Annoying statements made about area of residence



  • skpstone
    skpstone Posts: 26 Member
    Facts about Australia:
    Yes, we do ride to school\work\The Great Barrier Reef on kangaroos.
    Yes, Koala 'bears' WILL kill you if they fall on you out of a tree.
    Yes, 93% of the wildlife and a large proportion of the flora here, is out to get you.
    And according to recent judgements, a dingo DID take her baby.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Me - I'm from Barstow, CA.

    Other - Sorry?

    Me - I said I am from Barstow, CA.

    Other - I know, sorry to hear about that.

    Well be honest, Barstow is the Arm Pits arm pit of California...

    To Barstow's credit: we drove through there on the way to Vegas once, and the convenience store we stopped at had Chocodiles. Chocodiles!! Yay Barstow. :smile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Yes, I'm British. No, I don't know the Queen personally.

    So she hasn't called in at your house for tea then? Weird, she's round mine all the time :wink:
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I always say, "It's Colorado, if you don't like the weather, *kitten* you."

    Yeah, same thing here in Oregon. Gets me every time when newcomers to Oregon bi#*% about the rain. Really? You didn't research the place before you moved here?
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    From someone in Michigan State:

    "You're from Canada? It must be cold up there."

    For those who aren't in the know: Most of Michigan state is further north than most of Southern Ontario!

    I doubt the person that said that was from Michigan. I am from Michigan - where, yes, I do often have just as much Canadian change in my pocket as American. No, I do not work for the Big 3 - although 90% of my family does or did at one point. I grew up in a small town - where, yes, pretty much everyone does know your name. I've experienced the weather of all 4 seasons in one week. I have used my furnace and a/c on the same days (honestly). I live in the lower peninsula, so to our great northern UP residents, I am a troll because I live under the bridge. They are Yoopers. ;) Driving coast to coast is Port Huron to Muskegon. The list goes on....oh - and yes, it is POP. Not soda.

    ETA - and yes, for the record, construction is an official season here.
  • reneeeeeh
    reneeeeeh Posts: 54
    I'm a New Zealander living in New York. I always get "oh your from NZ? Its like Australia right?"
    We feel the same about Australians as Americans feel about Canadians so stop comparing us!!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    "Aren't you afraid of like.. hurricanes and stuff?"

    Yeah, but we get a pretty big heads up? :)
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    "they don't call it hotlanta for nothin'"

    First of all, I don't call it "hotlanta" ever
    Second, aww nevermind

    Yes. I've been here for 18 years. I've never called it Hotlanta. Mostly because it's dumb. I do refer to my current town as PTC or the city of peaches, however.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    This is New England just wait a minute and the weather will change!

    Clearly you've been to Indiana as well ;) Although, right now it's been hot, dry, and frankly I hate it. Oh, and yes, I'm from Indiana and yes, I'm a farmer's kid.

    No, we do not farm corn, soybeans, or pigs. There's way more to Indiana than that. And no, I don't go to IU or Purdue, either.
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    Facts about Australia:
    Yes, we do ride to school\work\The Great Barrier Reef on kangaroos.
    Yes, Koala 'bears' WILL kill you if they fall on you out of a tree.
    Yes, 93% of the wildlife and a large proportion of the flora here, is out to get you.
    And according to recent judgements, a dingo DID take her baby.
    ..and you knew Steve Irwin
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Originally from Moscow so don't say stupid things like this to other Russians:

    Oh so is it cold all the time (snow all the time)? Um, no. Google it.

    Do you drink a lot of vodka? While this may be true for some Russians, don't assume all drink vodka. Way to stereotype.

    Are you a communist? I just say yes at this point and leave it at that.

    Oh here's a favorite: Do you know my Russian friend so and so? Why's not like Russia is huge or anything.

    Are you a spy? Just like the communist question...I just say yes.

    I know stereotypes exist for a reason, but come on!

    Can you see Alaska from your backyard!!!! LOL! Sorry I had to throw that in! :wink:

    Hahaha that's a good one! I've actually never heard that one...til now! :)
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    :Ne-Va-Da NOT Ne-vah-duh....locals are a bit touchy about this :laugh:

    You have no idea how long I have just spent trying to say these 2 in my best American accent and coming out with exactly the same sound for both of them :bigsmile:

    I think they mean "ne VA da" (a as in cat) as opposed to "ne VAH da" (a as in father). I always say "ne VA da".

    I'm right next door in California and the "ne VAH da" pronunciation annoys me too.
  • 'Oh you're from Wales, in England you mean?' NO. NO. NO.

    Wales is a country. It is completely separate from England! Both countries are just in the UK :-)

    I dont know the queen either :-)
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member

    Me: I am from Indiana.

    Them: O really Whose yer (hoosier) Daddy


    Me: My Name is Bryant Foley

    Them: Cool are you related to Axel Foley

    Me No dumbass Axel Foley is a fictional character from a movie.
  • you're from England? Do you know the Queen/Kate/William/Harry/*insert royal family person*

    You're from England? Do you live in London? Errr no. There is a whole country outside of London. One that doesn't smell and make your snot black.

    You're from Wales? Is that in England? Um, no, it's a different country, but they're both in the UK.

    England and the UK are not, I repeat, not, the same thing!

    Yes, but you have to admit that the UK is an extremely unique situation that not everyone will understand. I just found out a couple of weeks ago that the UK is really several countries within a country. Hell, until I read that very informative article, I thought Ireland (rather than Northern Ireland) was a part of the UK! :bigsmile:

    Trust me, it's confusing what you've got going up there. :flowerforyou:

    The UK isn't a country :-)
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I'm in Vegas. People always think this place is just about parties, hot chicks on the nightly, gambling, sunshine and awesomeness.

    Let me just say that. Oh wait. Forget it.

  • Me, too. My favorite was "so, do you have any red people living next to you?" Swear-to-God, former family member asked me that.

    Now, in Minnesota, people always want to know how I stay warm.

    I'm from Oklahoma. And no, we don't live in teepees.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    The UK isn't a country :-)

    Your former PM's website described the UK as four "countries within a country":

    If it's not a country, what would you call it?
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member

    Try being from NJ... no I don't know Snooki

    Oh... I hate the Jersey Shore! It made it suck to be from New Jersey... especially when I am from northwest Jersey where there are plenty of farms, woods and no Snooki.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    "You live in Utah? Are you a polygamist?"