Too shy to run...



  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ah. . . this, too, kept me from running outdoors for a long time. Then, when I decided to get serious about being able to run a 5k. . .I almost entirely ran outside. Most folks in my neighborhood don't pay a whit's bit of attention to me.

    In all honesty, once i got myself some running gear that made me **feel** like I looked the part of a runner, I started being much more comfortable.

    Then, when I began to be able to cover sizable distances, I was fully confident. Now, like yesterday, when I have to take a walk break (or several when it's near 90 degrees out) I couldn't care less what anyone looking out their window or driving by thinks.

    But, if it's really a stumbling block to getting out there, try early in the morning. I go at 5:30 a.m. some days and I see a handful of folks up and at 'em, and the paper delivery guy. Otherwise, the houses are dark or people are just stumbling to get their coffee!! LOL

    Get out there and do it! You'll be proud of yourself for it!!!
  • TXCC
    TXCC Posts: 56
    I hope you got out and ran! I am also shy about running. Mostly I run in the morning before the sun is up. I too use the C25K program. The more I do it, the more I love it. I do this for me so now mostly I don't really care what others think. I also find that when I do run into the occasional other person out jogging that early, they have all been friendly and smiled or waved or said Hi. Remember, no matter how slow you are running, you are still lapping everyone on the couch. Just do it!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    All those people either watching you from their kitchen windows or their cars, arent running!

    This! And when some gazelle lopes effortlessly past, I just use that as motivation, I think to myself, in a few more months, that's how I'm going to look when I run! Except maybe less graceful, cause I'm clumsy at all sizes.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member

    (I hope that pic works)

    This got me really motivated - i imagine myself sitting on the sofa and tell myself that even though i might not be going very fast or very far right now, at least I'm not sat on my *kitten*!

    I'm 1 week in to couch to 5k and would definitely recommend it for beginner runners! I've never run before last week and I must say I'm really enjoying it. It really eases you in, which was great for me!

    EDIT: some random woman shouted some mean comment at me the first day i went out running - it was suprising how fast she disappeared in to the distance as I kept on going! Forget about the people who see you, even if they feel they're important enough to have something to say!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I do the same as szuszanna...I get up early and head to the cemetery. There's one near my house that's actually quite pretty and has some woods that I run through as well. Because it's early morning, there are no services.

    Another thing I do is that I installed the Couch to 5K app on my phone and I Heart Radio. I play my music in the background and Couch to 5K tells me when to run and when to walk. I can't run for long so it's nice to have little mini goals and to feel like I'm walking because it's part of the training program instead of because I feel like I'll die if I keep running :) I stopped for a while because I hurt my foot but this will be my routine again soon...the music and Couch to 5K will keep you focused on your run instead of any people around but might not be safe if you're running places you need to cross streets and such.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Walk your way back to running. Have not read all the other responses, but I would highly recommend the Couch 2 5 K programs - you can even get an app for your phone that will walk you through it (no pun intended!). I have been walking early in the am - I look bad in shorts and a tee (esp the shorts) but I get in my little zone and just do it and rarely think of others. Honestly, when I drive by people walking/jogging/running - the only thing I think is - good for them out here getting their workout on! Or if I have not gone in a while - I think geez, I better get back out there!
  • hoorahbear
    hoorahbear Posts: 9 Member
    Don't worry about people looking.

    An alternative I recommend is a stationary bike at home. At lowest settings it's even lower intensity than walking/light jog so it's easy for even beginners (like myself) to keep working for a long time and burn the calories and start building cardio.

    As long as you keep the heart rate up (not too high 60-70% of your maximum, 220-age, if you're just starting out), just , the calories will burn, metabolism will rise and, with some smart dieting, weight will fall off.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Run early in the morning. There will be few people out, VERY few, and you'll get a nice energy boost for your day. As well, those that DO see you, will simply assume you are fit/energetic/healthy simply because while they are barely able to get themselves to wake up, you're doing laps around the block.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I'm back and wow o.O I didn't expect quit so many responses but thank you.

    I'm not going to lie, I didn't run 1000 miles, but I did enough to gain some confidence. I managed 7 minutes then walked for 2, then 5 and walked for 2 then ran for 4 and saw a group of teens and decided to head on back XD But it's not about the distance or time today, it was just proving to myself I could do it and guess what?? I think I CAN! I put my headphones on and listened to some upbeat tunes, every time I got near somebody I just lifted my ipod out and acted like I was changing the song. I just ignored everybody and acted like I was in the zone. It will still take guts again next time, but I need to just keep trying what I am doing till I am confident.

    Now I will read all of your many responses and again thank you =)

    *edit make that after I've had a shower, even the dogs running away from me right now -_-
  • nataliefamily3
    Bump. Shy runner wannabe here too.
  • souzouchan
    souzouchan Posts: 80
    You know what? I'm in the same place as you. I'm a bit shy to get running outdoors too. I'm slowly getting into a "runner mentality" by using a game on Xbox Kinect called "Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012" as it has some running games (yay jog through New York!). Sure, you're running on the spot for a few minutes but I find it's very slowly helping me get a feel for it.

    I also saw this picture on a friend's Facebook site that I find inspiring also:

    It's absolutely true!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You know, if you have to stop running every few minutes and walk some, it isn't exactly bad... I've read several studies that indicate that it can actually aid in burning calories!

    The idea is like that of a car... going 1 steady pace in a car helps your gas millage... but if you are constantly stopping, going, accelerating, slowing down, etc. it makes your gas millage go down, that's why gas millage is better on the freeway! It takes less energy to maintain than it does to accelerate.

    So, if they think you're "lazy", it just means you're "smarter".
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Oh yeah...

    And I am glad to see others are shy about running outside too... for years I thought I was the only shy one!
  • cinemafromage
    Yay! Good job!

    You'll be back :-) its addicting!
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    I haven't read through the responses yet but check out the Couch to 5k App. It eases you into running! I was never a runner and started this program 8 weeks ago and am almost finished. I had to take a slight heat related break but back on track.
    the website i recommended is a 12 week program. i've heard good things about the 8 week and the 12 week, but if you are really nervous i might recommend the longer one because it will ease you in a bit more.
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    Way to go!! Glad you ran some!! Just think of where you'll be in a week, month, year!! Keep it up!!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Way to go!! Glad you ran some!! Just think of where you'll be in a week, month, year!! Keep it up!!

    Thanks. I just need to remember that when I want to quit. It's hard now, but I have goals to work towards. I'm only a baby in the running world right now.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    That's funny, I JUST wrote about this in my blog.

    I look REALLY dorky when I run. But you know what? A year ago I couldn't run a quarter mile, and as of today I've completed a 5k (with pretty decent time) and I'm training for a half marathon.

    YES people will look. The people who don't have the guts to get out there and run themselves. They might even judge you or think mean thoughts in your head or they might even turn to their friend and laugh at you. YES! That might happen.


    1) You don't know them and will never see them again.
    2) In 5 minutes they will be making snotty comments about someone else and forget you exist.
    3) REAL athletes will NOT be looking at you or if they do they probably won't be judging you.
    4) No matter how many people see you, nothing will make you feel better than looking back a year from now and realizing that you felt like this and you overcame it and did something awesome.

  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    To make things even better my friend says she wont run with me but she will bring her dog out with us and I just run back to her when I'm getting tired and do my 2 minutes walk with her then run of and back when I need.
  • HappyMarisol
    I would rather run outside than at the gym since a) It's free and b) scenery and several other reasons.

    Focus on what you WANT to do, and not what you think others think of you. :-)

    Whenever I see people running, either athletes or beginners, I am humbled by their determination. They inspire me.

    I've been out and about with my athlete friends and they would always comment.. GOOD FOR HER/HIM! They always say great things.

    Danbi89 : You are actually inspiring others :-)

    It's all in your perspective on how you see things.

    ~ Marisol