No Results??? I give up!!



  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Seriously? You barely have any weight to lose, and you thought it would come off that fast? I'm 226 pounds and I have my weight loss goals set to lose .9 pounds a week. What's your rush? 4 pounds a month is a great loss!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm sorry, but I call B.S.

    I just don't think you really expected to lose 10,15, or 20 pounds in a month and you only have 30 to lose overall... did you? And now you have almost eight pages of people begging you not to give up. I'm sorry, but this is just bull. If you really wanted to give up, you would just do it, not make a Public Announcement about it for replies. Weight loss is hard, requires work and patience, and no one on here can baby you through it, plain and simple. Stop comparing yourself to people who weigh more than you and get serious. Be happy that you even lost some weight, because I know people on here who are trying and don't lose anything all month. This is rubbed me the wrong way today.

  • lisarenee_x0
    Okay, for starters, what is your beginning weight? A lot of people who start out losing weight & manage to lose a large number are generally quite obese. The larger you are, the more results you're going to see in that first month - I'm not exactly sure why that is, but I remember reading about it. The Biggest Loser, for example, those people lose the pounds in that little amount of time because they're larger. So, technically speaking, if you're a smaller person, that may actually go against you. There could be other factors. Are you sticking strictly to your diet? Are you doing cardio? Are you drinking soda, eating bad carbs, etc.? Before you give up, take a step back and really analyze what you're doing. If you're doing everything as you should, then you ought to be losing weight. Let's say you're not getting cardio in, but you're doing weights. You may be gaining muscle mass. There's several things to look at here, and if you're new to this site & new to dieting and exercising for weight loss, you may just have to read up on some things. If you're looking for something quick, try the Atkins diet. It is designed to help you lose up to 15lbs in two weeks. It is STRICT in those first two weeks, though. No soda, ALL water, all GREEN veggies, high protein meats only.

    It takes time to put on weight, it's going to take time to take it off.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    One pound a week is good, don't give up :-)
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    No!!!! Don't give up. 4lbs is GREAT! Most of us really and truly only lose a pound a week. For a good honest, keep it off loss that is a decent goal. Stick with it and in a few months you WILL see the difference and certainly feel the difference. It's hard to get discouraged in the early weeks because we so want that weight to come off quickly especially when we have worked so hard. But remember the weight didn't go on overnight and it won't come off overnight either. I would seriously wonder about someone who loses 18 pounds the first month. Must be a lot of water loss as well I imagine. That certainly would not be a healthy weight loss. stick with it and stay in touch with us. You can do it. Be strong. You're doing great. 4lbs. That's awesome. :flowerforyou:
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    I started changing what I eat, and exercising 6 days a week.

    Today marks one month!! Yay, congrats, good job, hang in there......

    NO NO and NO!!!

    I give up!!

    It's been 30 days and I have ZERO results!! I lost 4 lousy pounds??

    I see everyone on MFP talking about losing 18 pounds the first month, some 20 pounds, some even only 10!!
    But I only lose 4???

    I can't believe this. So it will take me 7 entire months to lose 30 pounds??

    My body is not meant to be sexy I guess.

    It's not fair that I have to go the rest of my life knowing that I can't even sit down without my stomach resting on my lap.

    I give up....sorry for the rant. I just can't get over how much I HAVEN'T lost in a full month :(

    Dont give up the ones that have lost alot probably have alot to lose. I only had 40 lbs to lose and so far I am down 35 it has taken me a entire year. At least I know that it will never come back because I am still eating what i want just less of it and of course more fruit and veggies.

    I use to get discourage at how quickly people were losing but then I started to notice those who lost alot quickly were more than 100 lbs over weight, or they were just eating like birds. Just reevaluate your goals and remember how long it took you to put on those extra pounds.

    Good Luck!
  • MirrorsBrokeHearts
    You cannot make 20 crunches and check if you have abs yet.

    Don't fcking give up.

    When I started, I was 62kg. To get down to 54kg it took me about one year or more.
    From 54 to 52 it took 2 months. Yes, a lot. I know.
    Now I'm 46kg. I've lost 6 kg in one month.

    Results are in the end. You've got to forget the way.

    Because one year from now, you'll regret.
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    AMEN! Listen to what is said here -- it is the TRUTH. Think of it this way - 4 pounds in 30 days -- those pounds will never come back if you stick with it. After 7 months the 30 pounds will be off to stay rather than a "quick fix" that you will gain back plus a bit more!
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    So, you've lost roughly a pound a week then and that's not a success?

    You need to revise your expectations. Your body is doing just fine...


    I know in writing this you're looking for people to say both, "Yes...that sucks!" and "No, don't quit!" But only YOU can make the decision for yourself. Give up and face the regret of not knowing what could've been 7 months from now. (That's really not a LONG time in the grand scheme of things...hell, I've been on a 6-month plateau and I'm still here!) Or keep fighting and see what happens. Your choice.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I didn't lost any weight at all my first month. I didn't give up. I sure as hell would not have given up if I'd lost 4 pounds in the first month either. If you give up that easily, I think it might be more that you're looking for reasons to quit rather than reasons to continue, and that probably means you need to do some soul searching, change your attitude. It's not easy, it's not going to be quick. Quick fixes are only temporary in most cases anyway, and not healthy.
  • amanda65254
    Don't give up!! Since I started losing with MFP (and it has only been 50 days) I have only lost 7. Hang in there, and PLEASE don't give up! It is all about relearning to eat right and lose slowly so you don't gain it back. I haven't lost faith in myself and you shouldn't either. We all lose at different speeds. Keep going, you will get there, to where you want to be!!! :wink: :wink:
  • constantchaos05
    constantchaos05 Posts: 47 Member

    ^^^^Your a JERK!!!! No place for you here!!!!

    Dont give up girl!!!!! Its hard....but you didnt gain the weight over night dont expect to loss it over night. Have faith in yourself and your body!!!
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I give up....sorry for the rant. I just can't get over how much I HAVEN'T lost in a full month :(

    In a full month you haven't lost 16 lbs.
    In a full month I hadn't lost 51 lbs
    There are other people here who in a full month hadn't lost 100 or 200 lbs.
    Keep focusing on all the things you DON'T have and ignoring the things you DO have. There's an infinite supply.
    You probably don't have a Billion $
    You probably don't have an Academy Award
    You probably don't have a Nobel Prize

    Talk about looking through the wrong end of the telescope. I hope you were not looking for people to join your pity party because I don't thing there are many :grumble:

    Turn that mental telescope of yours around and you will see the world more clearly.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    I didn't read all the posts so if anyone has already said this ...
    7 months will come REGARDLESS. You can be 30 lbs lighter or still fat. Time doesn't care! Do you?
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    If yo lost 4lb in 1 month,you have results. If you quit I say you dont really want to loss the weight. You did not but all this weight on in 1 month so you cant loss it all in one month. You never give up on something you really want, If you want it bad enough you would never quit.:ohwell:
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    Id be thrilled to lose 4 pounds a month. Instead I have thyroid issues and every lost ounce is an uphill battle.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    #1 - get over yourself. 4 pounds is GREAT weight loss. It's 1lb a week for your month into this. So congrats.

    #2 - in 7 months would you rather have your tummy still sitting on your legs or would you rather be 20 pounds lighter? Hmmm....

    #3 - don't be a quitter
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    Don't give up! 4 lbs in one month! That's great! That's an average of 1 pound a week! Would you rather lose 4 lbs a month every month for the next 7 months or gain weight in between now and the next 7 months and be right back to where you were and maybe plus some?
  • Pheonix2012
    Pheonix2012 Posts: 61 Member
    I know how you feel. When I first started 6 MONTHS ago, I lost 5 lbs. Then 3 months later, I lost another 3 lbs. and now absolutely nothing. the scale doesnt budge one inch. my measurements dont budge one inch. I want to give up, but we can't.
    Why give up? If you giev up then you will always be the size you are. At least by sticking to it and making a lifestyle change your giving yourself a fighting chance.

    and so what if it doesnt work out, and you don't lose. Would you rather be the weight you are at right now and know that you gave it 100 %, or just be the weight that you are at, and never try.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    doesn't matter how sexy you get, you'll still be a quitter (and crybaby)
    so quit. who cares? it's YOUR *kitten* not ours