Does eating more to weight less work for everyone?



  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    I think only when you are at a stall and near your goal. Not for starting out. Also, most in this group lift heavy. FYI
  • hucksmom1
    hucksmom1 Posts: 8
    It has gotten me through two plateaus. Here is a really good article I found on the subject. Mainly, you have to confuse your body. It gets used to what you've been doing & it's no longer effective, so change things up to get your metabolism kick started again.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Eating more than *what* exactly? Therein lies the key...

    Generally, the idea is eating more than an unrealistically set goal that MFP set based on less than accurate activity level choice and bigger than wise weight loss goal.

    But rest of the phrase should be eating more than now but less than previously.

    Since vast majority have no idea how much they used to eat that got them into trouble, but only the lowest goal they've ever seen, it always looks bad to eat more.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I personally don't think that the formulas work for everybody. I'm doing just fine, and I eat below that the formulas tell me to. I eat quite often, and healthily-- just less calories. When I stall, I'll up them. If it isn't broken, don't fix it?

    A car with dirty air filter and badly gaped spark plugs and under-inflated tires will still operate and drive you places.
    But is it getting the power and gas mileage it could be getting?

    It's ain't broke - but is there anything to fix? Of course there is.

    The world is full of mediocrity because people can get by with whatever, but never even thinking it could be better if they changed some things.

    So it goes with weight loss. While it is said slow and steady is better, that's compared to crash diets and massive loss that is mainly things other than fat.
    But slow and steady because of slower metabolism doesn't mean it's better either, not when a few tweaks could work better, and added side benefit of getting to eat more and not have discouragement, and little range of movement in calories eaten without negative consequences.

    But nothing wrong with losing slower than expected or possible by choice.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Try it! I'm 39, soon to be out roughly an hour per day 5 days per week. I eat several small meals throughout the day and I eat 2000 cals per day to maintain my weight at 136. I was obese as a kid and come from a long line of obesity so I naturally have a slow metabolism that I've kicked into overdrive by eating this way and adding muscle. For me, it works! If you're consuming like 1200 cals per day and gaining or not losing, try upping to 1400-1500 cals per day for one month and see what happens. 1200 cals per day for an adult is too restrictive!
    And answer for yourself.
    Why would you NOT want to eat more?
    Who wants to get on some absurd, doomed-to-fail-in-the-end crash diet when they can eat well and sustain steady, lasting results?
    Smarten up folks!
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Eating more has worked for me, I used to have breakfast then I would eat again when I was hungry which was usually around 4pm in the afternoon. I had a dietitian visit me after my accident and she told me what I had to eat and I couldn't do it, I made myself sick trying so she got me to start having Optifast shakes to give me more calories but I still couldn't get the calories up. It took me another 3 years before I could eat the amount of food needed but as soon as I succeeded I started to lose the weight. Another mistake I made was not having carbs at the night time meal and my dietitian said by the time breakfast came around my body was starving again. I have now lost 15 kilos / over 30 pounds
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    tried it. gain weight like crazy eating at slightly under my tdee.
    im doing it again though
    just want to get stronger.

    TDEE 3100 calories

    Eating 3100 net result = +1/1.5lb /week
    Eating 2500 net result = +.5lb a week
    Eating 2000 net result = 0

    I don't think the calculators work for everyone.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i don't believe solely restricting calories works for everyone.

    for some people low carb will always be better. you can't argue with ketosis
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    It works for me.... I've lost 67 pounds so far.... :happy:
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I started out at eating 1000 a day and have upped my calories several times and every time I do I lose weight. So for me it has worked. I am now up to 1300 calories a day and in another week plan to up my calories again. I don't need to lose any more weight so I have been working my way up to find my maintenance level so when I do lose more weight I just have a cheat day to add it back lol
  • vanessa829
    Yes :) If you are eating heathier :)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Nothing works for EVERYONE!! However, the concept has changed my life and allowed me to lose more weight than I did only consuming 1200 calories. I suggest it, but always do your own homework & try different things to find out what works best for you
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I just asked a DR and a Personal Trainer about this. Both said I should be eating more often (6 times a day) but same amount of calories and not to eat after 8pm. It is supposed to get your body into a regiment of your metabolism burning all day. I take in 2000 calories (5'11" male) but eat 5 times a day breakfast at home, morning snack lunch and afternoon snack at work, then dinner when I get home. They suggested 6 times but I can seem to swing that.

    So I would say its eat more often not eat more.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Craziest concept but works when done right! I normally take a week out of each month and bump my calories up by 100-150. This normally gets me over any back and forth .4-.5 lbs that I teeter between. It actually works though! Who knew :-)
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    It didn't for me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I just asked a DR and a Personal Trainer about this. Both said I should be eating more often (6 times a day) but same amount of calories and not to eat after 8pm. It is supposed to get your body into a regiment of your metabolism burning all day. I take in 2000 calories (5'11" male) but eat 5 times a day breakfast at home, morning snack lunch and afternoon snack at work, then dinner when I get home. They suggested 6 times but I can seem to swing that.

    So I would say its eat more often not eat more.

    Fire them both.

    the eat more to weigh less is a concept to get you to understand that food isnt bad for you.
    It's here to show you what your BIG 3 are and tries to educate you on how food effects your body.
    Out of 250 people, i've only come across 2 where it didnt work over the past 9 months.
    Out of 250.

    So if you know what your relative TDEE is and consistently eat below that number and above BMR you should be losing weight.

    The Eat more to lose more concept wants you eating enough to maintain lean mass while cutting fat.
    The only reason for ANYONE to eat below BMR is if they are above Obese II.

    I challenge everyone to arm themselves with spoon and fork and start building a healthy relationship with food today!
    Diets that work are the ones that focus 80% of their attention in the kitchen and not on a treadmill, bike or footpath.

    Get your info here:
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • sistasledge101
    2 weeks ago I started upping my calories from 1200-1500. finally I've reached my 1990 but, somedays its more like 1800. I had an initial 2lb gain probably cause of restricting my carbs and then upping them with em2wl. Yesterday i was at 164.8, today I'm at 164.4 :) Seems to be working

    I cann't sustain 1200-1400 calories for the rest of my life, so I decided to take my journey slower.
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Man, my first two months here I did the 1200 calorie deal (before I knew better) and it didn't work at all, I just stayed at 0 pounds lost or gained. Not only that but I was miserable all of the time and was like 'screw this, I'd rather just not lose weight'.

    Some friends who had lost major weight counseled me about adjusting my calories and so for the past few weeks I eat a base of 1800 cals a day plus eating back some of my workout cals. Must work for my body because I now lose about a pound of week. Not only that but I feel as strong as an ox--I never feel crappy, I don't spend all day obsessing about food and what and when to eat (I eat pretty whole and healthy though, no processed foods). I have energy to workout more and I feel good while I work out. It feels really sustainable, like, I could do this for the rest of my life and it would be no thing at all. This is the first time in my life where I have a weight loss/health living plan that just feels right and 'clicks'.
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    And answer for yourself.
    Why would you NOT want to eat more?
    Who wants to get on some absurd, doomed-to-fail-in-the-end crash diet when they can eat well and sustain steady, lasting results?
    Smarten up folks!

    Love this. I was just currently at a place where I kept upping my calories by 100 every couple of weeks to see how high I could go before I got to maintenance. Nothing better than eating good food and losing inches at the same time. Gotta give it some time, though. Your body needs to adjust. Most people quit too soon because they see an initial gain on the scale. Heck, I was up 6 pounds this week, but down 3 inches. Works for me!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I just bought a Fitbit and found out I was way off on my TDEE.
    Online calculators gave me appx 2100-2300 avg daily burn.
    Fitbit over the past week and a half has given me 2700-3200 daily burn.
    I've been cutting 20% off that and still losing.
    I ate half a pint of Ben and Jerry's last night and woke up 3lbs lighter today.
    This **** works!
    You just have to believe in it!