Five random facts about yourself



  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I'm left handed
    I'm absolutely petrified of crabs. (The beach kind)
    I'm obsessed with lip gloss and guess hand bags.
    I have a scar on my forehead from running into a nail when I was a child.
    I love aquariums and zoos.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,362 Member
    I love to hunt with both my bow and my rifle. (Before you hate, let me say that we eat all the venison and are not just trophy hunters. Venison is very healthy.)

    I have 15 grandkids, 3 children (two of whom are twins) and 3 stepchildren.

    I love my husband more every single day, and I didn't think that was possible.

    I have major anxiety issues but and a Computer Trainer and stand up in front of classes for a living, which is very uncomfortable for me.

    I am a HUUUUGE Green Bay Packer fan and I hate it when football season ends.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    1.) I can touch my nose with my tongue (and I can touch my elbow with my tongue, as well)
    2.) 8 of my fingers are double jointed
    3.) I peel my shrimp with a knife and fork
    4.) I exercise to prepare myself for the zombie apocalypse
    5.) Rear naked choke hold is my favorite move
  • helencita13
    helencita13 Posts: 76 Member
    1. My dad was a Marine so we moved alot growing up so I am not from anywhere.
    2. My dad was Jewish and my mom Catholic so the family get togethers were always interesting
    3. I am half Puerto Rican but I have red hair and freckles and pasty *kitten* white skin.
    4. I am super intelligent but completely stupid. My grandmom used to say I was the dumbest smart person she knew.
    5. I have spent more time traveling overseas and through the US than I have living in one place since I moved out of my parents house to go to college.

    You're not the only one, my dad is Puerto parents didn't know what to do with me when I arrived, I came out of the womb in sunscreen lol. My sister on the other hand, has dark skin & hair.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member

    5- I am bigger breasted (all natural) and I can make out with them. hehe

    I would love to see that!!!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm a lab tech
    I've supported computer tech
    I'm a former HL7 interface engineer
    I'm an ordained Baptist minister
    I'm an adjunct professor of two Health Care IT classes and of a Business course at a private university.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    1. I rarely tie my shoes
    3. I am fine with forever being alone
    4. I left 2. out
    5. I like glasses on other people, and I need to read, but I don't wear them... nor do I contacts
    6. currently sitting down typing and drinking coffee...
    7. I am actively trying to become ambidextrous

    I really didn't know what you wanted...

    Sorry, forgot one
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    1. I have worse ADD than I let on. I can fake paying attention really well. (Then problem solve whatever instruction they gave me from the little bit I heard.)
    2. I have monkey feet.
    3. I'm quarter Japanese
    4. I don't like any cream cheese
    5. I am left handed.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    1) I spend too long online
    2) I work too hard
    3) I am too hard on myself
    4) I fancy someone I have never met and lives a long way away
    5) I had no idea what 5 things I would write when I pressed reply.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    1. I'm a huge klutz. I tore my ACL by standing up. Yeah, that bad.

    2. I HAD a third nipple. Got it removed when the damn thing leaked as I breastfed my last son.

    3. I'm terrified, petrified, deathly afraid of bugs, spiders anything creepy crawly.

    4. I have my belly pierced. But no one knows. I don't wear bikinis, belly shirts or show or tell anyone. I did it for myself for my 30th birthday years ago.

    5. Out of my entire huge family ...I have been married to my husband longer than anyone else in the family has been married.
    (and the ONLY one still on their first marriage)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    1. I've published some porn fiction... at the age of 18.
    2. I got married when I was 16 years old, and have been married for 7 years.
    3. I'm not OCD, but I'm very specific about placement of things. My roommate pays extra rent and doesn't do any cleaning so I can afford to stay at home (and go to school) and keep the house the way I want it.
    4. I do an hour or two of research every day about stuff. I just love to learn that much. Sometimes I start on Wikipedia and just follow it everywhere. Some days I go from Bacterial Infections to Eugenics by cross-referencing information that I find... just because I can.
    5. I like to see lots of sides of the same issue. When people complain about taking calculus, I try to help them see the other side of it, like that you are learning how to apply information to specific situations, and how you are training your brain to problem solve better. Many people tell me I should get in to motivational speaking.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    1. I have a REALLY high pain tolerance.
    2. I have a phobia of retractable tape measures.
    3. I have limited to no gag reflex.
    4. I may look innocent, but I am definitely not. I have a dirty, filthy mind. And I like it.
    5. I can touch my tongue to my nose…and past my chin. And tie a cherry stem with my tongue.
    :love: :love: Hel-O! As stated before...Sexy!! :smooched:
  • tappleton17
    tappleton17 Posts: 29 Member
    1. I have 6 grandchildren
    2 I do not need anymore grandchildren
    3.I work 2 jobs about 60 hrs a week and still have time to work out
    4.I love my fiance
    5.I go on a cruise to bahamas in september
  • deucemon69
    deucemon69 Posts: 647 Member
    1. I was born in a small town 11 miles away from the Jack Daniels Distillery
    2. I brew my own beer.
    3. I can quote the following movies word for word: Tombstone, The original Star Wars Trilogy, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    4. I used to love playing on computers until it became my job
    5. I have a son and a daughter that mean the world to me.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    1. My fab tv show is The Middle
    2. I love to laugh
    3. I figure skated competitively until I was 15 and had to decide if I was going to skate or go to college. I'm on this website so guess what I chose.
    4. I moved 5 times in the last 12 years with kids undertow. Not fun but I learned not to be a hoarder.
    6. I'm in midlife crisis and totally changing my lifestyle for the better:smile:
  • rmhep
    rmhep Posts: 2 Member
    1. I have mild OCD
    2. I wear size 12 shoes
    3. I could palm a basketball in the 6th grade
    4. If I could do anything professionally, I'd be a pro big game hunter
    5. I am lifeguard certified
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    I raise rabbits.
    I love to travel.
    I have too many animals of all kinds.
    I can't swim very well.
    I miss my best friend who passed away.
  • Monkee8088
    Monkee8088 Posts: 143
    1. I think I'm the only girl in the world who doesn't like horses. Unicorns are ok though, because I can't smell them LOL
    2. I have seen ghosts, but they usually don't scare me.
    3. I'm terrified of lizards, but have a snake.
    4. I love to learn about religions, but don't follow any. If I did it would probably be a pagan-ish one.
    5. I can't stand gross eaters. It freaks me out if someone talks with their mouth full, or you can hear them chew, or if you take a sip of something to drink with food still in your mouth. ICK!
  • Xtina_Beba
    Xtina_Beba Posts: 218
    I have a bad habit of twirling my hair.
    I can eat oysters but can't eat beef.
    I'm addicted to fake eyelashes
    I secretly use juvederm
    I can't sleep in any kind of pants (not even pj pants)
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I am missing 1/3 my left arm

    I am a conspiracy theorist

    Only human on earth without smartphone

    I adore elephants

    I am scared of the dark still