Shedding for the Wedding?



  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member

    Ive literally just posted something in the motivation forum about loosing weight for my wedding!

    Mine is 3rd Nov, so not too far away, have been going to the gym and attempting to eat well - I have zero willpower though so this is where im struggling!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    I anticipate a proposal in my near future, so I'm trying to lose the weight first! Call me proactive!

    Me too!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi Brides,

    My wedding date is November 24, 2012. I have been eating clean and taking long walks everyday! My long walks are a great way to meditate, rid myself of stress, and to clarify wedding plans, etc. I am glad to find a forum where there are other brides. Is it a very exciting time of our lives!

    I love the walking and planning idea! As soon as my sprained ankle is rehabbed I'm going to incorporate long walks back in as well. In the meantime I'm doing limited cardio on the bike and as much weight lifting as I can manage. I saw a 3-lb gain this week (ugh) and am hoping it is just due to TOM and will go away. BUT...jeans feeling a little tight too. Time to get back on track with the clean eating and get rid of the sugar which seems to have snuck back in without my noticing...
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member

    Ive literally just posted something in the motivation forum about loosing weight for my wedding!

    Mine is 3rd Nov, so not too far away, have been going to the gym and attempting to eat well - I have zero willpower though so this is where im struggling!

    You've got 16 weeks! So close to the finish line! Take it in four week chunks and you'll get there!
  • My wedding date is set for Jan. 11, 2014. I know it's further away that most in this group, but I would love the motivation also. I'm currently sitting at 190lbs and I'm 5'6". I have been struggling the last year with weight loss. I was at 230lb when I first started and 3 months ago I got down to 171lb. It seems like I can only truly dedicate and focus myself on one thing at a time. I'm a full time college student taking summer courses that are just ruling my life right now. I am so ashamed though, because I was on such a good track and I just gave up. I am scared that my weight is going to jump back up to above 200. I have to start doing something about this now and the wedding is my motivation to start a new life trying to maintain healthy habits. I don't want to start my married life overweight and unhappy. So I would really appreciate all the support and butt kicking I can get!
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    Getting married in 12 weeks as of Saturday. This week was supposed to be the starting point of eating healthy and working out but as always I am struggling to get going! Not to mention that I'm constantly traveling for work and we both work long hours. I need help :-(
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    So inspirational!
  • Awesome ladies! I aimed to lose 30 lbs for my wedding and ended up at 23. Luckily my dress was corseted LOL. I was happy with most of my picts though, so I guess it was a success!

    Stay focused, stay motivated, and you will get there!
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    My wedding date is set for Jan. 11, 2014. I know it's further away that most in this group, but I would love the motivation also. I'm currently sitting at 190lbs and I'm 5'6". I have been struggling the last year with weight loss. I was at 230lb when I first started and 3 months ago I got down to 171lb. It seems like I can only truly dedicate and focus myself on one thing at a time. I'm a full time college student taking summer courses that are just ruling my life right now. I am so ashamed though, because I was on such a good track and I just gave up. I am scared that my weight is going to jump back up to above 200. I have to start doing something about this now and the wedding is my motivation to start a new life trying to maintain healthy habits. I don't want to start my married life overweight and unhappy. So I would really appreciate all the support and butt kicking I can get!

    I totally understand. I think women sell ourselves short on what we can handle and what we can't. I have always told myself that when I finish my PhD I will be able to concentrate on myself. I woke up 37 days ago and had the sudden realization of what a load of crap I was selling myself. I recognized the irony of my dissertation topic, what I have spent years researching is about change, habits, and fear, and imagined myself with that funny cap and gown on at my weight and I decided I can handle anything. Even getting ready for my wedding didn't make me change my habits, but the idea of me fat in my PhD pictures took me to the thought of me fat in my wedding pictures, and that brought me to the fact that once I have my terminal degree and won't have the excuse of sitting around studying, then what will I do sitting around because I will be too out of shape to conquer something new. I have traveled to over 42 countries in my lifetime and I want to spend that time traveling to the other 180+or- countries with my husband.I am woman, hear me ROAR! You can ROAR too, sweet bride-to-be. I will be happy to kick your butt or love on you. I can be good at both!
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    Awesome ladies! I aimed to lose 30 lbs for my wedding and ended up at 23. Luckily my dress was corseted LOL. I was happy with most of my picts though, so I guess it was a success!

    Stay focused, stay motivated, and you will get there!

    You look gorgeous in your wedding photo! I notice that you are at 29 pounds lost now..just one more to meet your goal...good for you! I also checked out your profile thinking I would find more wedding photos and I saw your Ironman pics. I am so envious! I would love to do that. I used to run, but the longest competition for me was a half marathon. Maybe I need to add Ironman to my bucket list! Congratulations on both your wedding and you being made of iron!
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Brides,

    My wedding date is November 24, 2012. I have been eating clean and taking long walks everyday! My long walks are a great way to meditate, rid myself of stress, and to clarify wedding plans, etc. I am glad to find a forum where there are other brides. Is it a very exciting time of our lives!

    I love the walking and planning idea! As soon as my sprained ankle is rehabbed I'm going to incorporate long walks back in as well. In the meantime I'm doing limited cardio on the bike and as much weight lifting as I can manage. I saw a 3-lb gain this week (ugh) and am hoping it is just due to TOM and will go away. BUT...jeans feeling a little tight too. Time to get back on track with the clean eating and get rid of the sugar which seems to have snuck back in without my noticing...

    I hope your ankle is rehabbed soon! The walks are great! I scheme all kinds of things :)
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    New to the forums after lurking for quite awhile. Wedding is 03/23/13 and would like to lose another 40 lbs before the big day. I've been making life changes for the past year but have slowed down recently and need to get serious again!

    I am inspired by your weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes! Good for you! Pick up the pace :)
  • Hi Everyone!

    My wedding date is May 25th, 2013. I'm trying to lose between 30-40 pounds before then. I'm trying to take it step by step, and set small goals for myself to achieve. I'd love to hear from anyone on how they are doing!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My wedding date is May 25th, 2013. I'm trying to lose between 30-40 pounds before then. I'm trying to take it step by step, and set small goals for myself to achieve. I'd love to hear from anyone on how they are doing!

    You're about the same goals as me. We can do it!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Okay everyone, I'm leaving tomorrow for two weeks. We're driving across the country and emptying a house into a moving truck, seeing some family, hitting up a wedding, etc. I'm going to check back when we return and I better see some progress on here!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    This is going to be a real road test of my nutrition plan. I am convinced that 80% of losing weight is based on nutrition NOT exercise (at least for me, a chronic exerciser). And so I have got to really work hard in that department.

    Looking forward to hearing updates when I return!
  • I would love any adds!! My wedding is 10.13.12- so close! I have around 15 pounds to my goal weight- and alterations next week!
  • blooming_rose
    blooming_rose Posts: 2 Member
    I am hoping to use a wedding as my motivation, but not my own. My sister is engaged and the wedding date is May 18th, 2013. I will graciously be the matron of honor, but I cannot do it the size I am now. I am 8 years older than my 23 year old sister, so I will not only be the oldest in the wedding party, but the only one that has had children. I have wanted to lose weight for a while, but Sam's wedding is inspiring me to get to it. I do not want to be immortilized in her wedding pics as the fat bridesmaid. I currently weigh in at 224 (YUCK!!) and my goal weight is 150. If you brides will have me, would like to join this group as a bridesmaid in need. :) Maybe along the way some of you can let me know what you loved, or wished you had, in a MOH.
  • Thank you CWatermelon! I'll add you to help keep myself in check!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    I am getting married August 24th 2013. Have lost 30 pounds this year for a wedding that i am in this August and looking at loosing another 20 to 30 by my own wedding. I am 5'10 and I started out at 210 pounds. Now am down to 180 and would love to see 160 for my wedding at the very least. I am actually going to start my dress search in a little over a month and want to loose a few pounds before then... i'm terrified but also excited at the thought of trying on that first dress.... just want to make sure i pick a dress that will look good.

    I am ALWAYS looking for wedding buddies on here so that we can support each other and motivate each other on those tough days. So please add me if you're interested.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    My wedding date is set for Jan. 11, 2014. I know it's further away that most in this group, but I would love the motivation also. I'm currently sitting at 190lbs and I'm 5'6". I have been struggling the last year with weight loss. I was at 230lb when I first started and 3 months ago I got down to 171lb. It seems like I can only truly dedicate and focus myself on one thing at a time. I'm a full time college student taking summer courses that are just ruling my life right now. I am so ashamed though, because I was on such a good track and I just gave up. I am scared that my weight is going to jump back up to above 200. I have to start doing something about this now and the wedding is my motivation to start a new life trying to maintain healthy habits. I don't want to start my married life overweight and unhappy. So I would really appreciate all the support and butt kicking I can get!

    It can be hard - I found that when I was studying the bar and then shortly thereafter my job at a large law firm I stopped putting my health first. Its less about the weight and more about learning to put your health and wellness first. Its not easy and it won't be perfect but take small steps to put your weight and health first. Take 30 minutes every day to do ANY kind of exercise. Whether its 10 minutes of walking in the morning, at lunch, and in the evenings. Start packing healthy lunches and snacks to keep yourself on track. These things will take up some time but you will still have time to get everything else done. I know it doesn't always seem that way, but you will be MUCH happier if you start putting yourself first. GOOD LUCK! You can do this :)