Do you tip a pizza delivery man when..



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Always - why wouldn't you?? If I'm too lazy to get off my butt and cook and some guy/gal is willing to drive to my house and give me food it is the least I can do!!
  • balddonnie
    balddonnie Posts: 32
    $5 minimum tip at our house
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    i say yes. delivery drivers risk getting robbed, and a driver was recently killed on a delivery recently in my city. also, the driver is often responsible for using his or her own car to drive, and the delivery fee goes to the company.
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Abso-freaking-lutely! My husband had to do it for a while, and trust me, they work hard for it. It was his car, his gas, his insurance, and let's not forget the serious wear and tear he put on the vehicle. It's pathetic what some people tip. To those that don't tip or pay a nominal amount, stop ordering pizza for delivery and get off your lazy butts and get it yourself.
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    Yes! In Ga the drivers can make below minimum wage but usually get a portion of the delivery charge. They are using their own cars, they have to pay for gas, they are putting miles on their car and if anything breaks they have to fix it.
  • DuckRogers
    DuckRogers Posts: 1 Member
    I usually ask the driver if he gets that money or a piece of the delivery charge at the end of the night or not. If it's only $1 then i tip the guy what I normally would. If the delivery charge is excessive, I will deduct from the tip. I spent almost 2 years doing food delivery and it is NOT an easy job. Especially in a city. Even worse in tough weather. Most drivers use their own cell phones and their own cars. Tips go towards fuel and upkeep to the car. Constant stopping and starting your car is hell on the engine.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    Always. I also always try and make all tips in cash so they don't have to report it.
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    And it's conversations like these that make me wish it could be mandatory for every one to have to work in the service industry for at least six months.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have a friend that works at a pizza place and delivers. When he started working there, he made the same as wait staff plus tips. He now makes really good money because he has been there for 10 years, but the new deliverers aren't as lucky. He has to deliver up to 20 miles away and I have seen receipts where he had to deliver to the middle of nowhere and they left him less than 30 cents.

    As a former waitress, I tip minimum of 20% at any restaurant or for any deliveries. If I got to a coffee shop, I always leave at least a dollar in their tip jar. They remember stuff like that and you get much better service.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hell no. I've paid for my pizza and the delivery, that's all I owe.

    But then, I live in Australia and we don't have a tipping culture like the US does.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    And it's conversations like these that make me wish it could be mandatory for every one to have to work in the service industry for at least six months.

    YES! I think everyone should have to work one year in fast food and one year as a server or delivery driver so they learn to appreciate how hard both jobs are. It should be a requirement to even dine at any of these types of restaurants =/
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hell no. I've paid for my pizza and the delivery, that's all I owe.

    But then, I live in Australia and we don't have a tipping culture like the US does.

    I'm sorry, but this is why every server's worst nightmare is foreigners. Our livelihood is dependent on tips and I get that other cultures may not be the same, but if you are in someone else's country, you should respect their customs. I have had French customers that don't tip because in France, gratuity is usually included in the bill. Chinese are also bad about this (I once got $1 on a $25 bill which isn't even acceptable for the worst of servers). Not that every person from that culture is guilty of this, but you can't help but have a feeling of dread when certain groups are sat in your sections... =/
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Yes. We always do 15-20% tip sometimes more, just as if they were waiting on us.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hell no. I've paid for my pizza and the delivery, that's all I owe.

    But then, I live in Australia and we don't have a tipping culture like the US does.

    I'm sorry, but this is why every server's worst nightmare is foreigners. Our livelihood is dependent on tips and I get that other cultures may not be the same, but if you are in someone else's country, you should respect their customs. I have had French customers that don't tip because in France, gratuity is usually included in the bill. Chinese are also bad about this (I once got $1 on a $25 bill which isn't even acceptable for the worst of servers). Not that every person from that culture is guilty of this, but you can't help but have a feeling of dread when certain groups are sat in your sections... =/

    Fair point.
    I was referring to what I do here in Australia where tips aren't expected - we do occasionally tip at a restaurant if the food or service is particularly good, but it's not an expectation like it is in the US.
    When I travel, I make an effort to find out about the local culture and follow the local rules, so you would get a tip - but I'd still probably be a lousy tipper, just because it's not a habit.
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    yes, but since i am poor, not as much. Pizza places know they are going to deliver, so they should just accept it as a cost of doing business. (build it into the cost of the pizza)

    then the cost of the pizza goes up to about what you would have paid had you tipped anyway. if you dont want to leave a decent tip go pick it up
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    yep. do you want **** on your pizza next delivery?
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hell no. I've paid for my pizza and the delivery, that's all I owe.

    But then, I live in Australia and we don't have a tipping culture like the US does.

    I'm sorry, but this is why every server's worst nightmare is foreigners. Our livelihood is dependent on tips and I get that other cultures may not be the same, but if you are in someone else's country, you should respect their customs. I have had French customers that don't tip because in France, gratuity is usually included in the bill. Chinese are also bad about this (I once got $1 on a $25 bill which isn't even acceptable for the worst of servers). Not that every person from that culture is guilty of this, but you can't help but have a feeling of dread when certain groups are sat in your sections... =/

    Fair point.
    I was referring to what I do here in Australia where tips aren't expected - we do occasionally tip at a restaurant if the food or service is particularly good, but it's not an expectation like it is in the US.
    When I travel, I make an effort to find out about the local culture and follow the local rules, so you would get a tip - but I'd still probably be a lousy tipper, just because it's not a habit.

    I didn't mean that directed at you in particular, but it is frustrating. And it isn't just that either.

    Older ladies tend to get together and sit at your table for HOURS. I had two women sit at my table for 2 hours and we were packed...actually had a wait going which didn't happen often. They ordered two coffees and left me 3 dollars...I probably lost $15-20 from that table. I also once had a 12 top of old ladies who came for tea who all left .50-.75 cents each. Low tippers are super frustrating and what is worse is that they don't realize how inconsiderate they are being.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    I tip everyone who does something for me that I could've very well have done myself.
  • imlik
    imlik Posts: 64 Member
    Yes, but as a former food service worker I don't believe they should be tipped. They get minimum wage or more for a really simple job. It isn't like waiting tables where you do hard work and are paid below minimum wage.

    They're also not paid for wear and tear that all the extra miles puts on their car. I mean, sure, some pizza places give them mileage pay, but that's for gas, and it barely covers it these days (probably doesn't, if the owner is a cheapskate who won't up the per-delivery pay as much as it needs to go.)

    And, like someone else said, it is a scary and dangerous job. I managed a Dominos for a few years, and I had two guys get robbed, one guy got his phone stolen out of his car, one guy got his window smashed, and if you're a female driver? Be prepared to be leered at and vaguely threatened at least once a shift. So yes, unless the delivery driver is an absolute pain in the ***, please tip your drivers, even if the store charges a delivery fee.
  • _Punjab
    _Punjab Posts: 67
    Delivery charges go partly to gas expenses and mostly to the company. I actually overheard someone talking about this just a few days ago! I wish I could remember exactly what numbers he said... but basically it was that the majority of the charge is straight to the company and there are a few cents to him for his gas. It doesn't include a tip at all.