Ladies, how long do you make him wait?

YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
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  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    3 date rule. Duh.
  • bluegrasschica
    Probably like 5. :laugh:
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    Do people still date?? I'm confused!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    When an exclusive relationship has been established. No tapping before committment!
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    Not necessarily. I met a guy back in February. Took him home with me that night, but NOTHING HAPPENED. We stuck together like glue the next day and *that* night was when the world rocked. We were together 3 months, until I got tired of being treated like his servant and walked away without so much as a "See Ya, Kiss my *kitten*".. which sucks, because I was out $500.. but well worth it.

    ...damn this made me sound like I'm an easy tramp. :grumble: Point is, I let him tap it when I feel comfortable with the connection.. or I make the first move.
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    3 date rule. Duh.

    A lot of women follow this. Luckily for me, tonight is date #3
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    tbh, depends on how bad I want him, how much chemistry is there immediately and how good the timing is. Ive made a guy wait 3 months and there was another guy who I kissed for the first time and then shortly afterwards... slept with for the first time - cause, well, there was just no stopping it.
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    When an exclusive relationship has been established. No tapping before committment!

    Exactly this!!!!
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have a 5 date rule!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    case by case basis
  • Jbjessi
    Jbjessi Posts: 288
    I make my husband wait all of 5 minutes. lol. but thats just me
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    tbh, depends on how bad I want him, how much chemistry is there immediately and how good the timing is. Ive made a guy wait 3 months and there was another guy who I kissed for the first time and then shortly afterwards... slept with for the first time - cause, well, there was just no stopping it.

    :noway: 3 months?!?!
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    case by case basis

    This for me too. I don't have a "rule" per se.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    A couple dates? But that was only cuz I was getting out of a relationship at that time.
    It depends on the guy, the situation, etc.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    no tapping before commitment?

    there's no way I would commit to a man without knowing his tappin skills....well.
  • akaOtherWise
    akaOtherWise Posts: 110 Member
    3 date rule. Duh.

    A lot of women follow this. Luckily for me, tonight is date #3

    Good luck, op!
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    no tapping before commitment?

    there's no way I would commit to a man without knowing his tappin skills....well.

    amen :laugh:
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Man, if she doesn't let me smash that before the third date, I'm outta there. I mean, I'm sort of old fashioned, so there's got to be a classy meal and clean(ish) sheets before I bring her home and get a good drilling in, but a guy's got to do what a guy's got to do.


    ok. sarcasm off. what was the question again?
  • SammyW89
    SammyW89 Posts: 15 Member
    I slept with the last guy i dated on the first date and we're still together 2+ yrs later...

    It felt right at the time, i don't think it matters about time its about whether it feels right or not...

    ps.we were friends before the alcohol fuelled night that changed everything :)
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    My boyfriend and I waited 8 months... still together and incredibly happy 5.5 years later.

    First and only.
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