July MOVE-IT 180 to 360+ minutes a week challenge!!



  • Cyndi62
    Cyndi62 Posts: 106 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 420 minutes: actual 255 The heat threw me off.
    Week # 2 -- July 9th --- Goal 360 -
    Week # 3 - Goal 360 -
    Week # 4 - Goal 360 -

    Tue: 0 treadmill stopped working. ARGH!
    Wed: 0 freaking heat wave and now I can't use my treadmill. Grr.:angry:
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 45min at hospital stress test, plus walk there and back

    Total / min left: 45 / 315
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Week #2 - July 9 - goals 400+ mins, 2500 cals

    Monday: walk 30 mins, weights 33 mins
    Tuesday: Weights 33 mins, walk 25 mins (223 cals)
    Wednesday: Weights 25 mins, walking 35 mins, treadmill 40 mins (577 cals)
    Thursday: Walk 50 mins
    Friday: weights 25 mins, walk 50 mins
    Saturday: walk 50 mins (269 cals)

    Minutes: 396/400; 1928/2500 cals

    so many events at the moment with the end of term coming up, all seem to involve standing around with plenty of
    Cakes/sweets/chocolates !!!!
  • firedancer8780
    firedancer8780 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm in!

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 15 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Wed: 40 minute bike ride
    Thur: Rest
    Fri: 20 minute bike ride
    Sat: 35 minute bike ride
    Sun: 60 minute bike ride, 25 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min left: 225 / 180

    Week #1-Goal COMPLETE!

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 210 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 35 minute walk
    Thur: 30 minute bike ride
    Fri: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 80 minute bike ride

    Total / min left: 205 / 210
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 1 - Goal 360 - Total / min left: 255 / 105 (burned 2435 cal) The heat threw me off my "A" game. :ohwell:
    Week # 2 - Goal 360 -
    Week # 3 - Goal 360 -
    Week # 4 - Goal 360 -________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 40 min - Leslie Sansone 2.5 mile dvd (avg HR 119)
    Tue: 55 min - LS - 4 mile dvd (avg HR 128)
    Wed: 40 min - LS dvd 2 mile dvd (avg HR 118)
    Thur: 80 min - Gym workout (stationary bike and weights - avg HR on bike 124)
    Fri: 85 min - Gym workout (elliptical and weights - avg HR on elliptical 132)
    Sat: 40 min LS dvd 2 mile (avg HR109)

    Total / min left: 340 / 20


  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week# 2 July 9;Goal 300 minutes

    Monday~35 PW Bushed today!
    Tuesday~ 48 Brisk Walk
    Wednesday ~ 45 Latin Dance/weights
    Thursday ~ 40 Brisk walk hill
    Friday ~ 42 Heavy Gardening
    Saturday ~ 38 Walk with Leslie
    120/Agricise~had to cover for an employee and feed and water 1 farm. Haven't done that in a while. HRM on only counted minutes in the zone or over.
    Sunday ~

    360/60 OG
  • KendraM1982
    Seems like an excellent fun challenge i'm in for week 2 feel free to add me! I'm from Massachusetts

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 210 minutes:

    Wed: 20 mins (walking, yard work, playing with niece n nephew)
    Thur: 35 mins (walking, ribbon band)
    Fri: 50 (walking, yard work crunches, leg raises ribbon band)
    Sat: 50 (walking 2.5 mph)

    Total / min left: 155 / 210
  • Tam143
    Tam143 Posts: 131 Member
    Week #1
    Goal Met 443/ 270 *173 mins over*:bigsmile:


    Week # 2 Goal: 300 mins

    Monday: 100 mins (walking and Supreme 90)
    Tuesday: 50 mins (Zumba)
    Wednesday: 43 mins (Supreme 90)
    Thursday: 75 mins (walking and Supreme 90)
    Friday: 41 mins (Supreme 90)
    Saturday: 65 mins (Zumba and Supreme 90)

    Actual/ mins left: 374 / 0

  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 515 minutes:

    Mon: 90 minutes ( walking, strength training & arc trainer)
    Tue: 90 minutes (walking, arc trainer & bike)
    Wed: 91 minutes (walking, strength training, arc trainer & bike)
    Thur: 90 minutes (walking, arc trainer & bike)
    Fri: 88 minutes (walking, strength training & bike)
    Sat: 117 minutes (walking, arc trainer & bike)

    Total / min left: 566 / 0

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 500 minutes: Actual 533 minutes
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    ---- UPDATE ----

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- 310/300 minutes

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal: 300 minutes

    Mon: 120 (90 minutes swimming, 30 minutes walking)
    Tue: 30 (walking)
    Fri: 45 minutes (walking)
    Sat: 210 minutes (gardening)

    Total / min left: 405/300
  • Cyndi62
    Cyndi62 Posts: 106 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 420 minutes: actual 255 The heat threw me off.
    Week # 2 -- July 9th --- Goal 360 -
    Week # 3 - Goal 360 -
    Week # 4 - Goal 360 -

    Tue: 0 treadmill stopped working. ARGH!
    Wed: 0 freaking heat wave and now I can't use my treadmill. Grr.:angry:
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 45min at hospital stress test, plus walk there and back
    Sat: 130 laps, leisure swim, walking

    Total / min left:175 / 185
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    May and June were fun...I'm up for July! Husband's family reunion coming up July 13th--15th. Six weeks from June 4th. I will be down at least 10 pounds by then. Must get into my skinny jeans!

    Week #1 -- June 4 - 10 -- Goal 450 -- Actual 550 -- (six weeks to reunion)
    Week #2 -- June 11 - 17 -- Goal 450 -- Actual 475 -- (five weeks to reunion)
    Week #3 -- June 18 - 26 -- Goal 450 -- Actual 455 -- (four weeks to reunion)
    Week #4 -- June 25 - July 1 -- Goal 450 -- Actual 540 -- (three weeks to reunion)
    Week #5 -- July 2 -- 8th -- Goal 450 -- Actual 600 -- (twelve days to reunion)
    Week #6 -- July 9 -- 16 -- Goal 450 (five days to reunion)

    Mon: Two and a half hours in Barnes & Noble -- exercise for my brain!
    Tue: 30 mins Curves
    Wed: 45 mins Curves; thinking about packing up the garage tomorrow...it's ugly. Half pound away from goal!!!
    Thur: 75 mins walking; 60 mins loading and unloading boxes...DOWN 10 POUNDS FROM JUNE 4TH!!!!
    Fri: 75 mins walking...a total of 13,000 steps in my skinny jeans!!!!
    Sat: 120 mins packing garage, lifting boxes, batting at spiders, filling trash cans, loading & unloading cars & trucks--13,800 steps!
    Total / mins left: 405/45
  • sarahjay1
    sarahjay1 Posts: 175 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 500 minutes, ACHIEVED! (518 minutes total)
    Week #2 -- July 9th -- Goal 550 minutes

    Mon: 116 minutes (20 minute circuit, 21 minutes running, 75 minutes of softball)
    Tue: 99 minutes (20 minute circuit, 19 minutes running, 60 minutes of softball)
    Wed: 127 minutes (20 minute circuit, 17 minutes running, 90 minutes of softball)
    Thur: 85 minutes (20 minute circuit, 25 minutes biking, 40 minutes of soccer)
    Fri: 44 minutes (20 minute circuit, 24 minutes running)
    Sat: 65 mintutes (20 minute circuit, 45 minutes biking)
    Sun: 48 minutes (20 minute circuit, 28 minutes running)

    Total / min left: 584 / -34

  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 420 Minutes: Actual 435 Minutes

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 420 Minutes:

    Tue: 65 Minutes
    Wed: 75 Minutes
    Thur: 65 Minutes
    Fri: 175 Minutes
    Sat: 35 Minutes
    Sun: 75 Minutes

    Total / min left: 490 /
  • stickwithme
    stickwithme Posts: 46 Member
    Didn't quite make my target because I didn't get myself organised midweek but I'm very pleased with myself anyway.
    Roll on Week 3! I want to make it to at least 60 min a day with one day off.

    Week # 2 -- July 9 -- Goal 350 minutes:

    Mon: 75 min walking & swimming
    Thur: 60 min stretching & walking
    Fri: 85 min stretching & walking
    Sat: 80 min stretching & walking

    Total / min left: 350 / 50
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Week #2: Goal: 400 minutes

    Monday: 110 minutes (60 - Arc Trainer, 20 couch to 5k, 30 bike) 868 calories burned
    Tuesday: 45 minutes (elliptical) 360 calories burned
    Wednesday: OFF
    Thursday: 20 minutes (C25K) , 45 minutes (Arc Trainer) 462 cal
    Friday: 45 minutes (Elliptical), 40 minutes (Strength training) 450 cal
    Saturday: OFF
    Sunday: 95 minutes (60 Arc Trainer, 35 strength training) 650 cal

    Actual/ mins left: 400/0

    Yippy, JUST made the goal this week.

    Week 3 Goal: 400 minutes
  • firedancer8780
    firedancer8780 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm in!

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 15 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Wed: 40 minute bike ride
    Thur: Rest
    Fri: 20 minute bike ride
    Sat: 35 minute bike ride
    Sun: 60 minute bike ride, 25 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min left: 225 / 180

    Week #1-Goal COMPLETE!

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 210 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 35 minute walk
    Thur: 30 minute bike ride
    Fri: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 80 minute bike ride
    Sun: 15 minute bike ride, 15 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min left: 235 / 210

    Week #1-Goal COMPLETE!
    Week # 2-Goal COMPLETE!

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 240 minutes


    Total / min left: 0 / 240
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Goal- 300 minutes

    Week 1- July 2- 640 minutes
    Week 2- July 9-570 minutes
    Week 3- July 16-

    Monday- Zumba 60 minutes, Zumba tone 30 minutes; Total 90 minutes
    Tuesday- No exercise today Worked both jobs
    Wednesday-Kayaking- 120 minutes (more relaxation that exercise!) Zumba 90 minutes Total 210 minutes
    Thursday- Body Sculpt- 60 minutes
    Friday-Spinning 45 minutes,Pump and Jam 45 minutes; Tota; 90 minutes
    Saturday Spinning 60 minutes
    Sunday-Absolute Body Conditioning- 60 minutes

    Total-570 minutes
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 700 minutes:

    Mon: 155 min elliptical/weight lifting class/calorie crusher class
    Tue: 115 min elliptical/water aerobics/weights
    Wed: 65 min elliptical/walking
    Thur: 125 min weight lifting/water aerobics/swimming
    Fri: 45 min elliptical
    Sat: 145 min spinning/water aerobics/Zumba
    Sun: -0- day off

    Total 650/ min left:50/700
    Had to change goal... was 450 upped it to 700 whew
    Missed my total with taking a day off... but that's ok...I did more than I thought... ready for week 2

    week 2 July 9 Goal 700
    Mon: 155 min elliptical/weight training/minute mayham
    Tues: 120 min elliptical/ spinning
    Wed: 150 min calorie cruncher/zumba/ treadmill
    Thurs: 150 min elliptical/water aerobics
    Fri: 90 min elliptical/weight training
    Sat: 120 min elliptical/circuit training/weights

    Total/Minutes Left 785/0

    Woohoo Week 2 over.. did great! on to Week 3!


    Total/Minutes Left 0/700

  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Just saw this topic. Great idea!

    Week 2 July 9, Goal is 180:

    Thurs: 15 minute walk
    Sat: 80 minute walk, brisk pace (most of it)
    Sun: 90 minute bicycle (outdoors, some hills)

    Total/Minutes: 185
  • berlsbfit
    berlsbfit Posts: 8
    Week #1 - July 2 actual/goal: 328/180
    Week #2 - July 9 goal: 300 minutes

    Monday: 45 min walking / 30 min swim laps
    Tuesday: 35 min walking / 35 min swim laps
    Wednesday: 35 min walking / 30 min swim laps
    Thursday: 35 min walking / 35 min swim laps
    Friday: 35 min walking / 30 min swim laps
    Saturday: 0 min
    Sunday: 0 min

    Minutes: 345/300

    This weekend got super busy, so didn't get in any exercise. Thankfully made my goal. Upping it next week to 350!