What sacrifices have you given up to lose weight?



  • vivianngo
    vivianngo Posts: 21
    I'm sacrificing multiple close friends and a social life...
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    Da Beers!!
  • fergalizcious
    I have given up all sweets (candy and desserts) and sleeping in (so I get my butt out the door to run before work everyday. Sugar has always been my biggest vice and the main cause for my weight gain in college. I know that a lot of people think that planned treats are best, and if that works for you then go for it, but for me, if I eat a little, I want more. I have been almost 7 weeks without candy/desserts and I don't even craze it much anymore. When I do crave it, the craving doesn't take me over. I can easily move past it. I have a family history of diabetes, so I know that if I am not willing to give it up for good, I will never be free from it. I have not regretted my choice once, and I've lost 17 lbs!
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    I don't feel like I've sacrificed anything. I've changed my lifestyle and thats it. It's not about sacrifice, it's about changes for the better. I don't miss going out for fast food every day for lunch, I feel better for not doing it. I don't miss the large portions on my dinner plate, I feel better for eating less. If anything, I feel like I was sacrificing my life before starting this because of what I was eating.
  • encourageurself
    encourageurself Posts: 11 Member
    There are some things that I haven't given up but that's in moderations such as chips (3 or 4--not bag), candy(1 piece instead of 4-5 pieces in an hr). Due to being at a stand steel with my weight. I have recently limited grains, no cheese, sweets (only from fruits or berries). :tongue:
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member

    I still have it every now and then but i don't have it every day.
  • Jmgreene90
    My name is Bryan and I'm a bread-a-holic!

    My name is Jessica and i am also a bread-a-holic
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
  • LaurieLynnMiller
    The biggest thing I've given up is my free time. I spend a lot of time exercising now, which I don't dislike necessarily, but it doesn't leave me time for a lot of other pursuits during the week. I love oil painting. I haven't had the time to devote to that in a LONG time. I guess you can say exercising has become my new hobby. hahaha. Oh, and my other guilty little pleasure I've given up is cherry coke. I used to have a 32 oz fountain cherry coke EVERY day (sometimes 2!). I'm completely off sugary soda now and any soda I drink is diet. Oddly, I find the diet just as satisfying, just without the calories!
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I haven't truly sacrificed anything, really, aside from lowering my soda intake dramatically. Everything else is more along the lines of moderation than sacrifice.
  • jasminemonique1
    I have Given Up Sodas And Other Sugary Drinks For The Most Part. They Are Full Of What I Call Wasted Calories. I Noticed That They Were Not FIlling me At All But Taking Away Calories That I Could Be Eating. So Now I Just Drink Water And When I Need A little Flavor I Just Grab A Flavored Water.
  • pnkn288
    pnkn288 Posts: 2
    A lot of really rich sweets that really packed a whole lot of calories. I still eat sweets, not as often but I choose certain ones based on calorie and sugar. I look forward to the day that I don't want sweets at all and I get my sweet tooth soothe by simple fruits alone. I don't drink soda as much either. I may have two a week and I look forward to not wanting none.
  • muirspud
    muirspud Posts: 27 Member
    Some awesome responses!

    Also on the coffee part, i may have a skiny latte, then i have a couple of biscuits, and then repeat this maybe twice a day, and those healthy coffees turn into 300-400 calorie fests!

    Ive not given up alot of food, i just have it within moderation and put it down in my calorie diary. Last week, i had a chinese, sunday cooked breakfast and a cooked sunday dinner with pudding!

    I work as a cook and we can eat what ever is left basically, and the toughest part is not having a plate of the food i cook, and all the homemade puddings we make. Best thing is, we are busy and i walk over 2miles a day in a big kitchen!
  • feliciapeters
    i miss drinking coffee all day....real cream & real sugar
    i drink water instead, and I hate water
    i chug it like medicine to get it down
    and pasta, i could eat it 3 meals a day

    HOWEVER, thursday is "weigh day"
    and IF i lost ANY weight, i get to eat whatever & how much of anything i want
    (usually a giant bowl of pasta)

    i f i want candy i eat it, chips, pasta, fast food, whatever my little heart desires
    the rest of the week i try to be really careful
    but my one day a week splurge keeps me from feeling deprived
  • AllieBug25
    AllieBug25 Posts: 61
    Soda, for sure. I don't even want it anymore. If I want something a little more exciting than water, I'll drink a half a cup or lemonade or sweet tea, then back to h2o. I don't mind. I kind of like it. The soda burns my throat now. :\
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I gave up NOTHING!
    One of the reasons people fail is that they look upon their blessed life sacrifices.
    Bad move.
    There are 2 ways to approach a change of habit.
    A. Gut it out through will power
    B. A total change of heart
    One road is the hard road while the other is easy.
    One way is fun while the other miserable.
    I am into easy and fun - not hard and miserable.
    Success is a choice.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    For me it really has been more of a process of changing what I prefer to eat rather than eliminating things from my diet. What I eat on a daily basis now I would have scoffed at 2 years ago. Not enough flavor!! But now, since I've really had a heart to heart with myself and firmly decided upon goals I WILL reach, eating right has become routine for me. I don't really miss pizza, burgers, or alcohol all that much. In fact, when I do eat it, one bite (which is all I allow myself) tastes SOOOOOOOO good. It didn't used to do that!! I'm more focused these days on how I want my body to look than dwelling on the foods/drinks I'm not allowed to have. For me, that has made the difference in being able to remain consistent with my diet and exercise.

    ETA: And it has also been a process of not rewarding my progress in the form of food. Cheat meals are one thing. They help break up the monotony and make eating interesting. But I've found that giving myself a new CD or a pair of jeans is far more rewarding than letting myself chow down on something really unhealthy. I feel really guilty if I let myself do that, like I just derailed myself for no reason. To each his own, but I've found doing this makes me a lot happier and confident.
  • dunnweb
    dunnweb Posts: 49
    Chinese food.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    There aren't any particular foods i have given up during my weight loss journey. I've just cut down alot on my portion size, which is working for me all thanks to a shrinking stomach. Also, i used to binge alot at night, now it's not even a thought.
  • janellegel
    janellegel Posts: 13
    Fries i work at applebees and stopped picking at the fries