Someone threatened me



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    youneed to go back to the police department, charges need to be laid

    that is sexual harrassment
    and probably all sorts of other charges

    go back to the police department, if you need to speak with someone higher up, do it

    or go to google, type in 'the line' and send them an email and they will provide further guidance

    good for you for seeking additional help <3
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    I this type of situation theirs is only so many actions that you can do from my knowledge.

    1. Inform the police again and let them know about how you are still scared and are not sure what to do at this point.
    2. Look into getting a gun and classes. You can pick up a snub nose 38 for as cheap as 250 at a pawn shop.
    3. Get some sort of mace, pepper spray, and a whistle.
    4 Eventually try to move to a better area in general.
    5. Take self defense classes.
    6. Get a medium to large dog.
    7. Pay a "clean up man" to pay him a visit.

    Okay number 7 probably isn't a good idea. lol. Honestly if I was a female I would at the very minimum would carry some type of "spray" and whistle. Plus own a dog if I lived by myself.
  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    I know! 95,000 people and 4 police cars. No wonder the crime is outrageous. My neighborhood is so bad that McDonalds closes at 8pm. They make sure the employees are outta there before dark. I never leave my home alone or after dark.

    Scary! Where do you live so I never end up moving there..
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Restraining orders are only there to tell the cops that hey, this guy was not supposed to come near her. I have seen these things work almost zero times. The only thing that these guys understand is staring down the barrel of a 38 or a black belt. Shove his $@#S into is throat.

    i would get a restraining order

    they can work. if you see him at your grocery store while you are there, then you can call the cops. i think that is pretty helpful lol
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Get his info register restain PPO. As soon as he comes near you call the police for violation.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Restraining orders are only as good as the police department in your county. I had one issued in one county where the police would make fun of me for calling them. (I called because I found the man who I had the order against standing over me while I was in bed). I moved to another county where they took the order seriously.

    The feel the best thing may be to call the police WHENEVER you feel threatened by this man. Hopefully, they will get tired of going out on the calls and will do something about it.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    oh man what did you do to him?

    I really do not like this comment.
  • tinksmommy2006
    im scared for u girl i would move somewhere else
    I hate this mentality...I am sorry but this is exactly what is wrong with the world. If it is broke, don't fix it...just get a new one.

    I disagree. We only get one life as far as I know. Also, living in fear is horrible. It ruins your sleep as you're listening constantly for that window or door to open or that footstep on the floor. It changes your outlook on everything. I had a neighbor crawling through the shared crawlspace of a duplex I lived in, creeping around over my head on a regular basis. His wife told me he was crazy, and that she was crazy jealous of him (as if I would have wanted him!). I moved out of there as quick as I could.

    It doesn't sound like she can afford to move right now, but if she can, I think she should.

    It is not the moving part that gets me....every one should move to where they will be happy if and when they can...duh that's always want better for your self. it is the i am scared run away concept that I can't stand. where I live the people in my neighborhood would not stand for a man like that. we gang up on them together....we didn't run away from the ghetto that moved in next door, we banded together to face it head on to take back our neighborhood. just because it was broke, we didn't buy a new one, we fixed it ourselves...maybe that is what op needs to do...along with speaking with another officer...form a block watch.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    oh man what did you do to him?

    I really do not like this comment.
    thank you, this is how violence against woman started in the first place
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,821 Member
    A gun is a bad idea. Unless you have training you are going to miss and maybe get shot. Depending on the state there are lots of options. You can try giving the Guardian Angels a call.

    So go get some training and take care of yourself. This one could have been over before the cops got there. They may be a good force, but the one in your purse or pocket will always show up in time.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    there are also apps that assist with safety, and will alert your emergency contacts of your location if u need help or are in trouble
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Not good.

    Clearly this man has something to hide, or at the very least thinks he does, which can sometimes be worse because if it's a case of mental illness or alcohol or drugs then logic doesn't begin to come in to play.

    You've reported to police. I'd follow up just to make certain they have your report on record should he say or do something again. You yourself need to write out yourself a record of this event, and any others that may happen, make certain to report those as well, even if they are just more talk.

    If you know any of your neighbours well, talk to them about the event and see if anything similar has happened. While you called the police, others may not have, and a pattern of behaviour will be taken more seriously by the police.

    Do not challenge him unless you're pretty certain he's all talk . Do carry something with you for defense when you're out on your own. Be it a baseball bat or home made pepper spray. But don't do anything to suggest that you're now scared of him, it is possible that it will give him incentive to get more aggressive.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah a similar thing happened to me when I was 14. I was in my school uniform phoning my mum from a phonebox and the guy did show me his c***, he whipped it out, had a wank in the phonebox in front of me and ran off. This was rural Ireland. No guns allowed. He didn't threaten to kill me though. xx
  • TattoodITGuy

    Since you say you can't afford a gun, I'd keep a nice hefty bat by the door, maybe a tire iron, and putting your dog up at night might help. Also, can you afford bearspray? Or pepper spray. Or a taser. Depending on the laws in your area. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for him when you're walking around or whatever and if you see him, go the other way. Contrary to current law enforcement beliefs in your area, you don't have to be a gang member to be dangerous!

    A bat is nice but a golf club is better. You get a faster swing and the end is made of titainium.:laugh:
    However, i would go about your business and keep a close eye on the person. Make notes and alert the police when needed. Deffinately lock your doors\windows when inside and look into self defense classes.

    Good Luck and keep us posted.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Since you say you can't afford a gun, I'd keep a nice hefty bat by the door, maybe a tire iron, and putting your dog up at night might help. Also, can you afford bearspray? Or pepper spray. Or a taser. Depending on the laws in your area. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for him when you're walking around or whatever and if you see him, go the other way. Contrary to current law enforcement beliefs in your area, you don't have to be a gang member to be dangerous!

    A bat is nice but a golf club is better. You get a faster swing and the end is made of titainium.:laugh:
    However, i would go about your business and keep a close eye on the person. Make notes and alert the police when needed. Deffinately lock your doors\windows when inside and look into self defense classes.

    Good Luck and keep us posted.

    Or you can just have a Mag Lite flashlight (large one of course) near you. Where i live, that's not considered a weapon.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    on the weapons front, i would get a taser or pepper spray

    unless you are prepared to use a larger weapon
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    He knows where I live. I live in California. The cop told me he was the "boisterous type" and that he was just "making noise"
    k well my mama always said put some fire under it and see it if boils. You are gonna have to get some cahones, a baseball bat, pepper spray and clock him next time he is on your property. i guartantee he will run before you get a good swing and wont come back. But aslong as he know he got you afraid he will NEVER stop!

    Most villians wont tell you what they are going to do , they just do it. So pull his card
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    Seriously can not believe that guns are just an everyday thing in's scary!! :noway:
  • LifeChangingExp
    Cant afford a gun, skip knife, too messy. pepper spray works. Take karate classes. Learn self defense. Take boxing. Get strong. Lift. Kick, push through ur kick.. hard.

    Me.. "Imma bust a cap in yo @ss!" thats how I feel. I fear nothing except one thing. lol
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    A gun is a bad idea. Unless you have training you are going to miss and maybe get shot. Depending on the state there are lots of options. You can try giving the Guardian Angels a call.

    He recommended getting a concealed weapons permit...this would require a minimum of an eight hour class (pending which state you're in) in which you are educated on gun safety and tested on your ability to shoot. I'm all about one's right to bear arms....although I will say more states should require background checks on persons taking permit classes/purchasing firearms.