What is your reward to yourself for losing weight??



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My original reward for losing 50 pounds was to get the Tattoo I've always wanted (underdog). I instead got


    That's my 10 month old daughter's name and our nickname for her is Pumpkin

    Haven't decided on what I'm giving my self for 75 pounds and my final goal.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I have already bought clothes as I have lost weight, but when I finally reach my goal and weigh 20 pounds less, I am going to buy a new a couple new outfits and go on a vacation where I can wear a new bathing suit!
  • CopyCat97
    CopyCat97 Posts: 75 Member
    When I reach my goal weight. I would like to go to either Japan or Sydney Australia. :happy: But I still have a ways to go.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    looking better
    being stronger
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    At 10 lbs my husband will return his beard to a short 5 'o clock shadow. He gave me an incentive, he is growing it out until I lose the 10. He does have to keep it trimmed.

    Nothing against beards, they look great on some men, it just doesn't fit my husband well.

    After that, my girls get to pick the incentive.... this should be interesting.

    And by "my girls" you mean..?
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    My rewards will be a healthier and sexier body and greater confidence. Oh, and more awesome sexual abilities.
  • CarlyDawn7
    CarlyDawn7 Posts: 23
    When I reach my goal, I'm going to reward myself by never wearing clothes again.

    hahaha, made my day^
  • Feeling more comfortable in my own skin, having more energy, not cringing when I see a picture of myself, new clothes and not shopping in the plus size dept anymore.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I am buying clothes along the way as rewards. At UGW, I will do an all-out shopping spree!
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    10 lbs-- new shoes
    20 lbs-- new leather jacket
    Goal-- Vacation to British Columbia, to see my mom...it's been 6 years :(
  • stlhrs
    stlhrs Posts: 67 Member
    So, the other day, I made a list of things I'm going to get when I reach certain goal weight. Like, when I lose 5 lbs, I'm going to get concert tickets I want, 10 lbs, I get an expensive pair of heels. And when I reach my UGW, I get this amazing bathing suit I've been looking at. So, what are you guys' rewards for losing weight/ getting healthier?

    My first tattoo (yes, at 42). Always wanted one but not sure what. Figure when I get to my goal I'll be able to show it off too!
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    When I get out of the 120's I'm gonna start saving for a tattoo.
  • iieee
    iieee Posts: 39 Member
    Go on holiday somewhere sunny (live in Britain where it rains 364 days a year) and walk around in a bikini for a week!
  • katnat12
    katnat12 Posts: 73 Member
    When I crossed 200lbs I bought a BMW....

    when I hit my goal weight can you buy me one?

    ME too PLEASE!! ;)
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    When I got below 200 I let myself start buying clothes. When I get to my goal I am either having a spa day or buying myself a kayak.:flowerforyou:
  • stlhrs
    stlhrs Posts: 67 Member
    A body and health I am proud of!

    ^^ this. The results ARE the reward
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Once I get out of the 110-119's, I'm going to get my hair cut, styled and dyed. Once I get in the double digits, I'm going to get my first tattoo! UGW = HUGE shopping spree. Saving up already (':

    Have you discussed your goals with your doctor?
  • jenniferbattlenagel
    jenniferbattlenagel Posts: 3 Member
    Clothes!!!! That's about it. I already spoil myself otherwise :-)
  • djeff41
    djeff41 Posts: 28
    i donate $5 to the red cross every time I lose 5 pounds.

  • Charlito29
    Charlito29 Posts: 10 Member
    I use a scale that gives weight to the 1/10 of a pound. For every 1/10 of a pound I lose, I have paid myself a $1. When I get done, I am buying myself an IPAD.

    I thought I would buy clothes, but since losing what I have, it is almost like I have a whole new closet of clothes that didn't fit before!