Annoying statements made about area of residence



  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    Gets me every time when newcomers to Oregon bi#*% about the rain. Really? You didn't research the place before you moved here?

    The rain (or at least the rivers and the green scenery) is one of the main reasons we moved to Oregon! :smile:

    Let's hope it keeps most other people away. :laugh:
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    I live in Newfoundland, Canada:

    I do not live in an igloo

    I do not drive a skidoo ( we have cars here)

    It does not snow all year round

    And no, I don't know Dave who lives in Toronto because that is halfway across the country!!!!
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    AHAHAHAH Love that thread!

    I get comments too, no offence, but mostly from americans from the US:

    - No, it's not ALWAYS cold, since summer began it's been 30°C (86°F) without humidex.
    - No, we don't live in log houses. (But yes, there's some)
    - No, we don't have to hunt for our food each day.
    - No, we don't always and overly say "heh" at the end of each phrases.
    - "Beaver tails" are a pastry (so damm good btw) not an actual beaver tail.
    - We are not all lumberjacks.
    - (And from us in the province of Quebec) We are not all selfish french denying our country that don't know a word of english!

    And surely some that I don't remember! ahahahah
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    'Oh you're from Wales, in England you mean?' NO. NO. NO.

    Wales is a country. It is completely separate from England! Both countries are just in the UK :-)

    I dont know the queen either :-)
    Ok I was one of the ignorant lol sorry! :ohwell:
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    And also... Yes, I live in Oregon. No, I don't smoke pot :)
  • skpstone
    skpstone Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a New Zealander living in New York. I always get "oh your from NZ? Its like Australia right?"
    We feel the same about Australians as Americans feel about Canadians so stop comparing us!!

    But just like Canadians, you do say some words kinda funny...
  • The UK isn't a country :-)

    Your former PM's website described the UK as four "countries within a country":

    If it's not a country, what would you call it?

    Its a kingdom, they try and sell it as one country to try and stop separate parliaments springing up- except wales and scotland have their own now anyway. Not that I talk a word of politics :-) its actually really tricky; did you know there is a difference between Great Britain and the UK too? :-) (I couldnt tell you but I know its something about various islands being included too- and I live here! :-)
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    California.....everyone thinks it's always sunny and hot here.........ummmm NO!
    Guess on that it depends on where you are from.. for me, it will be hot as I am used too half cold half hot... my resistance to hot is low.. lol If you come here, maybe you'll think it's cold ahahah
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    "You live in Williamsburg, why don't you dress colonial?" UGH
  • skpstone
    skpstone Posts: 26 Member
    I live in Newfoundland, Canada:

    I do not live in an igloo

    I do not drive a skidoo ( we have cars here)

    It does not snow all year round

    And no, I don't know Dave who lives in Toronto because that is halfway across the country!!!!

    Do you know Phil in Toronto?
  • 'Oh you're from Wales, in England you mean?' NO. NO. NO.

    Wales is a country. It is completely separate from England! Both countries are just in the UK :-)

    I dont know the queen either :-)
    Ok I was one of the ignorant lol sorry! :ohwell:

    I wouldn't worry my Geography is abysmal! :-) (and Wales is tiny!) :-)
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Arizona and yes we have they are not cool they are pain in the *kitten* to get rid of and scratch the hell out of your car when they go *rollin, rollin, rollin.*

    There are still gun fights in Tombstone... and yes they are staged...

    There are still cowboys and Indians but not quite like you imagined.

    And YES the Grand Canyon IS incredible!
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I'm a New Zealander living in New York. I always get "oh your from NZ? Its like Australia right?"
    We feel the same about Australians as Americans feel about Canadians so stop comparing us!!

    But just like Canadians, you do say some words kinda funny...
    What words!? :indifferent:
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    When I moved from CA: "but you're not blonde!" and "what do you mean, you don't surf?"
    When I moved from AK: "what was living in an igloo like?"
    When I moved from TX: "where's your hat & boots?"
    When I moved to Japan & Korea: "do you know (insert random famous American)?"

    *Oh, and I had a Scottish co-worker who was asked, in all seriousness, if they still lived in huts like in Braveheart.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    Question once asked to my husband:
    Idiot: Do people in the UK have to eat a lot of fruit?
    Husband: No why?
    Idiot: Because England doesn't get sunshine that often and everyone has to ward off scurvy
    Husband: *beats head on desk*
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'm from Oklahoma. And no, we don't live in teepees.

    ^^ Right?.........gah!

    I am so confused by this.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Facts about Australia:
    Yes, we do ride to school\work\The Great Barrier Reef on kangaroos.
    Yes, Koala 'bears' WILL kill you if they fall on you out of a tree.
    Yes, 93% of the wildlife and a large proportion of the flora here, is out to get you.
    And according to recent judgements, a dingo DID take her baby.

    Ahahah! I knew it, that is why I have not visited Australia. Everything will try to kill me!

    So here is a silly question about Australia. Have you heard of the movie Wolf Creek that is said to based on a true story? They say you can go for days without meeting anyone... There are psychos everywhere... but wow.

    Can't say much as I was born and raised in Florida and now that I have moved away it feels as if all the crazy stories are coming back. Naked man eating faces *shudder*
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    Oh, you live in the desert? It's 115 degrees? But it's a dry heat...

    Yeah, just like turning my blow dryer on full blast in my face is a dry heat...

    I KNOW RIGHT?! I hate people saying that! Who the hell cares that its a dry heat?! It still just SUCKS! Lol.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I'm from Oklahoma. And no, we don't live in teepees.

    ^^ Right?.........gah!

    I am so confused by this.

    They have the Choctaw Indian nation in Oklahoma.
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    From someone in Michigan State:

    "You're from Canada? It must be cold up there."

    For those who aren't in the know: Most of Michigan state is further north than most of Southern Ontario!

    Michigan has ridiculous weather! I'm from the suburbs of Detroit and am asked all the damn time if I know Eminem or Kid Rock. No, but I know someone who knows someone who cleans their windows.