Near or post menopausal group



  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
  • mskimber99
    mskimber99 Posts: 30
    I'M IN!!!! any support would be wonderful.

    22yrs ago i had my son - 10lbs 6oz and i had balooned up to a size 26..diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis. hard work dieting exercise got me down to size 14 which a had stayed at for yrs.

    3yrs ago i shattered the bones in my left wrist/arm and since then my exercise has been modified to say the least. i used to love to row on my rowing machine.

    last visit to dr has my BP outta control, andrenal fatigue and menopause and 208lbs.

    i have been told the only exercise i am to do is light swimming in the pool, but against dr orders i zumba 2x week.

    i have gotten down to 194 but at a complete standstill now.

    the hot flashes, mood swings are terrible..having a "tropical heat wave" the 1st 5 minutes of exercise class is the worst..besides feeling like i have to drag myself there, fatigued, grouchy, in pain and feeling fat - it is quite discouraging.

    i want to fit into my clothes again, i want to get off of the BP meds...and if i look okay nekkid well that is a plus but i really don't care about that..another symptom of menopause - low sex drive - i think about lol but i am grouchy, fatigued, in pain and FAT!!

    knowing there are other ppl going thru this and supportive is a big plus!!
  • LisaB55
    LisaB55 Posts: 35 Member
    It looks as if this is pretty old thread and not very active for quite a while, but it is the closest thing I have seen to my situation, so I am going to join in and see if it gets revived.

    I am 57 and a couple of years post menopausal. I have struggled with my weight since I was pretty young, although looking back I really wasn't as big as my mom seemed to consider me. I really started to gain after I got married and gradually gained from the time I was 30 until having my kids at 37 and then 40 (with the help of 7 years of inferility treatments that I don't think helped much). By then I had edged past 200 lbs and thanks at least in part to lots of issues with depression and anxiety and a lousy job environment, crept up to 215 after that slowly with only a couple of several month battles when I managed to dip below 200. This past year I have headed up to 230 as of 6 weeks ago. I discovered MFP in early June and have been tracking and controlling my intake and lost almost 12 lbs now. I work 60 to to 65 hours a week, sometimes more and have just not been able to force myself to make time for exercise. I know that lack of time isn't really a good excuse, but I feel like I can only bite off one thing at a time, so I am cutting myself some slack for the time being.

    I am very proud of the fact that I have brought my 16-year-old daughter along on this journey. Not only is our mutual support helpful but it alleviates some of the guilt I feel about my huge contribution both genetically and environmentally to her being in this situation and is so important that she has the opportunity to be even more beautiful than she already is and to experience adolescence without the extra burden of obesity.

    I am now dealing with diabetes and abnormal lipids, so if I want to live for a few more years this is something I simply have to do. The bonus is that I will not have to think about being fat and "ugly" every waking hour of every day. I am giving myself as much time to reach my goal as it takes. I know that the changes I am making now will be going on forever, so whether I lose the weight and fat in 6 months or 2 years isn't really important.

    So that's my story in a pretty big nutshell. Anyone who wants to add me, I would be happy to support you in your efforts and would appreciate your support in return.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Count me in. I am peri menopause. At least I think I am. I am 44 years old and went through menopause early at the age of 41. When I 34 I had a hysteroctomy because of complications with menstruation. I still have hot flashes and it seems so hard to lose the weight right now. Much as I sweat I should be skinny. Any tips would be helpful and thanks!!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Ladies, you might find this group is what you're looking for:
  • luckyvirgo
    luckyvirgo Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, I am Julie, I am 46. I have been going through the changes for at least 10 years. I have been struggling with the ups and downs with emotions and weight. I look forward to the entire ordeal being over.
  • madlou
    madlou Posts: 20 Member
    Please count me in too, I have been in peri-menopause for nealry 7 years now. Its not my idea of fun, apart from the usual suspect of symptoms, my weight gain has crept on slowly and will not let go.

    I am 47 and have been planning the menopause party for years, still waiting though :drinker: