For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • thejulesmarie
    thejulesmarie Posts: 17 Member
    Consistently going over your caloric intake and macros on top of eating fast food multiple times a week is a recipe for disaster. I was all for the original post, but not after viewing your diary. 1,000 calories for a damn burrito? Cut it in half! That's portion control. Portion control is not eating over 1,000 calories in one sitting than limiting yourself to only one scoop of ice cream later that night. If you insist on not changing the foods you eat than I insist you buy the book Eat This, Not That or at least do some research on fast food so that you can get a real idea of what exactly you're putting in your mouth. Personally, I think you're doing yourself a disservice and hindering your own progress.

    You lost that amount of weight eating junk.. imagine what you could lose if you didn't eat like that.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Why am I finding humor in a pregnant lady bragging about eating like **** all the time? :laugh:
  • Monieindamid
    Monieindamid Posts: 7 Member
    If people are getting the health and fitness results they want , I support them. Might not be my chosen path but if some is making progress towards their goal and happy with the way they are going about it I'm not gonna gripe at them about how "clean" their food is or if they have a Big Mac.
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    I'm trying to get results as quickly as possible so I avoid those foods if I can. If I do eat pasta, it's usually in the form of a healthy choice or lean cuisine because I didn't have time to cook. I don't eat cake, candy or icecream. The other reason is because if I start, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. It's easier to just avoid it completely. I saw the post that said "skinny" does not = "healthy", but for me, health is my secondary reason for losing weight. Beauty is primary. I know that's terrible, but I'm just being honest.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    How do you control yourself with portions? The more I exercise, the more I can't control myself because my cravings get intensified. Example, I burn 200 calories, I was going to eat one cookie, but then I end up eating 1,000 calories worth of food in addition to that one cookie. :(

    Looks like you are a work in progress, same as me. I do pretty well these days. Just hang in there and you'll get it. Be sure not to be starving yourself to begin with or trying to lose weight too fast.:smile:
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    My motto is 'all things in moderation'. I don't pay any attention to all the diet and health fads because what they tell you this month is bad for you, next month they'll be telling you it's good for you. I eat bread, pasta, ice cream (Skinny Cow is awesome), hot dogs, italian sausage --- whatever I want at the moment. And I make sure to have a little sugar each day and chocolate from time to time to keep my cravings at bay. Because I know that the worst thing I can do is to deny myself what I like. If I do, it'll only be a matter of time before I go berserk, go hog wild and stuff myself with whatever it is that I've been denying myself. And anybody who says that chocolate isn't a necessary part of any diet has obviously never had PMS.
    All things in moderation ---
    Oh ---- And I never, EVER use the word 'diet'. It's a 'Lifestyle change'.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What the hell is "clean" food anyway? Every time I think something's clean I get attacked saying that nooooo that'll make you faaaaat. I wash my veggies before cooking them, does that make them clean? Maybe I should just drink water for the rest of my life, unless well water will make me fat too. :/

    Clean food is food that is right out of the ground. Or food that has a parent.

    So meat, fruit and veggies and that's it? No olive oil? No natural cheeses? No bread at all? Even whole grain breads? Not a lot of room for variety. :/

    Ummm....Olive oil comes from olives, which come off trees, which are from the ground......Cheese is a product of an animal that had a parent......whole grains, again, come out of the ground.

    Just sayin'

    So deep fried butter in duck fat would be clean? butter comes from cows, the batter is flour and water or beer and the fat is from an animal?
  • PrincessPoetess
    FINALLY SOMEBODY FEELS LIKE I DO!!! i couldn't agree with you more! :drinker:
  • oregon_nicole
    oregon_nicole Posts: 10 Member
    I agree. That much sugar and empty carbs are bad for your health. I feel so much better not eating junk like ice cream.
  • kevin1207
    kevin1207 Posts: 2
    I didn't take her post to be "nasty." Rather, she was simply echoing many "dieter's" complaints.

    Second, I don't think she was referring to people who must control their diet for medical reasons. She was aiming at the folks who are working to lose weight by following a "diet." And, for those folks, I think she's absolutely right; it is a whole lot more about lifestyle changes -- moderation in what you eat -- than about denying yourself the things you love. (She's also right that this is one of the reasons many don't stick to their diets -- they see it as something denied, rather than an opportunity to change their life.)

    I think she, and all the readers here, understand that there are people who, for medical reasons, can't have certain foods.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    I know I only had 69 lbs to lose so I don't qualify for your search, but I have lost 53 eating clean, start to finish, and I saw a post yesterday of a girl who had lost over 150 lbs eating pure clean eating the entire time, not one cheat. She was awesome, I'll see if I can find it for you!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I agree. That much sugar and empty carbs are bad for your health. I feel so much better not eating junk like ice cream.

    totally agree, that's why we have an obesity epidemic, sugar and carbs
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    This is all very true, I kind of said the same thing earlier, it just seems like the OP thinks she is going to be able to eat like this all of the time, but that isn't true as she gets closer to her goal weight.
  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize how many people had such strong opinions around here. To each their own, I say. Personally, I gave up all soda and fast food. For me, it was because I haven't learned self-control and I know that if I eat things I shouldn't then I'll keep eating them. I've been off soda for 4 years and off fast food for only two months, but the cravings for them are completely gone now. And you know what? I don't miss them.

    As far as other treats, I make them just that, treats. I try to make smart choices everyday, but I like to make room for the things I love, like chocolate chip cookies and french fries. I just make them at home when I have the time and switch out ingredients where I can to make them healthier. And I'm always strapped for time, so Lean Cuisines always play a part in my daily diet as well as at least one weekly dinner out with my friends. Not the best choice, but when you work full-time 7-4 at one job, while balancing a freelance career, a volunteer schedule and a school schedule, you have to do what you have to do. That being said, I've lost 44 lbs and have been seeing a doctor regularly. My health has improved considerably.

    Everyone has to do what works best for them, otherwise you won't succeed.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Just another day on

    Yes, yes, don't listen to the fatties, listen to the hard bodies. They know their stuff.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    Okay, let me get this straight, are you talking about fat, high end normal or over weight? You're talking obese, not heavy, not skinny fat, but overweight, not just a little chubby, but obese.

    And for diet you mean all the way, but not half way, or in the beginning, but from the start, from start to finish, as in ALLL the way?

    Am I reading that right?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Is there anyone who is NOT currently losing weight, but maintaining a healthy and athletic body who wants to contribute to the "regularly eating junk food is okay" side of this argument?

    I'm not sure those people exist

    That's what I'm trying to figure out... Just curious

    I've been maintaining over a year, and I'm 40 years old. Not quite sure if I count as "athletic," but I've won a couple medals running 5 and 10k races, so I can't be all that shabby. I only started running in Dec. 2010, at age 38, but can run a mile in a little over 7 minutes and a 5k in under 25 minutes. I lift heavy, too.

    I don't know if I count as "eating junk regularly," either, because I don't consider it really junk. But I have frozen pizza at least once a week, and will never turn down an offered dessert. I had a bacon big mouth burger last night, with cheesy fries. It was delicious. I have bagels for breakfast most mornings.

    Personally, I haven't seen any "clean eaters" bodies that made me think, "Wow... I can really see the difference clean eating makes." I did see women who lift who had bodies that made me think that, and that's why I lift. :smile:
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    I know I only had 69 lbs to lose so I don't qualify for your search, but I have lost 53 eating clean, start to finish, and I saw a post yesterday of a girl who had lost over 150 lbs eating pure clean eating the entire time, not one cheat. She was awesome, I'll see if I can find it for you!!

    I undesrtand that these people exist, I don't think they are the norm. Sorry.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Exactly what I was going to say. I do have ice cream and crappy food here and there but to eat it all the time, sure you can lose weight but what are you doing for your health?
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health