COFFEE LOVERS - Anyone given it up?



  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    I will not give it up! But I drink it with milk (very little) and I cut sugar out completely!!
  • RayLeone
    RayLeone Posts: 4 Member
    Two cups with Truvia in the morning, then water or seltzer the rest of the day
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    I give it up completely after reading that there are approx 130 chemicals in the production?? Don't shoot me - just what I read. I was drinking 8 cups a day at that point but I've swapped to a lemon and ginger tea in the mornings
  • iheartmarshall
    iheartmarshall Posts: 39 Member
    I've tried but haven't been successful. I drink one cup in the morning (ranging from 8oz - 16oz, depends on the "cup" size) while I'm sitting in the peace and quiet at work. Honestly, it's my saving grace... I can't stand my job but knowing that I can have my cup of coffee in the mornings before anyone else gets to work keeps my sanity in tact :)

    I usually drink it black, though. Sometimes I'll add a pack of Splenda.
  • pinkie1981
    pinkie1981 Posts: 30
    I don't think I will ever give up my coffee. I love it too much. I did cut out the high sugar creamers and use splenda instead of sugar. Dont give up everything that you love.
  • dickster1961
    dickster1961 Posts: 29 Member
    I have to have my morning coffee. I have stopped going to Starbucks and getting the lattes and such. Usually brew a couple cups with my Keurgic each morning for my morning commute and use a little fat free half and half and splenda.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    HELL NO! There is NO way I could give up coffee and still be human enough to be around! :laugh:
  • vasolrac
    vasolrac Posts: 7
    No way am I giving it up. I even started using skim with my coffee... ughhhh.. What I do now is cut down to 2 cups max of coffee a day. My morning cup is cold brewed with 1/2 tbsp of half and half and the rest skim milk.

    I highly recommend the Cold Toddy brew system. The coffee concentrate comes out pure and with low acidity. The taste is phenomenal. I use the Costco Roasted by Starbucks whole beans in the green bag.

    I can give up a lot of stuff... but coffee is with me for the long haul.

  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    Nope. Have to have my morning coffee, and sometimes one cup in the afternoon. Don't see how it can be that bad for me. :-D
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I haven't given up coffee, but I have given up caffiene. Wasn't a problem. I think I just drink a cup of decaf in the morning out of habit.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Never! And it has to be black with one spoon of demerara sugar - not sweetener (unless it is a sugar and stevia blend) I have one cup of freshly brewed coffee every morning. That is what keeps me sane! 22 calories with real sugar. 8 calories with the sugar/stevia blend. I would never ever ever have it without sugar - YUCK!

    (and it absolutely must not be decaffeinated coffee)
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    no never going to happen :drinker: :drinker:
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I love love love coffee but I know I should probably cut it out of my diet. I only drink 2 cups max per day, but would like to try cutting it out altogether. My questions to you are:

    1. Have you had any benefits from cutting it out?
    2. Are there any good replacements?

    Thanks guys xx

    I actually don think the coffee is the issue, more what you put in it (creamer, sugar, artificial sweetener) - try it black or with some low fat milk, almond milk or coconut milk???

    Actually i have better results when i KEEP coffee in my diet (in plain form) - i have also read its good for the metabolism but I'm not sure how true that is

    alternatives i've found are: dandelion latte, macha latte, chai (low fat/sugar versions), mate late (argo tea USA), or what about decaf?

    hope that helps!
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Just recently started to get into coffee. I've always liked it, but now.. I drink it daily at work. "I like my coffee like I like my men. Black." :) (quote from Airplane!)

    I go on 2 week soda fasting. During that time I get depressed without caffeine. I also get depressed without nicotine. But if I have both, I feel great. Thank you black coffee. Thank you ecig.

  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I never drank coffee my whole life. This winter I drank some here and there at work in order to warm myself up as I am cold all the time. Then I did some reading and found that there are major health benefits to moderate coffee drinking. So recently I bought a Keurig and have a cup of coffee every morning (black).
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hell no!!!! Before I was on maintenance, I did switch to almond milk in my lattes and cappucinos to save calories, but now I am back to 2%. I usually have a double cappucino in the morning (on running days, a shot of espresso before my run, too), and then a regular cappuccino midafternoon, and then sometimes again the evening. So usually at least 3 shots of espresso every day - sometime 5 or more!
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member

    Although I drink it black or with just milk. Don't like sugar in my coffee.
  • Why do you think you need to give up coffee? Are there good nutritional/health reasons, or is this part of the diet-deprivation mindset? If you drink double-caramel lattes with whipped cream, I would definitely look at ways to cut down on added sugars and fats, and learn to love real, unadulterated coffee - my personal preference is for a proper espresso. Otherwise, if you're drinking a couple of good-quality coffees a day, as well as plenty of other liquids, I'm struggling to think of reasons why it would need to go.

    I just never used to drink it before and I wonder if it's something I actually need in my diet. However, you've made a pretty valid point with the things you say so I am considering switching to a better quality coffee and just ditching the Starbucks I drink (yes - totally guilty of indulging in these and the nutritional values for them are awful!)

    Caffeine is a drug. I am addicted as well. Just because it comes in form of a food doesn't mean it is not a drug. Caffeine has no benefit to your health unless you are a neonate who forgets to breath occasionally. There are certainly negative effects from caffeine intake, especially if you have medical conditions like GERD or high blood pressure. I have cut back from 2 cups to 1 daily and have seen a significant difference in the way I feel and in my GERD symptoms. Why put something in your body to alter it's function when you don't have to? Your body runs much more efficiently when you power it with whole foods and the right nutrients.
  • Why give it up if you love it?
    Just try to cut down on milk/cream and sugars.
    I have been drinking black coffee, no sugar since I don´t know when.
    I haven´t cut down since I started and I have lost 15 lbs in 8 weeks. 2 lbs per week.
    My coffee drinking doesn´t affect my progress. Only thing that has are my injuries for this week.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    For the safety and well being of others, I have not given up coffee! Actually, I'm one of those coffee snobs that likes the taste of good coffee, so I can turn down coffee I don't like the taste of.