far as a restraining order. There was just the one incident, and if you don't know his first/last name, and his date of birth, there's not much the civil courts can do.

    I would reccomend you call your local PD/SO and ask them to set up an increased patrol. Explain to the dispatcher/calltaker what happened, and ask for at least a month of patrol. It doesn't mean that LEO will be there 24/7, but if they are seen in the area often enough, it should discourage him from trying anything again.

    Besides that, keep yourself safe... Get a gun if that makes you feel better(with training!) and keep your doors and windows locked at night, and maybe during the day. Keep a phone with you, and always try to be aware of where you are... Address, cross street, whatever.

    You can call your local LEO agency and ask for legal advice about this, they should be able to provide.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, that is a terrible thing to have happen. I hope things get better, and I hope you never see that jerk again!

    My mom was a 911 op for 25 years. She knows all too well, that 911 is used for the clean up in most cities these days. When you rely on law enforcement to protect you, your just asking for trouble. The only 911 I use is a colt 1911.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    I have never spoken a word to this man. I was taking pictures and he thought i was taking a picture of him. Thats when he spewed all that crap to me. I have seen this man trying to break into my neighbors house before. Those are the only times I have seen him.

    1. I cannot move. I cannot afford it
    2. I did nothing wrong. Wrong place at the wrong time.
    3. There are only 4 patrol cars in my town. Since I live in a **** neighborhood they are around but sometimes it takes 30+ minutes to get them to my house.
    4. I haven't had much luck with police officers. The one I spoke with today was one of the better ones.
    5. I can't afford the gun or classes. I am unemployed.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    What can you do really..? Other than try to learn from it and protect yourself next time (pepper sprays your best shot). Guns are typical, only in MERICA! Its illegal to have a weapon of any sorts here... Unless its licensed and not used for protection..

    If you really have a problem, go talk to the police about it. I'm sure you won't see this man again.
    ... and that is when the cops showed up.

    However, the cops said that since he wasn't affiliated with a gang I shouldn't worry. They didn't even bother filling out a police report. Now, as a female when someone says they are going to shoot me, I consider this a threat.
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    3. There are only 4 patrol cars in my town. Since I live in a **** neighborhood they are around but sometimes it takes 30+ minutes to get them to my house.

    I.E. why 911 does not work in bigger cities. Sounds like you need a birthday/christmas present! :)