

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is doing ok.Got a call from pt dr,regarding shin splints.He wants me to rest up til Mon when I see him and see how they are doing.
    I had gone to the pool to walk before he called,felt good,but now painful.
    Very frustrated,seems I make some progress and go back again.I just have to be patient,which is hard for me.
    If you are able to exercise,please do,even if it`s taking stairs instead of elevators.it` s the baby steps that will get you to bigger things.
    Have a great day!!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    It is hot and muggy here in SO CA, not what we are used to. I am leaving tonite with my DS & DIL with 2 grandkids, they are going to Legoland tomorrow and Grammie is going to relax at the hotel. Got some vegies and snaks to keep me occupied.

    Will be nice to get away. Was so excited as my boss is going to let me change my hours and be able to work from home when I need it so I can take care of the grandkids. This will be a trial basis, and hoping all goes well. I am an office manager for a surgery center and thank goodness I have employees who are adults and don't need micro managing.

    Enjoy Ladies move and drink your water

  • ejnancy2
    ejnancy2 Posts: 14
    :flowerforyou: Cathyb60---it is never too late....and you are not a failure....it is hard and it is a lot of work...but you have set some good goals ...i wish you luck

    :laugh: Lin---sorry i had to laugh when i read about the kleenex....i hate when that happens...who knew such a little thing could cause such a mess

    :happy: Deb A---good advice ---and congrats on the loss of 70 pounds...that is amazing---and in just 11 months....WOW....

    :smile: jb---i really think night time snacking is a hard habit to break...i am working thru that now...this week i have done pretty good...i plan all of food i eat the night before...i never heard of the 1/2 your body weight in ounces for water...

    :happy: Robin---good job on the 10,000 + steps per day...amd good luck tomorrow on your first day of your new job....Olivia? grandaughter?

    :glasses: lauralind5---menopause---that is the worse thing for our weight!!!! augghhh....loosing weight slow is good...stays off that way...good luck

    :flowerforyou: laura80111---i too check pockets...and whatever i find ...well it is mine....do you ride your bike around your house or do you go to a park

    :happy: Meg---we need rain too...i live in western PA and we just had a little storm...but did not last nearly long enough...fresh veggies...mmmmm

    :smile: RaysfanATL---I know what you mean about the word "boyfriend" i too am in a relationship...and he too is more than my boyfriend...and we actually bought a house together....we plan on getting married...but no big rush...

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee---yes my 3 year old grandaughter has a ton of energy...never stops...the other one is 14 so that is not so bad...i get them every wednesday night for a sleep over

    :happy: jane---yes baby steps towards the exercise ...easier on the body---i love to walk in the pool

    :smile: Sherry---i would love to work from home...but that will not happen...hope you have fun at legoland----enjoy your relaxing

    well i did pretty good today...no exercise but did eat pretty good....i am so glad that tomorrow is friday...i am so ready for the weekend...got my veggies cut up for tomorrow...and my fruit packed....will make a spinich omlette in the morning and a smoothie...salad for lunch....now tomorrow is Tony's night for dinner ...which use to scare me...but he is being so good with me loosing weight and he knows if there is something i really do not want to eat...so he stays clear from that...i have a feeling we will have crab cakes or some kind of broiled fish...and a salad...sometimes i feel like i am going to turn into a viggie....have a great night everyone

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    jb, Laura, DeeDee Good suggestion about reading the MFP success stories at night. I like that idea! Also, jb, you're right, sometimes it's thirst. I promise to drink more water, especially after 7pm. Thank you all for responding back to me. BTW, I exercised yesterday AND today... that's, let me see, where's my calculator, that's TWO days in a row!!! :bigsmile:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Thank you for all the kind thoughts and well wishes for D's..he called me at work and I did pretty well...but then had to go outside and water (really with the hose) the flowers in front of the office...deep breath and one foot in front of the other because that is what he and his fellow soldiers do. Someone asked what branch...he is a Marine.

    So tonight (since you all gave me great feedback) I jogged in the pool for 30 minutes...still felt silly but I was moving and not sweating buckets. Tomorrow will be weights in the am and maybe tennis after work with my sister.

    Jb - I had not heard the half your body weight in oz for water...so strictly water? I drink several glasses/cups of decaf tea...does that count in the equation or just water?

    I also want to send a big thank you to the rn's..my daughter is an rn...passed her boards last summer and works in a step-down Icu for neuro...I am amazed at how much the nurses do and know...thank goodness we have you! Any advice for a young nurse?

    Have a good night ladies...hugs prayers and high fives...what a fabulous journey we are on!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jen- My stepson was in Iraq for two tours. I couldn't watch the news for weeks after he was deployed. At the time he was there and where he was, he was only able to send some letters. I understand what you are going through. Will be praying for his safe return.
    Deb A
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Hello all. Found this group this week & am excited to join a group of women over 50!
    I'm 56, joined MFP in late March, joined a gym, met with and RD & began working out with a personal trainer. Made up my mind to get back in shape & try to do it the "right" way. No crazy stuff. I am losing weight, slowly, and feel much better just exercsing.
    Love all of the support here on MFP!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    You know, yesterday I was thinking. The scale really isn't moving, but yet, I had on these PJ's that I like, What I like about them is that they are short and sleeveless with an elastic waist. I could probably get away with them, but I'm going to be looking for new ones in a smaller size.

    cathyb - welcome, you'll get lots of support here

    Deb - your story is very inspiring. Did you have WLS?

    Robin - good luck to you on the new job!

    lauralind - welcome. So sorry about your dog, what kind do you have now?

    Did an hour of the Bob Harper Inside Out DVD. Tomorrow will be water aerobics. Then I have to come right home to give Loki his medicine since Vince needs to go for a (never heard of this) nuclear stress test, I have a healthy cooking demo,

    What interesting stories everyone has of meeting in places you wouldn't expect. I'm truly enjoying it.

    Vince and I are feeling much better. It was really weird, but at least it's over.

    Raysfan - you've peaked my interest. what kind of job do you do?

    DeeDee - I didn't realize that Nasonex was more expensive than Sudafed!

    rfsahae - two days is the beginning of many days, good for you!

    Jen - I usually count decaf tea in my water consumption. Caffeine dehydrates, but as long as it's decaf....

    kmmealey - welcome. Sounds like you have a great start. Pop in here lots and you'll get so much support you won't know what to do with it all

    Off to do some crocheting and then get to bed. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • icanbeslim2
    icanbeslim2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    This strand really fits me. Thanks for setting it going.:love: I'm still working out how to use the community area and am looking forward to reading more of your goals, outcomes and ideas. :bigsmile: Cheers from New Zealand
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    ”Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.” (Robert Louis Stevenson)

    This is one of my favorite quotes…..it is a state of being that is a goal for me.

    I grew up in an atmosphere that was more like “when in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout” (Robert A. Heinlein)

    :bigsmile: Barbara, I’ve taught a few dances over the years in my regular dance classes and when we were RVing I taught a short session of a few beginner dances so I’ve worked up gradually to teaching a whole line dance class. As a dancer, I tend to mumble the steps to myself to keep track of where I am so it’s not too big a jump to cueing the dances in front of the class. Also, I write my own cues on my step sheets so I can refer to them when we’re doing a walk through. So far, the hardest dances I’ve taught are easy intermediate. If I could dance every day, I probably would, but DH would miss me.

    :flowerforyou: Cathyb60, it took me until I was 61 to finally find the formula for weight loss….it is never too late…..now I weigh less than I have my entire adult life and I have more energy than I thought possible…..never, never, never give up.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Lin, it’s always something

    :bigsmile: DebA, what an encouraging post. I hope everyone reads it and takes it to heart.

    :bigsmile: Robin, congrats on your job and your 10,000 steps

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: Raysfan, could you call the man in your life your sweetheart? That’s a term I use a lot for my hubby who has been my sweetheart since I met him.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It has been a joy reading all your posts. This is the night I call my cousin who complains and argues with me, so reading all your positive thoughts will put me in the right frame of mind.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, How are you today Thursday was hot hot in the northwest. Went to the mall for a walk put in 9 hours of work too. Home to a very messy house yeah me, it is still messy. My daughter is going through a really hard time, because i was so tired all i wanted to do was eat to stop my emotions. I did eat a handful of almonds but i still like a big bowl of ice cream thank goodness thereis none in the house. But because i want to eat i am on my way to bed but before i did remember i had not posted in Besides all the calorie counting, exercie this human connection is another very important part of mfp. I appreciate your honesty reading your post is a big help all of you. Thank you very much!

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Just checking in. It is 0152 am and I must go to bed. I have one more day of work,and then the weekend off. I will reply to the comments on my next post.
    Thanks for all the sharing and keeping me motivated and going day by day. Next time before I am hungry in the evening,I am going to sit and read all the posts! Much better "mind" food , better than any food can taste! Blessings, Linda aka SundanceB
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Rushing around madly at the moment, trying to catch up with work as I had the day off yesterday. Spent it with DD#2 and we went to see DS in Great Expectations at Covent Gardens. He was playng Magwitch and was fantastic. I am so proud of him. He is just about to do another film - I believe it's a zombie film, a little different from his last two roles which have been ****ens and Shakespeare! Although he did do a short movie with Prunella Scales recentally.

    I am truly fed up with the wet weather now and have given in and moved on to my autumn clothes .... hopefully that will initiate a bout of summery weather!

    Must get on.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x

    Seriously ... MFP censor Charles D I C Kens name?? x
  • ejnancy2
    ejnancy2 Posts: 14
    watch drinking that water after 7pm...you might be up all night peeing...i know i am
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey Barbie and friends! I have been avoiding joining this thread because I was in denial I was 50. Well now I am not..................I am 51!!!!!!:laugh:

    I am going to check in later, but I have begun to log my foods again and the ticker is going to move this Saturday.

    Looking forward to hanging with my peers:wink:
  • ejnancy2
    ejnancy2 Posts: 14
    :flowerforyou: Happy friday the 13th.....:devil: sorry i am not supersticious (sp)

    :bigsmile: well right before i went to be last night i just wanted to dive into a pile of food....i ate a few nuts...and went into the junk drawer to find something else.....but i shut the drawer and sat down...opened my book and started reading...i knew i was at about 1300 calories so i told myself do not start this crap....i have been doing so good with my night time snacking but i am not sure what happened last night and i am so glad that i put my food down and did something else,....now i do not have to feel guilty about eating too much...i stopped after a few bites of trail mix...so i did good....right?

    :happy: i heard a few of you talking aobut jogging in the pool...i have been doing that...does it burn a lot of calories....i never really looked it up...actually i do not even count it as exercise....

    :drinker: ok i need to get ready for work...hope you all have a great day today

    Nancy :drinker:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Michele- I chose NOT to have surgery for weight loss. I have seen a few people with good success, but more for whom it did not work. My doctor at the weight loss clinic combines diet, exercise, behavior modification, and lots of moral support to help us learn how to find a balance that will keep us healthy for life. She is the one who suggested using MFP to log food and exercise. During this whole experience I have never felt hungry or deprived of "good" food. I did use protein bars and shakes for the first few months before transitioning to food. (my choice), but she will help people lose the weight without using them. She also follows us during maintainence and will see us anytime in the future if we feel we need her. It cost more money than I felt I deserved to spend on myself, but it was worth every penny. I guess I would have spent it on unhealthy food, etc. anyway. I am definitely in the best shape of my life physically and emotionally. It will be a lifelong journey, but then it is for all of us.:smile:
    Deb A
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning everyone, Happy Friday !!!

    Ive been grumpy the past couple of days. Have some issues with my daughter (break up with the BF she was living with etc) and other stuff going on that I cant control either. The thing that has changed since Memorial Day is that I CAN control what I put in my mouth !! I did wake up today tired of having to think about food, tired of trying to pack healthy stuff to bring to work and oh did I remember everything and just all of it. Stopping by McD wouldve been sooo easy today but I didnt do it ! yay me.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and remember, do something today that your future self will thank you for !
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello ladies - again, wonderful reading from everyone. I do enjoy and appreciate what you post.

    My report: THE KLEENEX IS GONE!! The washer is cleaned out and ready to use again.. :wink:

    Working on trying to be healthier is such an emotional experience. Any little negative seems to take me a bit off balance. I really have to keep myself on track so I've taken a seemingly dramatic step---if someone is causing me to feel unsuccessful, stupid, or negative about the direction I'm taking in my life. They're GONE. This applies primarily in my online life. I had joined a closed group for weight loss for women with fibromyalgia on Facebook. It felt like the moderator kept jumping on my comments like I was stupid and only she knew what was up. I thought about it, decided I didn't need to be upset and I wasn't getting anything from the group, I withdrew from the group yesterday. I feel very good about it.

    I guess the learning part for me is don't stick with what is not working.

    I thank you for being here and listening to me. It's great.

    Wishing everyone a healthy day.


    P.S. :drinker:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Good morning! I hope you won't mind if I join this thread in mid-July and a few months shy of 50. My goal was to get my weight and health under control by 50. At this point, I need a few more months....more than a few!