Where are all the moms? Come...introduce yourself!

HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
Hi! Let's introduce ourselves with some GTKY questions!

1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

My answers:
1.) I'm a mother of two. I have a 4 yr old son named Quentin, and an 11 month old daughter named Lydia. : )
2.) No more kids. We are happy with two!
3.) My pregnancies where great until the late second trimesters. Both my children tried to come out early, and I was on mandatory bedrest until 37 weeks. My son was an emergency c-section (because he got stuck in my birth canal), and my daughter was a planned c-section (to avoid what happened the first time).
4.) I exercise around 8pm when my youngest is in bed.
5.) My main motivation is to be a good role-model to my kids. Not only that-- but to also be one of those "hot" moms, and not one has to wear "mom jeans" because that's all I can fit in. ;)


  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    7 - Evan
    5 - Lily
    3 - Noah

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Nope...Third time was a charm and the recent unplanned hysterectomy put a stop to any future oops.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    They were all pretty normal. First one I was in labor for 36 hours plus 2 1/2 hours of pushing resulting in a c-section because the stubborn little booger didn't want to come out :)
    Second one spent her first week in the NICU.
    Third one was as normal as they come but I did have gestational diabetes with him.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I like to run in the am before they all get up. It's quiet and peaceful and there are no interruptions :)

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    To feel healthier and to set a better example for my kids.
  • Chrismer75
    Chrismer75 Posts: 1 Member
    1.) I have a 4 year old son, Will.
    2.) We are not planning to have anymore children. We are a perfect family just the way we are! :smile:
    3.) Both my pregnancy and delivery were GREAT!!! No morning sickness, only had swollen ankles near the end of the pregnancy. We were only at the hospital about 5 hours before Will arrived!!! New and expecting Mom's really don't like to hear about how well everything went so I usually keep my mouth shut. :tongue:
    4.) Weekends are usually the best time to fit in some exercise. While working full time I have started walking a little during lunch too.
    5.) My husband doesn't have an issue with weight and I really don't want to pass this on to my son. I pray that Will takes after his Dad! I want to be fit to keep up with both of them. I need to lose about 40 pounds and it will be A LOT easier!
  • jennycasper
    jennycasper Posts: 12 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have two boys, Ryland almost 5 and Dresden almost 2 -both October birthdays

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Not unless my tubes get untied.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    I weighed about 170 when I got pregnant with Ryland and had terrible trouble with my blood pressure. I weighed 190 when I got pregnant with Dresden and ditto the blood pressure. Both were delivered in the 38th week by c-section because of my blood pressure. With Dresden I went in for the 38 week check-up, the doctor took my pressure and said, "We are going to have that baby today." EEEK

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    My husband watches the boys in the mid-morning three days a week so I can run. I just hit the 2.75 miles without stopping. I do the wii fit when they are in bed if I don't have a work project hanging over my head

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I have to ditto the fear of mom jeans. I want to look good, feel good about myself and be a good role model.

    As a side note, I am 39 and live in the Pacific Northewest. Feel free to friend me.
  • espohre
    espohre Posts: 6

    1.) I have 2 children. Aiden-6yrs, Logan-11mo.
    2.) 99% no. Two is a great ratio, especially when they play sports. But sometimes want to try for a girl.
    3.) Pregnancy's were awesome. First was a 30 hr labor resulting in a C-section. Second was a 3 hr labor VBAC 2 days before my scheduled c-section. NOT my plan. LOL
    4.) 8:30 when my kids go to sleep.
    5.) To be healthy, fit and proud.
  • Hello i just had my son in May hes 9 weeks old. I had a lot of pain while i was pregnant, but he was worth it. We are planning to have more but we are waiting a little while for that. I also want to be a hott mom and get back to my prebaby weight :)
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member

    1. I have a son who three years old.
    2. I'm almost 100% sure that I don't want anymore kids.
    3. My pregnancy was ok. I went through 33 hours of labour just to have a c-section.
    4. I try to work out as soon as I get home at 5:15pm. Hubby watches my son:-)
    5. I want to be able to run up and down with my child without huffing and puffing.
  • michspor
    michspor Posts: 57
    Hello everyone!
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) Brennan is 6 years, Kaylin is 3years

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? always wanted a boy and a girl and got it! We are done!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Brennan wanted to come out early! I was on bed rest at 28 weeks. Kaylin stayed in and was a day late. She made me a huge though!!! too much cheesecake and Mcdonalds!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I pick them up from daycare and go workout for an hour, race home make dinner, showers, homework if any, snack for them, go to bed.... the week days are crazy

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? Hearing health issues from family, friends etc. To be able to care for my kids and show them the importance of staying active. Look good in my clothes and feel good!
  • kcormany
    kcormany Posts: 4
    I'm looking for moms on here too! We have very similar lives, it appears.

    1) 2 children, Elissa is 4 and Logan is 11 months
    2) don't know. have an IUD because we arent. Think 2 may be it.... it's a lot of work! But haven't decided it.
    3) Had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. Emergency c-section with daughter in March 2008... she was 10 lbs 6 oz!! My son was born last August with a planned C section cuz u/s showed he was very big He was was 12 pounds. no joke. I'm overweight now at 185.... but was "okay" at 165 lbs (I'm 5"7) when I got pregnant with both. Gestational diabetes can bring BIG babies! I'm not diabetic as of now, but HAVE to do everything to avoid it. mom and grandpa have Type 2.
    4) evening after kids are in bed
    5)FEEL good, have a lot of energy, and not feel gross. Be a good looking mom and wife :-) it'd be nice to turn heads once in a while.

    Anyone else a teacher? both my husband and I are teachers in the same district.
  • stemab3
    stemab3 Posts: 58
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have 3 daughters, 16,13, and 4

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Nope we are done!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    All pregnancies were great only a 13 lb weight gain at the most. My first delivery was difficult but did it two more times and they were a breeze!
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I try to do right when I get home from work but not working anymore as I need to taxi my girls every where...lol
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    To be hear for my girls and to not feel embarresed for them to have an overwight mother!
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    1) I have 1 son who's 9 years old.
    2) Nope. I'm happy with just one, plus I'm single, although I have a boyfriend, but I'm already 41.
    3) My pregnancy was great with no problems at all. My son was breach, and because I have rods in my back they couldn't do an epideral or spinal, so I had general anethesia. I never had a single labor pain, went to sleep, woke up and had a baby.
    4) I exercise when my son is with his dad, plus sometimes during the day in the summer.
    5) My main motivation is I'm happier when I'm feeling sexy and good about myself. Also, I don't have enough money to buy a new wardrobe.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    Great idea!!

    1.) I just have 1. Chloe, she's 9 1/2 months old. She was born 9/24/11.

    2.) We are undecided to more children or not...If we do it will be in about 5 years or so.

    3.) I had the worst pregnancy ever! I had morning sickness ALL day every day from week 3 to 38 when I delivered. I was induced because of sudden high blood pressure. Labor was 18 hours. I had an epidural.

    4.) I don't exercise much but when I do I hit mitts with my husband in the basement after Chloe is in bed. Otherwise we go to a high school and run steps. She comes with us and we take turns running. If we go for a run we take her to the in laws.

    5.) My main motivation is staying healthy and learning what "healthy" foods are all about and just feeling better about what I'm eating. I don't need to lose weight but I want to make sure it stays that way.
  • markovicj
    markovicj Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, nice to meet you!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have two kids - Alex (son) if almost 5 and Anna is 2 1/2.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Not planning on it! Life is crazy/awesome with two!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Both pregnancies were pretty good. Delivery with first was awesome, second not so much, as epidural wore off.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I get up early (5:00 am) and workout at home (or run) and shower before everyone wakes up. Too tired at the end of the day!

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I want to set a great example for my kids. And I appreciate having enough energy to play with them!
  • simatif
    simatif Posts: 32
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    One, she's 3, her name is Isabelle
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Horrible, 38 hrs labor, for a c-section, and emergency hysterectomy and 4 day coma
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Thankfully I work out at work, every lunch hour, with the exception of Wednesdays where i go for 1 hr in the afternoon before I pick up my daughter
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I was a blob. No shape at all, well, round actually. Every picture of me made me cringe. I want to be able to wear whatever I want and feel great, and I definately dont want to be winded while chasing my toddler around. I would also like to not be out of breath while just bending over to tie my shoes!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? One son who will be 3 in August.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? If and when we can afford it, we definitely want to give him ONE sibling. I am getting older, and the economy is not getting any better, so we're getting to the go-time point. I figure I have about 18 more months to decide.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Pregnancy was fantastic, just the usual symptoms of 1st tri exhaustion and 3rd tri pelvic pain. My delivery was not what I was trying for: I had hoped to deliver med-free, but had to be induced at 41w2d because my amnio was low and he had stopped growing around 40 weeks, meaning placental breakdown. Unfortunately, after 24 hours of labor I had made almost zero progress despite my doc saying I was having contractions plenty strong enough to move a baby! I ended up with a c-section. My physical recovery was super-easy, my emotional recovery took a while. I hope to be a good VBAC candidate for my second pregnancy.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? Mostly in the evening. 2x a week DH does bedtime duty while I head to the gym, once a week my mom babysits so we can go together, and then I try for at least 1-2 weekend b/t Fri-Sun.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? My health. But also b/c Nora Ephron said age 34 is when you have to stop wearing a bikini and I just turned 33, so my chances are dwindling. ;)
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? 4 year old son, Cristiano
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? no, Cristiano is our one and only
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? c-section wasn't planned but, all in all it wasn't bad at all
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I try to exercise in the evenings
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? for myself I want to live a long and happy life =)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Natalie is 3, Madilynn is 2, trying for our 3rd!!

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    yes! Have been trying since october

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Pregnancy with Natalie was extremely stressful, long labor, couple close calls -- almost emergency c section
    Madilynn couldn't have been easier! I was induced at around 9 am, had her at 5:32 pm. 2 pushes and she was here (granted she was 2 weeks late)

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Usually when they go to bed at night, or if they feel like taking a nap. We go for walks a lot too, I pull them in their wagon =)

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I want to be around for them as long as I can be, my own mother has a LOT of health issues, diabetes being one of them. I don't want to go through that myself. I want to get a tattoo on my butt!! just to say i did. LOL
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? 2 boys, 3.5 and 11 months.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Nope! We are done.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? First was a c/s, second was a VBAC

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? My husband and I CrossFit together, we either take the boys with us (and switch off working out) or one of our moms keep them.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? To be healthy and enjoy life!!
  • dphieangel
    dphieangel Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Jennifer...

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Angel - about to turn 16 in two days :)
    Indrani - 9

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    No more kids. We closed shop :)

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    First child, great pregnancy but emergency c-section. Second child, great pregnancy and planned c-section to be on the safe side.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Primarily in the evenings when I get home from work. I go to the gym now with my son and we consider it Mommy and Angel time. It is definitely bringing us closer together.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    Angel is my motivation. He is overweight and has been committed to go to the gym religiously for the past few months and I thought to myself I was so proud of him, why not commit myself.
  • kcrozell
    kcrozell Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there! My name is Clay (yes, I know, it's usually a boy's name)

    1) I have two boys who are thirteen months apart... Barrett is 3 and Canaan is 2. They keep me busy!

    2) We want one more and plan to really start trying next month! Hubby took a little convincing :)

    3) Both pregnancies were awesome. No sickness and I felt great the entire time. My first ended in a c-section because I stopped progressing. My second was a planned c-section because it was so soon after the first one. It's a good thing too, cause my second one weighed 10 lb. 10 oz.!

    4) HHhhmmm...exercise. I don't get alot of time for that. I work three days a week and get up at 4:00 a.m. on those days. Sometimes a co-worker and I will go running before I go home. I just bought a bike trailer for them and I hope to start taking them on bike rides! I would exercise at night, but I have night owls on my hand. It's always 10:00 p.m. before the first one goes down, it's exhausting! I even cut out naps and that doesn't help!

    5) To feel better!! I want to feel good about myself and I want to have the energy to keep up with these boys of mine! Of course, I want to be healthy too so I can be around for a long time to come!