Do you tip a pizza delivery man when..



  • I TIP.

    However, devil's advocate - Why is it the customer's responsibility to make up for the lack of salary that the driver/waiter gets?
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    I worked at 2 pizza places before.

    Reminder: A driver never forgets the good tippers, and especially the bad ones.

    If I get two orders at once, and the cheapo is much closer to get to. I will rush to the good tipper first, then take my sweet *kitten* time to the bad tipper.

    So much this, as former pizza delivery person.

    Which is also why i tip delivery drivers well when i do order out. been there, done that.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    Yes! Usually 4-5 bucks for a $25-30 delivery. Yes, it's that expensive in Chicago and no, I don't order Domino's.

    I used to deliver pizza in my early 20s and you didn't make squat except tips. I got something like $1.25 for each delivery and I had to use my own car, gas, insurance, etc. So I lived off those tips. I also got 1/2 priced food when I was on the clock which helped cut down on my grocery bill.

    Of course I had a smokin' hot 20 year old body at the time, so I'd show up with an $11-$13 pizza on football Sunday and take their twenty and sweetly ask if they needed change, expecting that they'd cave, and often they did.

    I could clear $75-$100 bucks a night and that was great money back then.
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    On another note, does this thread remind anyone else of that scene from Resevoir Dogs?

    gotta love Mr. Pink :laugh:
  • pnkn288
    pnkn288 Posts: 2
    Yes, I know the delivery charge is just that. I figure I'm helping the driver out.
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    No! I'm the only person?

    In the UK the driver is employed by the company and is a normal member of staff. Its not sub-contracted or anything...
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I TIP.

    However, devil's advocate - Why is it the customer's responsibility to make up for the lack of salary that the driver/waiter gets?

    Because you have the option of going to pick it up. They are providing a service for us to sit back and have food brought to us. :smile:
  • I TIP.

    However, devil's advocate - Why is it the customer's responsibility to make up for the lack of salary that the driver/waiter gets?

    Because you have the option of going to pick it up. They are providing a service for us to sit back and have food brought to us. :smile:

    Dentists, Doctors, Fast Food employees, Mail-men/woman, UPS/Fed-ex, Paper boys/girls. Just a few examples of people who also "provide a service for us" but we don't tip them. Like Resevoir Dogs says, who gets to decide why we tip one group and not another.

    Again, I TIP, just playing the game of curiosity here...
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    Yes, but as a former food service worker I don't believe they should be tipped. They get minimum wage or more for a really simple job. It isn't like waiting tables where you do hard work and are paid below minimum wage.

    I guess you havnt done delivery. I have and it can be hard and scary and dangerous.

    Yep, been chased by dogs, threatened by drunks, and been robbed...I was doing it for extra Christmas money and I will NEVER do it is pretty awesome when someone comments on something they know nothing about.
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    Did NO-ONE get that Reservoir Dogs reference? Seems everyone took it seriously.

    Hmm. I am in the UK so would tip £1 or something if he turned up on time.

    I am quite offended at the 'all foreigners are lousy tippers thing'. I holiday int he US alot and we always tip 20%+++, HOWEVER, I have recieved bad service before from wait staff but I see the same one giving American customers excellent service on the next table. I am pretty sure it's because they *think* I am going to be lousy tipper because I'm British. Once the service was so bad I only tipped 10% but that was because the waiter dissappeared for ages and came back stinking of cigarette smoke and ignored us for 20 minutes after we asked for refills while standing around chatting to his friends who were eating at another table.

    I got the reference, but I was having too much fun reading the responses to say movie!
  • haven't had pizza delivered in quite some time , but yeah
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    Always tip the delivery person.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    No delivery here in the boonies, pizza is not part of my diet anyway :sad:
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Since 2 posters questioned the "machine"... how do they process your card electronically if they don't bring the hand-held / electronic device to your door to process the card?
    I do it at my door as my card and PIN is in my control, rather than giving a credit-card number to underpaid employees over the phone :)
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Now I want pizza...
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Anyone ever have a smokin hot pizza delivery in "those" movies?
  • Esme_32
    Esme_32 Posts: 14
    I miss pizza :brokenheart:
  • clucas13
    clucas13 Posts: 7
    I TIP.

    However, devil's advocate - Why is it the customer's responsibility to make up for the lack of salary that the driver/waiter gets?

    Because you have the option of going to pick it up. They are providing a service for us to sit back and have food brought to us. :smile:

    Dentists, Doctors, Fast Food employees, Mail-men/woman, UPS/Fed-ex, Paper boys/girls. Just a few examples of people who also "provide a service for us" but we don't tip them. Like Resevoir Dogs says, who gets to decide why we tip one group and not another.

    Again, I TIP, just playing the game of curiosity here...

    Paper boys/girls/men deliver before the Roosters are even awake so how would you tip them? UPS/FED EX and Postal workers not only get compensated extremely well but also do not deliver in thier personal vehicals. The last time I checked Dentists, Doctors, and Fast Food employees do not deliver thier services to you and afford you the luxury of stayng home, not wasting your gas and putting wear and tear on your vehicle.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Anyone who doesn't make the majority of their money through wages is the people you should tip.

    Maybe that will clear it up a bit....
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I TIP.

    However, devil's advocate - Why is it the customer's responsibility to make up for the lack of salary that the driver/waiter gets?

    Because you have the option of going to pick it up. They are providing a service for us to sit back and have food brought to us. :smile:

    Dentists, Doctors, Fast Food employees, Mail-men/woman, UPS/Fed-ex, Paper boys/girls. Just a few examples of people who also "provide a service for us" but we don't tip them. Like Resevoir Dogs says, who gets to decide why we tip one group and not another.

    Again, I TIP, just playing the game of curiosity here...

    Paper boys/girls/men deliver before the Roosters are even awake so how would you tip them? UPS/FED EX and Postal workers not only get compensated extremely well but also do not deliver in thier personal vehicals. The last time I checked Dentists, Doctors, and Fast Food employees do not deliver thier services to you and afford you the luxury of stayng home, not wasting your gas and putting wear and tear on your vehicle.

    Paperboys go to collect for their money in the afternoon/night. I was a paperboy for a couple years. We had to get the weekly due for our customers. It was so horrible doing this, because people would not answer their door and not pay up! We would have to keep coming to their houses each day.